We have some serious projects coming up that we really want to share with you. To start with we should be mentioning the workshops coming up. Next week we will be in two different cities in Germany, and in three weeks we will be visiting Bratislava and Vienna. All the information is on our events on Facebook. You can find it also on our website or you can check our Instagram stories.

We are talking about organising two-week-long activist events this year. For anyone that has been to Liberate or Die this will sound familiar, but basically, we like organising activist camps where people come (FOR FREE!), mingle with activists from around the world, listen or give talks and take action together. Although we cannot give the specifics right now, we will be uploading the dates and rough locations soon, so be on the lookout and get ready for it, last year’s Liberate or Die was amazing and we are really excited to be pushing and attempting to organise two!).

We have a couple of media/art projects coming up soon. One of them is still secret, but we can talk about the second one. For a while, we have been sneezing our brains about how to bring you more stories and we have decided that video format is the way forward, so we are going to attempt to publish a mini-documentary every 4-6 weeks featuring a campaign, a grassroots group or an individual working towards animal liberation in whatever way they believe is right to be able to share the skills, the action and the focus. We also want to turn the spotlight around from the usual faces and towards the vast amount of people who do the groundwork whilst being able to feature people who aren’t just charismatic men in front of a camera. This project makes us very excited and we cannot wait to release the first episode. If you know of a campaign or a grassroots group that should feature in this series, comment below!

Now, all this requires a little bit of funding (not much, we’ve learnt to get by with very little), so after being asked over and over and over about flags we decided it would be a good idea to get them printed for people to enjoy whilst we fundraise. Have a look at our merch page quickly as if they sell as fast as the bandanas did, we will not have any left in 24 hours!…/defend-direct-action-f…/

Our Patreon has actually gone downhill quite a bit and we are receiving a lot fewer donations than we were this time last year. We understand that many people have e other commitments and we do not want anyone to struggle whilst giving Unoffensive any money, but if you can afford it, please consider joining for even one or two dollars a month. If you cannot afford it, please share it with your friends and family, it would mean the world and having a steady amount of monthly donations helps us massively do the work we want to do in the future whilst sustaining prison support donations and helping folks with fines and legal fees.

That is all for now. To sum it up, long week events coming up soon, video projects coming up soon, there are flags for sale on our website and if you can, join our Patreon!!!!

Love, rage and biodegradable glitter,

Unoffensive Animal.


Part of what we do is to try and give tools to people to be able to take action and to feel more empowered in their activism. At the beginning of the year, we have four workshops lined up in Germany, Austria and Slovakia. If you’re close by you should come and have a chat, share your thoughts and learn from everybody attending! Our event are always for free as we believe knowledge should always be for everybody. We never charge anyone for travel, for accommodation or for any other silly shit.

As our workshops are logged on Facebook, we will create a Story Highlight on instagram for anyone who cannot access that platform to be able to get all the details they need. We would truly appreciate for people to share around the events to anyone local who would be interested in joining.

25th January, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany:

Who are the ALF? + Security culture: In this talk we will focus on the history of the animal liberation movement and its links to direct action as well as how security culture works and how people can keep themselves and others safe. This talk is not just for those interested in taking part in direct action and everybody can benefit from the knowledge shared.

26th January, Wuerzburg, Germany:

Security Culture + From a chair to a raid in 90 minutes, hypothetically: As well as talking about security culture, we will try a new talk for the first time! This talk is tailored to analyse actions from the past and learn what difficulties people face when deciding to take action, how they overcome them and that with the right state of mind, anyone can take whatever action they want to.

8th and 9th February, Vienna dan Bratislava:

We are super excited about this weekend event, split into two different locations. The talks are as follow:

Saturday 8th:

– “Who are the ALF? A history of the animal liberation movement” (90 min) 

– “From your chair to a raid in 90 minutes. Hypothetically”. (90 min)

– Screening + Open Discussion (maybe Behind the Mask, or if people haven’t watched it yet, The animal People, or If a tree Falls, or maybe we can analyse the soon-to-come new documentary by We Animals.

Sunday 9th: 

– “Security Culture for the Conscious Activist” (60 min)

– “Getting into places and causing havoc; a look to the past”.

– Violence and direct action, What is justified in the path to liberation? “What is violence and what is self-defense? What can we justify on the path to liberation? Guided open discussion.”

We cannot wait to see what comes out of that weekender as there is a lot of work and thought put into it, so if you’re around, please come by!

Check our stories to see all the event details and share it around if you know people who would be interested in it!

As always, we would like to remind people that we cannot do all this without your support. Our patreon is sadly at an all time low and we could really do with folks joining for even a dollar or two. If you have to spare, please consider doing so! You can have a look at our tiers on the link below:

If you’re unable to join a monthly donation scheme but you still want to send some coins to help us with our work, we have a PayPal. You can send your donation over here: [email protected]

See you in the next riot, or in the next workshop! 

Unoffensive Animal.


Although we were going to post a Hit Report, we’ve had to change our schedule to let folks know about last day to order merch before the holidays. We do not want anyone to be disappointed if parcels don’t arrive in time.

For anyone ordering merch outside of the UK to anywhere in Asia, Central and South America, Far and Middle East, Royal Mail cannot guarantee your parcel will arrive before the 25th of December. 

For anyone ordering merch outside of the UK but somewhere else than in the above list, the last day you folks can place an order is Friday, 13th of December. Australia is not guaranteed but we will do our best from our side.

Anyone ordering merch to the UK, last orders is the 19th of December.

If you’re grabbing yourself some peng merch or want to gift it to anyone during the holidays, it is your chance now before it is too late.

Email unoffensiveshop(@) with any merch enquires or if you have any trouble receiving your parcel.

As per the raffle winner, we’ve already contacted them and they were super happy to have won. Thank you so much for your support and for buying tickets, you make our job a lot easier and we truly, truly appreciate it.

Back tomorrow with banging direct action news.

See you in the next riot.



We have a few workshops coming up in the next few months. Even though none of them have confirmed dates and locations (we will upload them all in our events), we though we should mention them in case nearby cities are interested in talks too and want to help organise.

At the end of the month we have a lock on workshop in Nottingham, UK. In January we will be in the German part of Switzerland for another talk (and maybe a visit to one of our favourite sanctuaries ever). Then in February we have been contacted to give a talk in Bratislava. As it is very close, we are looking at organising another talk in Austria and maybe also visiting Czech Republic, so if you live in any of those two locations please PM us or send us an email and let’s organise something!

We are always happy to organise talks, workshops and skill share. As we have heard certain “celebrities” like to put weird rules to their talks, we want to make sure that people understand how we operate. We do not charge for talks. We do not charge for travel. We do not charge for accommodation. We believe knowledge should be free and we would never dream of charging anyone to share knowledge alongside us. That would make the revolution a very middle class concept. The only thing we ask for is to help out with a venue to give the talk and with local promotion. We are always happy with donations (either via PayPal or face to face) to help with travel costs, but those are not compulsory in any way. We also appreciate when someone offers a sofa to spend the night, but again, that is not necessary and we are always happy to sleep wherever, including your friendly city park bench.

So if you fancy organising a talk with UA and think people around you would be into it, please contact us!

You can see the talks we offer on our website:

Once we know more specific dates we will make them public for people to join. 

As always, if you want to support us you can drop us a couple of coins over PayPal on unoffensive_animal @

You can join our Patreon team on

And you can buy yourself a couple of raffle tickets (LITERALLY 24 HOURS LEFT BEFORE THE RAFFLE IS CLOSED!)



PHOTO: 2011 raid in an Italian university, where three rabbits and many mice were taken away from a lab. 


This is a merch post. This post wants you to grab yourself some merch so we fundraise cash before half of our patrons cancel their sponsorship because of the holidays. If you want to give a nice present to someone or if you want to represent with our banging designs, you’re in the right place!

Merch has been fully stocked again. That means all sizes, all designs. And that includes our historical bandanas!

Folks have been asking for bandanas since the first time we printed them. Because they are handprinted it is difficult for us to find the time and the space to do so, but there are 15 ready in the website for you to grab! 

We’ve also added a short sleeve t-shirt with the For The Wild design on it. We didn’t have it, now we have it, go grab it and show off!

All orders over £50 will include a sticker pack and, until we run out, an ALFsg Magazine.

Check all our designs and grab yourself some stuff on the link below:

If you’re getting merch as a present during the holidays, we would not recommend you leaving it for later on. We’ve started a new method to package and send the orders that will be tending to the shop ONCE a week, so the sooner you order stuff the more chances to get it on time.

For anyone that has experienced any trouble with their orders up until now, orders that have never arrived and whatnot, please email unoffensiveshop(at)

Remember that we have a raffle going on with a banging little price. 70 tickets have been issued and our goal is 200. There are twelve days to go. Get yourself some raffle tickets here:

So go grab yourself some peng merch and a nice bandana, get some free stickers in the process and help us carry on doing our work.




We are writing this post for two main reasons. The first one is that we believe people should be transparent with the money they fundraise, specially when talking about activism. The second one is because recently we received a major donation totalling 10,000 British Pounds. That’s a fuck load of money. So let’s talk about it.

We’ve been at it online for over two years now and peopler are aware that we are obviously anticapitalist and that we struggle dealing with money. We are not stupid either and know that we need funds to run many of the things we like doing as a collective. So let’s break this down in two parts. 

1- What does Unoffensive do with the money received on a monthly basis? 

We have a Patreon account. At the moment it is sitting in just over 300 US dollars a month. We also sell merch on the website that produces anything from 50 to 200 GBP a month. That monthly money is mainly used to send support to prisoners (for commissary, for phone calls or stamps, legal fees or whatever they need it for). Some of that money covers the website hosting and other small outgoings related to website and technology. Sometimes, when it is needed, we use some of the money to travel giving workshops or talks. We barely make enough to be able to cover all the prison support we would like. It is rough, but we do as much as we can and accept that we will not solve the world’s problems on our own. Money will never be used for personal profit of any of the members within the collective. We don’t pay for food, housing, clothing or anything related to our personal needs out of that money. It would not be fair on people donating.

2- What the fuck has Unoffensive done with that huge donation?

Ten Thousand British Pounds. We received it without warning and our reaction was mixed between confusion, euphoria, sickness and fear. No one asked for that money, but it came to us. It is scary holding that much money flow at once and we needed to make decisions about how to use it, so we developed a system of multiple filters where we could not simply spend any of that money without other folks checking on it first. We’ve used it all in about three weeks and we want to explain how:

5.500 GBP has been sent to prison support and legal support. Some folks like Eric or Walter need basic commissary cash. Someone needed covering a bit of a fine issued after coming back from Rojava. Someone needed some money after being sentenced for criminal damage. Over half of the money was sent in all directions in the first couple of days. It feels good to be able to send the money we believe folks in prison deserve, at least once! 

2.500 GBP was spent in a Thermal Imaging Scope for our comrades in Underground Badger Syndicate. They struggled massively working nights during the badger cull as they had no night equipment of any kind. They now will be able to see in the dark, and we hope that helps them immensely in their fight against hunting. 

Slightly under 1000 GBP has been used to restock Unoffensive’s merch. Flags, bandanas and patches are coming, all sizes will be restocked again and there is fresh stickers and leaflets coming soon. We hope that helps us fundraise some of the money back.

About 500 GBP was used on IT security. Website Host changes, hardware encrypted hardrives, a couple of smartphones that will be tweaked to increase security and handed over to groups that have requested them… 

We have a few hundred pounds still sitting as an insurance when the latest arrests get sentences, in case the fines are very high. 

This is the reason why we keep fundraising, non stop, every week. Because we believe we can do good with the money we receive. We hope making this public helps people see how we manage money and maybe realise why we are here, still pushing. 

If you want to help us, we have a raffle going. Each ticket is 5 pounds and we are hoping to sell 200 before the 10th of December. Good luck winning that banging box!

Even better, if you want to join our patreon support network, that would be incredibly useful. You can join for even one or two dollars a month and it all helps towards our work.  

This has not been a very easy post to write, but we believe it is fair for folks to know what we are up to. Thank you very much to every person that shares, donates, gets merch, talks about us or sends us love.

Until we win.

Unoffensive Animal Collective


Folks ask on a regular basis how they can support our work. As the disgraceful consumerist holidays approach, we thought  we could do a little raffle to raise some funds whilst providing a serious pack for someone who might really enjoy it.

Everybody around the world is welcome to take part and we will post the box to wherever the winner wants us to. Raffle tickets are 5 GBP and we encourage people to buy as many as they fancy.

The box is (capitalist valued) worth about 120 GBP. It will include:

  • From Dusk til Dawn book, signed by Keith Mann. 
  • A choice of t-shirt and hoodie (stock dependant),
  • A pack of Unoffensive stickers. 
  • A Sparrows Lock Pick set with tension wrenches and single picks as well as rakes. 
  • A see-through padlock to practice lock picking.
  • A three holes black ski mask. 
  • A refillable Montana street ink marker. 
  • An Emergency window breaker. 
  • A pocket hand powered chainsaw. 

Grab yourself a raffle number in the link below:

This is a fundraising raffle. Unoffensive needs to up the funds as many fines and upcoming court cases will take a toll in what we have. That means that your donation is that, a donation, and you might end up winning the box (which would be peng!) but you might not.

As the stuff in the box might be misunderstood, we want to make clear that Unoffensive does not promote, seek to incite or condone illegal activities and that all the goodies within the box are novelty items only. We do not take responsibility of your actions or how you might use the tools in the box, however righteous those illicit activities might be.

So basically, help us out and join the raffle, get as many tickets as you fancy and maybe you get a banging lil present before the holidays start.

Raffle ends the 10th of December.

Good luck and see you in the next riot.

Unoffensive Animal. 


After seven continuous weeks of badger cull in the UK, Unoffensive has taken a bit of a blow. We are aware that we’ve not been publishing as regularly  as normal as we have been busy and exhausted during the campaign. For that reason, we have a lot of things to talk about and this update is just the first one of five to come in the next days.

The badger cull was grim and disgusting, but also a lot of fun. Our comrades at Underground Badger Syndicate have been working hard and it was great working alongside them. Many cages later, loads of farmers angry and shooters sent back home with their guns in the carrier, the cull has ended. We’ve seen the grim side of the countryside as per usual with traps not only for badgers but for every wild animal you can imagine. We’ve seen badger setts completely destroyed by the cull, but also setts that have kept as lively and strong as they were when the cull started. It is always wonderful to see badgers fucking about at night after the cull is over, and we also managed to do so. So as every year, the cull was exhausting but rewarding and we would not dream in a million years missing out in such an important campaign.

Back to our media business, we’ve been lacking publishing our usual. We’ve now scheduled all hit reports plus a few A is for Anarchy and ALFridays for you to learn and enjoy. Technology 101 is taking a little break, but it will come back soon without a doubt. 

We need some time to unwind after the campaign, but we would be enormously grateful if you contacted us in relation to other campaigns and actions happening in Europe, maybe we can meet up and join the fight!

We have one workshop booked at the beginning of January in Switzerland. We would be happy to give talks in other places if folks are interested. We do not ask for money (we’ve been told that certain saviours do for some strange reason) and really we just need help finding a venue and promoting it locally. So if you want us to visit and have a chat (and live within Europe as visas are difficult and transport would take us forever) drop us an email or a PM and let’s get it sorted! 

A little something folks could really do to help us out is too share our social media and posts. Instagram seems to have been doing more or less ok and we’ve not been taken down in a long while, but our facebook page is still suffering after the last ban. Share us and comment, like the posts, recommend us to others, whatever!

For the upcoming updates on merch, a money transparency post and a Liberate or Die call out, keep an eye as we will post them in the next few days.

As always, we are super appreciative of the support, so if anyone is willing to join our Patreon team and can afford it (please, do not put yourself in money trouble), visit the link and drop us a couple of coins a month!


Your favourite dirty anarchists. 

(Photo: French raid in 2014 where 14 rabbits were taken from a meat farm)


Today marks a year since our comrade and friend Waka was killed by Daesh in Syria. Waka was the most incredible human. When I first met him in Hambacher Forst I already knew I was meeting someone who would leave a mark in my life. 

Over the time we knew each other we shared knowledge, we questioned the world and we planned the revolution. Waka, a fighter wherever he was, joined campaigns around Europe. From Hambi to Dipton, joining us in Sweden to sab hunters on ice and hitchhiking wherever he needed to go, he was resilient. but he wasn’t just a fighter. He was a teacher, he was a thinker, and most importantly, he was a friend. 

It isn’t very difficult to understand why Waka would join the YPG. He knew the risks, not only of fighting a war but of joining a group that, in the eyes of western governments, sits in a very fine line between a people’s guerrilla and a terrorist organisation. But for Waka, there wasn’t a greyscale of oppression. Waka understood that all struggles are interconnected and that every single one of them is as deserving of the fight as the others. He also understood that there is no replacement planet and that if we do not fight now, we are condemned forever. 

We make a post today, but today isn’t the day we remember. We remember Waka every day. We remember him asking questions that always have difficult answers, we remember him taking notes of those answers and we remember him joining the fight with a smile, with such a beautiful perspective of what that might look like. 

I will never forget how he talked me into understanding that lorry surfing in front of a coal mine was ten times better whilst wearing a newts onesie. “It just looks more fun for the children”, he said. 

I often try and remember his perspective on fighting. Unapologetic, yet tender. Fiery but understandable. The perfect example of the diversity of tactics. The perfect example of intersectional activism. 

We shouldn’t just remember or commemorate. Waka was one for odd ceremonies that sat between fun and seriousness. But he was one for taking action too. Make it your duty to keep fighting, every day, in his memory, and for a future without oppression. 

I miss you mate, and the world is a tad shittier without you. 

But we keep fighting. We must keep fighting. 

Martyrs never die.


It is a busy time for us. Alongside Underground Badger Syndicate we are spending our days in the badger cull zones, disrupting shooters at night, looking for traps during the day and making sure that a little bit of the area is safe from murderous scum. 

For anyone that has not heard of it, the badger cull happens in the UK every year, attesting the wipe dead 70% of the badger population. They either cage trap them or shoot them in the open at night, and hundreds of people take the countryside as their playground to be a nuisance to farmers that are murdering badgers for the sake of it. 

It is a wet and miserable business, but it is also an incredible campaign and a very obvious example of how direct action saves lives. 

Sadly, it is also ridiculously time consuming and we are struggling to keep up with internet presence whilst the campaign is running. We have taken a day off to focus on scheduling posts to make sure we are active, but we will not be able to write every nuanced posts during the cull time. 

If you want to help during the cull there are many things you can do. You can Follow Stop the cull to ensure you know all the latest news and are able to join on internet pressure campaigns. You can get on the ground (either to smash stuff or to keep an eye on stuff, all levels of action are welcome). The best way of knowing where to go is to head to Badger Action Network and contact them with what your plans are. 

You can also follow and support Underground Badger Syndicate, our sister group focused on anti hunt direct action. They’ve lost their facebook page so they could do with a good injection of new followers.

Lastly, you can support us whilst we are working hard during the cull. Join our pattern page, buy some march our drop us some coins over PayPal. Everything is useful and needed.

Paypal: [email protected]