Since the 15th of March, about 45,000 game birds have been released from breeding farms in the UK.

The shooting industry in the UK is responsible for the strategic release of 43 million game birds every year. 60% of those birds are bred in the UK whilst 40% are imported from game farms outside of the country, be it as hatching eggs or as live chicks.

The pheasant and partridge are bred in factory farm conditions. They will keep breeding birds all year round, take their eggs and hatch them in incubators. Then the breeding farms will sell chicks aged from a day old to 6/8 week old juveniles to shooting estates, who will keep them in outdoor pens until they are ready to be released in strategic locations. Then gamekeepers will place feeders and water in specific places, getting the birds used to living exactly where they need them to be and ready for the shoot days.

During a shoot, beaters (a group of people making noise and walking in a straight line across places where the game birds live) will push those birds out and up in the air, making them fly, so people who pay a fuck load of money can shoot them out the sky. Its the ultimate betrayal, caring for them for months to push them into their death.

After a game farm map was released earlier this year, autonomous groups have been busy. Folks have approached game farms and released as many birds as they could. It is true that those birds still run the risk of being shot, but we must remember that game farms are not shooting estates, even though some of them might be within the estate itself. That means that their targeted and strategic release of birds is massively fucked with, and that gamekeepers lose a huge amount of money.

Because those birds are not used to living in the wild, many of them might fall victim of foxes and birds of prey. This is not different to gamekeepers releasing them in the shooting estate, but it does mean that the shooting industry loses a lot of money. And we must understand the industry as what it is, a capitalist enterprise. Their whole year revolves around breeding those birds and managing the land so they can make money during the shooting season. If they lose the birds, their year is over before the season starts.

Out of multiple reports that people have sent we can gather some useful information. Plastic netting tends to be used as either a roof or as roof and walls. It is easily cut with scissors or Stanley knifes, but needs to be rolled up and taken out of the way of the birds so they manage to run or fly away without getting entangled. Chicken wire is also used on the panels and can be cut with tin snips. Bolt cutters are an overkill for that kind of action.

Electric fences are out around the farm and are easy to disconnect by locating the battery. That metal wire can then be cut so it cannot be used again. Many breeding sheds might have heat lamps powered with gas bottles that can be disconnected and stolen. Gas plastic pipes can be cut off afterwards, gas regulators can be broken, and the lamps themselves can be either broken or stolen.

Once netting or wire has been cut making a big enough hole for the birds to escape, folks have been herding them out by creating a line and walking them towards that hole. In some reports, sheds have also be broken as much as possible to provide extra escape routes for those birds who didn’t get herded out of the pen during the action.

There is no more than a month left for folks to do these kinds of actions before birds are moved into estate pens before the shooting season starts. Anyone that decides to take action could use the game farm map to find locations.

There have been reports of this kind of action in other countries, like a pheasant breeding farm in Sweden last week, and we should mention that there are huge breeders in France and Portugal producing game birds in battery cages to then be transported for shooting in the UK. You can find more information about this in the Hunt Saboteurs Association website. Portugal alone exports 20 million game birds reared in battery cages.

Don’t get this confused with a single issue campaign. The shooting industry is responsible for many forms of oppression at once, not just for the death of millions of birds. The land management means wild populations are murdered with traps to eliminate possible predators and forests and hedges are manicured to the like of rich dickheads that want to shoot birds. The destruction of uncountable numbers of species both plant and animal is obvious as soon as anyone sets foot on a shooting estate. The upkeeping of the class system is also a big part of the shooting industry, with an interesting relationship between the working class “servants” and the upper class “customers”. Lastly, this is a land rights issue. No one is welcome in shooting estates, regardless of public footpaths. No one is able to grow a few vegetables or build a little shack in the countryside partly because of the mass amount of land owned by game estates.

It is also important to mention that a pheasant will lay 28 eggs from March to July. 20 of those eggs will make their way into birds that will be shot dead. For that reason, the earlier in the year, the more impact the action will have. If targeting breeding farms outside of the breeding season, folks recommend to not do so over winter and to wait until February/March time to ensure game farms do not have the possibility to restock before the breeding season starts. Doing quick numbers, 10.000 released birds in March could mean up to 200k birds saved from being shot dead. Impressive, right?

Don’t let this opportunity pass. Get yourself a mask, spend a couple of nights in the countryside, and smash the shooting industry to the ground.



Since the 15th of March, about 45,000 game birds have been released from breeding farms in the UK.

The shooting industry in the UK is responsible for the strategic release of 43 million game birds every year. 60% of those birds are bred in the UK whilst 40% are imported from game farms outside of the country, be it as hatching eggs or as live chicks.

The pheasant and partridge are bred in factory farm conditions. They will keep breeding birds all year round, take their eggs and hatch them in incubators. Then the breeding farms will sell chicks aged from a day old to 6/8 week old juveniles to shooting estates, who will keep them in outdoor pens until they are ready to be released in strategic locations. Then gamekeepers will place feeders and water in specific places, getting the birds used to living exactly where they need them to be and ready for the shoot days.

During a shoot, beaters (a group of people making noise and walking in a straight line across places where the game birds live) will push those birds out and up in the air, making them fly, so people who pay a fuck load of money can shoot them out the sky. Its the ultimate betrayal, caring for them for months to push them into their death.

After a game farm map was released earlier this year, autonomous groups have been busy. Folks have approached game farms and released as many birds as they could. It is true that those birds still run the risk of being shot, but we must remember that game farms are not shooting estates, even though some of them might be within the estate itself. That means that their targeted and strategic release of birds is massively fucked with, and that gamekeepers lose a huge amount of money.

Because those birds are not used to living in the wild, many of them might fall victim of foxes and birds of prey. This is not different to gamekeepers releasing them in the shooting estate, but it does mean that the shooting industry loses a lot of money. And we must understand the industry as what it is, a capitalist enterprise. Their whole year revolves around breeding those birds and managing the land so they can make money during the shooting season. If they lose the birds, their year is over before the season starts.

Out of multiple reports that people have sent we can gather some useful information. Plastic netting tends to be used as either a roof or as roof and walls. It is easily cut with scissors or Stanley knifes, but needs to be rolled up and taken out of the way of the birds so they manage to run or fly away without getting entangled. Chicken wire is also used on the panels and can be cut with tin snips. Bolt cutters are an overkill for that kind of action.

Electric fences are out around the farm and are easy to disconnect by locating the battery. That metal wire can then be cut so it cannot be used again. Many breeding sheds might have heat lamps powered with gas bottles that can be disconnected and stolen. Gas plastic pipes can be cut off afterwards, gas regulators can be broken, and the lamps themselves can be either broken or stolen.

Once netting or wire has been cut making a big enough hole for the birds to escape, folks have been herding them out by creating a line and walking them towards that hole. In some reports, sheds have also be broken as much as possible to provide extra escape routes for those birds who didn’t get herded out of the pen during the action.

There is no more than a month left for folks to do these kinds of actions before birds are moved into estate pens before the shooting season starts. Anyone that decides to take action could use the game farm map to find locations.

There have been reports of this kind of action in other countries, like a pheasant breeding farm in Sweden last week, and we should mention that there are huge breeders in France and Portugal producing game birds in battery cages to then be transported for shooting in the UK. You can find more information about this in the Hunt Saboteurs Association website. Portugal alone exports 20 million game birds reared in battery cages.

Don’t get this confused with a single issue campaign. The shooting industry is responsible for many forms of oppression at once, not just for the death of millions of birds. The land management means wild populations are murdered with traps to eliminate possible predators and forests and hedges are manicured to the like of rich dickheads that want to shoot birds. The destruction of uncountable numbers of species both plant and animal is obvious as soon as anyone sets foot on a shooting estate. The upkeeping of the class system is also a big part of the shooting industry, with an interesting relationship between the working class “servants” and the upper class “customers”. Lastly, this is a land rights issue. No one is welcome in shooting estates, regardless of public footpaths. No one is able to grow a few vegetables or build a little shack in the countryside partly because of the mass amount of land owned by game estates.

It is also important to mention that a pheasant will lay 28 eggs from March to July. 20 of those eggs will make their way into birds that will be shot dead. For that reason, the earlier in the year, the more impact the action will have. If targeting breeding farms outside of the breeding season, folks recommend to not do so over winter and to wait until February/March time to ensure game farms do not have the possibility to restock before the breeding season starts. Doing quick numbers, 10.000 released birds in March could mean up to 200k birds saved from being shot dead. Impressive, right?

Don’t let this opportunity pass. Get yourself a mask, spend a couple of nights in the countryside, and smash the shooting industry to the ground.



We’ve kept quiet for a little while. It is mostly related to a lot of work behind the scenes and reorganising stuff, and it didn’t help that our website broke and the tech humans had to give it some love. It also is about burn out. After organising and giving talks for a few months whilst keeping up the internet presence, the lack of energy was starting to show.

Luckily, the team is growing and expanding and we are finding ways of splitting work and make things easier for everybody, but the first signs of burnout were showing for many of us. For that reason it was clear we needed to take a break, reanalyze, work on many things that needed fixing and get back to work stronger.

It did make us think that many of us in the activist community don’t really know how to take a break. It can become quite asphyxiating, thinking about all the wrongs we see in the world and not knowing how to fix them. Maybe even infuriating that regardless of what actions we take, the world never seems to change quick enough. It is hard to take a break through a storm.

“Aftershock: Confronting trauma in a violent world” has been a good book for us to reanalyze how we relate to trauma related activism as well as a great tool to aid others struggling with traumatic experiences. Regardless of how good that book might be, it doesn’t actually prepare you for the hard reality of taking a break.

We’ve asked a few folks within the collective to tell us what they feel is good self care to avoid (or to tenderly heal) burn out. Suggestions were varied because there is no one single recipe to help us all. Some folks mentioned long walks in the woods, watching easy TV shows, having sex, watching the wild be wild, cuddling animals or eating nice food. Joining other struggles where we don’t feel an urge to organise as we are less used to the community was also mentioned. Mindless vandalism, fucking with advertisements on the streets and shoplifting your heart out were also mentioned.

The only thing that was clear is that avoiding emotions was not a good way to deal with them.

We are animals. Part of our animal is to feel, and whilst we deprive the animal from one of our primal needs we are not just stopping ourselves from growing but also applying a very speciesist philosophy to our life.

So regardless of what your coping mechanisms are, regardless of your needs, allow for those emotions to come out and to evolve, making you a stronger, more effective and much more driven to the revolution.

And if you are struggling, remember that we are a community, that you are not alone and that change needs time. Reach out to others, take a break and let your comrades take the lead for a while. You’ll get through to the other side.


Pic: Queens against RWE, because struggles are interconnected, because climate change is scary, and of course, because queers ALWAYS bash back!


We’ve kept quiet for a little while. It is mostly related to a lot of work behind the scenes and reorganising stuff, and it didn’t help that our website broke and the tech humans had to give it some love. It also is about burn out. After organising and giving talks for a few months whilst keeping up the internet presence, the lack of energy was starting to show.

Luckily, the team is growing and expanding and we are finding ways of splitting work and make things easier for everybody, but the first signs of burnout were showing for many of us. For that reason it was clear we needed to take a break, reanalyze, work on many things that needed fixing and get back to work stronger.

It did make us think that many of us in the activist community don’t really know how to take a break. It can become quite asphyxiating, thinking about all the wrongs we see in the world and not knowing how to fix them. Maybe even infuriating that regardless of what actions we take, the world never seems to change quick enough. It is hard to take a break through a storm.

“Aftershock: Confronting trauma in a violent world” has been a good book for us to reanalyze how we relate to trauma related activism as well as a great tool to aid others struggling with traumatic experiences. Regardless of how good that book might be, it doesn’t actually prepare you for the hard reality of taking a break.

We’ve asked a few folks within the collective to tell us what they feel is good self care to avoid (or to tenderly heal) burn out. Suggestions were varied because there is no one single recipe to help us all. Some folks mentioned long walks in the woods, watching easy TV shows, having sex, watching the wild be wild, cuddling animals or eating nice food. Joining other struggles where we don’t feel an urge to organise as we are less used to the community was also mentioned. Mindless vandalism, fucking with advertisements on the streets and shoplifting your heart out were also mentioned.

The only thing that was clear is that avoiding emotions was not a good way to deal with them.

We are animals. Part of our animal is to feel, and whilst we deprive the animal from one of our primal needs we are not just stopping ourselves from growing but also applying a very speciesist philosophy to our life.

So regardless of what your coping mechanisms are, regardless of your needs, allow for those emotions to come out and to evolve, making you a stronger, more effective and much more driven to the revolution.

And if you are struggling, remember that we are a community, that you are not alone and that change needs time. Reach out to others, take a break and let your comrades take the lead for a while. You’ll get through to the other side.


Pic: Queens against RWE, because struggles are interconnected, because climate change is scary, and of course, because queers ALWAYS bash back!


Yesterday we opened an email with some incredible photos from a report and we decided it was time to come back. It has been very refreshing to relax, disconnect from social media and take a break and we feel like it is time to get back to work. 

We’ve been mainly at sanctuaries, helping out building sheds and cleaning poo. It seems to be quite a nice way to take care of our head and relax. Now we are heading back to Hambacher Forst to finish the treehouse and to get Liberate or Die organised and ready to go. 

There are a few new things coming to the page. A is for Anarchy is back from Tuesday, a new series on internet security and communications will pop up every two weeks on Thursdays and Incite, Conspire, Inspire should be ready to go giving folks recipes for disaster. We also want to start a series on the YPJ/YPG and the northern Syria struggle and we are really looking forward to it. 

That, plus your standard dose of Hit Reports and A is for Anarchy should get the page going and interesting enough once again. 

We are giving a workshop in London on the 26th of this month. We will be talking about security culture and history of the animal liberation movement and it would be great to see you all, so book the date off and let’s meet! We will upload an event shortly. 

We have also had a long chat about how to get back to where we were before losing our social media once again. We count on you to like, share and comment on our posts. Supporting us in ALL social media sites really help us to be able to reach out as many people as possible. 

As per our economic situation, we certainly are in a strange situation of uncertainty. Liberapay does not work as well as we though it would and Patreon has reiterated that we are no longer entitled to an account. Selling merch helps, but there isn’t enough profit to keep things running smooth. We will keep trying to work out ways to get it sorted, but until then supporting us over PayPal might e the best idea, so until we are able to receive direct debits through the platform, maybe setting up a reminder on your phone might do it if you’re interested in supporting us monthly. 

Let this be the day we start a revolution. 

Unoffensive Animal. 

Support us on PayPal:

[email protected]

Support us on Liberapay:


Yesterday we opened an email with some incredible photos from a report and we decided it was time to come back. It has been very refreshing to relax, disconnect from social media and take a break and we feel like it is time to get back to work. 

We’ve been mainly at sanctuaries, helping out building sheds and cleaning poo. It seems to be quite a nice way to take care of our head and relax. Now we are heading back to Hambacher Forst to finish the treehouse and to get Liberate or Die organised and ready to go. 

There are a few new things coming to the page. A is for Anarchy is back from Tuesday, a new series on internet security and communications will pop up every two weeks on Thursdays and Incite, Conspire, Inspire should be ready to go giving folks recipes for disaster. We also want to start a series on the YPJ/YPG and the northern Syria struggle and we are really looking forward to it. 

That, plus your standard dose of Hit Reports and A is for Anarchy should get the page going and interesting enough once again. 

We are giving a workshop in London on the 26th of this month. We will be talking about security culture and history of the animal liberation movement and it would be great to see you all, so book the date off and let’s meet! We will upload an event shortly. 

We have also had a long chat about how to get back to where we were before losing our social media once again. We count on you to like, share and comment on our posts. Supporting us in ALL social media sites really help us to be able to reach out as many people as possible. 

As per our economic situation, we certainly are in a strange situation of uncertainty. Liberapay does not work as well as we though it would and Patreon has reiterated that we are no longer entitled to an account. Selling merch helps, but there isn’t enough profit to keep things running smooth. We will keep trying to work out ways to get it sorted, but until then supporting us over PayPal might e the best idea, so until we are able to receive direct debits through the platform, maybe setting up a reminder on your phone might do it if you’re interested in supporting us monthly. 

Let this be the day we start a revolution. 

Unoffensive Animal. 

Support us on PayPal:

[email protected]

Support us on Liberapay:


Hey folks! We hope you’re keeping well and as radical as ever. We’ve been relaxing, fucking with the huge advertisements in city centres and planing Liberate Or Die (We will release the event info VERY soon!) 

We are really fucking privileged to be able to make this post and we have a few little announcements. The first one is that we’ve managed (barely) to stock up our merch, so there are all sizes, all designs, on hoodies and tees back up on our website. We’ve taken a while to do so as we had no funds to buy more, but we’ve realised as our PayPal grows smaller and smaller that we needed to get more merch if we want to survive as a collective. So in these real fucking tough money times after losing Patreon, if you can support us and want some cool merch, head straight up to our website and grab yourself whatever the fuck you fancy!

Here is where things get interesting; Underground Badger Syndicate is about to release some seriously sick merch and we are super lucky to have received a hoodie to raffle. UBS will not be printing hoodies, only tees, so this XL hoodie will be a one of a kind kinda ting and it is a big thing that they are happy for us to give it away! We also have found four of our DIY Defend patches that we are gonna throw in the mix (they have been out of stock for fucking ages) so FIVE people that order something between today and Sunday night will receive a lil something else in the post with the order! 

To top up that shit, Eat Cops Not Pigs has sent us some amazing stickers so we will be putting them in ALL orders for free to share a bit more of love. 

So yeah, if you’re able to, help us the fuck out, maybe get a lil extra in the post with your order and wear some rad merch with pride. What’s not to fucking like?


That’s all from us for now, we are still working behind the scenes during our little break and we will be back soon, really soon, to keep giving as much shit as we can to this oppressive system! 

Also if you are able to support us on a regular basis, maybe join our Liberapay team!



Hey folks! We hope you’re keeping well and as radical as ever. We’ve been relaxing, fucking with the huge advertisements in city centres and planing Liberate Or Die (We will release the event info VERY soon!) 

We are really fucking privileged to be able to make this post and we have a few little announcements. The first one is that we’ve managed (barely) to stock up our merch, so there are all sizes, all designs, on hoodies and tees back up on our website. We’ve taken a while to do so as we had no funds to buy more, but we’ve realised as our PayPal grows smaller and smaller that we needed to get more merch if we want to survive as a collective. So in these real fucking tough money times after losing Patreon, if you can support us and want some cool merch, head straight up to our website and grab yourself whatever the fuck you fancy!

Here is where things get interesting; Underground Badger Syndicate is about to release some seriously sick merch and we are super lucky to have received a hoodie to raffle. UBS will not be printing hoodies, only tees, so this XL hoodie will be a one of a kind kinda ting and it is a big thing that they are happy for us to give it away! We also have found four of our DIY Defend patches that we are gonna throw in the mix (they have been out of stock for fucking ages) so FIVE people that order something between today and Sunday night will receive a lil something else in the post with the order! 

To top up that shit, Eat Cops Not Pigs has sent us some amazing stickers so we will be putting them in ALL orders for free to share a bit more of love. 

So yeah, if you’re able to, help us the fuck out, maybe get a lil extra in the post with your order and wear some rad merch with pride. What’s not to fucking like?


That’s all from us for now, we are still working behind the scenes during our little break and we will be back soon, really soon, to keep giving as much shit as we can to this oppressive system! 

Also if you are able to support us on a regular basis, maybe join our Liberapay team!



As many of you know, we’ve been receiving quite a few blows in the last few weeks. Our facebook page taken down, then being banned on Patreon, then getting our website down… whilst working on the ground in Hambacher Forst and attempting to keep up with the internet world.

Certainly, the cold has taken a toll on us. After talking to a good few different people, we have decided that a self care break is needed. Because the team is small right now, it means that Unoffensive needs to take a little break from online publishing for the time being.

That does not mean that we are giving up, that we are not carrying on the fight on the ground and by bringing news to the world. But for about two to three weeks our presence online will be reduced to a minimum (the merch folks might want to make a post when new stuff has arrived and we will probably post about Liberate or Die in the next few days) but we will not publish any hit reports or updates from the frontlines.

In fact, we are actually walking away from the frontlines and swapping it for a couple of weeks of sanctuary, animal cuddles and respite to restore our strength and our will to keep pushing forward.

Surely our regular followers will know that posting this is not an easy task. It actually has taken quite a lot of convincing by folks around us to stop for a bit, and it make us feel like in the future we should probably talk more about activism and self care.

Until we come back, please check Bite Back magazine ( for ALF hit reports, CrimethInc. ( for anarchist news and Earth First! ( to keep up to date with environmental struggle.

Whilst we are at it, please write some letters to prisoners. You can find a good few on our website under “Prisoner Support”. Solidarity is our biggest weapon.

Warm revolutionary hugs, the same rage (just under a blanket now) and kilos of biodegradable glitter to throw at cops.

Unoffensive Animal Collective.

PS: if anyone is able to support our work, liberapay isn’t working as well as we expected but you can still join and donate monthly if that works for you!


As many of you know, we’ve been receiving quite a few blows in the last few weeks. Our facebook page taken down, then being banned on Patreon, then getting our website down… whilst working on the ground in Hambacher Forst and attempting to keep up with the internet world.

Certainly, the cold has taken a toll on us. After talking to a good few different people, we have decided that a self care break is needed. Because the team is small right now, it means that Unoffensive needs to take a little break from online publishing for the time being.

That does not mean that we are giving up, that we are not carrying on the fight on the ground and by bringing news to the world. But for about two to three weeks our presence online will be reduced to a minimum (the merch folks might want to make a post when new stuff has arrived and we will probably post about Liberate or Die in the next few days) but we will not publish any hit reports or updates from the frontlines.

In fact, we are actually walking away from the frontlines and swapping it for a couple of weeks of sanctuary, animal cuddles and respite to restore our strength and our will to keep pushing forward.

Surely our regular followers will know that posting this is not an easy task. It actually has taken quite a lot of convincing by folks around us to stop for a bit, and it make us feel like in the future we should probably talk more about activism and self care.

Until we come back, please check Bite Back magazine ( for ALF hit reports, CrimethInc. ( for anarchist news and Earth First! ( to keep up to date with environmental struggle.

Whilst we are at it, please write some letters to prisoners. You can find a good few on our website under “Prisoner Support”. Solidarity is our biggest weapon.

Warm revolutionary hugs, the same rage (just under a blanket now) and kilos of biodegradable glitter to throw at cops.

Unoffensive Animal Collective.

PS: if anyone is able to support our work, liberapay isn’t working as well as we expected but you can still join and donate monthly if that works for you!