Paul, sentenced to twenty weeks in prison, was released a week ago from HMP Altcourse, so you can now stop writing letters to him! We have updated our website to reflect that.

Join us on welcoming him back to the outside world. He has been the target of the pro-hunt lobby for quite a while, so messages of love and solidarity are always welcome.

Solidarity always



30th October, Dublin Ireland.

Received anonymously via email:

“In Dublin we destroyed a hunting seat. Now instead of being an instrument of death and cruelty it can be a home for woodlice, birds, squirrels, and all the wild beings that live in the area.

We have also continued our campaign of vandalism over the last few months against the advertisement of exploitation and death. Advertisement plays a key role promoting speciesist propaganda and continuing the never ending cycle of consumerist death production.

Every action no matter how small has potential, none are futile.

Until every cage is destroyed

Until every farm has been reduced to ashes

Until Industrial-Technological Society is no more

Eco-War Now

Animal and Earth Liberation Now

Animal Liberation Front Cell of Vandals”


Cero Jaulas is a Spanish campaign against the trapping of pigeons by Ciudad Real’s council. Those pigeons are live trapped as “wildlife control”, then sold to birds of pray trainers and to shooting ranges to be killed in bloodsports.

In 2022 they produced a video where they showed this process, animals being trapped in the city, sitting in the cages for up to a week with no shelter and no means to escape, to then be transported to shooting ranges and be put inside a cannon like tube that shoots them up into the sky for some brave human to blast them off the sky with a shotgun.

Over the past year, the campaign has put pressure in the local government to stop this practice both in person and over social media. Last week, they reached out to let us know some folks had also done some adhacking and send a little video.

Whilst the campaign seems young it is a great opportunity for folks to experiment all the different ways they can try in order to stop the local government from murdering pigeons in such a brutal way.

You can find them on Twitter @cerojaulas and on their website



October, Stuttgart Germany.

received anonymously via email:

“On a beautiful October night, we sawed down four hunter seats and damaged one. We also spray-painted “Hunting is unnecessary violence” and a greeting from the ALF directly on the game preserve. There the animals are locked up to be gawked at and shot.

Fortunately, we are not these insane and cowardly murderers like the hunters are, but only commit property damage.

But this action was another clear sign against speciesism. This must stop immediately!



18th September, Berlin Germany.

via: Act For Free!

It’s gratifying to see that attacks on the companies and infrastructures that fuel ecological catastrophe are currently multiplying. Even if they’re just a drop in the ocean, they’re an expression of the fact that not everyone is content to make demands of politicians or look on with resignation as the world goes to shit.

On the night of Monday September 18, we added two excavators belonging to the Strabag company to the list of targets attacked under the slogan “Switch Off”. Unfortunately, we were able to extinguished before they definitively disappeared, but it was enough to bring the construction site on Köpenickerstraße in Berlin’s Mitte district to a standstill.

Strabag, one of Europe’s largest construction companies, is involved in every conceivable infamy on the planet, and each of its new building projects means a progression towards the destruction of nature, in favor of concrete deserts that already seem endless. That’s why every interruption of the daily routine is a small satisfaction for us.”


[EDITOR’S NOTE: Victor is the only person still locked up from everybody who got arrested in the Atlanta forest. He is in an immigration facility, facing how incredibly racist the USA can be. Please write a letter to him and send love and solidarity, you can find the address at the end of his statement.]

After being officially criminally indicted by the state of Georgia and reaching seven months of incarceration, I wish to speak again.

Today, on Indigenous People’s Day, I want to raise my voice to remind everybody that this marks 531 years of Indigenous resistance here on Turtle Island. As Indigenous people, we must go beyond mere representation and celebrations. Police, prisons, reservations, detention centers, and borders operate through a shared logic of immobilization, containing our oppressed communities in their racial system.

I am right now in a place that shouldn’t be holding any people, a place that should not exist. A place that has caused many cases of human rights abuses and violations, a place where many people have lost their lives. A place where people don’t have proper shelter and healthcare. The people here are refugees. The prison industrial complex exists for profit; the goal of CoreCivic is to maximize profits, not to follow a moral compass by treating people with dignity. When you put corporations in charge of human beings, you will see flagrant violations of human rights, even to the point that people are dying. Everyone outside should raise their voice and demand that this stops.

In times of rising xenophobia and racism, we see images of thousands of migrants and refugees trying to cross the southern colonial border and we hear the rhetoric of border crisis. In reality, there is no border crisis but a displacement crisis. The war on migrant and refugee people does not exist separate from anti-Indigenous and anti-Black violence. Border imperialism is structurally bound up in genocide. Crees and Anishinaabe from Canada and Yaquis from Mexico crossed into the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th century and engaged in political struggles for recognition to challenge the state’s subjugation of them as “foreign Indians” and “illegal immigrants.”

Many southern immigrants/refugees are also Indigenous people and Black relatives. Borders and xenophobic immigration laws are rooted in Indigenous dispossession and anti-Black violence. In these 531 years of Indigenous resistance, I stand in solidarity with the relatives and Indigenous nations and communities remembering their old teachings, stories, songs, and remembering that we are all still warriors. Solidarity with migrant and refugee relatives at the southern colonial border, across the world, and behind bars in these detention centers/concentration camps. Solidarity with the land defenders fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline Black Snake and protecting life. Solidarity with Gaza — we are all owed dignity, personhood, respect.

As an Indigenous migrant man, I have been called many things by the state. Now more than ever, I continue resisting this ridiculous narrative and these new RICO charges. I’m a sundancer, a land defender, a frontliner, living in occupied Indigenous land and territories with obligations and responsibilities due to my presence here—I’m a warrior not by anyone else’s definition other than my own and my people’s. These are the identities I hold dear. Because some of these identities have been used as a weapon to oppress me, I use them as a weapon of my own liberation. I protect, nurture, and love in these deep ways.

I have been shot by rubber bullets many times; maced, tear-gassed, and pepper sprayed more times than I can remember; I have been bitten and attacked by dogs, I have had guns pointed at my face by white supremacists, sprayed by water canons under freezing temperatures, tased a few times and injured many more. And I have always been proud to uphold my responsibilities and take a stand to defend people and land, even though standing up to the repressive power of the state has had a cost—the latest, this indictment, these seven months of incarceration and the so-real-now threat of deportation and removal from this land, this precious land. The land of my relatives, the land where my family lives, the land where my father is buried.

This is who I am. In this continuous detention, I’m fed up with the degradation and the conditions, but I want you all to know that I keep resisting and standing up against the daily conditions, against the dehumanization, and against this fucked up system that separates us. I live a life that I don’t regret.

Homies and comrades, to all of you who I love: Resist with a depth beyond recognition. Now and forever, keep loving deep, nurturing freedom, valuing life, protecting the sacred, raising hell. We are unstoppable, we are an extension of Earth, we are spirit, we are power, and there can be no borders, restrictions, or jails for that. Until our paths cross and you see me again next to the moon puppy.

Solidarity with the people standing up against the police state and with the resistance to anti-Black racialized state violence. Freedom to stay, freedom to move and the right to return. From Stewart Detention Center, Unit 6B—close the camps, free us all!

Write to Victor at:

Victor Puertas
6B 215B
P.O. Box 248
Lumpkin, GA 31815



5th October, Hilton Head USA.

via: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest.

“In Hilton Head, SC I dumped half a bag of fast drying concrete (“quikrete”) into the toilet of Jeff Ware Insurance, a subsidiary of Nationwide Insurance. I agitated the mixture with the plunger to make sure it all got wet and then I flushed the mixture. It was already starting to back up when I left. if everything goes as hoped, the rest of the concrete will dry in the pipes of the building, causing thousands in damage to the system.

As of February of this year, Nationwide provides coverage for the Atlanta Police Foundation. I took this simple action to encourage them to drop Cop City. I strongly encourage others to copy this action. Other Nationwide subsidiaries near you can be found here:

A Note on the Upcoming Block Cop City Action:

I am going to be there. Greetings to the wild ones who will also come. I just do not believe the entire weekend will go off without chaos. while I do not intend to go against the intentions of the main event organizers, and I hope the big action goes according to plan, but if the police freak out, I want to be there to see what happens next.”


6th October, South West UK.

received anonymously via email:

“During the night of the 6th we conducted a liberation of three rabbits in the south west of the UK. They lived in horrible hutches with no room to stand up, no toys and no warmth. Whilst they were incredibly scared, they became increasingly curious on their drive to freedom, sniffing our hands and asking for head rubs.

They will now live a life away from exploitation and abuse, able to express their emotions and needs and able to play, binky and run as much as they want.

With this action we remember Waka, fallen martyr in Rojava whilst fighting with the YPG.

To remember is to keep fighting for those who fell and to keep fighting for those who need us.

some anarchists.”


Hey folks!

We’ve just posted the UBS solidarity prints, so they should be arriving to you soon! Whilst most of our merch is currently on hold, we still have lots of UBS solidarity prints which we are selling to raise funds for Underground Badger Syndicate, so please grab a pack or two, you can put them in frames, you can put them in an envelope and send it as a thin postcard or you can give them to your mates, what’s important is that UBS gets some funds to keep fighting the badger cull!

Find them here:

We have been asking for new collaborators to help cover campaigns and events for UA. Unfortunately, we have lost collaborators for DTAF, CAFT (or worldwide anti fur pressure campaign) and PalAction. We also would love to hear from other campaigns around the world! If you run or partake in such campaigns, or if you are interested in keeping an eye on the campaigns, drop us a line and let’s work out a monthly schedule! UA is made by us all, so please come forward and help us keep going!

Our patreon has been on a steady decline over the past year and a half. We no longer have a long list of prisoners we send money to, and instead send some cash to folks who urgently request it and keep some aside for all the web admin costs. If you can afford it, please join us over there donating monthly, or drop us some coins over PayPal, or even through miners or bitcoin!

All the infos can be found here: