Hey folks! We hope you’re keeping well and as radical as ever. We’ve been relaxing, fucking with the huge advertisements in city centres and planing Liberate Or Die (We will release the event info VERY soon!) 

We are really fucking privileged to be able to make this post and we have a few little announcements. The first one is that we’ve managed (barely) to stock up our merch, so there are all sizes, all designs, on hoodies and tees back up on our website. We’ve taken a while to do so as we had no funds to buy more, but we’ve realised as our PayPal grows smaller and smaller that we needed to get more merch if we want to survive as a collective. So in these real fucking tough money times after losing Patreon, if you can support us and want some cool merch, head straight up to our website and grab yourself whatever the fuck you fancy!

Here is where things get interesting; Underground Badger Syndicate is about to release some seriously sick merch and we are super lucky to have received a hoodie to raffle. UBS will not be printing hoodies, only tees, so this XL hoodie will be a one of a kind kinda ting and it is a big thing that they are happy for us to give it away! We also have found four of our DIY Defend patches that we are gonna throw in the mix (they have been out of stock for fucking ages) so FIVE people that order something between today and Sunday night will receive a lil something else in the post with the order! 

To top up that shit, Eat Cops Not Pigs has sent us some amazing stickers so we will be putting them in ALL orders for free to share a bit more of love. 

So yeah, if you’re able to, help us the fuck out, maybe get a lil extra in the post with your order and wear some rad merch with pride. What’s not to fucking like?


That’s all from us for now, we are still working behind the scenes during our little break and we will be back soon, really soon, to keep giving as much shit as we can to this oppressive system! 

Also if you are able to support us on a regular basis, maybe join our Liberapay team!



Hey folks! We hope you’re keeping well and as radical as ever. We’ve been relaxing, fucking with the huge advertisements in city centres and planing Liberate Or Die (We will release the event info VERY soon!) 

We are really fucking privileged to be able to make this post and we have a few little announcements. The first one is that we’ve managed (barely) to stock up our merch, so there are all sizes, all designs, on hoodies and tees back up on our website. We’ve taken a while to do so as we had no funds to buy more, but we’ve realised as our PayPal grows smaller and smaller that we needed to get more merch if we want to survive as a collective. So in these real fucking tough money times after losing Patreon, if you can support us and want some cool merch, head straight up to our website and grab yourself whatever the fuck you fancy!

Here is where things get interesting; Underground Badger Syndicate is about to release some seriously sick merch and we are super lucky to have received a hoodie to raffle. UBS will not be printing hoodies, only tees, so this XL hoodie will be a one of a kind kinda ting and it is a big thing that they are happy for us to give it away! We also have found four of our DIY Defend patches that we are gonna throw in the mix (they have been out of stock for fucking ages) so FIVE people that order something between today and Sunday night will receive a lil something else in the post with the order! 

To top up that shit, Eat Cops Not Pigs has sent us some amazing stickers so we will be putting them in ALL orders for free to share a bit more of love. 

So yeah, if you’re able to, help us the fuck out, maybe get a lil extra in the post with your order and wear some rad merch with pride. What’s not to fucking like?


That’s all from us for now, we are still working behind the scenes during our little break and we will be back soon, really soon, to keep giving as much shit as we can to this oppressive system! 

Also if you are able to support us on a regular basis, maybe join our Liberapay team!



As many of you know, we’ve been receiving quite a few blows in the last few weeks. Our facebook page taken down, then being banned on Patreon, then getting our website down… whilst working on the ground in Hambacher Forst and attempting to keep up with the internet world.

Certainly, the cold has taken a toll on us. After talking to a good few different people, we have decided that a self care break is needed. Because the team is small right now, it means that Unoffensive needs to take a little break from online publishing for the time being.

That does not mean that we are giving up, that we are not carrying on the fight on the ground and by bringing news to the world. But for about two to three weeks our presence online will be reduced to a minimum (the merch folks might want to make a post when new stuff has arrived and we will probably post about Liberate or Die in the next few days) but we will not publish any hit reports or updates from the frontlines.

In fact, we are actually walking away from the frontlines and swapping it for a couple of weeks of sanctuary, animal cuddles and respite to restore our strength and our will to keep pushing forward.

Surely our regular followers will know that posting this is not an easy task. It actually has taken quite a lot of convincing by folks around us to stop for a bit, and it make us feel like in the future we should probably talk more about activism and self care.

Until we come back, please check Bite Back magazine ( for ALF hit reports, CrimethInc. ( for anarchist news and Earth First! ( to keep up to date with environmental struggle.

Whilst we are at it, please write some letters to prisoners. You can find a good few on our website under “Prisoner Support”. Solidarity is our biggest weapon.

Warm revolutionary hugs, the same rage (just under a blanket now) and kilos of biodegradable glitter to throw at cops.

Unoffensive Animal Collective.

PS: if anyone is able to support our work, liberapay isn’t working as well as we expected but you can still join and donate monthly if that works for you!


As many of you know, we’ve been receiving quite a few blows in the last few weeks. Our facebook page taken down, then being banned on Patreon, then getting our website down… whilst working on the ground in Hambacher Forst and attempting to keep up with the internet world.

Certainly, the cold has taken a toll on us. After talking to a good few different people, we have decided that a self care break is needed. Because the team is small right now, it means that Unoffensive needs to take a little break from online publishing for the time being.

That does not mean that we are giving up, that we are not carrying on the fight on the ground and by bringing news to the world. But for about two to three weeks our presence online will be reduced to a minimum (the merch folks might want to make a post when new stuff has arrived and we will probably post about Liberate or Die in the next few days) but we will not publish any hit reports or updates from the frontlines.

In fact, we are actually walking away from the frontlines and swapping it for a couple of weeks of sanctuary, animal cuddles and respite to restore our strength and our will to keep pushing forward.

Surely our regular followers will know that posting this is not an easy task. It actually has taken quite a lot of convincing by folks around us to stop for a bit, and it make us feel like in the future we should probably talk more about activism and self care.

Until we come back, please check Bite Back magazine ( for ALF hit reports, CrimethInc. ( for anarchist news and Earth First! ( to keep up to date with environmental struggle.

Whilst we are at it, please write some letters to prisoners. You can find a good few on our website under “Prisoner Support”. Solidarity is our biggest weapon.

Warm revolutionary hugs, the same rage (just under a blanket now) and kilos of biodegradable glitter to throw at cops.

Unoffensive Animal Collective.

PS: if anyone is able to support our work, liberapay isn’t working as well as we expected but you can still join and donate monthly if that works for you!


So you know the score. We’ve lost eight Facebook pages, our Patreon was finalised last week and our website got taken down yesterday. We must be pissing someone off. 

The great thing about the fight is that it teaches us to become resilient. How many times have we been beaten by the cops, thrown in a cell, punched by a Nazi or seen the injustice all around us and we still got up to carry on? This internet game is kind of the same. Patreon take us down? We start a Liberapay. The website is down? We ride the wave and get it back up. Certainly we don’t know exactly what happened and who was behind it, but we will find out sooner or later. 

This brings us to the next point. Unoffensive is a communal project. Not just between the collective, but also with everybody that likes us still bringing those news. We are unable to reach more people without your help. Anarchy is mutual aid, and we are asking for that aid now. After Facebook took us down last time and we had to go back up as Liberate Or Die, we did not recover as much as we would’ve liked. The first time we went down we had 1000 followers back in 6 hours. This time, we are at barely 2000 after a month. We wonder if the platform is dead for us or if simply we aren’t producing good enough content to make folks share our work and news with others. Seemingly, after a year on Instagram we have not reached 10k. What we mean with all this is that for this project to work we need to use your reach. If you believe that Unoffensive is doing good work, share us. Talk to folks about us. Like the posts, comment, show it to folks. It is hard enough to fight against whoever want us down, and it is made even more difficult if our reach is every time smaller and smaller. 

The same way, if you believe folks around you would benefit from our workshops, DM us and let’s get the ball rolling. We want to share knowledge and learn from others and we cannot wait to plot the revolution! 

In other news, we are still organising Liberate Or Die. We choose to organise it in May as it would be warmer, but it seems like a lot of people might be heading to the US for the animal rights conference in June and we are concerned that that will stop folks from coming to Hambi the month before. What do you all think? And what sort of workshops would you like to see? We certainly are getting ready some skeleton actions so we can have a lot of fun whilst sticking the middle finger to the speciesist system. But then again, this project will also not really work without the support of the folks around us, so get involved and let’s organise! 

If anyone is able to help us out with funds, after Patreon went down we’ve taken a bit of a hit, so join us on Liberapay and let’s see how the platform behaves! 




So you know the score. We’ve lost eight Facebook pages, our Patreon was finalised last week and our website got taken down yesterday. We must be pissing someone off. 

The great thing about the fight is that it teaches us to become resilient. How many times have we been beaten by the cops, thrown in a cell, punched by a Nazi or seen the injustice all around us and we still got up to carry on? This internet game is kind of the same. Patreon take us down? We start a Liberapay. The website is down? We ride the wave and get it back up. Certainly we don’t know exactly what happened and who was behind it, but we will find out sooner or later. 

This brings us to the next point. Unoffensive is a communal project. Not just between the collective, but also with everybody that likes us still bringing those news. We are unable to reach more people without your help. Anarchy is mutual aid, and we are asking for that aid now. After Facebook took us down last time and we had to go back up as Liberate Or Die, we did not recover as much as we would’ve liked. The first time we went down we had 1000 followers back in 6 hours. This time, we are at barely 2000 after a month. We wonder if the platform is dead for us or if simply we aren’t producing good enough content to make folks share our work and news with others. Seemingly, after a year on Instagram we have not reached 10k. What we mean with all this is that for this project to work we need to use your reach. If you believe that Unoffensive is doing good work, share us. Talk to folks about us. Like the posts, comment, show it to folks. It is hard enough to fight against whoever want us down, and it is made even more difficult if our reach is every time smaller and smaller. 

The same way, if you believe folks around you would benefit from our workshops, DM us and let’s get the ball rolling. We want to share knowledge and learn from others and we cannot wait to plot the revolution! 

In other news, we are still organising Liberate Or Die. We choose to organise it in May as it would be warmer, but it seems like a lot of people might be heading to the US for the animal rights conference in June and we are concerned that that will stop folks from coming to Hambi the month before. What do you all think? And what sort of workshops would you like to see? We certainly are getting ready some skeleton actions so we can have a lot of fun whilst sticking the middle finger to the speciesist system. But then again, this project will also not really work without the support of the folks around us, so get involved and let’s organise! 

If anyone is able to help us out with funds, after Patreon went down we’ve taken a bit of a hit, so join us on Liberapay and let’s see how the platform behaves! 




When we thought we were more or less safe on all our internet accounts after the introduction of our website, Patreon sent us an email informing us that they did not want to host us any longer. Even though we have communicated to them that our aim isn’t “promoting criminal damage” -as they seem to believe – but to inform and produce media for the public, they are not willing to allow us back in their platform. 

Money is always a nasty subject for us. We fucking hate money, but we see how useful it is in some aspects. Although none of us ever would use donations for financial gain, there are quite a few expenses related to UA’s work that make money a need to carry on with the project. Our website, hosting, internet and phone bills, the (not very regular) trip to give workshops or to assist at occupations and the legal fees and prison support work, all requires money. 

We have always been very open about how we use money and how we do not pay for our food, personal bills, whatever. Mostly because we live like street rats so our life might be many things, but it isn’t expensive. 

So here we are, once again, asking for your support. We’ve created a LiberaPay account and we are hoping it will work well for us and for you. We don’t know anyone who uses it so we have no references. If you are able to help us either by donating or by sharing the appeal, that would be amazing. 

You don’t have to donate much. £1, £5, £0.50… everything helps. We have well over 10k followers cross platform so it shouldn’t be too difficult to reach our goal of £150 a week. Certainly loosing Patreon hit us hard when our monthly income had reached 535 dollars a month. 

So, have a look at the new platform, tell us what you think, join if you can and share regardless. We can only survive through mutual aid.




When we thought we were more or less safe on all our internet accounts after the introduction of our website, Patreon sent us an email informing us that they did not want to host us any longer. Even though we have communicated to them that our aim isn’t “promoting criminal damage” -as they seem to believe – but to inform and produce media for the public, they are not willing to allow us back in their platform. 

Money is always a nasty subject for us. We fucking hate money, but we see how useful it is in some aspects. Although none of us ever would use donations for financial gain, there are quite a few expenses related to UA’s work that make money a need to carry on with the project. Our website, hosting, internet and phone bills, the (not very regular) trip to give workshops or to assist at occupations and the legal fees and prison support work, all requires money. 

We have always been very open about how we use money and how we do not pay for our food, personal bills, whatever. Mostly because we live like street rats so our life might be many things, but it isn’t expensive. 

So here we are, once again, asking for your support. We’ve created a LiberaPay account and we are hoping it will work well for us and for you. We don’t know anyone who uses it so we have no references. If you are able to help us either by donating or by sharing the appeal, that would be amazing. 

You don’t have to donate much. £1, £5, £0.50… everything helps. We have well over 10k followers cross platform so it shouldn’t be too difficult to reach our goal of £150 a week. Certainly loosing Patreon hit us hard when our monthly income had reached 535 dollars a month. 

So, have a look at the new platform, tell us what you think, join if you can and share regardless. We can only survive through mutual aid.




During this winter time of uncertainty in Hambacher Forst we’ve been trying to push building structures whilst awaiting to see what the political decision is. An answer could come as soon as Friday this week so we would recommend anyone wanting to come when the eviction happens to be ready for it.

Within Unoffensive we have been wondering what’s next. We still want to organise Liberate Or Die but we do not know if the forest will hold until May, so if anyone knows of a different space in Europe that would be happy to host it please drop us a message!

We also want to organise some workshops. Do you think your group would benefit from a chat with UA folks? Message us and let’s get organised. For now we are unable to travel outside of Europe, but hopefully in a few years we can travel somewhere else!

We published A is for Anarchy yesterday for the first time in a few months. What did you think of it?

Lastly, we would like to appeal for a lil help. It’s been almost a year that we’ve been without a good camera and it would really help us with bringing you news from the front line, so if you’re able to support us be it by dropping some coins or by sharing the word, please do so.



During this winter time of uncertainty in Hambacher Forst we’ve been trying to push building structures whilst awaiting to see what the political decision is. An answer could come as soon as Friday this week so we would recommend anyone wanting to come when the eviction happens to be ready for it.

Within Unoffensive we have been wondering what’s next. We still want to organise Liberate Or Die but we do not know if the forest will hold until May, so if anyone knows of a different space in Europe that would be happy to host it please drop us a message!

We also want to organise some workshops. Do you think your group would benefit from a chat with UA folks? Message us and let’s get organised. For now we are unable to travel outside of Europe, but hopefully in a few years we can travel somewhere else!

We published A is for Anarchy yesterday for the first time in a few months. What did you think of it?

Lastly, we would like to appeal for a lil help. It’s been almost a year that we’ve been without a good camera and it would really help us with bringing you news from the front line, so if you’re able to support us be it by dropping some coins or by sharing the word, please do so.