As every year, the badger cull is in full swing in the UK. For anyone who is not aware, the badger cull is a government organised murder of badgers. The government says they do it to reduce bTB in cattle and they allow for the trapping and shooting of badgers as well as the free shooting during the night. 

Thousands of people organise to stop the killing of badgers in many different ways, from groups walking footpaths and keeping tabs on badger setts to folks who will sabotage traps or find the shooters to politely ask them to fuck off. 

A few years ago, some folks within UA set up a little splinter group called Underground Badger Syndicate that focused on sabotaging the badger cull, like many other groups around the country. Now, a collective in its own right, Underground Badger Syndicate is a direct action group sabotaging the murder of wildlife not only in the UK but throughout Europe. During the badger cull, they spend every day and night sabotaging the cull activities in whatever manner they believe is right, and they always need our support. 

We have in the past supported UBS with gear and funding, but certainly, during the cull, they are in constant need of economic support. 

For anyone who has not heard from them, you can find their socials here: 

Instagram: @undergroundbadgersyndicate
Facebook: When The Wild Things Come At Night.

They genuinely could do with more followers on their social media, so if you are not following them, get on it! If you are, make a little post and ask folks to have a look at their socials. It doesn’t get any crustier than that! 

And if you’re able and can afford it, consider sending them some fuel money. UBS keep saying money is for outrageous stuff like submarines and torpedos. In reality, their funds constantly disappear due to the sheer amount of kilometres they drive every day to stop wildlife from being murdered. 


Always defend direct action.


Photo: By Underground Badger Syndicate, posing with a couple of badger cages.

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