Below is a letter from Marius on his experience in prison. We believe it to be a very strong and positive message to the outside world that without a doubt is worth the read!

“Dear Community, Family and Friends,

Thank you for the work you are doing to make the change we need to make into the world for our collective survival. Your dedication, support and love are a constant source of inspiration and motivation for me; and I am betting for other prisoners, as well.

This has been as eventful year and a half here at FCI Danbury. My transfer to a male facility had been viewed with great trepidation both by those supportive of trans people and by those who are adamantly opposed to our existence. I’ve had many memorable experiences; some humiliating, some merely annoying and awkward. But, also several that have been rewarding and deeply affirming.

There has definitely been a sense of working things out as we go—the way strip searches have been conducted has been all over the board. Sometimes they have been done by one male staff person, sometimes by one female staff person and several times by several male staff people. Strip searches occur before and after visits, before and after medical trips out, and also when going into the SHU (I had to go there before a medical procedure to fast).

I missed one that was conducted down at the Rec when a fight between inmates was suspected. For the most part, as embarrassing as strip searches can be (they definitely trigger my dysphoria), most staff have been professional about them. There have been some unprofessional remarks made on occasion, though, that have been dehumanizing and dispiriting, but actually have happened a lot less often than I was expecting. A nice surprise.

Mostly, I have been able to navigate what negativity and attempted exploitation there has been, taking it as the cost of admission to this new circus. I am determined to make progress on my transition, and have appreciated the opportunity to keep growing in my social transition and to make all the benchmarks necessary for satisfying the requirements that the BOP has set. For the most part, I keep it moving and accent the positive and eliminate the negative.

There has been a lot of positive movement in my transition to a predominantly cis-male-identified prison. While there are about six transwomen here that I have met, and one gender fluid person, I have yet to meet anyone else who identifies as a trans man at this prison. I did know about eight transmen at Carswell, where I was placed in Texas. Being in this population, there has been a lot of opportunity to discuss trans issues with people. They ask a lot of questions, some related to trans policy and some personal to my situation. Other questions make me laugh as they are blunt and impertinent, but honest curiosity is important to helping with trans visibility and acceptance, so I try not to be offended by some of the more off-putting questions I get asked many times (Will your penis work? Do you like men or women? Why don’t they just trade parts with a trans woman?). I try to keep a sense of humor about it all, and focus on science and acceptance.

My responsibilities as a peer counselor in my unit, which is a mental health unit, keeps me busy and on call 24/7. I’m glad that such a community exists, as it is a necessary support and safe environment for people who might otherwise be persecuted and exploited because of their mental and physical disabilities. This idea is actually to create a small community based on mutual aid, which is intriguing especially as I know from experience with other radical communities in the free world how very, very challenging this kind of social network is to build. But despite the additional hurdles that people in my unit face, we often are able to be the help we need to be for each other. To me, this is proof of the concept of an egalitarian society. If we can do it under these conditions, even if only sometimes, then it is possible.

In addition to my mentoring job, I have also completed my HVAC diploma from Lincoln Tech, as well as finishing my paralegal degree from Blackstone. I’m hoping to get a chance to use these skills to help others when I get to work in the free world someday. In the meantime, I will be starting a new paralegal course, specializing in either criminal or immigration law in the next few months.

I am still doing yardwork and gardening on the compound, trying to create gardens that are both nice to look at but also important food sources for pollinators and birds. They really love zinnias and sunflowers! I am also practicing guitar and Hebrew. Both studies give me a lot of peace.

Though I have been redesignated since January 27, I am still waiting to be transferred to FMC Ft. Worth to receive my medical/surgical treatments to complete my physical transition. Waiting is making me anxious, as I am feeling my age these days. I try to stay focused on how I can help people here, helping folks write letters home or navigate the bureaucracy of prison life, though I am deeply troubled by the way the world suffers right now.

This country continues to slide towards a civil war, as irreconcilable visions of the social structure of our society contend for ascendancy. We face an imminent decline into fascism and only the concerted efforts of a principled movement will avert it. These same forces in conflict here are also in play internationally. It’s hard to be very well informed from where I sit, so I don’t feel very qualified to comment much on things outside the cage where I live now. But it is only because of my great faith in you, my free community of resistance, that I hold a candle of hope for our collective future. I know you are out there for us. And, please know that we are in here for you.

Together, we are strong.”


21st April, Germany.

via: Abolition Media

“Dear Sabotage book,

We have drilled hundreds of holes in a drainage pipe between 19:50 and 2:10 on the weekend for a political motive, we got the idea from here.

Already a few weeks ago in this open pit mine, copper cables were stolen to the value of 2500 euros, high five to the thieves! We hope that today is another really bad day for the coal company Mibrag. And the thought of how the cops from the SOKO Linx waded through knee-deep mud to secure evidence, still brings a smile to our faces.

Rating 10/10 holes, a very (w)holesome action!

Solidarity greetings to all antifascists who are currently facing disproportionate persecution in the form of house searches, creepy informers, lousy traitors and jail! Even if we from the climate justice movement are not so much in the focus right now, the repression is coming to a head for us as well. We know that we are all fighting the same fight, because climate justice is not possible without anti-fascism and feminism. We will fight at your side on day X!


25th April, Atlanta USA.

via: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest.

“On the night of April 25, I glued the ATM’s at the Bank of America in East Atlanta Village.

I did this because Bank of America supports the Atlanta Police Foundation.

Every single day, ask yourself how you can attack the APF, donors to the APF, or members of the APF.

Do not be patient. Do not miss opportunities.
Do not for a single moment comfort yourself with the consolation prize.

No more complaining. Now is the time to attack.”

-Submitted anonymously over email


4th April, Frankfurt Germany.

via: Act For Free Now!

“Full of anger and rage against the evictions and clearings of the [occupied] Fecher and Heibo forests, last night we set fire to a car of the Hessian Forestry Office in Frankfurt am Main.

At the beginning of January, the Forestry Office of the city of Groß-Gerau (in Hessen) issued an administrative decree which gave a legal basis for the eviction of our friends from the occupied forest of Fechenheim. The occupation was against the extension of the A66 freeway, which was evicted by massive police violence and the repression of the Hessian justice. Thus, the Forestry Commission is a stooge of the cops and the judiciary in order to impose the interests of the Autobahn GmbH. (see text: )

In the village of Heibo, near Dresden, the Saxon Forestry Administration also played an important role in the eviction and clearing of the occupied area, and cleared the forest in the interest of a local gravel company. We were pleased to learn of the incendiary attacks on the Saxon Regional Forestry Office (Sachsenforst) in connection with the evacuation of Heibo, and we send fiery greetings to Finn, who is still locked up behind prison walls.

The clearing season is over. But we have been deprived of our lawless spaces and far too many forests have been cleared for corporate interests, infrastructure projects and forestry. It’s time to heal the wounds and take our revenge!

The forests are alive!
No eviction, no clearing will go unanswered!
These have a price, and it was the forestry department of Groß Gerau that had to pay it tonight.

At the same time we attack Hessenforst as a public authority that systematically exploits nature. Every day, forests are cleared for forestry and entire ecosystems are destroyed by their exploitation. Our attack is also a sign of solidarity and commitment to the radical struggles of indigenous communities against the destruction of their habitat and livelihoods by state forestry companies.

For Anarchy – Down with the Logging Industry”

Photo: Unrelated.


via: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest

30th April, Eugene, OR USA.

“Today, in honor of Tort and in solidarity with forest defenders in “Atlanta” and everywhere, we put local brokers who work with Nationwide Insurance in so-called “Eugene, Oregon” on notice that they are expected to learn about Cop City and Tortuguita. And that they must take actions to convince Nationwide to stop insuring Cop City and that the insurers must stop sending business to Nationwide.

We embrace a diversity of tactics, today using educational flyers and artwork pasted on their front doors and a brick was gifted to eaxh office to let them know that they have been given a chance todo the right thing. Many thanks to Nationwide for publishing the names and addresses of all associated brokers around this country.

Fuck Nationwide. Fuck insurance. Fuck these bullshit capitalist social constructs. Fuck all cops. Every last one. EUG-to-ATL with love and rage. ¡Tortuguita presente!

Submitted anonymously over email


Boris is a comrade serving prison time in France who is going to be released soon and needs some funds to buy a wheelchair. Below you can read the press release by Act for Freedom Now!

“In Besançon and in Paris, different initiatives are being considered in order to collect funds and participate in the project “A good wheelchair for Boris”. Any individual or anti-authoritarian collective who would like to organize in a decentralized way a concert, a support meal, a card tournament, a discussion or other joyous events in order to make a contribution to this project is obviously welcome!

The comrade has coordinated with two places to collect the money. It can either be sent by check or bank transfer (write to retourausoleil at or be dropped off at :
Libertad Library – 19 rue Burnouf – 75019 Paris

Librairie Autodidacte – 5 rue Marulaz – 25000 Besançon

Two relay antennas illuminate the confined night

While half of the world’s population was confined to their homes, an anarchist from Besançon was riding his bike to Mont Poupet in the Jura Mountains. It was at the top of these steep slopes that Boris lit up two large relay antennas with the flames of subversion on the night of April 10, 2020: those of four cell phone operators, but also of the police and the gendarmerie, causing nearly 100,000 euros worth of damage.

Identified by a trace of DNA found on site, the comrade was be incarcerated in the prison of Nancy and sentenced in April 2021 to four years in prison, two of which with no remission. In a public letter written from inside, he defended his act by his desire to oppose through direct action the increasing digitalization of our lives, with all the control, the environmental and social devastation that it implies. Unfortunately, while waiting for the date of the appeal, the comrade was seriously injured in August in a fire in the cell where he was, and the investigation on the origin and readiness of the screws to let him suffocate is still ongoing. It is thus with the medical power that Boris has been confronted for more than a year and a half.

Now that Boris can concretely begin to consider a return to the street and the sun, far from the bed and the devices that have kept him for too long under the neon lights of a hospital room, the question of financial support arises. The immediate need, which has been discussed with him and the medical team of the rehabilitation center, is the purchase of a custom-made, vertical electric wheelchair adapted to his condition, which he will be able to steer with a ball placed under his chin, along with other home automation controls integrated into its structure (such as opening doors). In addition to the current rehabilitation care in the new establishment, which hopes to release the comrade within 6 months, in addition to the technical-administrative battles with the state bureaucracy to scrape together funding, it is clear that a substantial amount of money will still be needed. The goal is for Boris to regain his autonomy with as much mobility as possible thanks to such a custom-made electric wheelchair.

During all these ordeals, Boris did not stop fighting with the means at his disposal, while continuing to defend his anarchist ideas. After 11 months of jail, 18 months of heavy hospitalization and still 3 cases on his back (for the antennas-relays, the fire in prison, the placing under “guardianship”), a first end of the tunnel is finally outlined towards the exit: so that he can roar again among us, let’s help the comrade to afford this wheelchair…

Anarchists in solidarity and complicity with Boris

March 2023”

from Act For Freedom Now!


On May 1st, Pal Action is starting their siege of the Elbit’s factory in Leicester.

The group states: “UAV TACTICAL SYSTEMS, owned by Elbit Systems, sends millions of pounds worth of military equipment to Israel each year, straight from the Leicester factory.”

You can join them on May 1st from 3pm at the gates of UAV Tactical Systems, Unit F Meridian East, Leicester, LE19 1TP, UK. Bring a sleeping bag and camping equipment – PalAction is planning to stay until Elbit leaves.

If you are looking for alternative accommodation in Leicester to support the siege, email [email protected] or visit

For anyone planning to join and support on the ground, the group organised a shuttle bus for free leaving from Leicester train station public car part/taxi rank to the factory. The bus will be leaving at 12pm, 2pm and 3pm. A clear sign will help you find the right one.

In the runup to the siege, PalAction has set up a surprise camp next to the factory, hiding in trees and unnoticed by the police and Elbit’s security for 12 hours!

Photo: The photo shows PalAction activists setting up their surprise camp in the trees at Leicester’s Elbit factory.


The privatisation and the redevelopment of Exarchia’s Strefi Hill that started two years ago, is the second plan by the state and the municipality to sell out the area to private companies. In January ’21, the council conceded the hill to a real estate company, Prodea Investments.

Strefi hill is one of the last green free spaces in central Athens and also a place for assemblies, meetings and solidarity events. The open assembly for the defence of Strefi hill counts two years, with daily actions for the protection of the hill, the nature and the non-human animals who live in it.

The defenders of the hill succeeded to block many of the Prodea’s interferences, by pushing back the surveyors and the workers. Actions like marches, demonstrations outside Prodea’s offices and the city hall, tree spiking, daily patrols, airbnb building attacks or days of film screenings, activities for children, cleaning, gatherings with vegan collective kitchen, have been trying to keep the hill alive and free, even though it’s been flooded by multiple cops’ units.

Unfortunately, all of the above were not enough to prevent the destruction of the hill and to stop once and for all the redevelopment plan. Under the excuse of “flood protection” plans, Prodea along with the Unison Facilities Services, have already started destroying the hill by cutting the trees and the bushes, where the turtles and other animals find their shelter and their food. Also, the intense lighting that is included in the project will push away many bird species. Prodea’s plan is an anti- ecological plan and will totally affect the life of human and non-human animals and has to be stopped before it’s too late.

Exarchia and Strefi hill will not be given away without a fight and their history cannot be erased so easily. It’s our duty to defend the mountains, the forests, the hills, the parks, the seas and every form of life.

Capitalism will not win!

For earth liberation! For animal liberation! For human liberation!


Autonomy is, to an extent, freedom, freedom over yourself. The right to self govern, make decisions, and follow through on them without asking an authority for permission. 

Individual and collective autonomy are fundamental to anarchism. People choosing to come together and work towards a collective goal, whether that’s teaching each other self-defense, growing veg communally, or beheading the monarchy. Autonomy is not something we are dependent on a state or other authority giving us, though they can and often do punish us for practicing it. Autonomy starts on an individual level and grows. Instead of a top-down model as with hierarchy, it’s bottom up, with people choosing freely to come together make decisions and take action.

Every time we make a choice without being coerced we are practicing autonomy. Every time we make decisions and follow through without holding ourselves back and waiting for our boss/government/police/royalty to tell us we are “allowed,” we are being autonomous.

Waiting to be told what to do, or what you can’t do or think, is something that is drilled into us from an early age. Resisting this oppressive dynamic, even when you’re conscious of it, can be a challenge, but practice makes perfect. 

For further reading on anarchist concepts, check out these anarchist publishers/bookshops:


Exarchia has been a target by the state for years through police control and brutality, gentrification, evictions, arrests. In 2019, the greek state began massive evictions of anarchist and refugee squats in Exarchia, trying to muzzle all the political voices. The government’s plan is to put the history of Exarchia in a “museum” that will be remembered only through tourist tours around the neighbourhood, while the place will be available only for the privileged ones, since the locals will move to other neighbourhoods.

The plan includes the construction of a metro station on the square, the conversion of the Polytechnic school into a museum and the privatisation of Strefi hill where cameras, gates and security posts will be placed. Last August, despite the continuous fights against it by groups and individuals, sheet metal was placed around the square of Exarchia for the construction of the metro station. The spot for the construction site wasn’t chosen randomly. Police forces are “protecting” the construction site 24/7, by bullying, offending, beating and arresting anyone who is trying to resist.