Yesterday we opened an email with some incredible photos from a report and we decided it was time to come back. It has been very refreshing to relax, disconnect from social media and take a break and we feel like it is time to get back to work.
We’ve been mainly at sanctuaries, helping out building sheds and cleaning poo. It seems to be quite a nice way to take care of our head and relax. Now we are heading back to Hambacher Forst to finish the treehouse and to get Liberate or Die organised and ready to go.
There are a few new things coming to the page. A is for Anarchy is back from Tuesday, a new series on internet security and communications will pop up every two weeks on Thursdays and Incite, Conspire, Inspire should be ready to go giving folks recipes for disaster. We also want to start a series on the YPJ/YPG and the northern Syria struggle and we are really looking forward to it.
That, plus your standard dose of Hit Reports and A is for Anarchy should get the page going and interesting enough once again.
We are giving a workshop in London on the 26th of this month. We will be talking about security culture and history of the animal liberation movement and it would be great to see you all, so book the date off and let’s meet! We will upload an event shortly.
We have also had a long chat about how to get back to where we were before losing our social media once again. We count on you to like, share and comment on our posts. Supporting us in ALL social media sites really help us to be able to reach out as many people as possible.
As per our economic situation, we certainly are in a strange situation of uncertainty. Liberapay does not work as well as we though it would and Patreon has reiterated that we are no longer entitled to an account. Selling merch helps, but there isn’t enough profit to keep things running smooth. We will keep trying to work out ways to get it sorted, but until then supporting us over PayPal might e the best idea, so until we are able to receive direct debits through the platform, maybe setting up a reminder on your phone might do it if you’re interested in supporting us monthly.
Let this be the day we start a revolution.
Unoffensive Animal.
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