It’s been over two weeks since Palestine Action began their siege against Israeli weapons factory ‘UAV Tactical Systems’ in Leicester. Here are some updates on the siege and the groups’ actions!

On Sunday, Leicester’s local community and supporters of PalAction held a mass rally on day 13 of the siege. The city of Leicester has been covered in spray paint showing support of the siege.

Despite large police presence on the ground, Elbit’s neighbouring weapon trafficker Kuehne + Nagel was dismantled by actionists – leaving doors and windows smashed and walls covered in paint, stating “For Shireen” (referring to the murder of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by the Israeli military), “Free Gaza” and “We will win”.

Recent Israeli air strikes murdered 13 Palestinians, including children, in Gaza. Elbit Systems supplies 85% of Israel’s drone fleet, being directly responsible for these air strikes. In light of these events, PalActions calls on everyone to join the siege and show support at UAV Tactical Systems, Unit F Meridian East Business Park, LE19 1WZ.

PalAction has also launched nation-wide actions to accompany the Leicester occupation.

In London, the group has sprayed Britain’s Foreign Office with blook-red paint, ‘symbolising the blood spilt by British complicity in the colonisation of Palestine’. Two actionists have been arrested.

In Newcastle, PalAction has also taken over a weapons factory owned by Israeli state weapons company Rafael. The factory Pearson Engineering Ltd has recently been purchased by Israel which initiates Israel’s plan for further expansion in Britain. PalAction declares that this retaliation is ‘an official warning that Israel’s war machine is not welcome here’. You can show your support at Armstrong Works, Scotswood Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6UX.

The photo shows Pal Action’s siege of the Newcastle weapons company Rafael.


June 11th is a day of solidarity where folks around the world send love letters in the sape of fire, liberation or mutual aid to Marius and all long term anarchist prisoners spending time behind bars. Read an excerpt of the June 11th Statement below, and organise with your friends to ensure those locked up hear loud and clear that we support them and thing of them!

“June 11, 2023: Against Oblivion, Against Despair

Another year passes, and another June 11th is upon us. Once again we’re appreciating all that has unfolded in anarchist struggle over this period, both triumphs and hardships, outside the prison walls, and within. We’re appreciating the beauty in fighting back, and the strength that can be fostered when we refuse to succumb to both oblivion, and despair.

Against oblivion: we refuse to let the state disappear rebels, to erase their sweet or sharp words from our discussions, or to remove or obfuscate their contributions to our shared struggles. Instead, we remember them. Their actions, words, laughter, potential, and humanity. We can act as conduit for each other through prison walls and among generations. They can be kept involved as our struggles shift and change, and we can keep them connected to the outside world, and too the outside connected to them. 

Against despair: up against the power of the state, it can feel as if nothing can be done. Despair is a very particular space to inhabit. Despair is not hopelessness, as hopelessness can be a fair assessment of circumstances. One can see and acknowledge hopelessness with a full heart and strong spirit. But despair, despair destroys courage. What is despair, but to value the knowing of suffering without acting against it. We refuse to wallow in the realm of despair, indefinitely. We refuse to let despair destroy our courage.

Instead, we will offer hope to one another. Not a naive or misguided hope that offers false solutions. But instead, an impassioned belief in our capacities as individuals, and capabilities together, to continue on. We can learn from people, like prisoners, who face the full power of the state in isolation and maintain their principles, their humor, their courage, and their resolve. We will act not just based on what’s possible or “strategic,” but on what we know to have value and meaning both out of care and love for each other and in an acting for our own selves, our own aliveness and spirit. Imprisoned comrades are often an incredible example of persevering in the face of hopelessness. Of coming out on the other side of it to the fierce activity of nothing to lose, and nothing worse to be feared. 

read the entire statement at


[image credit: Staffordshire Hunt Sabs]

As we enter spring, the main fox and hare hunting season (using packs of hounds) comes to an end. The work of wildlife defenders and hunt saboteurs continues however as campaign strategies against these fox and hare hunts remain ongoing. Direct threats to wildlife continue elsewhere and so do the actions taken to protect it.

Though the main hunting season has finished, action against hunts continues. The East Essex Hunt, who have been abusing wildlife for over 200 years and have a historic reputation of violence against opponents of hunting, are now vurnerable. Huntsman Gary Thorpe, hunt secretary Roxy Dawson and chairperson Sally Greenlees have also vacated their positions, leaving the hunt with no senior staff with no replacements in sight. As part of a targeted campaign, North London Sabs exposed the hunt in national media, demonstrated all summer fundraising events and lobbied relevant landowners in addition to disrupting dozens of hunt meets. Neighbouring sabotage groups have also contributed to these efforts. In a recent Facebook post, the London-based saboteurs reaffirmed their stance to anyone who would consider taking up vacant positions in the hunt; ‘expect us, and our friends’.

Demonstrations by locals and sabotage groups have also been carried out against the Cottesmore Hunt and the West Norfolk Foxhounds at their ‘fun ride’ events which aim to raise money and recruit new supporters to the hunts. The tactic of discouraging support to a hunt is important as running a hunt isn’t cheap. Without a cash flow that comes from fundraising events and paid supporters, a hunt cannot afford to operate.

In a seperate attempt to not fully dispand, some hunts will amalgemate. In Somsert, the West Somerset Beagles and the Ilminster Beagles are to join together and become Ilminster and West Somerset Beagles, meaning one less pack of hounds hunting hares. The county once had five hare hunts but now only have one. As hare hunting becomes concentrated to one pack, they become more vulnerable to a targeted campaign. If successful, the county could be free of hare hunts.

The vast majority of hunting hounds in the UK and Ireland are used to hunt foxes, but some are used to hunt stags. Only three packs exist in the UK, plus one in Ireland, and continues throughout April. Much attention is given to fox hunting, due to its scale, but multiple sabotage groups, have also kept up the pressure on some these stag hunts and have successfully prevented their efforts. However, the Quantock Stag Hounds and Devon & Somerset Stag Hounds were able to kill stags on separate occasions. Saboteurs present published evidence of this and highlighted how stag hunts use of loopholes to evade an anti-hunting law. Preventing a hunt killing is the primary aim but when this cannot be achieved, raising awareness on public platforms, along with an education approach, can be enough for others to decide to contribute to the campaign and take action. As the situation escalated throughout the month, more sabotage groups travelled from afar to show solidarity and get involved, which is not only important for the primary objective of protecting wildlife but also for the moral to keep up the fight.

Earlier in the month, the UK Government released the figures for the 2022 badger cull. This cull has been going for 10 years and has, according to government documents, resulted in over 200,000 badgers killed to appease the dairy industry, with property developers, private estates, golf courses, wedding venues and others benefiting. The controversy of the badger cull has emboldened many people to get involved in however way they saw fit. Some took a direct approach to stopping the badger cull, including hunt saboteurs and others working autonomously, by destroying cages used to trap badgers and preventing marksmen from shooting, whilst others have taken up a traditional campaigning and outreach approach. To quote Underground Badger Syndicate; “Even though the numbers are horrific, those who fought to protect setts and their inhabitants should still take pride in their actions. There are badgers still alive because of what you did.”.

Spring time is a busy time for wildlife. While many embrace this, gamekeepers and others intend to dissimate anything that they see as a threat to their interests (sometimes as pathetic as having a neat and tidy lawn). However, simply walking around the countryside can make a difference when looking in the right places. As Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs have shown in recent social media posts showing multiple traps they had removed, ‘direct action saves lives’.



28th April, Germany.

According to local media, a hunting trailer nearby Urbar was found on fire on the night of the 28th of April. With twenty firefighters present, all they could do is to ensure the fire wouldn’t spread beyond the trailer, as the hunting hut placed on top was completely ablaze. They ruled out “magical spontaneous combustion” and declared it an arson, which was not claimed by anyone. The police is making enquires to ascertain if the fire was started by animal liberation activists, but so far they have no clues about the identity of the perpetrators.


Mel has been held on remand for the last 6 months, with a trial scheduled to start on 24th July. It’s been a long wait inside for him and with more time to go any letters of support could really help him keep busy and stay connected with the outside world. You can also use the email a prisoner website, though letters are preferred.

Mel has been keeping up to date with the news and is interested in history, wildlife and the natural world – just in case you were stuck for a topic of conversation!

Please do not discuss any details about the case. Mel is receiving some books more easily now, although the prison staff are strict about what is ‘appropriate’, so (unfortunately) avoiding AR material may save you some money. You can also send cards from prison approved suppliers, details can be found through the HMP Peterborough website.

Please contact Mel using the address below, include a stamped addressed envelope for a reply.

Mel Broughton A3892AE
HMP Peterborough
Saville Rd
United Kingdom

The ALFSG offer support to people in a similar position to Mel. You can
help them do this here


“May 6th, so-called Australia
Opening Hunt for Oaklands Hunt Club 2023 was very different than previous years.With some big losses for Oaklands and hunt exposure now in the public eye due to some amazing journalism and shift in community support for sabs, Oaklands are desperate and violent.

MHS successfully blocked the horse and hound truck from leaving – equipped for a hunt, for an hour. While the hunt called police and attempted to have members of the team arrested, the hunt failed. No saboteurs were arrested, and following police instructions, sabs moved their car and proceeded to drive to the known hunting grounds for the hunt. They have not changed their illegal hunting behaviour in decades.On arrival at a location in Pyalong the hunt announced that they felt followed – queue the possibility  of the hunt takings saboteurs to court for an intervention  order yet again – and they will fail – again.

The silent victims. The hounds.Oaklands previous hunt master disposed of his hounds by shooting them and throwing them in a pit located on property at Oaklands.We know where that pit is – Oaklands won’t engage in conversation about it.Going equipped to hunt with hounds and allowing the hounds to tear apart a fox is illegal. Just because it’s done on private property does not make it legal.

More diversion as the hunt scrambled their riders and supports to a location at Pyalong. We observed horse floats arriving, unimpressed with the delay to the opening hunt and having to make last minute changes. Sorry not sorry scumbags – you cannot vandalise our countryside.With the hunt hiding on private property. Saboteurs using maps and gps, located public roads and public land to get in front of the hunt and pre-spray areas. Australia, unlike the UK does not have/provide right of footpaths in the countryside. Enabling the hunt to simply take off and hide.The blatant hiding by the hunt is because they know they are hunting illegally.Saboteurs managed to correctly predict the direction of the hunt and turned the hunt back.The hunts support on quad bike and atv’s confronted our team, and with one member of their support arriving by 4X4.This person was angry and violent. Trying to gain access to one sab car and making threats to kill and harm.Thankfully our second car arrived and after a short attempt to deescalate the situation that mans invitation for confrontation was taken up.Hunt support pulled an illegal extendable baton from his car and proceeded with threats to kill. A stand off ensured and saboteurs managed to stay safe and walk away. We don’t engage with basic men with weapons.

The crew. This season see Melbourne Hunt Saboteurs at full strength. With a wide and confidently skilled crew. While there’s always room for more in the team – this season is shaping up to be intense.”

We’ve not found any links to send donations to MHS but we found an Amazon wishlist (grim really) if anyone wants to buy them some tools to fight the hunters. Many of the items are for the duck hunt, but some are obviously tools that can be used all year round!


It’s been over a week since Palestine Action started their siege against Leicester’s Israeli weapons factory ‘UAV Tactical Systems’. Here’s a run down of some of the goings-on.

A heavy police and private security presence in anticipation of the siege didn’t stop activists setting up camp in the trees near the factory. Going unnoticed by the police for an embarrassingly long time.

A camp was also set up in the road directly in front of the factory, with folks pitching tents on the tarmac. Despite police kettling protesters, making many arrests and confiscating a lot of supplies at the camp, it was rebuilt and remains with the strong support of the local community. The heavy handedness of the police saw 33 people arrested by Wednesday, just 3 days into the siege. 5 more were arrested yesterday for allegedly breaking police orders telling them where to stand. Police have broken into cars by smashing windows and even cut the traverse of a climbing activist, intentionally putting their life at risk. A continuous armed police presence aims to intimidate any dissent. The arrests have not been limited to onsite as two main pal-action organizers nowhere near the factory were followed by surveillance and arrested on the motorway before being transferred to Leicester. Currently, everyone arrested has been released but with restrictive bail conditions.

While some people have been locked on in the road or occupied trees, many others have been doing dabke workshops, listening to speeches and playing football. In spite of police violence, it appears spirits are high. If you’d like to support, PalAction have and continue to call for boots on the ground day or night, location postcode is LE19 1WZ. If coming by car, parking away for your safety and anonymity is advised.


2nd May, Germany.


“On Tuesday night, we placed incendiary devices at a construction machine of the company Hentschke Bau GmbH in Berlin-Adlershof. Already a few years ago, comrades claimed responsibility for several attacks on the infrastructure of this company, which is also responsible for the construction of the prison in Zwickau. ( The company was also brought into focus because its owner Jörg Drews is affiliated with the fascist party AfD.

The ruling ideology says that it is necessary to keep people in constant fear so that they do not resist patriarchal and colonial oppression and docilely join the capitalist routine so that they can ultimately be shaped and standardized. All the more encouraging are the signs of those who, even in the moment of almost total isolation, confront fear and do not fall silent in their struggle for a world of solidarity, mutual aid and self-organization. As we take it from the words of the Italian prisoner Alfredo Cospito, who has been on hunger strike for over 6 months since last October to fight against the 41bis regime imposed on him:

“I simply cannot live under an inhumane regime as 41bis means, where I cannot freely read what I want, books, newspapers, anarchist magazines, magazines of art and science as well as literature and history. The only way to escape the regime is to give up my identity as an anarchist and sell it to someone else to take my place. A regime in which I cannot have human contact, in which I cannot pick a handful of herbs or hug a loved one. A regime in which the photos of our parents are stolen. Buried alive in a tomb, in a place of death. I will continue my struggle to the extreme, not because of an “accusation,” but because this is not life.”

Although the hunger strike has ended and we are happy to know Alfredo is alive, this does not mean that we will stop fighting against the prison society. On the contrary, his struggle for dignity, as well as the numerous attacks in which comrades themselves risked their freedom, wrote words of solidarity and in this way connected with each other worldwide, have inspired us. With the strength unleashed by the hunger strike, we continue on the path of attacking all that the world of incarceration and punishment embodies.

Those who have been cited before the Higher Regional Court in Dresden for more than 1.5 years in the so-called “Antifa Ost” trial are also to be locked up. While Lina has already been in pre-trial detention since November 2020, the verdict expected in the coming months could also impose prison sentences on the other three defendants. The accused acts stand in antifascist continuity, to take away fascists’ and neo-Nazis’ space of movement and to fight their anti-life ideologies at any time. In view of the fascist conditions coming to a head in many places – be it through the government of Meloni (Fratelli d’Italia) in Italy or the continuous collaboration by German authorities to arm and maintain right-wing networks, with the simultaneous state fight against anarchist and anti-fascist structures – the destruction of the property of one of their companies is only a small contribution on our part to this struggle.

Even if we criticize that the violence necessary in this sense was not openly defended in the trial, or that the challenges that this very use of violence confronts us with regarding patriarchal and militarized thinking need an even deeper examination, this does not change our attitude of solidarity. We think of all those who, in the context of the “Antifa Ost” trial, not only feel the relentlessness of repression in an exemplary way for an anti-fascist movement, but are also confronted with the double betrayal. To those sitting in the dock in Dresden, to those affected by sexualized violence and beyond: we wish you courage, send you strength and hope that this will not silence you.

In solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, always for anarchy.

A hug to the two comrades whose trip to Adlershof ended 2 months ago in the Gesa – you are not alone.

Freedom for all prisoners!”