FleshTV is a new platform aiming to bring together art and activism with a focus on supporting animal liberation.

Their very first project is a compilation featuring more than 20 musicians, composers from across the globe (in the fields of experimental music, sound art, noise, electro-acoustic, sound research). Each artist has contributed a track, a text and selected an organization (collective, sanctuary, non-profit,…) working towards animal liberation, with 50% of the project’s profits being donated to these chosen groups.

Some of the supporting groups are the ALFsg, who supports animal liberation prisoners, Agripunk, an italian animal sanctuary, Tras Los Muros, a spanish aninmal liberation photographer and even your favourite animal liberation anti-media collective Unoffensive Animal (aka US!!) in between many others.

They will be releasing their project to purchase on the 20th of October, and it will be limited to 170 copies.

To find more info, check them out on instagram @Flesh__TV and their website fleshtv.world where you can already pre-order their first issue!

Thank you FleshTV for the support!


@zerofoursixeight has released very cute vinyl stickers with a masked activist holding a piglet to fundraise money for defendants that were sentenced earlier in the year for actions related to the rescue of animals. Due to the reporting ban in place, we cannot really explain about the case, but this is what they’ve been able to tell on their fundraiser:

“There is an ongoing animal rights case going through the Crown Court, regarding the rescue of animals.

Currently there’s a reporting ban in place, so the information that can be shared is still extremely limited.

One defendant was recently found “Not Guilty” by the jury, one is still yet to stand trial, one is awaiting a retrial, and three were sentenced at Reading Crown Court at the beginning of February.

We are fundraising to help these three resilient activists with their costs after sentencing. Any funds remaining after these are covered will go towards supporting the two other defendants in this case who are standing trial at the start of next year.”

You can donate directly to the fundraiser here: gofund.me/caab7d6d

If you want stickers tho (because they are so cute), you can support the defendants whilst getting a few nice goodies by purchasing a few slappers here: 


Show solidarity, donate a few coins or buy a few stickers and support those fighting in the front lines!


25th September, Dorset UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“A shooting tower used to massacre deer has been put out of action in Dorset, giving our wildlife the chance to run free for another day. These towers are often very easy to topple, and we urge everyone who sees one to take this simple action to save lives.”


30th September, North Italy.

ENGLISH (translation):

“On the occasion of the ‘hunting opening in Italy we wanted to remind how cowardly and infamous human beings hiding behind the authorizations of a murderous state that trades the lives of animals to maintain power. Hunting is called a sport by those who practice it, but there is no sport in the world in which the ‘opponent is placed in such unfavorable conditions that he has no chance of winning. This practice cannot be definitively a sport but is a true legalized murder that authorizes mentally disturbed people to roam around with weapons in their hands to kill our brothers and sisters. We decided to bring manure in front of the headquarters of the National Hunting Federation because we have no respect for people we consider to be excrement of society. We filled their mailbox with manure and daubed the windows and walls of the headquarters with inscriptions: hunters you are shit, cowards and infamous.


ITALIAN (original):

“in occasione dell’ apertura venatoria in Italia abbiamo voluto ricordare quanto i cacciatori siano degli esseri umani vigliacchi e infami che si nascondono dietro le autorizzazioni di uno Stato assassino che baratta la vita degli animali per mantenere il potere. La caccia è definita da coloro che la praticano uno sport, ma non esiste sport al mondo in cui l’ avversario è posto in condizioni talmente sfavorevoli da non avere alcuna possibilità di vincere. Questa pratica non può essere definitiva uno sport ma e’ un vero e proprio assassinio legalizzato che autorizza persone disturbate mentalmente di aggirarsi con delle armi in mano per uccidere i nostri fratelli. Abbiamo deciso di portare del letame davanti alla sede della Federazione Nazionale Della Caccia perché non abbiamo alcun rispetto per persone che consideriamo degli escrementi della società. Abbiamo riempito la loro casella postale di letame e imbrattato le vetrine e i muri della sede con scritte: cacciatori siete delle merde, dei vigliacchi e degli infami.



via: Attaque

past years, Mornas France.

ENGLISH (translation):

“In Mornas (Vaucluse), hunters are wondering who is destroying their tree stands. These 1.50-2 m towers are erected in the wild to make hunting safer: the bullet is no longer fired horizontally, but towards the ground at an angle of 30 degrees.

For several years now, the watchtowers of the sixty Mornas hunters have been deliberately damaged. The towers are sawed off, torn from their bases and attached to the cars with cables. A few years ago, there were 21 watchtowers. Now there are just 9!

The hunters speak of “sabotage” and are worried about the future of their hunting area: the 1,100 hectares of the Uchaux hill are also very popular with hikers and mountain bikers. The Mornas hunters have not lodged a complaint, but they are concerned about the sharing of nature.

Near the hunting cabin in the pine forest, the debris from the watchtowers piles up. Christian Jodar, treasurer of the Amicale des Chasseurs de Mornas (Mornas hunters’ association) calls the place “the watchtower cemetery”. He is indignant: “This is sabotage, of planned and organized actions”. Sylvain Ribe, president of the Mornas hunters’ association, counted the number of stands: “We put up 21, leaving 9. The rest have been destroyed. The four legs are set in concrete blocks, but they come with cars and cables; they shoot to knock down or break the watchtowers. And the latest thing is that they’re partially sawing out the floor of the watchtowers. You can’t see it with the naked eye, but when you climb on them, you can break your face with a gun”. The president recalls a hunter from Mornas who suffered a head injury in a fall after the sawed floor of a watchtower collapsed.

The hunters’ president believes that the opponents of hunting are mistaken, as watchtowers are installed to make hunting safer: “I think this is pure vandalism by the anti-hunters. It’s a pity: these watchtowers improve safety for hunters and non-hunters alike, because they’re shoot-to-kill. We shoot from tree stands with the axis at 30 degrees to the ground, so that the bullet sticks in the ground instead of flying miles away horizontally. It’s safety pure and simple. This damage to the tree stands is damaging for everyone, hunters and non-hunters alike.

[…] The Mornas hunters explain that they are not the only ones affected, as hunting stands are being deliberately destroyed all over France.”

FRENCH (original):

A Mornas (Vaucluse), les chasseurs se demandent qui détruit leurs miradors. Ces tours d’1,50 à 2 m sont montées dans la nature pour sécuriser la chasse : la balle ne part plus horizontalement mais vers le sol avec un angle de 30 degrés.

Depuis plusieurs années, les miradors des soixante chasseurs de Mornas sont volontairement dégradés. Les miradors sont sciés, arrachés de leur socle avec des câbles attachés aux voitures. Il y avait 21 miradors il y a quelques années. Il n’en reste plus que 9 !

Les chasseurs parlent de « sabotage » et s’inquiètent pour l’avenir de leur zone de chasse : les 1.100 hectares de la colline d’Uchaux sont aussi très fréquentés par les randonneurs et les vététistes. Les chasseurs de Mornas n’ont pas porté plainte mais ils s’interrogent sur le partage de la nature.

Prés du cabanon de chasse dans la pinède, les débris des miradors s’entassent. Christian Jodar, le trésorier de l’amicale des chasseurs de Mornas appelle cet endroit : « le cimetière des miradors ». Il s’indigne :  » C’est du sabotage, des actions prévues et organisées ». Sylvain Ribe, le président des chasseurs de Mornas, a fait le décompte : « on en a posé 21, il en reste 9. Le reste a été détruit. Les quatre pieds sont pourtant scellés dans des plots en béton mais ils viennent avec des voitures et des câbles; ils tirent pour renverser ou casser des miradors. Et la dernière nouveauté, c’est qu’on nous scie partiellement le plancher des miradors. On ne peut pas le voir à l’œil nu mais quand on monte dessus, on peut se casser la figure avec une arme ». Le président se souvient d’un chasseur de Mornas blessé à la tête dans une chute après l’effondrement du plancher scié d’un mirador.

Le président des chasseurs estime que les opposants à la chasse se trompent car les miradors sont installés pour sécuriser la chasse : Je pense que c’est du vandalisme pur des anti-chasse. C’est dommage : ces miradors améliorent la sécurité des chasseurs et des non-chasseurs car ce sont des tirs fichants. On tire des miradors avec un axe à 30 degrés vers le sol pour que la balle se fiche dans le sol au lieu de partir à des kilomètres à l’horizontale. C’est de la sécurité pure et simple. Ces dégâts sur les miradors sont bien dommageables pour tout le monde, les chasseurs et les non -chasseurs ».

[…] Les chasseurs de Mornas expliquent qu’ils ne sont pas seuls concernés, partout en France des miradors de chasse sont détruits volontairement.


[photo unrelated]

26th September, Bavaria Germany.

Received anonymously via email:

“A sanctuary offered us a home for 12 chicken.
So in a cold september night we had a mission.
Find a target,get the animals out and bring them to the sanctuary
We packed our carriers and got in the car.

Dressed in black, covered face and determination in the eyes of each of us, we pulled up to the farm. We climbed the fences, got in and quickly filled our boxes with the hens that will go to a good home. At the sanctuary we realised that as our tradition we had one more animal saved than planned.

In total it took us 15 minutes to execute this liberation and changed their fate
These minutes made the difference between slaughterhouse and sanctuary.
Let us all spend more time liberating animals and less time politely asking for animal liberation on protests.
expect to hear from us!

Good luck with yalls actions for the animals.”


24th September, Lacroisille France.

According to local press, a group self-called “Lièvres Vénères Et Libres” reported having cut the fences of a hare breeder who sold 20ha of land to ATOSCA, who plans building the A69 road. They say that the hare breeding farm needs the fences up to contain the hares before road works can commence, as the hare breeder has sold 20ha to the company so they can build the road across his land.

The collective warns ATOSCA that in 50km of road to be built there are many opportunities to sabotage them.


27th September, Malvern UK

According to local media, Barnards Green Butcher shop in Malvern had their windows smashed at midnight on the 27th of September. The action caused a local stir, with Facebook comments reading “they are closed, are there no real butchers left?”. Later, the butchers confirmed it was not closed and that they had to board up the windows.

West Mercia Police’s PCSO Bullock begged for snitches to come forward with information. At this time, we have not received a report of the action.


[Image credit: @undergroundbadgersyndicate] 

September is a busy time of year for those fighting for wildlife, with the beginning of the intensive badger cull, the peak of fox cub and hare leveret hunting, stag hunting and ongoing trap-smashing.  

Natural England, a public body connected to the UK Governments’ Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (who are responsible for the cull) have yet to publish their annual badger ‘control’ authorisation documents, which confirms culling operations, but this is expected as these documents are getting published later and later each year. It is speculated that they would rather not draw attention to it, as the minimum and maximum targets (how many badgers may get killed) is controversial to many. Also, it is likely that a new zone will be included in Cumbria following the publishing of a consultation document, which would confirm that the new Labour party government aren’t actually intending of reducing the cull, let alone stopping it. Regardless, existing cull zones were almost guaranteed to continue and was soon confirmed by the discovery of bait points, free shooters and badger cages. Though culling continues, so does action against it. Devon County Hunt Sabs, as one example, have been busy checking known vulnerable setts and have been successful in finding ‘metal contraptions’ as well as sending shooters on their way. Likewise, Liverpool Hunt Sabs have intercepted free shooters multiple times and removed bait points, while Cheshire Against the Cull also successfully foiled plans to murder badgers. Cage traps have also been ruined by Cornwall Against the Culls, The Great Unwashed and Underground Badger Syndicate. Action against the cull can feel relentless and difficult to evaluate the impact but Derbyshire Against the Cull, who have also been consistently successful at stopping free shooters, published an important message after they gathered evidence of life at a sett that has been targeted since 2020; ‘then you see this on the trail camera and realise that every cold, wet, tired minute spent there was absolutely worth it’. Sheffield Hunt Sabs have also been busy with the cull, and also got in trouble with the cops for “stealing badger setts”, whatever that means.

Various traps have also been stamped out of action by Underground Badger Syndicate and The Great Unwashed, some of which during the cull; reaffirming the importance of surveying. The largest collection of traps was published at the start of the month and featured an array of mammal traps of various sizes and shapes, which have since been reshaped and no longer useable.  

Saboteurs from Mendip and Dorset have continued their efforts against stag hunting. Not many packs of stag hounds exist but their impact is consistently brutal, with the odds being largely against the hunted animal as they have to also contend with many bloodthirsty supporters who go to great lengths to making sure there is no escape. It was reported that an exhausted stag was killed, following a long chase, though others were able to escape. Though any kill is tragic, it is important to remember that it is in recent history that stag hunts were largely untouchable due to the serious violence inflicted on saboteurs and monitors. It is true that this continues to be a risk, they have been faced with a refreshed determination of saboteurs who are putting them under pressure, which is working. Without these efforts, many more stags would have undoubtably been killed, as proven by hit reports throughout the last few years. 

September is the peak period of cub-hunting; beginning in August and runs until the main hunting season begins in October. Fox hunts have been relentless at their attempts to kill young foxes during this ‘training’ period. However, saboteurs in every direction have been doing their upmost to stop this as much as possible, both at dawn and dusk. This form of hunting is extremely damning to the image they badly attempt to maintain, considering the nature of how it works; where hounds are set against vulnerable young foxes who have little chance of escaping. During this most controversial period in the hunting calendar, the governing bodies of hunting attempted a ‘national trail hunting day’, which they hoped would gain the media attention it desperately needs to obtain any credibility in their lies. This failed miserably. Arguably, it was a terrible time to attempt such a PR event, considering the consistent brutality carried out throughout the month. Their failure is very much welcome though!

The PR-nightmare that is cub-hunting is also applicable to hare-hunting beagle and basset packs, who have also been taken out to train against leverets. Hare hunting in itself is more controversial to the public than fox hunting, especially so when hunting young hares. It is commonplace for these hunts to pack up quickly on the arrival of sabs, which is exactly what happened when the Downland Beagles were caught attempting to hunt during a main season meet at the end of the month by saboteurs from Kent, Brighton, South Coast and South Thames.  

On the same day, the Thurlow Hunt were foiled by North London Hunt Sabs together with East Northants Hunt Sabs. During the cub-hunt meet, hounds chased a fox to an artificial earth, which is a combination of pipes and chambers built underground used to encourage foxes to reside for the purposes of hunting. Saboteurs often record and document what happens during a hunt, and this is an example of why that it is important; to publish and expose the reality of hunting, counteracting their false rhetoric.  

An example of negative PR and mounting pressure was also seen in an arguably surprising development after it was reported that the Ministry of Defence have not granted any licenses for ‘trail hunting’, as seen in a published response from a freedom of information request which states that 11 hunts applied for licenses. This is a significant blow, especially for the Royal Artillery Hunt who spend the majority of their hunting season within MOD land. Whether the hunts abide by this or not is yet to be seen, as trespass is a regular occurrence. However, it’s a lose-lose situation; they either commit and jeopardize personal and professional relationships and bring more negative attention to themselves, with possible legal ramifications, or admit defeat and have less land to hunt. The tactic of limiting the area in which a hunt can operate is a sure step to making a hunt unworkable and is only a matter of time if it also coincides with a myriad of other tactics and approaches.

Any information about wildlife killing fundraisers, hunting, the location of traps, tools and infrastructure used to kill and anything dodgy or suspicious relating to the interference or ill-treatment of wildlife should be reported to your local hunt sabotage group. Unsure of your local group? Contact the Hunt Saboteurs Association’s tip-off line at 07443148426 or via social media. The smallest bit of information could make the biggest different to wildlife life.



During the month of September, Argentina, Chile, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the UK reported direct actions against animal exploitation. From the bullfighting ring arson in Chile to the liberation of chickens in Argentina, folks around the globe have been busy furthering the fight. A total of seven reports were received, mostly against hunting but also against the flesh industry, entertainment industry and against pet abuse.

On the prisoner support side we reported on Leonard, who has been in isolation, and we also translated the comuniquee that Presos Caso Susaron published earlier this summer.

MBR suppliers campaign was also featured in The Frontlines, and they have been throwing heavy blows against MBR, so make sure you check them out!

As always, if you can afford supporting your grassroots, animal liberationist, anarchist media, please consider donating to us.

you can do so over patreon: www.patreon.com/animalliberation

or you can send us some coins over paypal: [email protected]