6th July, Czech Republic?
Received anonymously via email:
“In a few days/weeks/months (take your pick) were those who kill our brothers and sisters for their stupid fun vandalized! We will for sure continue in our actions!”

Defend Direct Action
6th July, Czech Republic?
Received anonymously via email:
“In a few days/weeks/months (take your pick) were those who kill our brothers and sisters for their stupid fun vandalized! We will for sure continue in our actions!”
23rd June, Bristol UK.
According to local media, Sandy Park Butchers and Tarr’s Ice Cream Parlour were attacked by the ALF, smashing the windows of both shops as well as spray painting “ALF” and “GO VEGAN”.
Mr Tarr told the local papers he had to stop production for the day and open a lot later as they had to clean up after the action.
Steve Cooper, from Sandy Park Butchers, said that he was not totally surprised to see the windows smashed as he has been attacked before. He says it is business as usual, although he will be affected by the expense and will have to get the isurance involved again.
This two attacks follow a relentless campaign by ALF activists in bristol who have been smashing windows at a steady rate for the best part of 2022.
16th June, Italy.
Via: Frente de Liberación Animal.
“Received anonymously:
They lived chained and locked up inside a rusty cage, surrounded by faeces and in shameful conditions. The ALF has liberated two tethered dogs in Veneto (Italy).
Now they will have a life of freedom away from exploitation.”
Recibido anónimamente:
«Vivían encadenados y confinados dentro de una jaula oxidada, entre excrementos y condiciones vergonzosas. El Frente de Liberación Animal ha liberado a dos perros encadenados y enjaulados en Veneto (Italia).
Ahora tendrán una vida en libertad alejados de la explotación.»
June, Worcestershire UK
received anonymously via email:
“Pixies in Worcestershire (UK) have been busy!
This vile Larsen trap was spotted on the roof of a barn, luckily for the Pixies, the scummers had left ladder nearby
We set to work and rendered it swiftly flat-packed and laid to rest in thick brambles.
Earlier in the year, this gorgeous Magpie was liberated from another Larsen (which was later dealt with!) his body condition was very poor and he was absolutely terrified, but he showed a true covid spirit. After some rehab with trusted friends, was returned to the wild in a safe place.
Until Every Cage is Empty.”
27th June, Leeds UK.
received anonymously via email:
‘“My vegan anarchy embodies solidarity not just with dietary intake, but also armed with attack; attack defined by the material actions of an incendiary desire to destroy the social manifestations of human supremacy” – Flower Bomb
Hidden in an industrial corner of Leeds earmarked for ‘regeneration’, a new base for human clinical trials operated by Labcorp is under development. Labcorp’s laboratories, such as the one in Harrogate, are the destination of the 16-week-old beagles from MBR Acres, along with primates from Mauritius, where they are forced to endure experiments that can involve being force-fed chemicals for up to 90 days.
With news of the five beagles liberated recently from MBR Acres filling us with joy, we set out to express our rage and send a message that even the family-friendly public-facing arm of vivisection isn’t welcome. We headed to the site and found it all but deserted, sneaking past the poorly fitted fencing until we were surrounded by machinery and rubble.
Padlocks to the site and doors on construction machinery were glued shut, an assessment of the current interior layout was taken and as we saw a flash of hi-vis patrolling a chunk of metal was thrown through a main window, and we ran.
After getting out of the area, we made a quick pitstop at a pub: not for a pint, but to hear the sound of cracking plastic underfoot as barbaric rat traps were destroyed and poison removed.
This action may seem pointless and futile, and it certainly won’t bring an end to animal testing, but that wasn’t the point. Rage can be a thing of joy, and small acts of resistance as an expression of joyful militancy serve as a reminder that we can strike whenever and however we want, and our beliefs are that of direct conflict with the system of multi-faceted oppression that we’re all fighting against.
This action was taken in solidarity with those fighting against MBR Acres and vivisection worldwide, with the campaign against T&S Rabbits, with each and every individual rising up for basic bodily autonomy in the US, with those on the RMT picket lines, the Kolektyw Wilczyce and Atlanta Forest defenders; truly with each and everyone taking liberatory action against any oppression.
Liberation is love, and love is joyous.
“Play is characterised by a vital impulse that is always new, always in movement. By acting as though we are playing, we charge our action with this impulse. We free ourselves from death. Play makes us feel alive. It gives us the excitement of life. In the other model of acting we do everything as though it were a duty, as though we ‘had’ to do it. ” – Alfredo Bonanno’
19th June, Clifton UK.
received anonymously via email:
“In the early hours of Sunday the 19th of June we visited the posh butchers in Clifton. They are based at “the mall” (which is a street name) in Clifton, Bristol, UK. We shattered the 2 big front windows and broke a side window.
We will continue this war against the meat industry- for animal liberation
June, Thrapston UK
PLEASE NOTE: this report was sent by somebody that by chance heard about the action, but the words of the people involved have not been received.
“These are reportedly images of further paintwork applied to the exterior of Russell Morgans house, director/owner/driver for Impex Services International Ltd, living in Toll Bar Road, Thrapston.
I don’t know who took the photos.
Russell was driving for Impex in this weeks most recent triple vanload collection from MBR Acres, and was also spotted the week before attempting to disguise his identity while driving dogs to their deaths.”
16th June, Bristol UK.
received anonymously via email:
In the early hours of the 16th of June We visited the butchers shop in St Werbergs, Bristol.
There glass door and big window where shattered using rocks. The meat industry must end.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Alongside this report, we received another message 12 hours later. It seems like someone found out that people use UA as an anonymous reporting platform:
“You fucking cunts stop smashing shop windows – Wait until we find you. You will be caught taken away and have your hands butchered off.
It will only be a matter of time”.
To the anonymous, threatening butcher, we would like to ask you for a favour, could you please send us some photos of the smashed windows? Whoever did yous never sent any media with it and in order to publish things, photos and videos round up the news story a lot better.
PHOTO: unrelated image from The Ginger Pig Butcher Shop in London, that was smashed in January 2021.
10th June, Belgium
via: Animal Liberation Press Office
“Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife”
10th June , Montreal, Canada.
received anonymouslty via email:
“After hearing its owner encouraging bowhunting on a local podcast, we decided to pay a visit to the self-proclaimed best archery specialty shop in the province.
The windows have been redecorated and the locks have been glued.
We aim to affect the wallet of this store who sells thousands of hunting weapons each year.
This action is dedicated to Katniss la combatante, a groundhog recently found alive in the east end of town, with an arrow piercing her back leg, shot by a coward but also to any wild animals who are unlucky enough to find themselves in the sights of a hunter”