The British campaign to free the beagles bred for vivisection in MBR Acres keeps rolling at full steam. With more and more folks joining the campaign, specially new people who have not been involved in animal liberation before, the campaign seems to be just starting.

On the 1st of August, a 300 strong demonstration kept pressure at the front gates of the Cambridgeshire farm. Even with 70+ police on site, protestors managed to keep the workers stranded inside their cars in the middle of the road for more than two hours, creating multiple lines to protest their involvement in vivisection. A couple of arrests were made and folks have been remanded away from the site.

Meanwhile, Camp Beagle has kept MBR on their toes daily by keeping tabs on workers’ ins and outs and by holding daily demonstrations by the gates.

Sadly, not all is great news. On the 10th of August and after 40 days of siege with no dogs coming out of the facility, a huge contingent of police ensured that two transport vans would drive into the farm, only to be escorted out some time later with dogs crying inside of the vehicles. This seemed to be an important eye opener by many folks who were hoping the police were anything more than spineless puppets.

There is another national demo happening this Sunday, 15th of August, and things are growing. The demo has been called for MBR Acres, but also for those living in the north of the UK who want to visit its sister vivisection breeding facility B&K Universal.

Both demos start at 8am and you can find more information about them on the campaign’s Facebook page:


We are aware of folks who have expressed they have not felt safe at the demos due to transphobic comments as well as peace policing and bootlicking. When a campaign like this gains attention it is bound to attract many folks who do not tend to align politically, or who have not experienced the full oppressive power of the police. Our suggestion, as always, is to keep fighting. Ensure that you surround yourself with folks who take care of you and who will take care of others. Ensure you call out bad behaviour when it is needed and ensure you create an environment that is welcoming for those who constantly experience oppression by society, but most importantly, ensure that racists, transphobes and bootlickers do not hijack the movement in the name of “animal liberation”. We only lose the fight if we stop fighting. Let’s not forget that animal liberation only works with total liberation.

And let’s never leave without the beagles.

Dress black. Mask up. Be no one. Be ready for anything. Be the catalyser for their liberation.

See you in the next demo.



Since the campaign started and we last wrote about it, Free the MBR Beagles has gone through quite a few things. 

For anyone who still hasn’t heard about it, MBR Acres is a British beagle breeder that sells the dogs to vivisection laboratories. After undercover footage of workers transporting beagles in crates was released, a nationwide campaign started to shut down the farm and release all animals from the premises. A camp was also set up outside of the gates of the farm, with people living there 24/7.

Last week, about three hundred people joined a demo to put even more pressure. Folks travelled from around the country just to join for the day, but also many locals who had no idea about the farm being so close to them decided to participate in the demonstration. Whilst the demo was very calm and it did not kick off, it was a good turnout that will only translate into even more folks joining the next one. 

On Sunday some information about a worker loading dogs in a car started circulating. This was big news as since camp was set up, no dogs have been officially taken out of the facility. An urgent call for support was sent and many people arrived in camp to an odd standstill between the police, the workers and folks barricading the exit. In the end, the police allowed the workers to move and so did the external barricade, and whilst folks on the ground do not believe animals were taken out on Sunday or any other previous day, it is difficult to know if workers are sneaking dogs out of the factory farm. It is unknown why anyone would take the dogs out of the factory in a personal car and the most plausible explanation is for rehoming purposes, but that is an unconfirmed guess. For that reason, more daily support has been called.

To appeal to the workers of the facility there is a whistleblower number as well as an email address for anyone to give inside information anonymously. If needed, you can find those contact details on Free The MBR Beagles. At the same time, a recruitment company has offered the workers an alternative job that matches or beats their current salary to get them out of that facility. 

From other frontlines and showing support to the campaign, the ALF released two communique in solidarity with the MBR Beagles. In one they explained how they took 33 hens from a factory farm. In another, how they liberated 400+ guinea pigs. We can only guess that ALF actions directly targeting MBR or in solidarity with the campaign will be on the rise. 

The next national demo called is on Sunday, 1st of August. It starts at 8 am and the postcode is PE28 2DT. It is organised as a protest and “funeral-vigil”, so they are asking for people to dress accordingly. Masks are recommended. 

If you live in the country, we cannot recommend you more to join this campaign. It is a breath of fresh air in the animal liberation movement that could bring back the strength and uncompromised fight that once was. If you’re not, you probably have an MBR near you. Find them, gain information about them and target them! Bring the company down! 


Video by @misartressmel, filmed during the last demo.


The UK is seeing a resurgence of action against vivisection and it seems they have chosen a target. MBR Beagles is a factory farm breeding and selling beagles for vivisection. They have existed for almost fifty years and have continuously operated under different names including Harlan and Interfauna.

Interfauna was a previous target of the ALF. More than one raid was carried out in the past, including the notable 82 beagles and 26 rabbits liberated from the place in 1990.

During the SHAC campaign, MBR Acres was also the target of heated demonstrations and a relentless campaign to shut down the factory farm.

For over a year, local campaigners have run “Stop Animal Cruelty Huntingdon”, which focused on demonstrations against MBR Acres and Covance. Since undercover footage captured with a hidden camera was released showing beagles transported from the sheds and into vans, the campaign has become a lot more than just a local effort.

Multiple national newspapers published reports on the farm and printed the photos obtained by the activists. Politicians and public figures publicly announced their support for the campaign.

Their next demo became heated. Aided by newspapers publishing about the farm and the campaign, on the 27th of June, there was an unexpected shift. More and more people kept arriving at a demo that was not expected to grow that big. People were furious, upset and emotional. The fences were kicked off the entrance to the farm with police not knowing what to do with themselves. 

Since then, the campaign has evolved. It’s now called “Free the MBR Beagles”, singling out their target and showing determination to close down the farm whilst being able to show it is no longer a local campaign, but a national one. At the same time, folks have set up “Camp Beagle” on the verge of the road, meters away from the double-gated entrance of the puppy factory farm. Camp Beagle said, “We are NOT leaving without the beagles” and they seem to be pretty serious about it.

After some time of relative silence against vivisection by the wider animal liberation community, it seems like the fight against animal laboratories is back. 

You can help. For anyone reading in the UK, Camp Beagle actively encourages folk to join and camp with them or even just visit for the day. Their address is MBR Acres Ltd, Sawtry Way, Huntingdon, PE28 2DT. You can get in touch with them online over their Facebook page:

For those who cannot leave everything and move to camp, there still are opportunities to join. The next big demonstration organised by Free the MBR Beagles is on the 9th of July at 8 am, at the same address mentioned above. To follow The campaign, check their Facebook page:


For all of those outside of the UK, luckily there are still things we can do to help. MBR Acres is owned by Marshal BioResources. The company is registered in the US but they have subsidiaries in multiple different countries around the globe. Notably, the Italian Green Hill puppy farm was owned by them until it was shut down for animal cruelty in 2016. Marshal BioResources also owns Marshal Pet Products, a company that is widely stocked in the US’ PetCo and that even sells ferrets to the pet superstore bred in the Marshal BioResources farms. More information on the subsidiaries of Marshal BioResources as well as locations in countries around the world will be welcomed by the wider animal liberation movement and the campaign to shut down MBR Acres.



The comrades at Wildfire have reached out to let us know that the magazine will be printed next week and that numbers of printed mags depend on bulk pre-orders as that is the only way they are funding the costs.

If you’re part of a group and would like to stock up on magazines, this weekend is your chance to help fund a radical, animal liberation magazine! If you know of any groups who would be interested, tag them or share it with them!

For anyone wanting to place bulk orders (minimum 30 magazines), you can contact Wildfire on wildfiremagazine(at)riseup(dot)net

We will be ordering a good bunch ourselves, so for small orders we will be able to provide, but for anyone wanting to raise some funds for their projects and plans this is a fantastic opportunity!




The folks at Wildfire Magazine have reached out to let us know that the next issue of their magazine is fast approaching but that they need some support in order to finalise it. They are collecting pre-print bulk orders from groups, collectives, bookstores and shops that want to order a bunch of mags to raise funds for their projects. These groups can be worldwide.

Bulk orders of the magazine are at 1 GBP per magazine and minimum order is 30 magazines. If your group or collective wants to raise some funds by selling the magazine, or simply they want to create culture and share an animal liberation based magazine with peers, you can contact Wildfire Magazine for more information.

To contact them send an email to WildfireMagazine (at) riseup (dot) net

If you don’t think you can afford to bulk order, but know grassroots groups, or collectives, or campaign organisers and even bookstores and radical shops, tag them, let them know you’d like to see the magazines stocked by your nearest group, share it with them and encourage some orders!

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst we support the work of Wildfire Magazine, we are in no way connected to the organising, printing or making of the magazine. Please do not direct your questions towards us as we can only redirect you to the email mentioned above.




We don’t have a specific calendar date, but about this time five years ago, we started this huge journey. We were born because we felt the animal rights movement needed to be more exposed to radical action and anarchism and couldn’t find any outlets that were using social media to reach out to the mainstream animal liberation community. At the same time, we felt there was a need to bring animal liberation back into the broader anarchist discussion as the radical anti-authoritarian and anarchist movement hugely lacked antispeciesist conversation. We also felt that amplifying prisoner support voices was extremely necessary. 
 And here we are, five years on, with those goals still in mind. Folks tend to not understand clearly that we serve as a media platform for voices that decide to be anonymous and that we do not take part in illegal action, nor wish to promote it in any way. We get contacted regularly by people who “want to join” but also by animal agriculture agents that accuse us of actions we have received. Those are not the only groups who are confused about what we do. Freedom of the press is an important part of society, yet private companies running social media platforms and even government entities have targeted us regularly. We’ve lost social media platforms and we have even lost a website to the police. 
 The only thing we can do is to point out that the repressive nature of the state manifests itself in many different ways, including censorship. 

Regardless, that does not discourage us. We have lived too many incredible experiences through this project to feel discouraged by the bumps. We’ve met incredible people in one of the biggest and loudest protest camps in Europe, Hambacher Forst. We’ve reported from the frontlines of huge demonstrations and protests as well as small and well organised civil disobedience actions. We’ve sent thousands to prisoners and their support network and created friendships with folks in prison and their families that will last a lifetime. 
 But the reality of it is that we do not do this for the experiences we get out of it. This whole project, the effort to bring radical media to you, the effort to amplify anonymous voices, to educate on security and to create networks of prison and arrest support is for you. For you, specifically, and for everybody around you. For you, but also for the earth who provides housing to all of us and that holds mountains and forests and lakes that keep us alive. And indeed, for every single creature that crawls, flies, swims or just stands still, with purpose in their life, with hopes, and dreams and families. 
 The reason we do this is that we believe we must create a world where mutual aid is an everyday thing. Because we believe we can educate folks into being kind, and into taking action when injustice is in front of them. Because we think that another world is possible if you start working towards it. 
 If you think our work is useful to the broader community, we would very much appreciate your support. We are having some money troubles and the last couple of months have been very difficult, making us unable to send money to prisoners and cutting some corners with the website and servers. We have a Patreon you can join if you’re able to support us that way. If you can, that is ok, because we do not do this for money. 
 We are not going to make this write up even longer. Five years is a very fucking long time, and we hope we last another five or ten, but we also hope that at some point we are not necessary any longer. We hope one day we can celebrate the fucking revolution with you. 
 For a world without prisons, or cops, or politicians. For a world without machines harming the earth with their teeth. For a world where all animals are considered equal and for a world where no one is exploited for their labour or mistreated because of their skin colour, gender or who they like to fuck. 
 For the revolution. 
 See you in the next riot. 


It has come to our attention that Hit Reports are not being received as intended and that many actions are going unreported due to tech problems. In this post we will explain step by step how folks are able to send reports anonymously.

Before we get into it we need to make a couple of things clear. Firstly, Unoffensive serves as a media platform, we don’t know who sends the reports and we do not want to know who sends the reports. Keeping folks anonymous is the best way to do this. Secondly, we are not promoting illegal activities and we would never suggest to anyone to partake in illegal direct action. We merely serve as an information platform.

Now to the important bit. To be able to connect online as anonymously as you are able to, you’re going to need Tor Browser and a VPN. You can download Tor on www.torproject.org and we would suggest either ProtonVPN or MullvardVPN.

If you are sending photos or video, you want to remove the metadata from the media. This sounds difficult but it really isn’t. Download ExifCleaner here: https://exifcleaner.com/ and simply drag and drop the media into the software. Job done. If using phone, download ObscuraCam instead.

Once media metadata is gone, you want to connect your VPN and start Tor Browser. You will be using Tor from now on until you’re done sending a report.

You can upload your media to Wetransfer.com and copy the download link. Once you have that, you’ve got a couple of options.

You can either visit the contact us on our website and drop the written report (where, when and what are important bits of information, your personal identity IS NOT!) and the download link on our message box where it says “Your Message”, then click on “encrypt and send” and you are done! You can find our message box on www.unoffensiveanimal.is/contact-us

If you do not want to use our website to send a report, you can send it to our email address. We have now changed our hit report email address in order to reduce the load from our main email. From now on, reports will be received through unoffensivereports(at)protonmail(dot)com

In order to send an anonymous email, you can either go to https://tempr.email or to https://anonymousemail.me/. DO NOT use your personal email address, or your group’s address.

If it all falls and reports have not been published after a couple of weeks, give it another try. Send another message using a different way to communicate with us.

To sum up:

1- Download Tor and a VPN.
2- Delete metadata from media using ExifCleaner or ObscuraCam, depending if you’re using computer or smartphone.
3-Connect your VPN and open Tor browser
4- Upload your media to Wetransfer and copy the link
5a- Go to the Message Box on the “contact us” tab on our website and submit the report and media link, click on “encrypt and send”
5b- Go to Anonymousemail.me and send the report and media link that way if you rather not submit the report through our website.
6- If after a couple of weeks the report has not been published, try a different way and resubmit!

Hopefully this makes everything a lot clearer and folks are able to navigate our communication systems.

Stay safe and stay dangerous.



After a relentless campaigning against HLS that bright them to the ground an anonymous donor bailed out HLS in 2001.

Whilst HLS believed this to be a saving move, people did not feel deterred and kept fighting.

In this ALFriday, you can watch a collection of news clips from different British TV reports on the demonstrations just after the donor saved HLS from bankruptcy.

Historically, the determination to shut HLS is one of the biggest and strongest emotional drives that the animal liberation movement has had. Even with the media against them, SHAC was able to gather more and more folk who fought against vivisection with a huge plethora of tactics.

Today, HLS still operates under the name of Envigo, worldwide.

Not that long ago, footage from the situation in animal laboratories in Spain surfaced, resulting in a new campaign called Rescate Vivotectnia.

What will it take to bring vivisection down? And how are you helping in order to achieve their liberation?


It’s been a while since our last update. There are a few different reasons, but the main one is simply that we are trying to restructure how Unoffensive works in terms of work distribution and responsibilities, so with that we’ve slowed down our social media work. 
 We are very curious to know what our followers and supporters think we should be putting efforts towards in the context of social media and media creation. 
 Of course, Hit Reports are not something we have any form of say. They are published as and when they are received, thus we cannot change the amount that is published in any way, but there are other fronts we can focus on. In the past we’ve published “ALFridays”, “Incite, Conspire, Inspire”, “Flammable”, “A is for Anarchy”, “Tech and Sec 101” and a plethora of other series focusing on bringing knowledge and information to those who follow us. Sadly, because they don’t come with very saucy looking ALF photos, they don’t tend to be very well received. 
 For that reason, we would like to hear your thoughts about which series work and which are not too useful. What interests you? What do you think UA could focus on? 

Even more importantly, we would be happy to hear from folks who might want to take responsibility for a series, or any form of media and information creation to submit to UA. If you think you’d like to help, you’re more than welcome to contact us over private message or even better, over email. All contact details are on our website.
 Lastly, we would like to mention that even if our social media work might’ve slowed down, we are of course still working on aiding folks in prison and folks who have ended up in court. Prisoner Support one of the biggest pillars that UA will always fight to maintain. 
 This month has been a pricey one. We’ve had to pay for servers, domains and a bunch of other bits that keep us up and running online, so we managed to send a bit less than the standard out to those who need it. 
 Our Patreon support has also dipped, possibly due to uncertain economical times, but we would like to show our deepest gratitude to anyone who supports us or has ever supported us via Paypal and Patreon or even buying merch. You all are fucking awesome. 
 Everybody needs to know that the money we receive is not for any form of personal gain, wages or whatnot. Money is used to support activists in need as well as cover the costs of maintaining our platforms. 
 If you think you can afford it, it would be awesome if you could join our Patreon team: 

And if you prefer throwing a few coins as a one-off, PayPal also works: 
 unoffensive_animal @ tutanota . com
 Thank you again to everybody who keeps helping and supporting and encouraging us to keep working.


Many of you have been asking for it, so we’ve restocked all t-shirts and hoodies. It took us quite a while as sourcing Medium and Large garments was a lot harder due to many factories shutting down due to COVID, but they are now here. Because many folks have asked for them, we have also restocked on Defend Direct Action flags!

For anyone that has any questions about merch or has encountered any issues receiving their parcels, please instead of private messaging our account, just drop an email to unoffensiveshop(at)riseup(dot)net and remember to include your order number to speed up the process.

As always, we would like to remind you that our shop is set up for you to choose the price you’d like to pay. This is to ensure we can cover costs of printing but still give the chance for folks to donate extra if they can afford it or if they want to! Remember that Unoffensive is not for profit and the money raised is redirected to projects, prisoner and arrest support and costs related to our work online. We do not take any money for ourselves and we are not interested in personal gain.

All orders this week will include a Wildfire magazine and a bunch of stickers completely for free. Last time we printed flags they didn’t last more than a week, so if you’ve been looking for one this is your chance. Thank you again for supporting our work and liking Unoffensive enough to represent with our merch, and infinite thanks to the many talented artists that have donated their time and skills to make things you like wearing.

You can grab some merch visiting our website: www.unoffensiveanimal.is/shop

And if you are able to, join our Patreon! It is the best way to support us economically and you can donate very little every month! www.patreon.com/animalliberation