So you know the score. We’ve lost eight Facebook pages, our Patreon was finalised last week and our website got taken down yesterday. We must be pissing someone off. 

The great thing about the fight is that it teaches us to become resilient. How many times have we been beaten by the cops, thrown in a cell, punched by a Nazi or seen the injustice all around us and we still got up to carry on? This internet game is kind of the same. Patreon take us down? We start a Liberapay. The website is down? We ride the wave and get it back up. Certainly we don’t know exactly what happened and who was behind it, but we will find out sooner or later. 

This brings us to the next point. Unoffensive is a communal project. Not just between the collective, but also with everybody that likes us still bringing those news. We are unable to reach more people without your help. Anarchy is mutual aid, and we are asking for that aid now. After Facebook took us down last time and we had to go back up as Liberate Or Die, we did not recover as much as we would’ve liked. The first time we went down we had 1000 followers back in 6 hours. This time, we are at barely 2000 after a month. We wonder if the platform is dead for us or if simply we aren’t producing good enough content to make folks share our work and news with others. Seemingly, after a year on Instagram we have not reached 10k. What we mean with all this is that for this project to work we need to use your reach. If you believe that Unoffensive is doing good work, share us. Talk to folks about us. Like the posts, comment, show it to folks. It is hard enough to fight against whoever want us down, and it is made even more difficult if our reach is every time smaller and smaller. 

The same way, if you believe folks around you would benefit from our workshops, DM us and let’s get the ball rolling. We want to share knowledge and learn from others and we cannot wait to plot the revolution! 

In other news, we are still organising Liberate Or Die. We choose to organise it in May as it would be warmer, but it seems like a lot of people might be heading to the US for the animal rights conference in June and we are concerned that that will stop folks from coming to Hambi the month before. What do you all think? And what sort of workshops would you like to see? We certainly are getting ready some skeleton actions so we can have a lot of fun whilst sticking the middle finger to the speciesist system. But then again, this project will also not really work without the support of the folks around us, so get involved and let’s organise! 

If anyone is able to help us out with funds, after Patreon went down we’ve taken a bit of a hit, so join us on Liberapay and let’s see how the platform behaves! 




So you know the score. We’ve lost eight Facebook pages, our Patreon was finalised last week and our website got taken down yesterday. We must be pissing someone off. 

The great thing about the fight is that it teaches us to become resilient. How many times have we been beaten by the cops, thrown in a cell, punched by a Nazi or seen the injustice all around us and we still got up to carry on? This internet game is kind of the same. Patreon take us down? We start a Liberapay. The website is down? We ride the wave and get it back up. Certainly we don’t know exactly what happened and who was behind it, but we will find out sooner or later. 

This brings us to the next point. Unoffensive is a communal project. Not just between the collective, but also with everybody that likes us still bringing those news. We are unable to reach more people without your help. Anarchy is mutual aid, and we are asking for that aid now. After Facebook took us down last time and we had to go back up as Liberate Or Die, we did not recover as much as we would’ve liked. The first time we went down we had 1000 followers back in 6 hours. This time, we are at barely 2000 after a month. We wonder if the platform is dead for us or if simply we aren’t producing good enough content to make folks share our work and news with others. Seemingly, after a year on Instagram we have not reached 10k. What we mean with all this is that for this project to work we need to use your reach. If you believe that Unoffensive is doing good work, share us. Talk to folks about us. Like the posts, comment, show it to folks. It is hard enough to fight against whoever want us down, and it is made even more difficult if our reach is every time smaller and smaller. 

The same way, if you believe folks around you would benefit from our workshops, DM us and let’s get the ball rolling. We want to share knowledge and learn from others and we cannot wait to plot the revolution! 

In other news, we are still organising Liberate Or Die. We choose to organise it in May as it would be warmer, but it seems like a lot of people might be heading to the US for the animal rights conference in June and we are concerned that that will stop folks from coming to Hambi the month before. What do you all think? And what sort of workshops would you like to see? We certainly are getting ready some skeleton actions so we can have a lot of fun whilst sticking the middle finger to the speciesist system. But then again, this project will also not really work without the support of the folks around us, so get involved and let’s organise! 

If anyone is able to help us out with funds, after Patreon went down we’ve taken a bit of a hit, so join us on Liberapay and let’s see how the platform behaves! 




When we thought we were more or less safe on all our internet accounts after the introduction of our website, Patreon sent us an email informing us that they did not want to host us any longer. Even though we have communicated to them that our aim isn’t “promoting criminal damage” -as they seem to believe – but to inform and produce media for the public, they are not willing to allow us back in their platform. 

Money is always a nasty subject for us. We fucking hate money, but we see how useful it is in some aspects. Although none of us ever would use donations for financial gain, there are quite a few expenses related to UA’s work that make money a need to carry on with the project. Our website, hosting, internet and phone bills, the (not very regular) trip to give workshops or to assist at occupations and the legal fees and prison support work, all requires money. 

We have always been very open about how we use money and how we do not pay for our food, personal bills, whatever. Mostly because we live like street rats so our life might be many things, but it isn’t expensive. 

So here we are, once again, asking for your support. We’ve created a LiberaPay account and we are hoping it will work well for us and for you. We don’t know anyone who uses it so we have no references. If you are able to help us either by donating or by sharing the appeal, that would be amazing. 

You don’t have to donate much. £1, £5, £0.50… everything helps. We have well over 10k followers cross platform so it shouldn’t be too difficult to reach our goal of £150 a week. Certainly loosing Patreon hit us hard when our monthly income had reached 535 dollars a month. 

So, have a look at the new platform, tell us what you think, join if you can and share regardless. We can only survive through mutual aid.




When we thought we were more or less safe on all our internet accounts after the introduction of our website, Patreon sent us an email informing us that they did not want to host us any longer. Even though we have communicated to them that our aim isn’t “promoting criminal damage” -as they seem to believe – but to inform and produce media for the public, they are not willing to allow us back in their platform. 

Money is always a nasty subject for us. We fucking hate money, but we see how useful it is in some aspects. Although none of us ever would use donations for financial gain, there are quite a few expenses related to UA’s work that make money a need to carry on with the project. Our website, hosting, internet and phone bills, the (not very regular) trip to give workshops or to assist at occupations and the legal fees and prison support work, all requires money. 

We have always been very open about how we use money and how we do not pay for our food, personal bills, whatever. Mostly because we live like street rats so our life might be many things, but it isn’t expensive. 

So here we are, once again, asking for your support. We’ve created a LiberaPay account and we are hoping it will work well for us and for you. We don’t know anyone who uses it so we have no references. If you are able to help us either by donating or by sharing the appeal, that would be amazing. 

You don’t have to donate much. £1, £5, £0.50… everything helps. We have well over 10k followers cross platform so it shouldn’t be too difficult to reach our goal of £150 a week. Certainly loosing Patreon hit us hard when our monthly income had reached 535 dollars a month. 

So, have a look at the new platform, tell us what you think, join if you can and share regardless. We can only survive through mutual aid.




During this winter time of uncertainty in Hambacher Forst we’ve been trying to push building structures whilst awaiting to see what the political decision is. An answer could come as soon as Friday this week so we would recommend anyone wanting to come when the eviction happens to be ready for it.

Within Unoffensive we have been wondering what’s next. We still want to organise Liberate Or Die but we do not know if the forest will hold until May, so if anyone knows of a different space in Europe that would be happy to host it please drop us a message!

We also want to organise some workshops. Do you think your group would benefit from a chat with UA folks? Message us and let’s get organised. For now we are unable to travel outside of Europe, but hopefully in a few years we can travel somewhere else!

We published A is for Anarchy yesterday for the first time in a few months. What did you think of it?

Lastly, we would like to appeal for a lil help. It’s been almost a year that we’ve been without a good camera and it would really help us with bringing you news from the front line, so if you’re able to support us be it by dropping some coins or by sharing the word, please do so.



During this winter time of uncertainty in Hambacher Forst we’ve been trying to push building structures whilst awaiting to see what the political decision is. An answer could come as soon as Friday this week so we would recommend anyone wanting to come when the eviction happens to be ready for it.

Within Unoffensive we have been wondering what’s next. We still want to organise Liberate Or Die but we do not know if the forest will hold until May, so if anyone knows of a different space in Europe that would be happy to host it please drop us a message!

We also want to organise some workshops. Do you think your group would benefit from a chat with UA folks? Message us and let’s get organised. For now we are unable to travel outside of Europe, but hopefully in a few years we can travel somewhere else!

We published A is for Anarchy yesterday for the first time in a few months. What did you think of it?

Lastly, we would like to appeal for a lil help. It’s been almost a year that we’ve been without a good camera and it would really help us with bringing you news from the front line, so if you’re able to support us be it by dropping some coins or by sharing the word, please do so.



During this winter time of uncertainty in Hambacher Forst we’ve been trying to push building structures whilst awaiting to see what the political decision is. An answer could come as soon as Friday this week so we would recommend anyone wanting to come when the eviction happens to be ready for it.

Within Unoffensive we have been wondering what’s next. We still want to organise Liberate Or Die but we do not know if the forest will hold until May, so if anyone knows of a different space in Europe that would be happy to host it please drop us a message!

We also want to organise some workshops. Do you think your group would benefit from a chat with UA folks? Message us and let’s get organised. For now we are unable to travel outside of Europe, but hopefully in a few years we can travel somewhere else!

We published A is for Anarchy yesterday for the first time in a few months. What did you think of it?

Lastly, we would like to appeal for a lil help. It’s been almost a year that we’ve been without a good camera and it would really help us with bringing you news from the front line, so if you’re able to support us be it by dropping some coins or by sharing the word, please do so.




We have been at this for a little while and many people contact us with loads of different queries. From questions about workshops to Hit Reports, there are safe ways to send us whatever information is needed. 

Many times folks private message us about a question related to a post or asking how to support us. We are always happy to receive those messages via social media. 

For Hit Reports and any other lengthier topics like workshops or joining a future action or event, we ask you to take safety steps to protect your identity from a system that will most likely be monitoring our conversations. 

On our website we have a “Contact” tab where you can learn about how to do so safely, but we wanted to make a post about it so folks are informed in every platform. 

To mask your Internet address, we strongly advise you to use a VPN (winscribe, ProtonVPN or maybe the beta version of RiseUpVPN) and a Tor Browser. That helps you putting layers in between your internet service and the receiver, and whoever could be trying to access the information in between. This will only work if you close all other software applications connected to the internet and only use Tor after connecting the VPN. 

To mask your identity we ask folks to not use their personal email address. This will certainly contain personal information that should never be attached to a hit report, for example. Using a spam address like GuerrillaMail should work perfectly. 

When sending a report, personal details like names and ages should be completely avoided. It is unnecessary and unrelated to the action. Media (photos or videos) are strongly encouraged. They should be attached to the same mail, or uploaded (through Tor) to wetransfer, then pasting the link onto the email. 

PGP encryption is also advised but if the other steps have been taken and there is no need for a response, you should be sound enough to send it without it. If you use PGP, we might take over a week to be able to decrypt the mail so be mindful about the wetransfer self deleting times. 

This steps with links and our PGP key can be found on the link below.

We will not publish reports coming via Facebook or Instagram. 

We hope this all makes sense and we can all learn a little more how to keep safe online! 

Unoffensive Animal Collective. 



During the last weeks we have been working hard in Hambi, building a treehouse in memory of Waka and getting used to a forest really hurt after the big eviction. Two ground evictions were endured before the holidays with RWE and the cops showing incredibly disproportionate violence and destroying people’s homes. 

During the holidays, multiple actions took place around the mine. The Spiegel reported two security cars set on fire after a rain of Moldova cocktails fell into the secu point. Must be climate change. 

A report on Indymedia also popped up claiming responsibility for the arson of a pumping station that drains the forest of much needed water and signed “Hambi Chaos Christmas”. 

Yesterday, NRW police announced a raid in the Meadow (legal protest camp next to the woods) and in the WAA, a house that has served as a base for hambis outside of the forest, 45 minutes away from Hambacher. They justified the raid as a search of dangerous tools and materials that could be used for future actions. HambiEA (the legal team for the forest) was stolen of their phones during the WAA raid, ensuring that any ambi arrested during the police action would not be able to let the legal team know. In the Meadow, in an attempt to evict three people from a small hut, the police emptied almost 8 litres of pepper spray in the 6sqm holding to later arrest the three folk living inside. 

Meanwhile, the forest was also under attack. RWE workers protected by cops smashed windows, fire places and communal areas. Our sleeping space was once again destroyed. Whilst we were attempting to move some of our belongings and materials to hide them deep in the woods, a team of eight cops tackled us to the ground and arrested us. 

They managed to destroy our harnesses using nail planks and stepping over them, they took our material and clothes and they threatened us with lengthier arrest and possible imprisonment if we did not give our personal details. Through the threats, we did not give in and kept ourselves anonymous. After a few hours we were released with a ban on Hambacher Forst for “the next 24 hours”. 

We are back building today. 

They only make us stronger. 

They only make us angrier. 


If you want to support our work both, informing in the front line and fighting the fight, grab yourself some merch through our website or join our patreon team! 



During the last weeks we have been working hard in Hambi, building a treehouse in memory of Waka and getting used to a forest really hurt after the big eviction. Two ground evictions were endured before the holidays with RWE and the cops showing incredibly disproportionate violence and destroying people’s homes. 

During the holidays, multiple actions took place around the mine. The Spiegel reported two security cars set on fire after a rain of Moldova cocktails fell into the secu point. Must be climate change. 

A report on Indymedia also popped up claiming responsibility for the arson of a pumping station that drains the forest of much needed water and signed “Hambi Chaos Christmas”. 

Yesterday, NRW police announced a raid in the Meadow (legal protest camp next to the woods) and in the WAA, a house that has served as a base for hambis outside of the forest, 45 minutes away from Hambacher. They justified the raid as a search of dangerous tools and materials that could be used for future actions. HambiEA (the legal team for the forest) was stolen of their phones during the WAA raid, ensuring that any ambi arrested during the police action would not be able to let the legal team know. In the Meadow, in an attempt to evict three people from a small hut, the police emptied almost 8 litres of pepper spray in the 6sqm holding to later arrest the three folk living inside. 

Meanwhile, the forest was also under attack. RWE workers protected by cops smashed windows, fire places and communal areas. Our sleeping space was once again destroyed. Whilst we were attempting to move some of our belongings and materials to hide them deep in the woods, a team of eight cops tackled us to the ground and arrested us. 

They managed to destroy our harnesses using nail planks and stepping over them, they took our material and clothes and they threatened us with lengthier arrest and possible imprisonment if we did not give our personal details. Through the threats, we did not give in and kept ourselves anonymous. After a few hours we were released with a ban on Hambacher Forst for “the next 24 hours”. 

We are back building today. 

They only make us stronger. 

They only make us angrier. 


If you want to support our work both, informing in the front line and fighting the fight, grab yourself some merch through our website or join our patreon team!