Early March, Pontaury, Belgium

Received anonymously via email: 

“In early March 2020, near the village of Pontaury, activists again took action against hunting by destroying 21 hunting towers, many of which were new.

We do not communicate the precise date so as not to facilitate the repressive work of the Speciesist State.

This hunting area had already been targeted in October 2019, when 32 towers were destroyed and one hunting hut ransacked. 

With this repeated attack, in the same area, the activists show their determination to fight against this leisure activity, which should no longer exist in a society that claims to be evolved, just and strongly linked to scientific and ethical knowledge.

We invite all those who oppose hunting to cause economic damage to hunting activities, everywhere, at all times.

In solidarity with animal species persecuted by hunters and humans in general.

Citizens fighting against speciesism.”


“Début Mars 2020, à proximité du village de Pontaury, des activistes ont à nouveau agi contre la chasse en détruisant 21 miradors dont plusieurs étaient neufs.

Nous ne communiquons pas la date précise pour ne pas faciliter le travail de répression de l’État spéciste.

Cette zone de chasse avait déjà été visée en octobre 2019, 32 miradors avaient alors été détruits et une cabane de chasse saccagée. 

Par cette réplique, sur une même zone, les activistes montrent leur détermination à lutter contre ce loisir qui n’a plus lieu d’exister dans une société se disant évoluée, juste et fortement liées aux connaissances scientifiques et éthiques.

Iels invitent toutes les personnes s’opposant à la chasse à causer des dégâts économiques aux activités de chasse, partout, en tout temps.

En solidarité avec les espèces animales persécutées par les chasseurs et les humains en général.

Ci-joint un communiqué de presse, réalisé à la suite de la première action en octobre 2019, et des photos récentes de 9 des 21 miradors détruits lors de la seconde action.

Des en lutte contre le spécisme.”


We are taking a break. We could explain all the reasons for it but the reality is that internet isn’t the whole of the world and it is very easy to get lost in it. With a project like Unoffensive, a great deal of time is spent in social media and in front of technology. Out of respect for our personal mental health, we need a little break.

We will be back in two weeks. That means no posts, stories or emails for the next 14 days. For immediate release Hit Reports, please contact BiteBack Magazine on info(at) and please remember to take security steps sending reports. 

Please continue to support prisoners and tell their stories. You all should check on the latest news on Eric King because it is so incredibly fucked up we cannot just explain it on a paragraph. Go read about it, send a letter, send some money and remember it could easily be you.

We hope this break allows us to breath for a little bit and to focus on the bigger projects we are working on. The documentary needs focus, the information series are lacking and there is at least one if not two major events to organise.

Liberate Or Die event in Hambacher Forst is still on the works. Folks are confirming workshops as we speak. If anyone needs information or wants to offer a talk, please email 3_LoD(at)

And that’s basically it because part of learning self care is learning not to feel guilty about taking a break.

See you in the next riot.

Unoffensive Animal.

Photo: Lab raid in Iowa University, 2004. From No Compromise! Magazine n30. 


22nd February, Kent UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“On Saturday 22nd February activists found a rabbit dumped within household rubbish whilst checking out a filthy farm where calves and cows were living in unbelievably disgusting conditions.

Bunny was liberated and now the work with the scum farmers start.

Kent, UK”



25th February, North of France.

Received anonymously via email:

(French below)

“This Tuesday, 25.02.2020, during a walk in the north of France, a young woman saw a hunting stand and literally rushed at it to destroy it.

Let us recall that every speciesist system must be destroyed, the fight must always continue.

Nothing will stop us from fighting against speciesism.



“Ce mardi 25.02.2020, lors d’une promenade dans le nord de la France, une jeune femme ayant vue une hutte de chasse ses littéralement précipiter dessus pour la détruire.

Rappelons que chaque système spéciste doit être anéanti, la lutte doit toujours continuer.

Rien peut nous empêcher à faire face à leur spéciste.



17th February, Sweden.


anonymous report:

“17th of February, Sweden

Two hunting towers were sabotaged in Sweden by DRM (the Swedish Animal Rights Militia).

One of the towers got a message sprayed on it: ‘DRM’ and ‘avskum’ (scum in Swedish).”


16th February, Sweden

Via: BiteBack Magazine

anonymous report:

“A fur selling store was attacked again in Stockholm, Sweden. Poster was placed, glues locked and paint poured. Their windows is still broken to. Mess with the animals and we’ll mess up your store!

In solidatity with innocent comrade Richii Klinsmeister, Djurfront, who was just sentenced to 6 months in prison (for ‘assault’), only for speaking in a megaphone, having a demo against Niclas Pettersson, mink murderer in

Glomen, Sweden.

Number to the mink farmer

(international): 004670869612.

Don’t call to late;)




24th February, Bochum, Germany

Received anonymously via encrypted email:

“Today we paid a visit to the local butcher in Bochum and decorated the shop window with fake blood in order to remind all buyers and pedestrians about the murder they have normalized.”


9th February, Luxembourg

anonymous report, from (translation):

“On the night of February 9, 13 towers used for hunting were destroyed in Luxembourg.

In memory of Mike Hill.

On February 9, 1991, Mike Hill, an 18-year-old hunt saboteur, was killed in Cheshire (United Kingdom) by a hunter who deliberately ran over him during a sab.”