18yh July, Tonbridge UK.

Report received anonymously via encrypted email:

“When we received the call to action to smash McDonald’s windows we decided to take action. A comrade is facing trial for a McDonald’s disruption. We cannot be show-watchers of the animal liberation movement any longer. 

We targeted a 24 hours McDonald’s in Tonbridge, Kent, to show we are not fearful and that no deterrent will stop us now that we’ve started. Four windows were hammered to bits before workers realised what was happening. By the time they came to check, we had already left.

We want to call out everybody that shared the call to action but didn’t take part. Our activism isn’t about likes and social media. We should take a stand. We have been there ourselves and this has helped us understand things differently. Now it is your turn.

We are calling for a week of action starting today and culminating Wednesday night, the night before the trial. Smash as many windows as possible and cost McDonald’s as much money as you can. On Wednesday, we want all the smashed (and replaced) windows to be targeted once again. Show your solidarity, not just your words.

In solidarity with our comrade and with everybody else facing police brutality and the weight of the system. We are unbreakable because we will not give up. 


Some anarchists.”


30th June, Sweden

Report received anonymously via email:

“This place breeds pheasants and sell it to hunters.

The night between 30th june-1th july 3 pheasants were rescued and an unknown number realesed and some cage net and doors were destroyed.

Also a wall was sprayed with a warning text “We always win”. “

Photo unrelated.


18yh July, Tonbridge UK.

Report received anonymously via encrypted email:

“When we received the call to action to smash McDonald’s windows we decided to take action. A comrade is facing trial for a McDonald’s disruption. We cannot be show-watchers of the animal liberation movement any longer. 

We targeted a 24 hours McDonald’s in Tonbridge, Kent, to show we are not fearful and that no deterrent will stop us now that we’ve started. Four windows were hammered to bits before workers realised what was happening. By the time they came to check, we had already left.

We want to call out everybody that shared the call to action but didn’t take part. Our activism isn’t about likes and social media. We should take a stand. We have been there ourselves and this has helped us understand things differently. Now it is your turn.

We are calling for a week of action starting today and culminating Wednesday night, the night before the trial. Smash as many windows as possible and cost McDonald’s as much money as you can. On Wednesday, we want all the smashed (and replaced) windows to be targeted once again. Show your solidarity, not just your words.

In solidarity with our comrade and with everybody else facing police brutality and the weight of the system. We are unbreakable because we will not give up. 


Some anarchists.”


16th July, Orange County, CA.

Report received anonymously via email:

“A cowbird trap was discovered during a late night stroll through the San Joaquin Wetlands in Orange County, CA. Under the light of the moon, wire cutters were used to cut the top off the trap – releasing 6 brown-headed cowbirds into the wild. Government agencies and so-called conservation groups have labeled the brown-headed cowbird as “invasive” and using them as a scapegoat for struggling song-bird populations. Each year hundreds of these traps – usually latter traps containing between 4 to 6 live cowbirds as “decoys” – are set up in parks and wildlife areas throughout Southern California between April and mid-July, where thousands of cowbirds are captured and “euthanized.” These traps are usually unguarded and in many cases held together with nothing more than plastic zip-ties, making them laughably simple to sabotage.

In memory of anarchist Will Van Spronsen who died fighting for real freedom for all and a life worth living.”


11th July, South East UK.

Report received anonymously via email:

“We hit a game farm in the South East UK breeding pheasants for the shooting industry. We’ve heard that 9000 birds managed to escape. It was quite an easy job, we simply cut through the netting with scissors and knives and rolled it to avoid birds getting tangled up in it. Then we entered the pens and made them fly off. The sheds were left open and all the heat lamps were disconnected and smashed. The electric fence was also disconnected and then cut so the birds wouldn’t struggle with it.

Fuck the shooting industry.”


16th July, Orange County, CA.

Report received anonymously via email:

“A cowbird trap was discovered during a late night stroll through the San Joaquin Wetlands in Orange County, CA. Under the light of the moon, wire cutters were used to cut the top off the trap – releasing 6 brown-headed cowbirds into the wild. Government agencies and so-called conservation groups have labeled the brown-headed cowbird as “invasive” and using them as a scapegoat for struggling song-bird populations. Each year hundreds of these traps – usually latter traps containing between 4 to 6 live cowbirds as “decoys” – are set up in parks and wildlife areas throughout Southern California between April and mid-July, where thousands of cowbirds are captured and “euthanized.” These traps are usually unguarded and in many cases held together with nothing more than plastic zip-ties, making them laughably simple to sabotage.

In memory of anarchist Will Van Spronsen who died fighting for real freedom for all and a life worth living.”


11th July, South East UK.

Report received anonymously via email:

“We hit a game farm in the South East UK breeding pheasants for the shooting industry. We’ve heard that 9000 birds managed to escape. It was quite an easy job, we simply cut through the netting with scissors and knives and rolled it to avoid birds getting tangled up in it. Then we entered the pens and made them fly off. The sheds were left open and all the heat lamps were disconnected and smashed. The electric fence was also disconnected and then cut so the birds wouldn’t struggle with it.

Fuck the shooting industry.”


11th July, Gelderland, The Netherlands.

Report received anonymously via email:

“After some careful and thorough inspections, the horrific facts that took place on this farm (repeatedly) came to light. No water, very poor hygiene, no daylight, only artificial light and hardly any sleep. (The hours of light are being manipulated) That is why we have taken action and rescued a few ducks from this plight in order to offer them a good life. The first thing that was found was the large pile of corpses that had been thrown right in front of the entrance of the stable.

Once inside the stable (doors were open, however, an alarm system did not work properly), the horror became visible again. Polluted, barely feathered, crowed. The ducks that were most battered were taken.

Once at home they received a beauty treatment. Finally water!
I have never seen a duck so happy and in its element.

Of course they are weakened and tired all day. Totally traumatised and afraid of everything that moves. They must first recover from all the abuse. Fortunately they already getting new feathers again already doing a bit better and waddling through the garden.”


11th July, Gelderland, The Netherlands.

Report received anonymously via email:

“After some careful and thorough inspections, the horrific facts that took place on this farm (repeatedly) came to light. No water, very poor hygiene, no daylight, only artificial light and hardly any sleep. (The hours of light are being manipulated) That is why we have taken action and rescued a few ducks from this plight in order to offer them a good life. The first thing that was found was the large pile of corpses that had been thrown right in front of the entrance of the stable.

Once inside the stable (doors were open, however, an alarm system did not work properly), the horror became visible again. Polluted, barely feathered, crowed. The ducks that were most battered were taken.

Once at home they received a beauty treatment. Finally water!
I have never seen a duck so happy and in its element.

Of course they are weakened and tired all day. Totally traumatised and afraid of everything that moves. They must first recover from all the abuse. Fortunately they already getting new feathers again already doing a bit better and waddling through the garden.”


Since the 15th of March, about 45,000 game birds have been released from breeding farms in the UK.

The shooting industry in the UK is responsible for the strategic release of 43 million game birds every year. 60% of those birds are bred in the UK whilst 40% are imported from game farms outside of the country, be it as hatching eggs or as live chicks.

The pheasant and partridge are bred in factory farm conditions. They will keep breeding birds all year round, take their eggs and hatch them in incubators. Then the breeding farms will sell chicks aged from a day old to 6/8 week old juveniles to shooting estates, who will keep them in outdoor pens until they are ready to be released in strategic locations. Then gamekeepers will place feeders and water in specific places, getting the birds used to living exactly where they need them to be and ready for the shoot days.

During a shoot, beaters (a group of people making noise and walking in a straight line across places where the game birds live) will push those birds out and up in the air, making them fly, so people who pay a fuck load of money can shoot them out the sky. Its the ultimate betrayal, caring for them for months to push them into their death.

After a game farm map was released earlier this year, autonomous groups have been busy. Folks have approached game farms and released as many birds as they could. It is true that those birds still run the risk of being shot, but we must remember that game farms are not shooting estates, even though some of them might be within the estate itself. That means that their targeted and strategic release of birds is massively fucked with, and that gamekeepers lose a huge amount of money.

Because those birds are not used to living in the wild, many of them might fall victim of foxes and birds of prey. This is not different to gamekeepers releasing them in the shooting estate, but it does mean that the shooting industry loses a lot of money. And we must understand the industry as what it is, a capitalist enterprise. Their whole year revolves around breeding those birds and managing the land so they can make money during the shooting season. If they lose the birds, their year is over before the season starts.

Out of multiple reports that people have sent we can gather some useful information. Plastic netting tends to be used as either a roof or as roof and walls. It is easily cut with scissors or Stanley knifes, but needs to be rolled up and taken out of the way of the birds so they manage to run or fly away without getting entangled. Chicken wire is also used on the panels and can be cut with tin snips. Bolt cutters are an overkill for that kind of action.

Electric fences are out around the farm and are easy to disconnect by locating the battery. That metal wire can then be cut so it cannot be used again. Many breeding sheds might have heat lamps powered with gas bottles that can be disconnected and stolen. Gas plastic pipes can be cut off afterwards, gas regulators can be broken, and the lamps themselves can be either broken or stolen.

Once netting or wire has been cut making a big enough hole for the birds to escape, folks have been herding them out by creating a line and walking them towards that hole. In some reports, sheds have also be broken as much as possible to provide extra escape routes for those birds who didn’t get herded out of the pen during the action.

There is no more than a month left for folks to do these kinds of actions before birds are moved into estate pens before the shooting season starts. Anyone that decides to take action could use the game farm map to find locations.

There have been reports of this kind of action in other countries, like a pheasant breeding farm in Sweden last week, and we should mention that there are huge breeders in France and Portugal producing game birds in battery cages to then be transported for shooting in the UK. You can find more information about this in the Hunt Saboteurs Association website. Portugal alone exports 20 million game birds reared in battery cages.

Don’t get this confused with a single issue campaign. The shooting industry is responsible for many forms of oppression at once, not just for the death of millions of birds. The land management means wild populations are murdered with traps to eliminate possible predators and forests and hedges are manicured to the like of rich dickheads that want to shoot birds. The destruction of uncountable numbers of species both plant and animal is obvious as soon as anyone sets foot on a shooting estate. The upkeeping of the class system is also a big part of the shooting industry, with an interesting relationship between the working class “servants” and the upper class “customers”. Lastly, this is a land rights issue. No one is welcome in shooting estates, regardless of public footpaths. No one is able to grow a few vegetables or build a little shack in the countryside partly because of the mass amount of land owned by game estates.

It is also important to mention that a pheasant will lay 28 eggs from March to July. 20 of those eggs will make their way into birds that will be shot dead. For that reason, the earlier in the year, the more impact the action will have. If targeting breeding farms outside of the breeding season, folks recommend to not do so over winter and to wait until February/March time to ensure game farms do not have the possibility to restock before the breeding season starts. Doing quick numbers, 10.000 released birds in March could mean up to 200k birds saved from being shot dead. Impressive, right?

Don’t let this opportunity pass. Get yourself a mask, spend a couple of nights in the countryside, and smash the shooting industry to the ground.