25th December, Spain.

Via: BiteBack Magazine

“On entrance to the farm, as always we checked the farms bins first. as we opened the lid this duck lifted his head and opened his eyes, he was full of blood and laying amongst loads of dead bodies that were already decomposed.

i went in to pick him out of there, my hands going into the body fluids of the other poor ducks, some babies, some adults, the smell was nauseating…

he is now doing fine in a refuge.

we saved a total of 82 lives…..

hell exsists.. its called farms

if there is no demand there will be no suffering



14th November, Italy.

via: frentedeliberacionanimal.net

“On the 14th of November we broke the chain of a dog used as security in Treviso, Italy. 

The dog was in terrible conditions, always alone, in the mud, with their house broken, their water green and barely fed by the scraps of the vile human keeping them chained.

After rescuing them they got well so quickly that we decided to call them Spartacus.”


21st December, Euskal Herria. 

translation of anonymous report, from frentedeliberacionanimal.net:

“During the night of the winter solstice, and despite the heavy rain and wind, a group of activists from the Animal Liberation Front entered the area of ‘Aiako Harria’ (Peñas de Aya) in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria) where there are numerous hunting stands. We destroyed 7 of them. The adverse weather did not allow us to do more. We encourage people to come together, recognise the lands where these death stands are located, and destroy them.

Animal Liberation Front.”


5th January, South East, UK

Received anonymously via email: 

“Under the cover of darkness, we made our way through the woods last night and came across a grim little tower built by cowardly humans to prey on the wild. A couple adjustments had it come crashing down into a field where we have it on good sources that the extremely fucking violent and racist local fox hunt also like to meet up on Saturdays. This is not only a message to the cowards shooting animals from their towers but a warning to the farmers allowing the East Sussex and Romney Marsh Hunt to meet on their land, we are on to you. 

That night we slept under the stars while watching and waiting at some exploitation facility from a distance. We thought about the half a million animals who’ve so far perished in the Australian bushfires and wished for a heavy rain to douse the flames and bring an end to its path of man-made destruction. Sending a big fuck you to Scott Morrison and to the farmers pretending to give a shit, and endless solidarity to everyone working tirelessly to protect the wild by fighting the fires and rescuing the wounded. We must support rescues and sanctuaries at this time and just some that people can donate to if they have the money are @luckystarsssanctuaryl and @dimmocksretreatwildlife on Instagram. 



25th of December, Italy

Received anonymously over email: 

“On Christmas Day, at late night, 70 chickens were liberated from a declared “free range” farm.

In fact, in Italy “free range” means also that animals can live inside bigger cages, even If the individuals can’t see the sunlight for all their lives and with their feet merged with the bars. The stress from producing all those eggs was huge, most of the chickens had lost the plumage and had infections.

Now all the 70 chickens are free and recovering, safe and loved. We don’t wanna bigger cages, we want to open them all!”