Malcolm Klimowicz from Kitchener Ontario Animal Liberation Alliance has endured a series of investigations in fur farms around Ontario to show the conditions animals are being kept on.

The magnitude of his work is massive, and he has only released a handful of the investigations. In this particular video, he discovers a puppy mill alongside the fur farm, and a corner of the farm is dedicated to white rabbits that could be sold for vivisection.

There’s a website to watch all the investigations and to sign a petition to end fur farming, so please have a look here:





Last Friday we joined our comrades in OVIA Castellón, in Spain, to have a workshop on hunt sabbing. We left with an incredible feeling of reassurance that the activists in that association are not only completely devoted to the animal rights cause but also highly caring for social issues.

Hunt Sabs Castellón might be the first Spanish sabbing group ever and we cannot wait to see what they are going to bring to the movement. In the workshop, we covered from how to become an official Hunt Sab group within the HSA to sabbing techniques. It was also wonderful to be able to SHARE the talk and learn more about hunting in Spain by listening to the folks that want to start the group.

Until then, we are open to them and to anyone else that needs a workshop on anything we can help. Traveling isn’t a problem thanks to our supporters, so hit us up and we will do our best to be there!

PS: Our Patreon still needs some love and care. If only our supporters gave us $1 each we would reach our target FOUR times. If you are willing to help us empower other artists, take part in actions and keep bringing news about direct action around the world, please consider joining our Patreon scheme ????



Prison director Peter Krestev, who we have mentioned before in a previous call for solidarity for prisoners, is now attempting to stop symbolic protests for basic human rights in Bulgarian prisons by closing down the prison shop.

‘Prisoners have not been able to buy food or cigarettes for 4 days now. In reaction to this some prisoners have started a hunger strike demanding to meet the Ministry of Justice and representatives from the National Prison Authority.’

The Bulgarian Ministry of Justice has failed to take notice of repeated and legitimate complaints about Krestev, who was previously dismissed from the position as prison director due the long list of human rights abuses he carried out. The situation is now getting worse. Upon being reinstated in his position, Krestev is now protecting a narco gang who beat, rape and torture prisoners.

To learn more and also to know how you can support those suffering under Krestev, visit:

The Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association website: https://bpra.info/en/category/get-involved-en/

Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association



This coming month is extremely busy for us at the collective, with multiple events (some occurring simultaneously) happening all over Europe! We will be at as many of these as we can, so say hello if you see us!!

Firstly there has been a call for action made by Hambacher Forst Besetzung for the 3rd of February in solidarity with the Hambi 9. In a recent attempt of eviction in the Hambacher forest 9 activists were arrested and remain in custody. Whatever city you’re in, engage in acts of solidarity! Whether in the form of vigils, demonstrations or the blockade of your local RWE power plants or offices, be creative. Shout fuck RWE from the top of your lungs and show a finger to the ‘justice’ system!

Follow the link below for more information.

You’ll also find some of us at Surge‘s London Fashion Week anti-fur demos. Get creative and make some banners, placards and posters! Bring your loudest whistles and megaphone and get ready to make some noise! The disturbing normalisation of fur on the high street is something that MUST be challenged. We must reach a state similar to that of the past were fur wearers were afraid to even step outside donning their grim outfits.

Find the event link below and let us know if you’re going! We will be able to bring down some of our merch with us so hit us up if you want anything!

During the fashion week demonstrations, some of us will also be in Sweden joining Hunt Saboteurs Sweden in challenging the Swedish championship of fox hunting. Details on this are currently brief, and we will post more information as we get it.

After this, we will be joining the Earth First! winter moot to give some interactive workshops as part of their skill sharing event. We seriously recommend coming to this; skill sharing events such are these are vital in meeting fellow activists, learning new tactics and getting your hands dirty!

We will also be out in the fields supporting our local hunt sabs group throughout the month, and carrying on with joining regular local food not bombs. If you want to be put in touch with any of your local groups, give us a shout! We can point you in the right direction and help you get going!

As always, we rely solely on donations to keep going and we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey. Because of you, we are able to do this, and it means a lot to every one of us at the collective.

If you want to support our work on a monthly basis please check out our patron account:www.patreon.com/liberateordie






30th January, France

“Nine lives with a programmed end. Nine individuals negated, ill and condemned that now are liberated. Stop respecting this oppressive legal system that transforms the lives of sentient beings into goods. The time of petitions and begging is now over.”


Via: CRANS Collectif Radical Antispeciste


This morning we received an anonymous email from a British activist. We would like to quote a few of their words.

“Yesterday I was sentenced for going into “free range” broiler facilities, to film and expose the truth, of what free range really is. 

When I was arrested at my home it was done by 8 police officers, with 4 marked police cars outside my home and 2 of the officers were actually armed.
I was alone at the farm and 17 years old at the time.

It was a sentencing hearing for a guilty plea to “criminal damage”.

240 hours of unpaid work and an order to ‘Not linger within 200m of any private land where the intent is for the raising or slaughter of livestock for the next three years’, which makes me unable to even join a Save vigil.”

This is just one of the many examples of how the system works. The system will try to silence us, it will try to quiet us down and to make others blind to reality. The system will favour capitalism over any ethical standpoint. Profit over anything.

It is on us to retaliate and to show we are fearless. It is on us to stick our middle finger the the legal system, to the capitalist system and to the government structures. We are born free and leaderless. We are born without hierarchies.

Let this be your start to smash the barriers that we are forced to in society. Let this be the story that makes you realise we are not working within the system, but to tumble the system until it falls.

Smash all hierarchies, hierarchies between human and non human animals and hierarchies within society.

Solidarity with our troops.



The climate in Hambi is electrifying. There are loud bangs and smoke covering the sky almost every night. Since the Hambi 9 got locked up activists have not taken a second to rest. It is almost as if they want to say; ‘if they don’t get released, we will burn the whole planet’.

Today we are going to dedicate the day to publish actions taken by autonomous groups in solidarity with the Hambi 9. At the end of today, we will also release the addresses of all activists so you can write letters to them.

A few of the banged-up activists will have their court case tomorrow so hold your horses on sending them, we will let you know if it is necessary.

Remember that there is a call to action on the 3rd of February against all RWE infrastructure and against the justice system and prisons. From noise demos to colourful actions or underground activities, it is up to you to decide how you want to show love for our compañeres in prison.

Enjoy the ride over some of the actions reported.





On the 1st of February 1995, Jill Phipps tragically died after being crushed under the wheels of a lorry delivering baby veal calves to Coventry airport. Today, we remember Jill and her legacy.

Despite almost 100 officers being present on the day of the protest, they failed to protect those who had attempted to stop the lorry moving by sitting on the road. A protester at the scene noted that the police ignored the clear safety problems, and ushered the lorry to continue moving. It was at this moment that Jill was knocked down, and crushed under the wheels of the vehicle.

Today we remember a woman who was fearless and died needlessly in the fight for animal liberation. Although a tragic incident that should not have happened, Jill’s death inspired and still inspires many to get active and join fighting the cause that Jill lost her life for. We must honour her and remember her in our actions.

Jill’s spirit lives on in those who fight.




26th January, Germany.

anonymous report:
“Revenge on the hambi-coal-rails.

On Friday, 26.01.2018, we switched off the RWE-coalrails. From a safe source, an autonomic anarchist-group got the information about what happened on monday, 22.01.2018 at the barricade eviction in the Hambacher forest.

Parliamentarians were invited for a “viewing on the police-work”. The police aided even the right-extremist politicians of AfD through the forest, safeguarded by 100 cops and a helicopter, not caring about the promise that AfD was not invited. It was a demonstration of power that ended embarrassing for both, police and RWE, because of the effective resistance of the activists in the forest. They were not able to evict successfully the barricades. To set precedence they locked up eleven people and sent them to court. They are still inside because they refused to give their ID to the oppressive system.

We want to show our highest appreciation to each and every one of them! The behaviour of RWE and government is disgusting, so we decided to come to NRW and switch off the coal-railway. The burning short circuit that we caused on the electricity-cables should teach them one thing: For every action, a reaction.

The principle is easy: From the top of a bridge let down nylon strings with weights on them on the left and right side of the cables down to the rails. Throw down the metal wire that is connected to the nylon strings and allow the short circuit to happen! Remember to close your eyes!

We will not doubt to come back and retaliate even more if things go further. We will always support those that are fighting against this oppressive government and we will take revenge in their names.

With love and solidarity to all prisoners.



“In solidarity with the imprisoned activists and all people facing repression by the state a banner was dropped in Tübingen, southern Germany, saying “freedom for Hambach prisoners, war against everyone who destroys the earth and confines our comrades”

Since Tuesday January 23rd 2018, nine activists from the Hambach Forest occupation are in pre-trial detention, accused of obstructing the work of officers.”

To show our solidarity with the imprisoned activists and all people facing repression by the state a banner was dropped in Tübingen, southern Germany, saying “freedom for Hambach prisoners, war against everyone who destroys the earth and confines our comrades”

If you have time write letters to the prisoners, the addresses and more info can be found at the ABC Rhineland Blog.

We may not all have the time to squat trees and build barricades, but we all can spare some minutes to support the struggle against RWE and the destruction of our climate and ecosystem – may it be by writing letters to prisoners, dropping a banner or disarm a coal excavator.

Tear down the walls that keep us from each other!

Libertad por lxs presxs Hambi 9!”