“After the investigation into Faccenda farms who take 2 million lives a week and the #OccupyNandos call to action we want to know why people aren’t raging. We want to know why we aren’t ALL doing something. We are angry and we want to see action. Angry, radical, fiery action that breeds liberation and scares the people who profit from these death camps.
We visited one of the farms featured in the investigation and left some clear messages inside the sheds. We hope that they carry our message to the farmer that owns the buildings and to the business that sells to Nando’s. We are just starting with you. Now Matthias is free and has escaped the kill floor but his brothers and sisters remain. It is on you to change that.
There is quite a good map with all Nando’s restaurants as well as a few Faccenda farms that you can use to fuck with them. They only have one slaughterhouse in the whole country (talking of a weak link) in Brackley. Harper Adams University might also be an interesting place to have a look at as they are conducting animal experiments on chickens after receiving a nice little grant from Faccenda/Nando’s.
The anarchochicken escapee gets his name from antispeciesist activist Matthias whose been locked up in preventive prison for ten months without evidence, accused of smashing butcher shop windows. We also call for solidarity actions with our comrade.
“During the mornings of 1st-2nd August, ten hunting towers were sabotaged in the Kerpen area. Camera traps, salt licks, and bait were removed and the towers left in a state that ensured they would not be used again.
The hunters must end their senseless murdering of animals – they are as much a part of this earth as we are, those who perversely cut their lives short commit crimes against nature and must be stopped.
We will continue to destroy every last scrap of hunting paraphernalia until the hunters hang up their guns for good.
“During the mornings of 1st-2nd August, ten hunting towers were sabotaged in the Kerpen area. Camera traps, salt licks, and bait were removed and the towers left in a state that ensured they would not be used again.
The hunters must end their senseless murdering of animals – they are as much a part of this earth as we are, those who perversely cut their lives short commit crimes against nature and must be stopped.
We will continue to destroy every last scrap of hunting paraphernalia until the hunters hang up their guns for good.
“We rescued 8 chickens from a ‘free range’ egg laying facility, that is ‘one of the best in Sweden’ according to themselves.
It was a complete hellhole. 10’s of thousands of young hens were there, never able to see day light. Their eggs are stolen every day and they are just waiting for their death sentence, although they are completely
After about 1,5 years these lovely ladies will be burnt for heat at the power plant, just after being brutally smashed in a truck, four at the time, each hanging in one leg between the fingers of the worker. (Some of
us have witnessed this ourselves, at this exact farm)
8 of these lovely ladies can now live out their life. They can feel grass under their feet every day, and in some cases it will even snow if they want! Many hens actually love snow, for short periods of time.
Often these factory farms are not even locked during night (or day). You don’t even have to break up a door, cut a fence or a lock to save lives.
According to the local press, during the night of Wednesday 24 to Thursday 25 July in Saint-Étienne-de-Boulogne, a large part of the building of the ‘Fédération départementale de la chasse de l’Ardèche’ (Department of hunting federation) was destroyed by fire. The fire brigade intervened quickly enough, probably because of the fire alarms, around 3:30 am to extinguish the flames that consumed the lair of the Ardèche hunters. Two outbreaks of fire were observed by the investigators: one in the recently built observatory and another in a room where naturalised animals were kept. 11 hunters are now unemployed. They will have to wait 9 months to return to service. On Tuesday, July 30, a press release was published on Indymedia Nantes:
“Anti-speciesist spasm
attack against hunting
April 25, July, 02:45, there is an incandescent smile among the stars. In front of the Ardèche hunting training centre, a luminous panel displays 23°. I take the building from behind, wandering between the animal targets made of wood and paint. When I see them, hatred raises, sharpens my determination. At the foot of the facade, I reach the last bushes. A camera is filming, I’ll soon be in its field of vision. In my thoughts, I have already experienced what is coming dozens of times. Jump the fence, climb onto the passageway and run to cover from the camera. I’m downstairs, already panting, my heart beating.
I take a deep breath and move forward, successively overcoming obstacles, less elegantly than in my imagination. I open my bag, grab a crowbar and try to pry open a window without avail. With my free hand, I grab the hammer, smash the window, turn the handle and slipped inside.
A few steps are enough to make the first movement sensor go off. I move quickly into the first room and I pile up chairs tables and boxes. I drop off a can of gas and open a window. The fire will need oxygen. I then move to the upper floor and repeat the operation. With little combustible material up there, I pile up easels under the door frame hoping that the flames will climb up and burn it. I pour the gas and turn on the flame. Suddenly a bright light and a powerful breath fill the room. The fire alarm is triggered immediately.
I jump four steps at the time and head downstairs, returning to the first floor. I sprinkle gasoline on the pile of objects, collect my cool and summon the flames again. How wonderful. The quintessence of ravage. I have an unstoppable appetite for fire. No time for contemplation, alas, I still go down one more floor and get out. I’m safe, the fire is on my back, the branches of the trees in front of me. I release a laugh of relief, time starts back up.
Last night, 11 people lost their shitty jobs because the site will be (permanently) closed. Foxes and badgers must have laughed in the valley. Of course, hunters will find other premises, train other massacres, raise, hunt and take other wild lives. Of course, we will be there, sabotaging their devices, destroying vehicles and buildings, releasing future “game animals” and abused dogs.
The ardour of ideas inexorably calls for action.
Against the infamy of hunting and beyond
Against animal domination and exploitation.
Anarchist solidarity with anti-speciesist rebels.”
Report in french below:
“25 juillet, 02h45, un incandescent croissant me sourit parmi les étoiles. Devant le centre de formation de chasse de l’ ardèche, un panneau lumineux affiche 23 °. Je prends à revers l’édifice, louvoie entre les cibles animales faites de bois et de peinture. A leur vue, la haine me soulève, aiguise ma détermination. Au pied de la façade, j’atteinds les derniers buissons. Une caméra scrute, je serais bientôt dans son champ de vision. En pensées, j’ai déjà vécu des dizaines de fois ce qui s’annonce. Sauter la barrière, escalader le parapet, se hisser sur la coursive et courir se mettre à couvert de la caméra. Pour le moment je suis en bas, déjà haletant, le cœur battant. Je prends une profonde respiration et m’élance, franchissant successivement les obstacles, moins élegamment certes qu’en imagination. J’ouvre mon sac, empoigne un pied de biche et commence à forcer une porte- fenêtre, sans résultat. De ma main restée libre, je saisi le marteau, éclate la vitre, tourne la poignée et me faufile à l’intérieur. Quelques pas suffisent à faire hurler la première sirène. Je visite à grandes enjambées le 1er; dans une pièce, entasse chaises, tables et cartons. Je dépose un bidon d’essence, ouvre une fenêtre. Le feu aura besoin d’oxygène. Je me dirige ensuite à l’étage supérieur et répète l’opération. Peu de matières combustibles là-haut, j’amoncelle de maigres chevalets sous la charpente espérant que les flammes la lécheront et la consumeront. Je déverse l’essence, allume. Soudain une lumière vive et un souffle puissant emplissent la pièce. L’alarme incendie se déclenche à son tour. 4 à 4 je saute les marches de l’escalier, retourne au 1er, arrose d’essence le tas d’objets, rassemble ce qui me reste de sang-froid et convoque à nouveau les flammes. Quelle merveille. Quitessence du ravage. Appétit effréné du feu. Pas le temps pour la contemplation, hélas, je descends encore d’un étage et sors. Je suis sauf, l’incendie est dans mon dos, les rameaux des arbres devant moi. J’expectore un rire de soulagement, le temps se remet en mouvement. Cette nuit, 11 personnes ont perdu leur boulot de merde puisque le site sera (définitivement) fermé. Renards et blaireaux ont dû se marrer dans la vallée. Bien sûr les chasseurs trouveront d’autres locaux, formeront d’autres massacreurs, élèveront, traqueront, mutileront et arracheront d’autres vies sauvages encore. Bien sûr nous serons là, sabotant leurs dispositifs, détruisant véhicules et bâtiments, libérant futur gibier et chiens maltraités. L’ardeur des idées appelle inexorablement aux actes. Contre l’infamie cynégétique et au delà Contre la domination et l’exploitation animale. Solidarité anarchiste aux rebelles antispécistes”
“We rescued 8 chickens from a ‘free range’ egg laying facility, that is ‘one of the best in Sweden’ according to themselves.
It was a complete hellhole. 10’s of thousands of young hens were there, never able to see day light. Their eggs are stolen every day and they are just waiting for their death sentence, although they are completely
After about 1,5 years these lovely ladies will be burnt for heat at the power plant, just after being brutally smashed in a truck, four at the time, each hanging in one leg between the fingers of the worker. (Some of
us have witnessed this ourselves, at this exact farm)
8 of these lovely ladies can now live out their life. They can feel grass under their feet every day, and in some cases it will even snow if they want! Many hens actually love snow, for short periods of time.
Often these factory farms are not even locked during night (or day). You don’t even have to break up a door, cut a fence or a lock to save lives.
According to the local press, during the night of Wednesday 24 to Thursday 25 July in Saint-Étienne-de-Boulogne, a large part of the building of the ‘Fédération départementale de la chasse de l’Ardèche’ (Department of hunting federation) was destroyed by fire. The fire brigade intervened quickly enough, probably because of the fire alarms, around 3:30 am to extinguish the flames that consumed the lair of the Ardèche hunters. Two outbreaks of fire were observed by the investigators: one in the recently built observatory and another in a room where naturalised animals were kept. 11 hunters are now unemployed. They will have to wait 9 months to return to service. On Tuesday, July 30, a press release was published on Indymedia Nantes:
“Anti-speciesist spasm
attack against hunting
April 25, July, 02:45, there is an incandescent smile among the stars. In front of the Ardèche hunting training centre, a luminous panel displays 23°. I take the building from behind, wandering between the animal targets made of wood and paint. When I see them, hatred raises, sharpens my determination. At the foot of the facade, I reach the last bushes. A camera is filming, I’ll soon be in its field of vision. In my thoughts, I have already experienced what is coming dozens of times. Jump the fence, climb onto the passageway and run to cover from the camera. I’m downstairs, already panting, my heart beating.
I take a deep breath and move forward, successively overcoming obstacles, less elegantly than in my imagination. I open my bag, grab a crowbar and try to pry open a window without avail. With my free hand, I grab the hammer, smash the window, turn the handle and slipped inside.
A few steps are enough to make the first movement sensor go off. I move quickly into the first room and I pile up chairs tables and boxes. I drop off a can of gas and open a window. The fire will need oxygen. I then move to the upper floor and repeat the operation. With little combustible material up there, I pile up easels under the door frame hoping that the flames will climb up and burn it. I pour the gas and turn on the flame. Suddenly a bright light and a powerful breath fill the room. The fire alarm is triggered immediately.
I jump four steps at the time and head downstairs, returning to the first floor. I sprinkle gasoline on the pile of objects, collect my cool and summon the flames again. How wonderful. The quintessence of ravage. I have an unstoppable appetite for fire. No time for contemplation, alas, I still go down one more floor and get out. I’m safe, the fire is on my back, the branches of the trees in front of me. I release a laugh of relief, time starts back up.
Last night, 11 people lost their shitty jobs because the site will be (permanently) closed. Foxes and badgers must have laughed in the valley. Of course, hunters will find other premises, train other massacres, raise, hunt and take other wild lives. Of course, we will be there, sabotaging their devices, destroying vehicles and buildings, releasing future “game animals” and abused dogs.
The ardour of ideas inexorably calls for action.
Against the infamy of hunting and beyond
Against animal domination and exploitation.
Anarchist solidarity with anti-speciesist rebels.”
Report in french below:
“25 juillet, 02h45, un incandescent croissant me sourit parmi les étoiles. Devant le centre de formation de chasse de l’ ardèche, un panneau lumineux affiche 23 °. Je prends à revers l’édifice, louvoie entre les cibles animales faites de bois et de peinture. A leur vue, la haine me soulève, aiguise ma détermination. Au pied de la façade, j’atteinds les derniers buissons. Une caméra scrute, je serais bientôt dans son champ de vision. En pensées, j’ai déjà vécu des dizaines de fois ce qui s’annonce. Sauter la barrière, escalader le parapet, se hisser sur la coursive et courir se mettre à couvert de la caméra. Pour le moment je suis en bas, déjà haletant, le cœur battant. Je prends une profonde respiration et m’élance, franchissant successivement les obstacles, moins élegamment certes qu’en imagination. J’ouvre mon sac, empoigne un pied de biche et commence à forcer une porte- fenêtre, sans résultat. De ma main restée libre, je saisi le marteau, éclate la vitre, tourne la poignée et me faufile à l’intérieur. Quelques pas suffisent à faire hurler la première sirène. Je visite à grandes enjambées le 1er; dans une pièce, entasse chaises, tables et cartons. Je dépose un bidon d’essence, ouvre une fenêtre. Le feu aura besoin d’oxygène. Je me dirige ensuite à l’étage supérieur et répète l’opération. Peu de matières combustibles là-haut, j’amoncelle de maigres chevalets sous la charpente espérant que les flammes la lécheront et la consumeront. Je déverse l’essence, allume. Soudain une lumière vive et un souffle puissant emplissent la pièce. L’alarme incendie se déclenche à son tour. 4 à 4 je saute les marches de l’escalier, retourne au 1er, arrose d’essence le tas d’objets, rassemble ce qui me reste de sang-froid et convoque à nouveau les flammes. Quelle merveille. Quitessence du ravage. Appétit effréné du feu. Pas le temps pour la contemplation, hélas, je descends encore d’un étage et sors. Je suis sauf, l’incendie est dans mon dos, les rameaux des arbres devant moi. J’expectore un rire de soulagement, le temps se remet en mouvement. Cette nuit, 11 personnes ont perdu leur boulot de merde puisque le site sera (définitivement) fermé. Renards et blaireaux ont dû se marrer dans la vallée. Bien sûr les chasseurs trouveront d’autres locaux, formeront d’autres massacreurs, élèveront, traqueront, mutileront et arracheront d’autres vies sauvages encore. Bien sûr nous serons là, sabotant leurs dispositifs, détruisant véhicules et bâtiments, libérant futur gibier et chiens maltraités. L’ardeur des idées appelle inexorablement aux actes. Contre l’infamie cynégétique et au delà Contre la domination et l’exploitation animale. Solidarité anarchiste aux rebelles antispécistes”
As you all know, one of the campaigns we like joining the most is the badger cull sabotage in the UK. We’ve been at it for a few years and 2019 is not going to be any different.
The badger cull in the UK targets tens of thousands of badgers in a period of six weeks by either trapping and then shooting or free shooting at night.
We will be joining Underground Badger Syndicate in their adventures, looking for cages, finding hunters and pissing off farmers. If anyone wants to spend some time in the countryside acquiring very useful skills whilst helping wildlife, we would seriously insist on contacting UBS over PM and joining as the more people involved, the more serious the campaign will be.
In other news, we’ve just spent some time in Italy during the European Animal Liberation Gathering, giving talks and mingling with anarcho folks we really like. We will bring you a whole update about it soon, but we must say it was a wonderful experience.
Next place you can find us is HOF NARR (Switzerland) for a workshop on the 9th of August, and then we will join the Earth First UK Gathering, 14th – 20th of August.
People have asked us if we will be joining the “Official” animal rights march in London. The answer is a tad complicated. Unlike previous years, the organisers have not invited us to give a speech and we have heard we are not very welcome there. We are unsure about why, but we also are not too bothered about being in the spotlight, so hopefully someone else puts a serious word about direct action and prisoner support on their speech so folks keep that stuff in mind. We will, however, set up a stall and sell some merch as well as receive donations because we find the solidarity and mutual aid at the march incredible and we really could do with funds. We have not asked for permission for this, but we also don’t care too much about it. So see you there, come and say hi!
As you can all imagine, all that travelling and the badger cull preparations are expensive. And we are attempting to get a vehicle before the cull starts to be independent and more effective looking for cages. That, alongside all the cash we’ve spent on the past trips to workshops and the monthly money we send to some activists that are having trouble with the law make it a tad difficult to operate right now, so we could really do with the help.
If anyone is able to, please join our Patreon to keep us going monthly:
If you are unable to send cash, please share it around and make others aware of us, we are sure there are enough of us out there to make Unoffensive work!
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