We are pretty sure that by now you folks are aware of the shit storm around the animal liberation and eco struggle in Europe. With folks in Hambacher Forst Besetzung resisting against RWE and the German filth trying to evict, Pont Valley organising a week of workshops and an amazing day of action (report of the coal mine blockade coming soon) and the badger cull starting in some zones and ready to start as a whole very soon, it is very difficult to cover all actions.

Regardless, we are resiliently joining activists everywhere and working hard to help wherever we can. The badger cull takes a special part in our struggle, so we have joined forces with many of our comrades and friends to run Underground Badger Syndicate and be able to work in multiple zones at the same time, bringing you fresh news as soon as we have them. We will undoubtedly and tirelessly fight against the completely irrational decision to murder badgers in the U.K. for as long as it is needed.

We are aware we have not responded to emails about workshops and some of the merch orders are late, we are doing our best to sort everything out as soon as possible. Please bare with us, we are doing as much as we possibly can.

Also, we have the new Agitator magazine, so drop us a PM if you want a copy!

If you folks are able to support our work, we could do with a little help. Check our Patreon link to read how we deal with cash:

Or if you prefer to send a one off donation, we have a PayPal:


Today we marched alongside thousands of other people in London to ask for animal liberation. We are exhausted and we will keep this sweet and short, but we wanted to say hello to all the new faces that might be peeking the page for the first time.

We raised a good amount of money that will help during the badger cull and to do some prisonsupport work and we had so many different letters written for prisoners. You folks are inspiring!

Surge did an incredible job at organising alongsideHeartCure and we couldn’t be more grateful to have had the chance to have a speech. Our spokesperson did amazing and we want to extend our gratitude to her.

To anyone that came and show solidarity and gave us love, thank you. You keep us going.

For total liberation, for diversity of tactics and for a change in the whole system.


P.S. We had a lot of people today asking how they can show us support. We have a Patreon account that means people are able to give us financial help each month. You can take a look and join at the link below:

We also have a PayPal for one off donations:


At Unoffensive Animal, we like to cause havoc in as many places as possible. In the next 45 days, we are planning to visit France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain and the UK to take part in actions, help at occupations and organise workshops.

Our next step is working alongside Hunt Saboteurs Sweden to aid the sabotage of Wolf Hunts happening right now.

We have found a train ticket that allows us to travel through Europe for 2 months at a much cheaper rate than individual trips, but it is still over 250€.

We need your help to make this happen. If you can spare some coins please drop us a donation on our PayPal.

If on the other hand, you’d like to support us on a monthly basis, our Patreon isn’t taking off as much as we would like, so have a look at the link.

Art by: Stuart Hampton

Thank you so much for your help ????



At Unoffensive Animal, we like to cause havoc in as many places as possible. In the next 45 days, we are planning to visit France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain and the UK to take part in actions, help at occupations and organise workshops.

Our next step is working alongside Hunt Saboteurs Sweden to aid the sabotage of Wolf Hunts happening right now.

We have found a train ticket that allows us to travel through Europe for 2 months at a much cheaper rate than individual trips, but it is still over 250€.

We need your help to make this happen. If you can spare some coins please drop us a donation on our PayPal.

If on the other hand, you’d like to support us on a monthly basis, our Patreon isn’t taking off as much as we would like, so have a look at the link.

Art by: Stuart Hampton

Thank you so much for your help ????



COPS ARE INSIDE OF THE FOREST. They have decided to enter to clear the barricades. Multiple people are being arrested, The Meadow has been cordoned out and there are activists in tripods and monopods all over the place.

An activist has been found 5 meters deep underground chained up to a lock on.

This is your time to act. Wherever you are in the world, find an RWE target and cover it with paint, sabotage it, attack it in any way. If you are in Germany, hang an activist from a motorway bridge so climbing cops have to be diverted from the forest.




The barricade eviction is underway. The police violence is increasing by the minute, almost all tripods and monopods have been evicted.

The arrestee tally goes up to 15 as of right now, but it will increase. There are random police controls around the forest where people have to undress. Someone came out of a search with injured ribs.

Meanwhile, the hole is still occupied by someone, although a generator and lights have been brought so it seems that the cops are going to dig for a lil while tonight.

We need people to be fighting in every corner of the world right now. Show the system that you do not agree with the massacre that the world will endure if we lose our trees and animals. FIGHT BACK.



Over the past week, we have received a lot of donations. Sadly we didn’t reach out the amount we needed so we are gonna have to rearrange trips and miss out on a little bit of the adventures, but we will be still travelling and covering the major events!

It humbles us that so many people are willing to put a little bit of money so we can do our job. We cannot express how eternally grateful we truly are.

It is a strange life, in all honesty. Speaking as the travelling activist within the collective, I never know what’s going to happen next. I never know if I’ll be sleeping under a bridge one night and trying to dumpster dive in the worst supermarket of the area or if an activist will be picking me up from the bus stop and cooking the most delicious meal to then sleep on a sofa in the warm. It gives a chance to the adventure, but it also is a great opportunity to learn how to survive. I wouldn’t change it for anything.

In the next two months, we will visit about 5 countries to be on the front line and bring you the stories as they happen. We will give workshops, train activists, take action and help with infrastructure. We will answer many emails asking for direction in people’s activism and send multiple copies of our prisoner support list. We will do what we are supposed to do on the tightest budget possible because we fucking hate money. I will probably keep eating from the bins because food waste sucks and I will most likely sleep on a bench more than one night, but all that is THANKS to you. You enable us to be able to carry on doing all this. You are saving animals. You are fighting climate change. You are speaking up on gender issues and you are rejecting Nazi scum from neighbourhoods around Europe. You are empowering activists directly and indirectly to become a powerful tool against oppression. You are a fucking heroine!

If anyone feels empowered and capable of joining our Patreon, we would be truly grateful. Thank you again and SEE YOU IN THE NEXT RIOT.


Last Friday we joined our comrades in OVIA Castellón, in Spain, to have a workshop on hunt sabbing. We left with an incredible feeling of reassurance that the activists in that association are not only completely devoted to the animal rights cause but also highly caring for social issues.

Hunt Sabs Castellón might be the first Spanish sabbing group ever and we cannot wait to see what they are going to bring to the movement. In the workshop, we covered from how to become an official Hunt Sab group within the HSA to sabbing techniques. It was also wonderful to be able to SHARE the talk and learn more about hunting in Spain by listening to the folks that want to start the group.

Until then, we are open to them and to anyone else that needs a workshop on anything we can help. Traveling isn’t a problem thanks to our supporters, so hit us up and we will do our best to be there!

PS: Our Patreon still needs some love and care. If only our supporters gave us $1 each we would reach our target FOUR times. If you are willing to help us empower other artists, take part in actions and keep bringing news about direct action around the world, please consider joining our Patreon scheme ????


The climate in Hambi is electrifying. There are loud bangs and smoke covering the sky almost every night. Since the Hambi 9 got locked up activists have not taken a second to rest. It is almost as if they want to say; ‘if they don’t get released, we will burn the whole planet’.

Today we are going to dedicate the day to publish actions taken by autonomous groups in solidarity with the Hambi 9. At the end of today, we will also release the addresses of all activists so you can write letters to them.

A few of the banged-up activists will have their court case tomorrow so hold your horses on sending them, we will let you know if it is necessary.

Remember that there is a call to action on the 3rd of February against all RWE infrastructure and against the justice system and prisons. From noise demos to colourful actions or underground activities, it is up to you to decide how you want to show love for our compañeres in prison.

Enjoy the ride over some of the actions reported.





Hambacher Forst Poster

Today we spent the day in front of the Court in Düren. Five of the nine activists arrested and incarcerated during the last barricade eviction in Hambacher Forst were released without charges and still completely anonymous.

The emotions during each and every release were beautifully electrifying. Tears of happiness and relieve run down my cheeks a couple of times when I saw the face of those who I love being free again to feel the air, to listen to the birds, to fight and of course to love.

There are still another four fearless activists locked up behind bars. Don’t forget to write to them and to thank them for their amazing work.

Knowing that this is a very short update, I will leave this as it is because today is a day of love and hugs and not screens.

Rage, love and of course freedom.


If you can support us, please join our patreon scheme: