July, Mountain Valley Pipeline USA.

Via: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest.

“Earlier this year a series of holes were drilled into the mountain valley pipeline. These attacks were strategically placed between mile markers 236 and 239. It is clear to us that those who built this black snake did not adequately fix these holes. As there is now gas flowing through this horrendous beast, we are forced to ask for help in holding them accountable. These entire sections of pipe need to be replaced. Be creative. Make sure they hear you.

For those interested, decorating a pipe with holes (before gas is in it), is quite easy. All it takes is a normal household drill, larger drill bits made for metal (can be found at any hardware store, the ones with a tooth on the tip work best), WD-40, lots of extra drill batteries, and the ability to push hard for 5-10 minutes per hole. We’ve found that it is sometimes helpful to have two people pushing on the drill together. Replace the drill bit after each hole to make the most of your time. It’s fun! We recommend giving it a try.

This fight ain’t over. The blood of this black snake is gushing out. Don’t let anyone convince you that people are done fighting this project.

with love and rage — fire and smoke”


July, Denmark.

VIA: @vegan_activism_dk

ENGLISH (translation):

“No thank you to animal cruelty propaganda. Thanks to the anonymous activists that fixed this marketing mural.”

DANISH (original):

“Nej tak til propaganda fra dyremishandlingsindustrien. Tak til de anonyme aktivister for at fikse dette ulækre propagandamaleri!”


11th July, Victoria, Australia

Received anonymously via email:

“With the closing of the duck shooting season occurring early June, the ALF thought Jacinta Allan’s office deserved a closing message after the bloodshed she allowed to take place this year. Having been targeted twice this year already, the third time we came back with heavier equipment. The words “Heartless”, “Gutless” and “Spineless” spray painted on her windows yet again to describe exactly her character, a sledge hammer to her windows and door, as well as super glue to the locks and keypad to her office.

While this action was taken for the ducks slaughtered on the wetlands, not only this year but the many years this poor excuse for a sport has been allowed; we keep in mind the struggles of First Nations people on this land, the colonisation that has impacted them, and continues to impact them. We express our solidarity to all groups facing oppression, especially to the Palestinians fighting an apartheid state, a state that the Australian government and Jacinta Allan continues to fund, and provide weapons for.

None are free until all are free

Make politicians afraid again”


16th July, Denmark.

Received anonymously via email:

“20 Arla trucks deflated by ALF activists.

Arla is the largest producer of cows milk and other dairy products in Denmark and several other countries. The dairy industry enslaves and rapes cows, steal their calves from them and abuse their bodies. And when the dairy industry no longer profits off of abusing the cows bodies, the cows are send to the slaughterhouse, where they get shot in the head and have their throats slit, so they bleed to death.

Activists passed by a parking lot for Arla, near one of their distribution centers in Denmark. Did you know that if you screw off the plastic cap on the valve on a tire and put a lentil or two in it and put it back on, it deflates the tires?

All 20 trucks parked in their parking lot were deflated, presumably making it difficult for them to deliver their products of abuse the next day.

We were quite few activists doing this. Never underestimate what you can do, even if you’re few people, or even just one. Everything helps in the fight for total liberation.”


6th July, Wörsdorf Germany.

{photo unrelated}

According to pro-hunt media, two young peopler observed setting fire to a hunting hide on the 6th of July near Wörsdorf. They were seen by a dog walker, who could not stop the fire. The damage was estimated at around 1500 EUR.


12th May, Italy (delayed report)

Via Sansnom.

“ On the night of May 12/13, while the National Association of Alpine Hunters were celebrating their 95th annual gathering, one of their premises was set on fire a little over a hundred kilometers away. It happened in Casalecchio (Emilia-Romagna), where the chalet that housed their activities, including a dog unit, is now covered in soot and ashes. Damage is estimated at 25,000 euros.”


25th June, Denmark.

Received anonymously via email:

“We’ve all heard the story of backyard chickens, about how ethical it is, and how it can be a great way to teach children about animals. This is a lie! It’s always exploitation of the chickens, and they often murder them as well. A small school in Denmark was spreading the same lies, and they had decided that they thought it was appropriate to murder a rooster in front of the school children, and then feed him to them afterwards. The school had announced that this was something they were gonna start doing regularly – maybe one of the next victims would be one of the baby chicks they had enslaved. We will not stand for the normalization of speciesism, and we will definitely never stand for the normalization of murder.

Late at night, the day before the planned execution of the rooster, we cut open the fences and cages and took every last one of them with us. The rooster, 2 hens, and 9 baby chicks were all liberated that night, and brought to safe homes, where they will never have to be exploited or fear for their lives.

The school has said that they want to get more chickens who they will kill and feed to the children. To that we say; just you try. We will keep coming back and liberating them until you stop this insanity. And next time we will not leave the place as nice as we did the first time.

The liberation of these innocent individuals, was only possible because of the amazing humans who opened their homes and offered a safe life for the chickens. If you are able to take in liberated animals, ALWAYS reach out to activists you think can help get animals out of their prisons. The more safe homes we have, the more non-human animals we can save.”


30th June, Baden-Württemberg Germany.

[photo unrelated, hunting tower arson in Italy Jan 2024]

According to local pro-hunt media, five separate hunting seats were attacked with wire in the south west of Germany during the afternoon of the 30th of June. One of the arsons was extinguished by a cyclist that found the tower on fire and used their water bottle to bring the flames down. Another one was reported by a dog walker, but the chair was completely engulfed in flames. The rest were reported by the local huntsman, who found them and extinguished the little fire there was left.

All the seats were burnt in open field, where there was no risk of spreading the fire into neighbouring trees, and the police suspects animal liberation activists to be behind the actions.


{editor’s note: Over the past month, UBS has been reporting on their actions against a shoot that mutilated a bird used as a decoy in a trap. We have compiled the reports below}

Via Underground Badger Syndicate

FB: When the wild things come at night
Instagram: @undergroundbadgersyndicate

21st May, UK


A particularly nasty scumbag deserves a particularly excessive response. The poor excuse of a human who owned this Larsen before we went to town with it had mutilated a decoy crow so much it was difficult to even tell the age of the bird. All wing and tail feathers had been clipped, with obvious blood dry around the wings, showing how botched the procedure had been.

The crow is now being rehabbed by fantastic people who will ensure the bird grows strong and confident and is released back into the wild when they are ready.

The Larsen is now fairly sad. We don’t think it appreciated meeting the blunt force of a sledgehammer.

The extremely unnecessary use of a sledgehammer to bash a Larsen is nothing but a humble homage to the hilariously excessive video of Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs bashing mole traps with the same tool, but to be honest we think it’d be cute if the Sledgehammer Challenge took off. Make it a trend

Go upset a hunter somewhere.”


27th May, UK


////What happens when we find a particularly scummy keeper, Part1/x)////

Imagine believing that as a gamekeeper you take part on conservation work, that you are helping the wildlife thrive and that you are on the side of nature.

You then set larsen traps to kill corvids and do not have enough with the murder of birds that have done nothing to you, you also decide the best way to do so is by mutilating your ‘decoy’ this much.

Make no mistake, wing clipping is cruel in every single case. There are not “good ways” of clipping someone’s wings. But this excruciatingly botched surgery might’ve costed the life of this individual that was just curious about the eggs you had baited your larsen with.

We know they are in the best hands possible and we will see how they evolve. Regardless of their prognosis, we will make this keeper pay for the suffering he has caused to so many.

Keep your eyes peeled, we have a lot to show you.”


3rd June, UK


////What happens when we find a particularly scummy keeper, (Part 2/x)////

We told you about the bird with horribly clipped wings last week, and we said we would ensure to torment the keeper that did such a barbarity.

Well, we’ve been paying multiple visits to his land, which means we are making him sad on a regular basis.

This time, it is just a larsen that sat awaiting for us in his garage, the door locked shut was not an issue when his window was luckily broken when we arrived!

It was quite a funny image to walk down the footpath with a larsen under the arm a sunny sunday afternoon, having to say hello to more than one random walker.

We are not done with this keeper, by the end of the trapping season he is going to wish he took that job offer down in Kent!”


16th June, UK


Did you think we were done with the scumbag keeper who mutilated that crow? We were not. Accessing their garage through a miraculously broken window was not enough, stealing another Larsen was not enough, we needed to send the message, and so we did.

Three seats, three larsens, a ladder trap, a big bunch of Fenn traps and a fox cage later, we think we have let them know they are being watched.

They will likely feel the burn knowing that the fox trap they had set inside their walled garden is gone, shocking when it was ever so close to the posh twats bedroom! They will also be unimpressed having lost the ladder trap they hid inside one of their cow farms when they realised we were onto them.

There is fucking nowhere to hide when you have been found to be pure scum on the crust of this earth. We will search for you, we will destroy all your shit and we will ensure your life is more miserable by the day.

Think twice before mutilating birds again.

No justice, just rage.