13th February, Kent UK.

VIA: BiteBack Magazine

received anonymously:

“13th February in Kent south East UK

Little Oakhurst in Kent, UK, was visited once again. For a while we have been keeping an eye on the wellbeing of the dog used as a shepherd’s tool to exploit the sheep.

After hearing Tracey’s sentencing by the judge and not happy with the fact that she is still allowed to keep two dogs and a cat, we decided to pay a visit to her farm. It was of no surprise to find the collie stuck in the mud, locked in a cage without any shelter, food or water. Another of Tracy’s victims shoved in the barn in what we assume was an attempt to continue the abuse away from prying eyes. Well Tracy, we have eyes everywhere. Even as you sit in prison and long after you come home we will still be watching you.

We want to see every single animal taken away from that place and go somewhere they will be respected and never neglected again. They deserve their freedom with no threat of slaughterhouses or cold muddy cages.

Seeing as the justice system failed to help this animal, just like so many others, we decided that the dog should come with us and spend the rest of their life in a safe and comfortable environment. Although it was obvious to us, it never fails to amaze that even with Tracey locked up in prison, the animals in the farm still suffer.

Luckily for that dog, they will never be used again as a tool to exploit other animals. They will never again have to endure life in a cage, mud up to their knees and no companionship. They will be able to express the love they surprisingly still have for humans however they need and they will receive love back.

Sadly we were unable to locate the second dog and the cat that were also allowed by the judge to stay under Tracey’s precarious ‘care’. No one else should suffer because of the acts of that horrible human.

There is no justice, there is just direct action.”


8th February,  Germany.

Received anonymously via email:

“McDonald’s billboards in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany, have been repainted as McMord Classic (McDeath Classic).



4th February, Germany

Received anonymously via email:

“Single chicken without any companions rescued from a small and dark shed in Germany, in February 2020. She was soon going to be killed and consumed by the owners. Now she lives on an animal sanctuary together with other chickens.”


28th January, France.

Received anonymously via email:


“We know the cages, the horrible smell, the corpses, the mechanical noise made by the industrialization of death. And yet whenever we dig to these places far away from everyone’s eyes, the horror of seeing one of the worst inventions of humanity strikes us.

We can be paralyzed by our helplessness in front of the thousands of people locked up, exploited and massacred, looking at them through the bars and hating to have the responsibility of choosing which ones will be able to get out.

Tonight, 10 hens exploited for their eggs will never see the cages again. 10 lives changed in the midst of thousands of others, 10 people who were incaged for humans to eat their secretions. These resistance fighters show us every day their strength, their autonomy and the need to snatch them out from these hells.

We have an obligation to get out of a passive veganism that is done in our kitchens, we do not fight with money to support vegan capitalism but with our guts alongside those who fall asleep locked up. No social progress has ever been made without including the oppressed in their struggle. The reality is happening on farms, confronting it is a matter of life and death for the victims.

Tonight, 10 people will be guaranteed to live far from Hell, but all the other faces, the looks in which we get lost those nights, the people we could not help must be engraved in our minds and push us to become their fight’s accomplices.

To our comrades who have left us and to those who inspire us day after day,

The other animals are powerful.

The other animals are not “voiceless”.

Until everyone is forced to hear their howls, until each cage is destroyed,



28 janvier 2020, quelque part en France

On connait les cages, l’odeur horrible, les cadavres, le bruit mécanique de l’industrialisation de la mort. Et pourtant dès que l’on creuse jusqu’à ces endroits loin des yeux du monde, l’horreur de voir encore l’une des pires inventions de l’humanité nous frappe.

On peut être paralysé.e par notre impuissance devant les milliers de personnes enfermées, exploitées, massacrées, les regarder à travers les barreaux et détester avoir la responsabilité de choisir lesquelles pourront en sortir.

Cette nuit ce sont 10 poules exploitées pour leurs oeufs qui ne reverront plus jamais les cages. 10 vies changées au milieu des milliers d’autres, 10 personnes qui étaient encagées pour que des humain.e.s mangent leurs sécrétions. Ces résistantes nous montrent chaque jour leur force, leur autonomie et la nécessité de les arracher à ces enfers.

Nous avons l’obligation de sortir d’un véganisme passif qui se fait dans nos cuisines, on ne lutte pas avec des billets pour soutenir un capitalisme végane mais avec nos tripes aux côtés de celles et ceux qui s’endorment enfermé.e.s. Aucun progrès social ne s’est fait sans inclure les opprimé.e.s dans leur lutte. La réalité se passe dans les élevages, s’y confronter est une question de vie ou de mort pour les victimes.

Ce soir, 10 personnes auront la garantie de vivre loin de l’Enfer, mais tous les autres visages, les regards dans lesquels on se perd ces nuits-là, les personnes que nous n’avons pas pu aider doivent être gravés en nous et nous pousser à devenir des complices de lutte pour les autres animaux.

A nos camarades qui nous ont quitté et à celles et ceux qui nous inspirent jour après jour,

Les autres animaux sont puissant.e.s.

Les autres animaux ne sont pas des “sans voix”.

Jusqu’à ce que tout le monde soit forcé d’entendre leurs hurlements, jusqu’à ce que chaque cage soit détruite,



9th February, Kent UK. 

Received anonymously via email: 

“Fuck you Little Oakhurst.

After reading about this filthy shithole and the 177 cows that were brutally shot because Tracy Middleton is a lazy piece of shit, I felt a lone journey out to Kent was in order, making my way through the back field, I came across 2 lambs stuck between fencing and bramble, it didnt suprise me, I’ve read the previous hit reports, I know how disgusting this farm is but I was still moved, shoving my hands through the bramble, I grabbed the first one, the second doesnt move, like it knows I’m trying to help, I pull them both out, hold them tight and get back to the vehicle, as I approach the farm house, I’m raging at her lack of basic care, who the fuck acts like this? so this is a fuck you Middleton, 2 more lives you wont be destroying any time soon.

Her sentencing is this Thursday in Margate Magistrates, if you,re in the area, be there.

love and Rage”


4th February, Lewes UK.

received anonymously via email:

“We saw the call to action from dxe frontlines against the free range egg industry, so on the 4th of February, we paid a quick visit to Mac’s farm in Lewes. It is currently enjoying a wave of good publicity, with people all over the internet directing those concerned about Hoads Farm since last week’s investigation to instead just buy from Mac’s. 

People have been twisting the narrative to promote organic instead of free range, because organic actually give a shit about animals, right? Well we call bullshit. 

Their site is littered with poison traps for rodents, which we filled with expanding foam to stop anyone going inside and getting killed. The poison had also spilled out of the trap and being on a public footpath, could easily be eaten by dogs on walks. Speciesism always gives way to more speciesism. 

There is no ethical egg and there is no ethical exploitation. 

Fuck Mac’s farm for pretending otherwise, and #FuckFreeRange!”


January, Denmark.

Received anonymously via email: 

“On a stormy night in January this little boy was liberated from an intensive pig breeding farm in Denmark. 

Denmark prides itself on high animal welfare but it is clear in all of these farms that all they care about is money. This little baby was liberated from a life time of exploitation, but our fight for his thousands of brothers and sisters that die everyday continues.”


5th February, Kent UK.

received anonymously over email:

“We’d heard of the horror farm in Kent owned and run by Tracy Middleton and the campaign folks are running. We saw the photos they had taken of dead bodies in piles next to young lambs and other sheep still clinging on to life. 

So as we were in the area we went to Little Oakhurst Brissenden Farm to see for ourselves. We saw the starving sheep, their bones visible even through their wool. We saw the awful conditions and the sickness. Don’t get us wrong we fucking hate every farm and there’s no nice exploitation but this was something else. This is what happens when a lazy psychopath get their hands on animals. We aided those we could grab away from this hell hole and to somewhere safe where they won’t be neglected or sent to slaughter. Even with multiple cop cars showing up we still managed to evade them and make our joint escape. It tore us apart to leave so many comrades behind, knowing that only more suffering lay ahead for them.

We hear there’s a protest at Tracy’s on the 9th, we won’t be able to make it so we hope you will. People should be fucking raging!

We dedicate this action to the memory of Jill Phipps who lived and died fighting for animal liberation. 

The fight continues.”