Submitting hit reports is one of Unoffensive Animal’s cornerstones. We believe that those taking direct action and wishing to share their actions with the public should do so anonymously and safely.

We have created a page on our website where folks can simply introduce their text and click on “encrypt and submit”, but to use this feature, people need to think of their own anonymity. Using the TOR Browser *should* keep the sender more anonymous.

Another important aspect to think about is to avoid giving personal information in the report. Understand that we are not going to edit reports, and they will simply be copied and published, so do not tell us who you are or how old you are or what your address is. We don’t care, we don’t want to know and you should not put us in a position where we need to lie to protect the anonymity of activists.

In terms of media, photos and videos are very useful for a hit report. You must take care to clean the media before sending it. This is twofold. Firstly, ensure that the footage does not have identifiers. If it shows a tattoo or identifiable clothing or even background that could be used to prosecute you, you need to sort that out. Secondly, you need to remove metadata from the media before sending it. This is very easy. Simply use one of the tools recommended here:

Once you’ve checked it over, upload that media to any bullshit data transfer service (like and copy the link, you can paste it with your text before sending.

If you do not wish to use the website feature, you are very welcome to send an email to unoffensivereports (at) protonmail(dot)com but please use common sense. Use a throwaway email address from a spam address like an anonymouse email. Creating a “report-specific” email address is NOT good enough. You shouldn’t use the same email address twice to send reports.

You can find detailed information on how to contact us here:



Photo: Russian ALF liberating foxes, 2005.


We believe we’ve found enough folks to keep the project going, so we have reopened the website. 

This means we can once again receive anonymous reports, and folks who have any prisoner/arrest/court support needs can reach out again. In the near future, we will set up a public prisoner support email address so that the prisoner support team can directly communicate with those who might need some support (or with their solidarity groups if they are in prison). For the time being, our usual email address will do just fine for this matter. 

From Monday onwards, we will be back to a semi-regular schedule, and with the help of multiple people who have offered to submit regular work, we will get back on track with news about prisoners and campaigns from around the world. 

Folks are still welcome to reach out with single submissions if they wish to publish about a specific topic or if they want to write something on a regular basis. 

Unoffensive Animal was born to educate and bring news to the public, to support those who fight and to give a platform to those who wish to remain anonymous. That ethos stays there, for as long as we have the energy and capability to keep going, but it is also important to remember that Unoffensive was born and should stay as a collective. You are part of that collective if you want to be, and as per the definition of Direct Action, don’t wait for others to do what you want to see done. Reach out and support, let’s work together and make this platform a positive tool within the animal liberation movement. 

If you can afford it, please consider donating to UA. We do not get wages, money goes to prisoner/arrest/court support for those who reach out, and to expenses related to tech, servers, websites and domains.

Solidarity always. 

Defend Direct Action. 


Unoffensive was born many years ago as a tool to bridge radical underground action with the social media environment which most animal lib activists and vegans got their activism news from. Since then, we have started many projects and attempted to bring as many different news and struggles as possible to all our followers and readers.

After six years of working on the project daily, we really could do with fresh voices and support from other folks who would like to contribute. We did put a call for submissions not that long ago, but sadly most of the offers were on the art side of things which UA doesn’t tend to publish much about, and in the end, we got back to square one with no new contributors. We have decided to make clear what UA is looking for, and then let you all take part in it if you have time and wish for this project to keep going.

With our level of energy and time and without extra contributors, we won’t be able to carry on with the collective.

Of course, we are happy to hear about other ideas and articles, but here is a skeleton of the very basics of what we are looking for.

THE FRONTLINES attempts to bring news about current campaigns. Some campaigns we have focused on lately (and would like to publish more about) are CAFT USA’s actions against the fur industry, Defend the Atlanta Forest or Palestine Action. Folks within the campaigns are welcome to send a round-up of events every couple of weeks, but even if you are not part of the campaign but can keep a constant eye on what’s been happening and write a summary, that would be fantastic!

ALFRIDAYS used to be a video series where we would publish short videos or long documentaries of historical events relating to the animal liberation and earth liberation movement, and give an insight into the history behind it and perhaps external further reading. If anyone would like to take that task on, please reach out!

A is for Anarchy was an attempt at explaining basic anarchist concepts to folks who are not used to reading politics. Short and sweet, we have introduced concepts like Mutual Aid, Direct Action or the Black Block. The articles are not long, but they need to aim to be very simple and clear explanations of anarchist concepts for all those who might be doing their first steps as anarchobabies!

There are other topics and ideas that we would love to discuss with folks who feel like they can contribute, and we are always happy to hear yours! 

If you think you can dedicate an article a week, every couple of weeks, or even once a month, please reach out over email and let’s get talking.

Unoffensive Animal is a collective, and we all make it. If you want it to carry on and have the time and energy, step forward and let’s collaborate!


Unoffensive Animal.


We have had a few extra folks follow our socials lately, so let’s do a quick introduction.

Unoffensive Animal is a media platform that receives anonymous direct action reports from around the world. We also attempt to facilitate prisoner support updates for animal liberation, anarchist and earth liberation activists, be it by sharing updates about their case or prison situation or simply by encouraging folks to write letters, as well as trying to send cash to folks for commissary or legal fees. Lastly, we also serve as an education platform (when we have the time to work on extra stuff!), and publish advice on technology and security, on history of the animal liberation movement or on anarchist concepts.

Last time that we did a money update and explained that we had sent money to prisoners, we sadly lost a few patreon supporters. We can only imagine that they had joined feeling they were funding direct action, so we want to make something very clear. We do not take part in actions, we don’t know who sends anonymous reports and we do not fund illegal activities. All the money generated from patreon support as well as donations or merch sales goes either to prisoner support, arrest support and court fines for folks who contact us about it and to the maintenance of servers, website and other tech stuff that keeps our page running. We do not take a salary as we are all volunteers, but that does not mean that UA doesn’t need funding! Servers and domains are a constant expense due to multiple countries banning our website from being hosted within their territory, and activists that face a fine or prison are always welcome to request our support, we will always try and help as much as we can.

If you folks can afford it, please consider donating to Unoffensive. We have PayPal, we have Monero and Bitcoin wallets if you prefer cryptocurrencies and we have a patreon page. It is worth noting that our patreon page is NOT “another social media” and we do not publish “exclusive content”, as we do not believe in publishing stuff behind a paywall that only those who can afford it can actually access.

If you can, please drop some coins over PayPal on

[email protected]

Join our patreon:

Or send some coins through monero:

Thank you to all that have supported us for many years




We have received a submission about Punk Aid, a project raising funds for Free the MBR Beagles after producing a collaborative song that you can download (and donate for) on Bandcamp. Hear them out!

“I’m sure readers to the page are no strangers to the Free the MBR Beagles campaign. Activists fighting for the closure of the American multinational Marshall Biosciences in Cambridgeshire, and the liberation of the 2000 odd puppies they hold captive there.

Many methods have been used to bring the fight to them; most famously the Camp Beagle established directly out side the puppy farm that maintains a constant vigilance. Also the actions of Animal Rebellion and their incredible day light liberations of around twenty innocent puppies!

Well now it’s the turn of the punks! Working remotely, we thought “What can we do to help the campaign?” We brought together a collective of pro-animal liberation activist punks and have produced a song in support of the MBR beagles and the activists that fight for them in the true spirit of DIY anarcho punk!

It features contributions from over 12 bands, members of which have for many years been involved in animal rights campaigns such as hunt sabbing and protests against Huntingdon Life Sciences.

You can view the video here:

or download the tune here:

ALL profits raised from the download will go directly to the Free the MBR Beagles campaign!”


We realise that it isn’t often we publish where donations go, and that is mostly due to lack of time to write more articles! But we thought we should do a quick update on last week’s donations to different prisoners’ funds in the hopes that some of you can join us and send some coins to them too!

We have sent $150 to Eric King’s support PayPal, as the support group put a fundraiser up to get some cash sorted for when he is released from prison. Whilst being out of prison is a fantastic feeling, it is hard to get back to society, hold a job (or even get one) and take care of your mental and physical health after whatever time you’ve been incarcerated. We hope that Eric and his family and friends raise the much needed funds for when he is free. You can drop some coins to his fundraiser here, at the time of writing this he is 45 USD away from the goal!:

Or you can directly donate to the support team for commissary and other expenses:

We also sent $150 to Ladislav via comrades from Philly ABC. They set up a fundraiser for his release (January 2024) and they really could do with more support as they have only raised 590 USD of the 5000 USD goal, so donate to it or share it around as much as you possibly can:

We sent $150 to Marius Mason, a trans, anarchist, environmental and animal rights prisoner serving the longest eco-sentence ever in the USA. He was convicted of sabotage and arson in 2009 and is serving a 22 year prison sentence. You can donate to his fund here:

Through our comrades in the UK ALFsg we sent $150 to Mel Broughton, who is sitting in prison awaiting trial and needs both economic support and moral support in the shape of letters and books! You can check out the ALFsg and maybe even become a member, aiding in the support of animal liberation prisoners around the globe:

Lastly we sent $250 to the SUSARON4, who are also awaiting trial in Chile accused of the arson at SUSARON meat packaging plant. We would’ve liked to donate more to them as they are four prisoners, but that’s as much as our funds allowed us to!

If you can, please support them here:

If you can support any of them, please do so! And if you’d like to support Unoffensive (we send money to prisoners, but also to activists facing trials or having to pay fines, and we use some of the donations for equipment and website related expenses) you can donate or join our patreon here:



Solidarity Apothecary has sent us a text remembering Gilly which we believe you all should read. Remember that the anonymous faces of the Animal Liberation Front (and many other movements) do have a name attached to them, which normally is only shared once they’ve passed away. And remember that in a hyper masculine society, we tend to undestand the ALF as a men run concept, when it many cases it is quite the opposite.

“Today is the 7th anniversary of Gilly’s death💔.

For folks who didn’t know her, she was an absolute fierce anarchist and animal liberationist. Obviously it’s impossible to quantify as the animal liberation front is an anonymous, underground movement – but my bets are that she was one of the most active ALF organisers in history. Through the 80s and 90s and all the years before she became unwell, she would raid labs, farms and all sites of animal abuse freeing countless animals. 🔥
She actively sabotaged the badger cull and coordinated resistance to it in the original Krebs trials – so much so that it had a 95% failure rate.

She was an active hunt sab, involved in many grassroots campaigns, as well as prisoner support. You can see copies of the South East Liberator mag on the Talon Conspiracy archiving project website, which details some of the things she did – only to be shared after her death.

She was a surrogate mum to me and taught me more about anarchism than any book ever could. She would text me every single time I had a prison visit without fail for years on end and supported me through my sentence. She’d been inside and knew what it was like. She was spiky and anti-social to many, but also caring, kind and loyal to those close to her. Men get celebrated as ALF heroes, while women like Gilly get invisibilised, especially if they develop chronic illnesses.

I’ll never forget her and our movements shouldn’t either. Please remember Gilly today. Feel free to share this post.

Rest in power sweet Gilly, I miss you.”



This year has been lively, with many campaigns kicking hard worldwide and a hunger for change. The resurgence of a strong front against vivisection and fur is a refreshing and welcomed shift which reminds us that target-specific campaigns have historically proven to bring change much faster than the simple advocacy against speciesism or for veganism, but it also reminds us that pressure campaigns bring heavier blows from the state.

It is not difficult to be beaten by the state. They not only use violence and brutality, but they are skilled at mental warfare. The struggles of allowing new people into your circle, the fear of not knowing how far they will go to destroy us and the constant battle between fighting and retreating take a toll on everybody’s mind.

If you do one thing in the new year, you should check on your comrades to ensure they are doing ok. We constantly feed our brains with the need for secrecy and keep our cards close to our chests. We encrypt our messages, only telling those who need to know where we are going tonight, we plan our actions in silence, we burn letters we receive through punk mail, and we trust no one but those close to us. It is easy to forget that you can share your feelings with your comrades. Make sure you remind them.

If you do one thing in the new year, build safe spaces where people can recover when they experience burnout. Make sure that after fighting for months on a tree sit or after nights of rain, mud and ammonia smell from a chicken farm, people have a warm and welcoming place to recover. Take care of your comrades, make them feel safe, and ensure you tell them you love them. The resistance will grow stronger than we can ever imagine.

Stick together, fight stronger and check on your comrades until we win.

With equal parts of love and rage;

UA Collective.

See you in the next riot <3


As 2022 comes to an end, we have the numbers of worldwide reported actions by ALF / ELF and other groups and individuals fighting against animal exploitation and defending the planet.

It is worth to note that the number of actions will certainly not account for even half of the total as many folks might not report their actions and it is very obvious that certain parts of the world where English might not be used as regularly could be publishing reports in platforms we do not access.

The total number of reported actions during 2022 is 177. There were 95 sabotage actions, 61 liberations, 19 arsons, 1 bomb hoax and 1 Animal Rights Militia communique.

Seven of the reported actions related to the fur industry, unsurprisingly as we have seen a relentless campaign against fur worldwide spearheaded by CAFT USA and a short lived yet incredibly successful campaign against T&S Rabbits in the UK.

Vivisection also takes a chunk of the actions, with four liberations of animals destined to labs or in labs, three of them in UK and one in Czech Republic.

The number of actions per country are as follow:

UK – 39
USA – 21

The most prevalent action worldwide is without a doubt the sabotage against hunting infrastructure, be it by vandalism or arson, and Germany, France and Italy are the three countries with more anti hunting sabotage reports accounted for.

The USA had an interesting development where many of the actions reported related to the defence of the Atlanta forest, whilst the majority of anti-fur actions and fur farm liberations also came from the USA.

The number of arsons has also increased from last year, as well as reporting an increase in severity, with Chile’s six reported actions being all arsons of big infrastructure, rodeo rings and slaughterhouses within other targets.

For as long as there is oppression, there will be direct action to fight back against it.

May 2023 bring either less oppression, or more fighting!


A few weeks ago we covered the Resistance Committee, a collection of leftist and anti-authoritarian militia groups fighting in Ukraine’s Territorial Defence Units against the Putinist invasion. We’ve caught up with them with some questions about their work and bringing ecological anarchist politics to militant resistance.

In the West, it is easy to deride those who choose to fight in the Ukrainian state forces against Russia. Who would want to lay down their life for a capitalist, oligarchic state? The Resistance Committee told us, “We are aware that Ukraine itself is an arena of fight for social justice. And those forces that really dare to have a considerable role in [that fight] should assume their reputation in defensive resistance”. This brings to mind the anarchists of the Spanish Civil War, who would not vote in the elections of the Republic, but came together to fight the fascist coup that threatened it

Of course, war not only leads to the death and displacement of humans, but also the destruction of ecologies and wildlife. There is a necessary tension for an ecological anarchist fighting in a war with bullets and machines. The Resistance Committee pointed us in particular to the Ecological Platform, an avowedly ecological unit under their umbrella. The Ecological Platform regularly post on their Telegram channel about the work they do, but also the necessity to fight this war in order to stop ecocide. Pacifism is well and good, and the manufacturing and selling of weapons is clearly one of the most lucrative and destructive industries that is propped up by state power, but Ukraine losing this war to Putin will only serve to escalate global militarism, and capitalist industrialists across the world will be the only ones to profit.

The Resistance Committee pointed out that they get very little support from the Ukrainian state. Apart from a rifle and basic rations, they are left to fundraise and gather their own supplies. Especially as the Ukrainian rations are rarely vegetarian, let alone vegan, this includes relying on the solidarity of supporters both in Ukraine and abroad. It shows how these anarchist units are hardly in the pocket of the Ukrainian state, and that when it comes to collective militant self defence, the only people we can rely on is each other.

In fighting this war, Ukrainian anarchists and their internationalist comrades are bringing together unique experiences in collective self defence and solidarity. When this war is over who knows where that experience will take anarchism in Ukraine?

As winter starts to bite, the Resistance Committee is fundraising for chemical warmers and winter clothes. You can support their struggle by donating in the following ways:

PayPal: [email protected]
Crypto-wallets for BTC:
(sigweit): bc1qecs76ma0uuuv6cngf8r2msle6f5ne932ur6mqy
(non-sigweit): 1Nj84rxTeKqnxeGYSzyu5anm8W8XrDAZT5