Disclaimer for the feds: Incite, Conspire, Inspire is a solely-for-fun section never designed to give real advice. The tools, tactics and ideas given on the series are only to entertain. We would never dream of anyone using any of this tools as a form of dissent and we do not promote, partake in or condone any illegal activities that might derive from said tools.

A personal alarm is a small device that can emit a loud siren-like sound. It is activated either by a button, or a tag that, when pulled, sets the siren off. These small, noisy and easy to use alarms can be utilised in a variety of ways beyond personal safety. 

Here are a few scenarios for you to mull over: 

Remember when Smash Speciesism took some helium balloons into Imperial College London? They disrupted the vivisection awards using a variety of tactics, one of them setting off personal alarms tied to helium balloons released inside the auditorium. Any room with high ceilings makes a good location for such a disruption. 

Are your local fascists organizing a talk? An alarm set off and thrown in their direction might drown them out!

Need a distraction so security focuses on a certain location? Well placed personal alarms might get their attention.

A horse race near you? Alarms placed around the premises have cost these places hundreds of thousands. Just make sure you’re gone before police or security arrive! 

Thrown into a fur shop? Takes just a few seconds and can clear out a shop faster than our best megaphone loving mates.  

Set one off and throw into the bushes outside someone’s bedroom window. For extra points aim for the gutters! Maybe it’s the cull director, local fash or the owner of the fur shop your campaign is targeting. If you know where they live then this is one way to make sure they can’t sleep at night.

This is just for entertainment but we advise that you think about traceability when purchasing. Are you buying them with card? Are they distinctive or a mass produced model? Have you handled them with gloves, or would fingerprints be found?

Go have fun with your pocket sized friend, not that we endorse you causing any trouble!

Image: Praxis


Eric King is a political prisoner. He is an anarchist, vegan, activist, who has been in prison since 2016. In 2023 Eric will finally be released, hopefully already this summer, or in December. Help Eric start his life again by donating money to his release fund!

After Eric was arrested for the attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City, Missouri in September 2014, he was sentenced in 2016 to 10 years in prison, for one count of using “explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce”.

It has been a very difficult time for Eric in prison, but he has also won important victories. Eric won a trial against the government, after a guard abused and tortured him in prison. During and after this Eric was again punished by the screws, he was forced to stay in solitary confinement. Right now Eric is in the supermax prison in Florence Colorado, with increased restrictions on what he can do, who he can see, for the rest of his time in prison.

Eric’s release date is 27th December 2023, but his lawyer and support crew hope that Eric can leave the prison walls behind him, and come home as early as this summer.

To help Eric start his new life, money is being collected for him. At our website, in the links below, you can read more about Eric, the support for him, and about how you can donate to his release fund. SUPPORT ERIC KING!

Fuck every prison! Fuck the bastards that put us in there! Solidarity is our strength! Anarchy forever! 




If you want to write letters to Eric you can find addresses and restrictions on our website:


As part of the frontlines series, UA will be providing a monthly round-up of hunt sabotage and other forms of wildlife protection that happens within the UK and Ireland. This will include events, actions and developments that have taken place within the last month relating to ongoing campaigns against hunting with hounds, the shooting industry, the badger cull and beyond.

We want to stress that our aim of this is not to cover everything. There are so many active groups and individuals that doing justice to all of their work is an impossible task. Instead, what we intend to do is highlight key examples of tactics and strategies that are being used and contribute to a conversation about how these produce results. With that said, some do not believe that the state is the answer. Legal reform or prosecutions may be mentioned, to give context, but it can be argued that animal liberation, let alone total liberation, can not be achieved through these methods.

While we prepare for our first round-up, we ask that groups and individuals to reach out to us. As part of these releases, we would like to include relevant imagery from campaigns relating to hunt sabotage and other forms of wildlife protection. As mentioned before, we cannot include everything but what we do feature will be credited (unless requested otherwise). Imagery can be sent to allemailsarebastards(attt)protonmail(dddot)com .

Feel free to also contact us with relevent campaign updates but please do not detail planned actions or illegal activities. Detailed information on how to submit hit reports, however, can be found on the ‘contact us’ tab on our website which provides a safer method of submitting.



Almost a year ago, during a demonstration in front of a T&S Rabbit farm, folks decided to jump the fences and take as many rabbits as they could. Those rabbits would’ve been destined to a life of abuse and a death for a fur coat. The farm was almost empty at the end of the daylight raid, and an anonymous report called the day “Operation Easter Bunny”.

Reportedly, the day was very eventful, lots of people dressed in black during Easter Sunday, in a very busy country lane, running around with carriers full of rabbits. Many people were arrested, and ultimately four people were set to stand trial.

We have heard that those four people have had their charges dropped, maybe because they realised they cannot arbitrarily arrest people at a demo and charge them with theft, maybe because Phil Kerry was unwilling to show his face in front of all the animal rights support that the court case would’ve gathered, but whatever the reason, the result stands.

The bunnies are free, and so are the people!

This comes after two other mass raids by Animal Rebellion where multiple beagles were liberated from a vivisection breeder. The raiders gave themselves in, and ultimately their charges were dropped. The folks arrested at the Easter demo were in all likelihood people simply attending a demonstration who ended up arrested by the cops when raiders run away with the vast majority of the rabbits from the farm tucked in carriers, but arguably we can say that the security culture that the campaign against T&S Rabbits cultivated had much to do with the impossibility for anyone to be charged with the theft of the rabbits. For the most part, people were masked up and did not use their legal names aloud. They also made sure to understand that the police was not there to be friendly with them.

NO FACE NO CASE and NOBODY TALKS, EVERYBODY WALKS likely meant that in the end, no legal case was to be answered by any humans, regardless if they had or hadn’t been involved in the daylight raid.

We hope that all those rabbits are celebrating too, wherever they might be, and we hope that those who were facing legal charges because of Operation Easter Bunny are not only relieved, but incredibly fucking proud of themselves.

Love and liberation.


We seem to be back on track. Multiple people are collectively working on different series well as keeping tabs on prisoners and prisoner support tasks, which is really helping with keeping Unoffensive afloat. We can’t express enough how amazing it is that folks came forward and we are truly grateful that they did and helped push UA forward once again, we really did not want to see the project die.

Because social media algorithms are absolute bullshit, remember that engaging with those series like frontlines, prisoner support or A is for Anarchy is key to reach as many folks as possible. The engagement that prisoner support posts has is a very small percentage to the posts where we share anonymous direct action news. We wouldn’t really care much about “engagement” and “likes” if it didn’t directly translate to supporting prisoners, the amount of letters written and the amount of donations for groups, individuals, court cases and commissary. So please, do drop reactions and comments on those posts so we can push them to more folks who might be able to either learn or support in some way!

In talking about support, we are also asking for folks to donate some cash if they can afford it. We have upcoming costs with platforms, tech services and website/server related expenses that we are going to need help with! We have many avenues for donations (from Paypal and Patreon to Monero and Bitcoin), so if you are able to, please consider donating even if it is just a couple of coins, it really helps tremendously. We mostly use Monero for any tech related cost, as it is a fairly private coin, but it doesn’t matter the platform you use to support. For monthly donations, do join our patreon, but please understand that we do not create “patreon only content” because we do not believe that content and education should be put behind a paywall. It is worth mentioning once again that Unoffensive does not have employees or wages, and that all donations are used either to upkeep tech services related to the collective and the website, or sent to prisoners and activists with court case fines.

Paypal: unoffensive_animal (att) tutanota (dot) com

For cryptocurrency donations, you can find our wallet addresses here:

Please donate if you are in a position to do so, and share if you can’t.




March, NRW Germany.

Received anonymously via email:

“End of march, two towers destroyed by a group of hunt saboteurs in North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

cameras are important tools for hunters, not only to identify animals, but may also serve as evidence in cases of property damage.

always be on the lookout for cameras, some even have integrated sim cards and can be viewed from anywhere!”


On April 1st the Weelaunee forest being protected against the building of Cop City began being clear-cut and the destruction of the forest is moving forward. There has been calls for action, calls of solidarity, and calls for protest.

As a multi-faceted campaign, folks can expect to see a variety of tactics being used to fight back against the destruction of the forest. What folks SHOULDN’T do is wait to see those tactics in action.

The destruction of the Atlanta forest is a worldwide attack with consequences that will be shown in every aspect of our life. The first step towards increasing the effects of climate change in the areas surounding the forest isn’t the only problem. The problem stems from their capability to destroy in order to build even more oppressive tools that will be used to train cops who will be let lose to murder more people. The problem is letting the police build their mock city is allowing them to justify the murder of Tortuguita for an even greater evil.

Wherever you are, whatever your preferred methods are, fight back. Don’t wait for others to show you how. Don’t expect others to fight for you. If you are far, you can send solidarity via smoke signals, or via banner drops. Remember that subsidiaries and businesses involved in the destruction of the forest have locations all around the world. If you are near, you can demo, you can blockade, you can chew the machine that destroys the woods. It is on you, on us, to win the fight.

Follow Defend The Atlanta Forest on instagram, twitter, and mastodon for updates.




30th March, North of Italy

Received anonymously via email:

“second action against Coldiretti

responsible for policies to increase hunting activity, the consumption of animal products and the opposition to the transition to plant food, which with the support of the right-wing government is increasing its oppressive power over non-human animals.

These actions want to bring attention to the fact that the oppressors are ramified in society at multiple levels, but they are also places and natural persons who physically exercise their power every day in our cities, towns, streets, and who must be hit by returning to direct action as a fundamental practice of the antispeciesist fight”


Mel Broughton has been locked up in prison for months now awaiting court. He would love to hear from you, so writing a short letter would be fantastic.

Two years ago, we published a short video where Mel explained how important it is to receive letters in prison. Today, you can again watch that video and use it as a call to action to write to Mel.

Make him part of the outside world, he loves nature, plants, animals and fungi, so there is much to talk about!

Someone from his support team told us quite a cute story about him. Mel Broughton is as grassroots as anyone can be. He might jump into campaigning and fight corporations, but he also works to rehabilitate wildlife on a regular basis.

Once, a crow became a bit too tame. One of their favourite pastimes was perching on Mel’s ankles and untying his shoelaces. The crow really enjoyed being an amusing pain in the ass. One time, whilst Mel was away, the crow found that grabbing one side of the toilet roll and flying around the house would let them redecorate the whole flat! Imagine the clean-up afterwards!

This is something we have heard second-hand, but we can promise you that Mel is full of great stories. Reach out and ask him how he is doing, bring him a little bit of the outside world with your words and show solidarity.

Mel does not want to discuss his case publicly, so please don’t do so, and do not write anything illegal. Assume that all letters sent to Mel are being monitored.

To write to Mel, please address the letters to:

Mel Broughton A3892AE

HMP Peterborough

Saville Rd



United Kingdom

His support team has sent us a short list of books that Mel would like to receive so we will purchase them for him. This means that instead of receiving random books from many different folks, he can get exactly what he’d like to read. Please consider dropping a few coins to help with the costs. You can donate over PayPal, but remember to do it via friends and family and add a note reading “Mel’s Books”

Paypal address: unoffensive_animal (at)



Submitting hit reports is one of Unoffensive Animal’s cornerstones. We believe that those taking direct action and wishing to share their actions with the public should do so anonymously and safely.

We have created a page on our website where folks can simply introduce their text and click on “encrypt and submit”, but to use this feature, people need to think of their own anonymity. Using the TOR Browser *should* keep the sender more anonymous.

Another important aspect to think about is to avoid giving personal information in the report. Understand that we are not going to edit reports, and they will simply be copied and published, so do not tell us who you are or how old you are or what your address is. We don’t care, we don’t want to know and you should not put us in a position where we need to lie to protect the anonymity of activists.

In terms of media, photos and videos are very useful for a hit report. You must take care to clean the media before sending it. This is twofold. Firstly, ensure that the footage does not have identifiers. If it shows a tattoo or identifiable clothing or even background that could be used to prosecute you, you need to sort that out. Secondly, you need to remove metadata from the media before sending it. This is very easy. Simply use one of the tools recommended here:

Once you’ve checked it over, upload that media to any bullshit data transfer service (like and copy the link, you can paste it with your text before sending.

If you do not wish to use the website feature, you are very welcome to send an email to unoffensivereports (at) protonmail(dot)com but please use common sense. Use a throwaway email address from a spam address like an anonymouse email. Creating a “report-specific” email address is NOT good enough. You shouldn’t use the same email address twice to send reports.

You can find detailed information on how to contact us here:



Photo: Russian ALF liberating foxes, 2005.