5th December, UK.

Received anonymously via email: 

“Sheep left to die collapsed in a field.

This isn’t the only one in recent weeks that’s needed an emergency rescue by comrades.They had been purposefully left with obvious injuries, pain and diseases for months on end, crippling them to the point of collapse. 

One had been eaten alive by maggots, only just about surviving after emergency care. The vet was horrified and had never seen one in such condition survive, but they did. Sheep are fucking incredible creatures who always put up such a fight to live.

The pain they have suffered is incomprehensible, terrified and alone just left like that, thinking they were probably going to just die there. Unable to rest or sleep with anxiety of being so exposed and vulnerable in agony.  This is another fucking disgusting example of ‘Great British Farming’.

It seems in recent weeks their liberation comes from such miserable circumstances, like the sheep trapped inside the capsized ship in Romania, where thousands drowned, but over 200 were eventually rescued. 

It doesn’t need to be this way, they don’t need to suffer, they are there, waiting for you to aid them out of their prisons.

These libs are dedicated to #smashspeciesism where they watched cops herd the trapped sheep into the slaughter house to have their throats slit.

Fuck farmers, fuck cops, fuck oppression.

Don’t be sorry, do something.”


DATES FOR ACTION: 20th to 24th December. 

INDUSTRY: Fur Farming.

TARGET: Escada.

LOCATION: International Call to Action.

We have been contacted by the German Coalition Against the Fur Industry for an international call to action targeting a specific retailer, Escada. Escada declared themselves Fur-Free in 2010 after constant campaigning for three solid years. In 2017 they started selling fur again. 

We believe that international calls to action against specific targets can be a great tactic to not only raise awareness but also force a business to do a little better and for that reason we are calling on all of our readers to organise, however they seem fit, to put pressure on Escada during the dates provided.

Escada has a very handy website where you can find all of their retail shops so have a look in their finder to be able to approach your closest retailer. You can search by country or by city, they have retail shops in many different countries.

As always, we would like to remind people that creativity is a great tool for campaigning. Whatever your tactic is, be it underground or overground, make sure to report what’s happened against Escada and ensure that Escada understands why they are being targeted. For any underground actions please refer to our Contact Us before sending reports. For overground actions, get creative! They like to present themselves as a very posh and fancy shop. Maybe bring nature back to their patch and cover them in autumn leaves. Maybe if they really like fur a hairdressers can donate a couple of bags of hair. That might help them understand what fur really is. Any and all actions are in the toolbox for you to use. Make it fun, make it militant and make it loud. 

Find below the original email with more information and links that will help you decide what to do, and join this call to action wherever you are!

Original email:

“20th – 24th December 2019: Days of action against ESCADA´s fur trade!

In autumn 2019 the German Coalition Against The Fur Industry (OGPI)

organised an Anti-Fur tour in Germany and Austria. In October and

November the tour protested every weekend in front of another ESCADA

shop in a different city, always demanding the end of ESCADA´s bloody

fur trade. All in all there were 13 different actions taking place

during that period.

For winter 2019 the OGPI calls for more days of action against ESCADA.

If you can join in, please let us know in advance and share your

Facebook events with us.

Send us pictures and let us know how it went afterwards.

Together we can make ESCADA fur-free again!

ESCADA has been a target of Anti-Fur Protest from 2007 to 2010 and

declared to go fur-free, but started selling real fur again in 2017.

Since then we have been organising protests against ESCADA.

The OGPI is a network of different groups and individuals organised to

aboliosh the fur trade. There is a campaign team which collects and

collates information about the fur industry and makes this available to

other animal rights groups. The campaign team also suggests strategies,

coordinates actions and provides info-material. But all persons active

in a campaign decide for themselve which form of action they take.

contact us:

[email protected]

more infos:“


29th November, South East UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“It’s dark and rainy and we’ve visited about seven farms trying to find out some important information. Sadly, all the work accounts to nothing as we have not managed to find what we needed. We approach the last farm knowing it isn’t what we are looking for, but we feel like we should have a look anyway. 

Over the electric fence and into what people think free range farms look like. This is top of the top, orchard planted free range chicken egg farm. We’ve seen them before. The kind of farm that helps the middle class feel better about their animal abuse. 

We peek inside one of the sheds and realise that there are chicks inside. When opening the door one of them decides to come out. She is a master escapee. We look around, amongst the dead birds and cover our nose to avoid smelling the intense ammonia. If only the grass-fed, free-range enlightened middle class could smell this. It isn’t what we are looking for, se we go back to the door. That same chicken insists on getting out once again, so we oblige. We are not prepared to home multiple chickens, but she is adamant and wants to leave, so we stick her under the armpit and walk away with her.

She’s inquisitive, she adapts to every challenge and, unsurprisingly, she is unwilling to be contained, so she has become a house chicken. No pen will stop her. She is one of many animals who broke free and decided their fait. 

This was not a raid, but a mere show of camaraderie and accompliceship. She wanted out, we gave her a ride.

December has started and there is a month to finish the year. We hope you all are preparing huge hits for the holiday season.

Swiss ALF and comrades, SHOW US WHAT YOU’VE GOT!”


October 2019, Czech Republic.


“Here I am again opening cages inside this madhouse for at least a thousand time. I pull chickens out and try to keep their wings close to their body. Some of them remain calm, some are terrified and I don’t blame them. Born in hatchery, called for mom and she wasn’t there. Just hands of a man that separated them to different boxes, to be killed or live in hell.

After all this they experienced the transport with thousands of others. Caged since they were just a little chicks and now they have been brought into this factory and that’s their life. Never had a family. Don’t know what it feels like when the sun warms the skin, wind blows on feathers or when the fog falls down. They don’t know what clay, grass or morning dew is. Just the cages, darkness, artificial light, ventilation. In short, all they experienced was just the industrial care.

Then we come into their darkness and torment with our flashlights and we are taking them away. We have a safe home for 35 hens today and they don’t know where they are going. But when it’s done and I see them looking around and chatting with each other in a better world, sometimes I even smile.

Have a good time, my sisters.”


28 November, South East UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“In the dark of night, we ran away with 4 Turkeys, they were quiet and still throughout, aiding us in being unnoticed. We found that 70% of the turkeys had already been killed since our last visit, and the one’s left were terrified of us. It was only after we left that we realized how mutilated their beaks were. Leaving so many behind is heartbreaking, but there is some comfort in knowing there are survivors.

Christmas is fast approaching, and so is the death of so many more innocent lives. In the next few weeks millions of turkeys will be killed, having been bred over the last few months for this tradition. Whilst everyone is celebrating the birth of a fictional character and consumerism, outside of their view these turkeys are kept crowded together in sheds. Their death will be merciless and pointless. 

All of ALF it’s time to do what you do best SHOW US WHAT YOU’VE GOT!”


 27th November, East midlands UK.

received anonymously via email:

“With the mass slaughter of turkeys getting closer and closer we went to check out a free range farm to liberate a few beautiful birds before the farmer could kill them. 

We sat, listened and watched from the shadows for a while to check the farmer had gone to bed, then headed over to the barn. One turkey after another was helped out of the barn and over the fence to freedom. Once our arms were full we quickly made our way back to the vehicle and onwards to their forever homes.

Fuck speciesism, take action. Until all are free.”


This is a merch post. This post wants you to grab yourself some merch so we fundraise cash before half of our patrons cancel their sponsorship because of the holidays. If you want to give a nice present to someone or if you want to represent with our banging designs, you’re in the right place!

Merch has been fully stocked again. That means all sizes, all designs. And that includes our historical bandanas!

Folks have been asking for bandanas since the first time we printed them. Because they are handprinted it is difficult for us to find the time and the space to do so, but there are 15 ready in the website for you to grab! 

We’ve also added a short sleeve t-shirt with the For The Wild design on it. We didn’t have it, now we have it, go grab it and show off!

All orders over £50 will include a sticker pack and, until we run out, an ALFsg Magazine.

Check all our designs and grab yourself some stuff on the link below:

If you’re getting merch as a present during the holidays, we would not recommend you leaving it for later on. We’ve started a new method to package and send the orders that will be tending to the shop ONCE a week, so the sooner you order stuff the more chances to get it on time.

For anyone that has experienced any trouble with their orders up until now, orders that have never arrived and whatnot, please email unoffensiveshop(at)

Remember that we have a raffle going on with a banging little price. 70 tickets have been issued and our goal is 200. There are twelve days to go. Get yourself some raffle tickets here:

So go grab yourself some peng merch and a nice bandana, get some free stickers in the process and help us carry on doing our work.




Joseph Mahmoud Dibee was arrested in Cuba whilst boarding a plane towards Russia after being twelve years on the run. The FBI accuses him of multiple accounts of sabotage carried by the ALF and ELF during the 90s. One of the actions he is accused of is the horse meat packing plant that was burnt to ashes twenty-one years ago that would never be open again.

Joseph was visited by the filth in 2005 but there was insufficient proof to arrest him. Four days later he disappeared. In 2006 a judge indicted Dibee and twelve others as part of Operation Backfire, an FBI investigation on ELF and ALF groups. The alleged group, “the family”, is believed to have caused more than $45 million of damage in arson and sabotage actions. None of the actions Dibee is accused of harmed any human or non-human life.

His court date will not take place until 2020.  He is quite bored in the county jail and says the food is terrible.  He feels that inmates are routinely stuck in Columbia to encourage them to take a plea.  Taking a plea to bogus terrorist charges is something he says he will not do.

Please write to:
Joseph Dibee #101799
Columbia County Jail
901 Port Avenue
St. Helens, OR 97051

He is a fascinating correspondent, having worked on the Syrian Solar Project and been obliged to flee Syria to avoid the war.  He settled in Russia, where he was quite happy.  He had been teaching for the summer in South America when he was nabbed at a Cuban air terminal on his way home to Russia.

Joseph flies a plane and is especially fond of cats.  He was born in Syria and speaks Arabic, English, and Russian.  Because of his high-tech skills, he says he has always been able to find employment.  He was put in the hole at Columbia when the authorities learned from a phone call that he was planning to “sue” his jailers.  Being closely confined at that time ruined a visit from family members in Russia who were planning to fly here to see him.

Sending mail:
All mail is opened and read. Do not include paperclips, staples, glitter or anything extra as this may mean your letter is rejected by the prison. It is not yet confirmed if Joseph is able to receive books.

Please do not discuss anything related to his case, to anything illegal or to any direct actions!

If you want to send letters to other prisoners you can visit

We even have a small box where you can write the name of the prisoner and then the letter, we will print it and post it alongside other letters so you don’t have to do anything else but type! Easy right?

If you want to give us a hand with prison support you can join our patreon:

Or you can grab yourself some raffle tickets to help in the fundraiser:


20th November, Sussex, UK

Received anonymously via email: 

“In the dark of night on the 20th of November we waited in the shadows until the coast was clear. After an hour hidden in the trees we were finally able to climb into the facility. The smell and horror of this place is more shocking every time we come back. We have visited this disgusting farm for a while now, discovering more and more suffering and lies each time. But finally this time we were able to leave with some of the victims of the egg industry. 5 hens will never have to live in a system that sees them as property, as a machine that makes eggs, in a welfarist lie. Free range means nothing to those poor hens. 

They are now going to have the space to be happy and be free from slavery. 

Until all are free!”