It wasn’t too long ago that we reached out to explain we were fully immersed in the badger cull campaign and little has changed since. We are still filming for the third episode of our documentary series and attempting to keep up with internet work at the same time.

We’ve received a few messages regarding merch that has not arrived after a while. If you’re experiencing any trouble with merch, please email unoffensiveshop (at) riseup (dot) net and the folks behind it will respond as soon as possible. Everybody is super busy lately so even if it takes a little longer than it should, do not think we’ve forgotten, we will be sorting it all out!

The badger cull in the UK certainly is some seriously draining campaign. Folks are walking over twelve hours a day in an attempt to save as many badgers as possible, under the rain, covered in mud but with the spirits up that every time they find something, dozens of badgers are spared off a cruel and unnecessary death. It is inspiring to see so many folks involved and working hard and we cannot mention the badger cull and give some credit to Underground Badger Syndicate (FB) (IG), who are working tirelessly and who you should support in any way shape or form. Please go to their page and follow their social medias, and if you can afford it, drop them a donation to help them carry on working. We have a combined 20k followers between our accounts. Even if just 10% donate ONE POUND, UBS would have enough money to last the whole cull!

If you’re unable to help on the ground, there are many things folks can do to oppose the badger cull. Stop The Cull on Facebook (or their website provides with a lot of information on how you can help. They have provided you with hundreds of contacts of badger killers you can call and politely ask why they are murdering badgers. It sounds like a silly task, but you could be saving many lives. Remember NOT to call them late at night because they will be very busy killing badgers or sleeping to go visit their cages in the morning.

We cannot wait to have a little more time to pour into our website and socials. We are thinking of printing a new and fresh design before the end of the year, what kind of drawing would you like repping? And do you recommend any artists? Comment below and let us know!

Support us if you can because it is incredibly needed at the minute:

PayPal: [email protected]


PHOTO: Hambach Forst, 2018.


It’s been two years since Daesh murdered you and I considered not publishing anything about it because there is a risk that the 6th of October becomes the only day to remember you, but be aware; we’ve not forgotten and we have you present every day.

Waka was taken from us during battle two years ago today. He joined the YPG to fight Daesh and protect Rojava against fascism. He was a comrade, a friend, an accomplice, a teacher, an earth defender, a hunt sab, a shoplifter and an overall revolutionary. There is no real point to attempt to describe the gentle rage that Waka inspired in me during the time we spent together. Waka was many things, and ever shifting, and yet he was a solid and incredible human being.

I wonder where his notepad went. The one he used to write every single thought that hadn’t been explored properly, every question that hadn’t been answered yet, every new knot, new plant or any other trivial yet incredibly important bit of information. He was constantly learning, and he was constantly teaching. I remember sitting watching him ask questions and wonder how it was possible to listen to someone so deeply. He was always thirsty to learn more.

Yet he was not an armchair anarchist. His learning and discussing was backed by his actions. He would run to the top of the tripod as soon as the filth would appear to attempt an eviction in Hambacher Forst, he would multi task building a wall in a treehouse whilst cooking dinner for ten or he would hitchhike from Germany to Sweden just to sabotage a fox hunt in the middle of winter. Waka was not shy of taking action.

I guess this is the only thing I wanted to achieve by personally writing this. I wanted to remind people that the fight goes on and that we should all be taking action. We cannot win at the rate we are fighting and we shall do many sacrifices before we manage to see some change. Don’t be shy of learning, and don’t be shy of acting.

And to you, Waka, I just hope you know we are still fighting. Every fucking step we give, you walk with us, and with every step we are starting a fire that will light up the revolution.

And you know, whatever cages we find in the cull today I will extra smash them on your name.

Şehîd namirin

PS: To our comrades who have made their home in the mountains and who will most likely be planting a tree in Waka’s memory today, and to our comrades currently travelling to Albania to fight against the Turkish estate; we see you, we love you and we miss you.

The fight must go on.


We know we’ve been absent but there is a good reason for it, we are non stop working at the moment!

For the past weeks, most of us have been spending days and nights in the UK Government organised badger cull zones. Tens of thousands of badgers are murdered every year to appease cow farmers who do not know how to clean a barn. Accused of spreading Bovine Tuberculosis, badgers are either trapped and shot at in the morning or killed during the night with a high powered gun.

Hundreds of people work without rest for weeks to try and save as many lives as possible either by walking footpaths looking for shooters, by walking the countryside in search of traps to sabotage or by gathering intelligence on badger murderers that can then be released online.

This past week we have seen multiple internet actions where some hackers have managed to leak hundreds of names, addresses and other information related to badger killers in the UK. A couple of weeks ago, folks decided to let Simon’s neighbourhood know that he is a key participant in the badger cull by organising night demos and spray painting his drive. Meanwhile, autonomous groups and sabs report direct action every day, having found shooters to scare away or traps to destroy.

We’ve been following around different groups and individuals who put themselves in the frontline against the cull, filming their actions for the third episode of our documentary series.

As well as our standard online reporting, we have multiple projects on the works and we could really do with support. A few folks have messaged or emailed about merch and sadly we cannot print more sizes until we’ve made some money to order them.

As a reminder of how we work and because there has been another group exposed for malpractice and money hoarding, we want to ensure folks know what we do with money. The gross of the donations received are distributed between court fines and court support, arrest support and prisoner support. Some of there money collected goes towards up keeping of our website, servers as well as internet related costs. Some of it, when we can afford it, goes towards groups organising for a better world. Everybody at Unoffensive is a volunteer, we do not have a wage or do this for profit in any form.

So if you’re able to support us, please consider dropping a few coins our way via PayPal or even joining our Patreon team.

Paypal: unoffensive_animal@tutanota(dot)com


Love, rage and biodegradable glitter. UA.


Since the hit report a couple if days ago explaining how some folks had gained access got the main management website of the badger cull, obtaining hundreds if not thousands of names and addresses of those involved ed in the murder of badgers in the UK, the Script Pixies have been at it again with their actions.

According to Innocent Badger website (, every day that their management website its up, twenty more addresses and names will be leaked into the new formed map that will contain all shooters, trappers and badger killers paid by the government in the UK. They say:

“When the hackers said they still had access, they clearly were not lying. Everyone involved in killing badgers should realise that the NFU doesn’t have their best interests at heart, and we can prove it.

Below is a map. On that map there are currently just 20 shooters (a random selection of the many, many hundreds we now have). Every day that the website is up, another 20 will go on the map. So, if you are involved in killing badgers, you may want to consider contacting the NFU and asking them to pull the site. “

You can find the map with the details of the badger killers on the website:

“Please do contact all 20 of these people. If you want to stay totally safe, keep all correspondence polite. If you want to withold your number dial 141 first, but be aware that the police will be able to track you and may well contact you if you make threats. Keep it polite, a simple “Can you explain why you are killing badgers?” is perfectly within the law.

Please do book mark this page and come back regularly, the badgers have no one else.”

PHOTO: one of the screenshots the Script Pixies submitted, showing the log of crime reports in Cheshire cull zone.


Last week we spent some time with Underground Badger Syndicate talking about the badger cull in the UK and how important it is to spread the message that it is happening to try and get as many activists as possible to join and fight the murder of badgers in the UK.

The badger cull happens in the UK every year with the excuse of “eradicating bovine tuberculosis” in an attempt to make the dairy farmers feel better about the loss of income they incur when their own biosecurity is not good enough. They kill tens of thousands of badgers every late summer and the cull has ensured that some parts of the countryside have virtually no Meles Meles.

But there is hope. Many people put boots on and spend week after week in the badger cull zones, looking for hunters, looking for shooters and opposing the massacre. Every person walking the countryside during the cull actively saves badgers from being killed.

The cull in supplementary zones has been happening for months, but the big event is due to start on the 1st of September

So here is what you can do:

1- Get your boots on and fight the cull on the ground. Quit your job. Start uni late. There is no jobs on a dead planet. Last year, multiple people from Europe travelled to join UBS in their adventures against the cull.

2- OK, you are unable to quit your job, but maybe Because of that job you have a little bit of spare money? Donate to those on the ground as the campaign costs are massive!

3- Join the broader campaign. The badger cull does not simply consist of direct action. From phone blockades to boycotts, mass emails and many other actions you can join from home, there is a job for you.

So, how do I get involved?

Contact Badger Action Network ( They will be able to find your closest group.

To keep on top of all the different actions and campaigns, please follow Stop The Cull ( There has been a release of a map with many badger killers addresses and phone numbers that can be used for demos or to contact and ask why they want to kill badgers.

Lastly, follow Underground Badger Syndicate. They make loads of punk shit during the cull and will need as much donations and support as possible.

Here is a video of what they were up to last year during the cull:

We will spend six weeks following anti-cull activists and filming another episode for our documentary series. If you can, consinder helping us out either via Paypal or Patreon.



As you all know, from the beginning of the year we’ve been working on improving what Unoffensive does as a collective. As well as our standard work as an anonymous direct action platform and prisoner support, we’ve been working on different publications and on producing more media in the form of documentaries. We filmed two episodes already before COVID stopped the world from running and we are planning on filming the third episode of the documentary series starting this September. (We aim to publish this series hopefully by the beginning of 2021!)

Alongside the extra work we’ve been doing attempting to create more media we’ve also had to work on the back end of our website making it a better and more secure platform.

Adding up all those expenses, plus the regular support to prisoners and their families, we are falling VERY short on money.

We want to remind folks how we work with money. We are completely volunteer run. We don’t have wages or pay for rent with donations. We are not “career activists”. Most of the cash fundraised goes towards prisoner and court support. When we have it, some money goes to new projects (like our documentary series). We are not here to make money. We are here because we have a passion about free media, direct action and education.

For that reason we are announcing a mega sale on our website. All our merch is for the next 72 hours 20% OFF. Every single order will include a bunch of stickers, and every order over 30GBP will also include a free copy of Wildfire Magazine! Not bad hey?

We hear you, you want to support but you have all our merch, or you don’t need any clothing and don’t want to grab extra stuff for no reason. You can send a donation via PayPal.

Our Patreon aims at 550USD per month as a good standard income to be able to cover website and server associated costs and send some money to prisoners. We’ve been losing patrons lately, so if you feel like you can afford it, please join the team.

Any donation right now is massively appreciated, but please only donate if you can. Capitalist society already juices all of us enough to barely manage to survive. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing or talking about it with your friends.




We first feel the need to apologise. For the past three years we have vehemently supported Walter Bond through his last stretch in prison. In multiple occasions Walter has made us question if that support was deserved due to certain texts or language used within the texts, but every time the support group has explained, one way or another, how Walter was being misinterpreted. We have supported Walter with money, we have collected letters, asked folks to donate, to share the word and to write to him. We’ve recommended his book as a form of raising funds for him in prison. 

In light of the most recent actions, we feel the need to apologise to everybody who has felt our influence and supported Walter, as there is now no doubt that Walter Bond has welcomed eco-fascism. 

At the beginning of this year, and with a few months left on his prison sentence, we asked people to send letters of support and help him keep sane and safe until he was released. Not too long after, we received the complaint of two different folks who had done exactly that and received correspondence back that contained Nazi propaganda on vivisection. 

Our first reaction was of anger and upset, specially after having read his open letter “rejecting anarchism” a few months prior to this event. We contacted the support group, who after a lot of back and forth with Walter reassured us that those nazi drawings had been given to Walter by some nazi prisoners, trying to lure him into the ideology. It was an odd and lousy excuse but, being aware that he was about to come out of prison and that he had spent a decade locked up (and understanding how much damage that can do to someone’s mental health), we decided to keep quiet about it. We were wrong, very wrong, and we are now trying to mend our mistake. 

Walter came out of prison and we dedicated about two sentences to let folks know that he had been released, when normally we would mark the release of a prisoner as a massive celebration. Yesterday, someone contacted us with a website run by Walter and another animal liberation ex prisoner, Camille. The website in question is called “Vegan Final Solution”. 

For anyone unaware of what the “Final Solution” means, the final solution was official nazi code name for the murder of all jewish folk within reach. 

We were horrified to see this and decided to email them questioning about the nazi drawings sent from prison and the new website’s name. Walter answered back twice, dodging the questions. This were the last two emails we exchanged: 


That does not answer our main question. Why would anyone choose to use “The final solution” as an animal rights name knowing full well what the final solution has embodied historically for the national socialist
party of germany? 



“I’m sorry that you don’t feel I have adequately answered your questions……. Life is like that sometimes. Have a good one 🙂


Those are all the details we can give you. The website in question is full of ecofascism, promoting the murder of anyone who isn’t actively fighting for animal liberation. 

We debated making this public for multiple reasons. Speak nothing but kindness was important, but warning people of the potentially dangerous nature of those politics outweighed it. Not wanting to give a single ounce of promotion to that website was also important to us, but we believe folks are sound enough to understand why eco fascism is wrong. 

Let’s never forget that animal liberation, earth liberation and human liberation are the same. 

Nazi scum, fuck off.


We have received 53 emails and messages about the “gunman action” in Ukraine, asking us why we hadn’t reported on it, our opinion on it and if we have more information. Initially we did not want to reply to them, but seeing that so many people are actually reaching out, we’ve decided to write something.

Let’s get the standard things out of the way. We don’t have an opinion as a collective because our job isn’t to pass on judgement on the actions that folks take. We have personal opinions, but Unoffensive Animal is a media platform and we are not going to decide what is a good action and what is a bad action.

That said, let’s talk about what’s important. NUANCE. It is missing.

What do we know about this action? We know that this person took hostages in a bus, apparently had explosives around and that there was a few shots fired. We know that there were eleven requests made by Makshim. We know that one of them was a request for the president of Ukraine to upload a video on Facebook endorsing Earthlings. We know that another request was for Orthodox oligarchs to “recognise live on social media that they are terrorists”. We know that Makshim wrote on his socials “Happy Anti-State day” just before the action.

And that’s all we know. There were ELEVEN requests. One of them had something to do with an animal rights documentary. Another one, with positions of power and religion. Yet we feel entitled to judge the action, to call it an animal rights action and to develop a discourse pro or against the actions of this person, who has not made any statements in relation to it and who’s whole character has been described for a single media channel.

If we were to judge this action based on the information given, we would understand it a lot more towards an anti-state, anarchist action than an animal rights action. They are connected and interlinked, but remember the nuances we were talking about? If this was (with a big IF) an anarchist action and knowing that this action was reported solely through a Russian-state owned media channel, it is of no surprise that we are missing most of the information about it, making it sound like a “crazy person who wanted people to watch earthlings”. (Let’s never forget the war against anarchism that Russia is fighting, sending 14 year old children to prison for having anarchist literature at home).

Where we want to go with this is that there is not enough information about this action to actually know what happened, and that instead if entertaining ourselves in the circus that social media has become we probably should get hands on and make this month be remembered in the history of animal liberation as something more than the Earthlings bus hostage action.

See you in the next riot.


PS: Portland riot-folk have issued a worldwide call to support. We will publish about it, but most of you can use fingers to type, so get clued up and start helping!!!!


Today, a year ago, Willem took action against ICE. He carried six magazines and a home built “ghost” AR-15. He directed his rage against the so called “immigration and customs enforcement of the USA”. He set fire to vehicles in the perimeter of the detention centre. He was shot dead by police.

He knew full well he was going to die during his action. He knew full well why he was taking action. In his last letter he says:
“To my comrades:
I regret that I will miss the rest of the revolution.
Thank you for the honor of having me in your midst.”

Willem took action because he knew the power he had in his hands. He understood he would become a martyr and he believed that his actions might spark the necessary change towards a fairer society.

Today, ICE keeps imprisoning folks in the US that have commuted the terrible crime of not being born in the USA. Today, the equivalent of ICE in every country in the western world does the exact same thing. They enforce racial privilege in the me of ” safety”.

Today we remember him with solidarity. And not with “solidarity”, but with solidarity as a verb. Do not, ever, let his death be for nothing.

Rest in power comrade.

“You don’t have to burn the motherfucker down, but are you going to just stand by?” – Willem.


Let’s get the bandanas out of the way first shall we? You’ve asked for them over, and over, and over again, so there are now bandanas back on stock on the website alongside patches. Last time they sold out hours after uploading them. Go check if there still are any left. They are handprinted so expect rough designs and imperfections.

To make it even more exciting, we’ve made TEN bundles of Bandana and Flag for 25 GBP. So basically the fastest ten people will get a really nice deal!

Now, to important business: We are super excited to be stocking Wildfire Magazine, a new anarchist, animal liberation magazine full of artwork, photography, news about direct action, tips and tricks, philosophy, theory and even a ridiculous comic series called Black Mask drawn by Praxis.

We have attached the index of the magazine to this post for you to see how it looks like. It is pretty sick!

Wildfire is also Bulk selling bundles for groups who want to make some cash towards their campaigns, so if you want to sell the mags and put the cash towards a grassroots group or campaign, message them on wildfire magazine (at) riseup (dot) net.

And that’s basically it, go to the shop page on our website and have some beginning of the month radical fun!