It has taken us quite a while to collect the footage but here is the speech we gave in the animal rights march in London last August. Many people requested us to upload it so after some time trying to find the whole video, here it is for you to share! 

We would like to note that the human reading the speech was a volunteer and not necessarily affiliated with UA. We always attempt to put forward a different voice and our aim to push women and non binary voices will always be a priority. This year one of our followers stepped up to it and did an amazing job delivering the words we had put together and we couldn’t be more grateful. 

If you are able to support us, we could do with a few more patreons.

Also, if you haven’t seen it already, we have a website you can check out!

Accessibility: we have pasted the speech in the comments. We apologise for the lack of subtitles and hope that this will be enough for those who are unable to listen to the video!

“Aren’t you angry enough? Unilever, one of the biggest corporate companies that use vivisection, are profiting from vegan ice cream. The tories voting that animals are not sentient beings and are therefore
unable to feel pain. Judges repeatedly pardoning and excusing hunting communities all over the country, just so they can continue their gruesome bloodsports.

Aren’t you angry enough? How many more times can you bear to watch yet another innocent being driven to their slaughter? How many more times do you need to hear of another horse being shot at the races? How many more times do these things need to happen until we stand up and make sure that they cannot, and will not profit from the fear and suffering of innocent creatures ever again?

Let’s remember why we are here. We are here to achieve total animal liberation, not to enlarge the vegan aisle in the supermarket. We are here to stand beside the exploited and aid them to achieve the freedom that is rightfully theirs, not to convert those who consume animal flesh into simply consuming veggie burgers with no rage inside of them.

Are you angry enough? The British state has kidnapped animal rights activist Sven Van Hasselt and will keep him for five years based on a law specifically tailored to stop him and his coworkers from bringing a vivisection company to the ground. The German government has taken UPiii behind bars because she dared to protect nature. The states have taken Red Fawn, Joseph Dibee, Walter Bond, Marius Mason and an uncountable number of people because they dared to act for a better world. Doesn’t that make you angry enough?

Let us read you a letter from an anonymous comrade that wishes not to be named:

‘It is the 5th of November. The day Barry Horne died. A team of four.

One van, one crowbar, one spray can. Another fucking shed. Filthy, full of scared chickens, piles of shit and a metal grid as a floor.

Systematically we load box after box until a hundred hens are waiting for us in the back of the van. One hundred animals from that day will live on surrounded by love until they pass. The camera person lets us know they have taken enough footage for a video. It has taken us twelve minutes.

I take special delight in smashing the machine that disinfects the eggs, hanging from the ceiling. I then turn back and focus on the conveyor belt that transports the eggs from the shed to the front room. The farmer probably doesn’t visit the hens more than once every couple of months. Everything is automated. Much better. The more machinery: the more to be destroyed. Behind me are eggs flying in all directions, smashing against the floor. The team has managed to flip up a pallet of packaged eggs and the floor is now dripping with a sticky mess.

Another shed, another night, another raid. This time, though, it isn’t enough with just taking some animals. I want the farmer to cry when they wake up in the morning. I want them to see the pain they are causing.
Fuck, I’d like to bankrupt them!

Someone points out the time. Twenty minutes since entering. The machines are destroyed. We’ve just about left the water and feed intact to make sure the rest of the hens don’t die.

I jump back on the van and sit on the floor with the birds. I pull a few eggs from my pocket and crack them open, showing the hens for the first time what probably is their favourite treat now. They seem happy, between the mess, splashing egg all over my face. They will be much happier tomorrow when they feel grass for the first time.

Meanwhile, I feel destroyed. I always leave a piece of myself behind, with all the other animals that I cannot take with me. Another shed, another night, another raid. Another step closer until each and every one of them are free’

This letter is just to show, one of the many raids carried out in the last twelve months. 431 animals in the UK have been reported as liberated and 20,000 partridges released to the wild since the last AR march. 431 animals plus as many unreported ones, plus the sabotage of traps and shooting towers, butcher shops, meat trucks and an uncountable list of actions to further the cause of animal liberation.

This amalgamation of actions between the overground and underground scene is the key to revolution. Diversity of tactics was, is and will be the only way to achieve systematic change. Direct action gets the goods, but by itself is ineffective if we don’t create social conscience of why morality and legality don’t align and if we don’t start supporting those behind actions and those behind bars.

Sure, spray painting ‘go vegan’ on the butchers in Kent didn’t get the butcher’s son to stop eating meat. However, it did start a conversation.
In newspapers and on the TV and on social media, arguments against the so-called vandals and discussions about the legitimacy of meat consumption popped up left, right and centre. That is the key to total liberation. That mix between the action and the effect it causes. The conversations that people will have afterwards. The questioning of any and all moral baseline that constructs our society.

There are only 3 ALF guidelines;
1. To liberate animals from their hell
2. To cause economic damage to those who profit from them
3. To not harm anyone, human or non-human in the process

We have been given the green light to announce something historical; after a few years gap, the UK now has an Animal Liberation Front Press officer. They can speak out for activists and explain their actions

So, we will ask again. How many more animals need to die? How many more millions do they need to make? How many more days of torture inside of a lab? How many more photos do you need to see?

What is it, that you need, to get angry enough?”


It has taken us quite a while to collect the footage but here is the speech we gave in the animal rights march in London last August. Many people requested us to upload it so after some time trying to find the whole video, here it is for you to share! 

We would like to note that the human reading the speech was a volunteer and not necessarily affiliated with UA. We always attempt to put forward a different voice and our aim to push women and non binary voices will always be a priority. This year one of our followers stepped up to it and did an amazing job delivering the words we had put together and we couldn’t be more grateful. 

If you are able to support us, we could do with a few more patreons.

Also, if you haven’t seen it already, we have a website you can check out!

Accessibility: we have pasted the speech in the comments. We apologise for the lack of subtitles and hope that this will be enough for those who are unable to listen to the video!

“Aren’t you angry enough? Unilever, one of the biggest corporate companies that use vivisection, are profiting from vegan ice cream. The tories voting that animals are not sentient beings and are therefore
unable to feel pain. Judges repeatedly pardoning and excusing hunting communities all over the country, just so they can continue their gruesome bloodsports.

Aren’t you angry enough? How many more times can you bear to watch yet another innocent being driven to their slaughter? How many more times do you need to hear of another horse being shot at the races? How many more times do these things need to happen until we stand up and make sure that they cannot, and will not profit from the fear and suffering of innocent creatures ever again?

Let’s remember why we are here. We are here to achieve total animal liberation, not to enlarge the vegan aisle in the supermarket. We are here to stand beside the exploited and aid them to achieve the freedom that is rightfully theirs, not to convert those who consume animal flesh into simply consuming veggie burgers with no rage inside of them.

Are you angry enough? The British state has kidnapped animal rights activist Sven Van Hasselt and will keep him for five years based on a law specifically tailored to stop him and his coworkers from bringing a vivisection company to the ground. The German government has taken UPiii behind bars because she dared to protect nature. The states have taken Red Fawn, Joseph Dibee, Walter Bond, Marius Mason and an uncountable number of people because they dared to act for a better world. Doesn’t that make you angry enough?

Let us read you a letter from an anonymous comrade that wishes not to be named:

‘It is the 5th of November. The day Barry Horne died. A team of four.

One van, one crowbar, one spray can. Another fucking shed. Filthy, full of scared chickens, piles of shit and a metal grid as a floor.

Systematically we load box after box until a hundred hens are waiting for us in the back of the van. One hundred animals from that day will live on surrounded by love until they pass. The camera person lets us know they have taken enough footage for a video. It has taken us twelve minutes.

I take special delight in smashing the machine that disinfects the eggs, hanging from the ceiling. I then turn back and focus on the conveyor belt that transports the eggs from the shed to the front room. The farmer probably doesn’t visit the hens more than once every couple of months. Everything is automated. Much better. The more machinery: the more to be destroyed. Behind me are eggs flying in all directions, smashing against the floor. The team has managed to flip up a pallet of packaged eggs and the floor is now dripping with a sticky mess.

Another shed, another night, another raid. This time, though, it isn’t enough with just taking some animals. I want the farmer to cry when they wake up in the morning. I want them to see the pain they are causing.
Fuck, I’d like to bankrupt them!

Someone points out the time. Twenty minutes since entering. The machines are destroyed. We’ve just about left the water and feed intact to make sure the rest of the hens don’t die.

I jump back on the van and sit on the floor with the birds. I pull a few eggs from my pocket and crack them open, showing the hens for the first time what probably is their favourite treat now. They seem happy, between the mess, splashing egg all over my face. They will be much happier tomorrow when they feel grass for the first time.

Meanwhile, I feel destroyed. I always leave a piece of myself behind, with all the other animals that I cannot take with me. Another shed, another night, another raid. Another step closer until each and every one of them are free’

This letter is just to show, one of the many raids carried out in the last twelve months. 431 animals in the UK have been reported as liberated and 20,000 partridges released to the wild since the last AR march. 431 animals plus as many unreported ones, plus the sabotage of traps and shooting towers, butcher shops, meat trucks and an uncountable list of actions to further the cause of animal liberation.

This amalgamation of actions between the overground and underground scene is the key to revolution. Diversity of tactics was, is and will be the only way to achieve systematic change. Direct action gets the goods, but by itself is ineffective if we don’t create social conscience of why morality and legality don’t align and if we don’t start supporting those behind actions and those behind bars.

Sure, spray painting ‘go vegan’ on the butchers in Kent didn’t get the butcher’s son to stop eating meat. However, it did start a conversation.
In newspapers and on the TV and on social media, arguments against the so-called vandals and discussions about the legitimacy of meat consumption popped up left, right and centre. That is the key to total liberation. That mix between the action and the effect it causes. The conversations that people will have afterwards. The questioning of any and all moral baseline that constructs our society.

There are only 3 ALF guidelines;
1. To liberate animals from their hell
2. To cause economic damage to those who profit from them
3. To not harm anyone, human or non-human in the process

We have been given the green light to announce something historical; after a few years gap, the UK now has an Animal Liberation Front Press officer. They can speak out for activists and explain their actions

So, we will ask again. How many more animals need to die? How many more millions do they need to make? How many more days of torture inside of a lab? How many more photos do you need to see?

What is it, that you need, to get angry enough?”



It’s been a little while since our last update. We have been mostly working in Hambacher Forst, attempting to build new structures after the eviction in September destroyed all living spaces within the forest. Building a treehouse is interesting, hard and certainly not easy, but thanks to the solidarity of others in the forest we keep giving small steps towards finishing it off. We are building on the tree where Whyda used to be before the eviction. Whyda was a treehouse named after a pirate ship and it was our fallen comrade Waka’s favourite treehouse. For that reason we will name the new structure Waka, so to ensure that he is still fighting against the forces that destroy the world. 

Yesterday we endured police action in the forest. Although it was not horrible or difficult, it was ruthless. They came with the excuse of clearing barricades and destroyed all ground living spaces including tents, taking away sleeping bags, boxes of food and many different tools. After pulling up the tree and onto the beams of the future treehouse as much stuff as we could we waited for the state to repress, smash and put in the bin useful stuff and perfectly fine food whilst laughing and pointing at us. We don’t need a reminder of what the police system is, but it certainly painted a very clear picture once again. 

Today we started over, collected what we could and kept building. Not much more you can do but to keep the struggle. 

Underground Badger Syndicate has a gofundme going to help with building material and tools so if anyone would like to help the link is just here: 

As a side note, both our Facebook page and website are still up! We are seeing a lot less reach on Facebook than we used to before and could do with help. Every time you see one of our posts, like it, comment and share! Help us get on the good side of the Facebook algorithms! Also if you want some merch before the holidays we MIGHT manage to send it over in time so head to our website and get it ordered! 

Want to support us on a regular basis?




It’s been a little while since our last update. We have been mostly working in Hambacher Forst, attempting to build new structures after the eviction in September destroyed all living spaces within the forest. Building a treehouse is interesting, hard and certainly not easy, but thanks to the solidarity of others in the forest we keep giving small steps towards finishing it off. We are building on the tree where Whyda used to be before the eviction. Whyda was a treehouse named after a pirate ship and it was our fallen comrade Waka’s favourite treehouse. For that reason we will name the new structure Waka, so to ensure that he is still fighting against the forces that destroy the world. 

Yesterday we endured police action in the forest. Although it was not horrible or difficult, it was ruthless. They came with the excuse of clearing barricades and destroyed all ground living spaces including tents, taking away sleeping bags, boxes of food and many different tools. After pulling up the tree and onto the beams of the future treehouse as much stuff as we could we waited for the state to repress, smash and put in the bin useful stuff and perfectly fine food whilst laughing and pointing at us. We don’t need a reminder of what the police system is, but it certainly painted a very clear picture once again. 

Today we started over, collected what we could and kept building. Not much more you can do but to keep the struggle. 

Underground Badger Syndicate has a gofundme going to help with building material and tools so if anyone would like to help the link is just here: 

As a side note, both our Facebook page and website are still up! We are seeing a lot less reach on Facebook than we used to before and could do with help. Every time you see one of our posts, like it, comment and share! Help us get on the good side of the Facebook algorithms! Also if you want some merch before the holidays we MIGHT manage to send it over in time so head to our website and get it ordered! 

Want to support us on a regular basis?




Once upon a time, Unoffensive used to bring news to folks on Facebook. Some people really liked those news, some people really didn’t. Facebook certainly had a love-hate relationship with them. 

Who knows where the Unoffensive folks are, but Liberate Or Die is taking over instead! Things have to change as we are aware that facebook does not like to see Hit Reports hosted on their site, so all hit reports will be shared on our website (to be released in the next few days) and then linked here. Any other stories we believe are Facebook fitting will be uploaded to this page as it’s always been. 

For any old supporters, welcome back. We are still kicking hard, we are still working the same way and we appreciate your love. Please talk to all your friends about us. Share the page, tell everybody to like us and get us back to the almost 10,000 likes we had before going down. 

For any new humans stumbling upon us, let us introduce ourselves. We are the bastard sons of Bite Back and Arkangel. Scabby squatters, tree climbing punks with a love for treehouses and a staggering hate for cops. Within us we keep the love and rage of animal liberation and earth protection. We love information, we love direct action, and we love telling people what folks are up to to make a better world. 

Expect conspiring instructions about how to fill up fire extinguishers with paint. Expect anger against nazis and a high dose of antifascism. Expect photos and videos of animals broken free from factory farms and any other exploitative prison. Expect stories of sabotage, broken windows and the occasional fire. 

DISCLAIMER 1: Unoffensive is a media page. We do not partake in or promote illegal activities. All reports are anonymous. 

DISCLAIMER 2: Anyone wanting to send us reports, please wait a couple of days until the website is up and running. Security first. 

We are back. 

Love, rage, queer hugs, fire, solidarity and the biggest will to fight for the oppressed. 




Once upon a time, Unoffensive used to bring news to folks on Facebook. Some people really liked those news, some people really didn’t. Facebook certainly had a love-hate relationship with them. 

Who knows where the Unoffensive folks are, but Liberate Or Die is taking over instead! Things have to change as we are aware that facebook does not like to see Hit Reports hosted on their site, so all hit reports will be shared on our website (to be released in the next few days) and then linked here. Any other stories we believe are Facebook fitting will be uploaded to this page as it’s always been. 

For any old supporters, welcome back. We are still kicking hard, we are still working the same way and we appreciate your love. Please talk to all your friends about us. Share the page, tell everybody to like us and get us back to the almost 10,000 likes we had before going down. 

For any new humans stumbling upon us, let us introduce ourselves. We are the bastard sons of Bite Back and Arkangel. Scabby squatters, tree climbing punks with a love for treehouses and a staggering hate for cops. Within us we keep the love and rage of animal liberation and earth protection. We love information, we love direct action, and we love telling people what folks are up to to make a better world. 

Expect conspiring instructions about how to fill up fire extinguishers with paint. Expect anger against nazis and a high dose of antifascism. Expect photos and videos of animals broken free from factory farms and any other exploitative prison. Expect stories of sabotage, broken windows and the occasional fire. 

DISCLAIMER 1: Unoffensive is a media page. We do not partake in or promote illegal activities. All reports are anonymous. 

DISCLAIMER 2: Anyone wanting to send us reports, please wait a couple of days until the website is up and running. Security first. 

We are back. 

Love, rage, queer hugs, fire, solidarity and the biggest will to fight for the oppressed. 



We are pretty sure that by now you folks are aware of the shit storm around the animal liberation and eco struggle in Europe. With folks in Hambacher Forst Besetzung resisting against RWE and the German filth trying to evict, Pont Valley organising a week of workshops and an amazing day of action (report of the coal mine blockade coming soon) and the badger cull starting in some zones and ready to start as a whole very soon, it is very difficult to cover all actions.

Regardless, we are resiliently joining activists everywhere and working hard to help wherever we can. The badger cull takes a special part in our struggle, so we have joined forces with many of our comrades and friends to run Underground Badger Syndicate and be able to work in multiple zones at the same time, bringing you fresh news as soon as we have them. We will undoubtedly and tirelessly fight against the completely irrational decision to murder badgers in the U.K. for as long as it is needed.

We are aware we have not responded to emails about workshops and some of the merch orders are late, we are doing our best to sort everything out as soon as possible. Please bare with us, we are doing as much as we possibly can.

Also, we have the new Agitator magazine, so drop us a PM if you want a copy!

If you folks are able to support our work, we could do with a little help. Check our Patreon link to read how we deal with cash:

Or if you prefer to send a one off donation, we have a PayPal:


Today we marched alongside thousands of other people in London to ask for animal liberation. We are exhausted and we will keep this sweet and short, but we wanted to say hello to all the new faces that might be peeking the page for the first time.

We raised a good amount of money that will help during the badger cull and to do some prisonsupport work and we had so many different letters written for prisoners. You folks are inspiring!

Surge did an incredible job at organising alongsideHeartCure and we couldn’t be more grateful to have had the chance to have a speech. Our spokesperson did amazing and we want to extend our gratitude to her.

To anyone that came and show solidarity and gave us love, thank you. You keep us going.

For total liberation, for diversity of tactics and for a change in the whole system.


P.S. We had a lot of people today asking how they can show us support. We have a Patreon account that means people are able to give us financial help each month. You can take a look and join at the link below:

We also have a PayPal for one off donations:


Hambacher Forst Poster

Today we spent the day in front of the Court in Düren. Five of the nine activists arrested and incarcerated during the last barricade eviction in Hambacher Forst were released without charges and still completely anonymous.

The emotions during each and every release were beautifully electrifying. Tears of happiness and relieve run down my cheeks a couple of times when I saw the face of those who I love being free again to feel the air, to listen to the birds, to fight and of course to love.

There are still another four fearless activists locked up behind bars. Don’t forget to write to them and to thank them for their amazing work.

Knowing that this is a very short update, I will leave this as it is because today is a day of love and hugs and not screens.

Rage, love and of course freedom.


If you can support us, please join our patreon scheme:



At Unoffensive Animal, we like to cause havoc in as many places as possible. In the next 45 days, we are planning to visit France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain and the UK to take part in actions, help at occupations and organise workshops.

Our next step is working alongside Hunt Saboteurs Sweden to aid the sabotage of Wolf Hunts happening right now.

We have found a train ticket that allows us to travel through Europe for 2 months at a much cheaper rate than individual trips, but it is still over 250€.

We need your help to make this happen. If you can spare some coins please drop us a donation on our PayPal.

If on the other hand, you’d like to support us on a monthly basis, our Patreon isn’t taking off as much as we would like, so have a look at the link.

Art by: Stuart Hampton

Thank you so much for your help ????