So in the last few days, we’ve received many complaints about reports we’ve published. Starting with the critique to the Channel 4 documentary and the animal liberation movement’s current state of affairs to the rat traps found at Karamel London and even about that last report where 23 lambs were rescued from Little Oakhurst. 

 It seems like we’ve not made this clear enough, so we will say it once again. Unoffensive Animal is a MEDIA COLLECTIVE. We do not partake in illegal activity, we do not promote illegal activity and we do not hold knowledge about who is involved in any of those activities. We serve as a platform for activists who need to remain anonymous to explain to the wider public about actions they have taken. When we receive those anonymous reports we DO NOT censor, edit or change anything from them. Unless the report contains explicitly racist, sexist and or transphobic remarks, we are not going to censor the reports that come in. That means that some reports we publish we agree with, and some others we don’t, but it is not for us to decide what the ALF (or any other anonymous direct action group) wants to say or do. 

To ensure that people are well informed about everything relating to those reports we will be sharing some related information. This is not our standard and we will not be doing this on a regular basis, but we feel that if we are making (yet again) another very clear remark on what we do and don’t do, we should allow for the platform to explain itself. 

Even tho the report never mentioned the activist in question, Wesley Omar took offence to the action and report that mentioned two pigs rescued from a farm. We cannot see how that report was an attack on them (or any other specific activist) and more of a critique on the current estate of the animal liberation movement, but we are also aware that the mainstream media is fucking trash and will aim to fuck with absolutely anyone they can, so to hear a different version of the Channel 4 documentary “How to steal a pig” you can check Wes’ YouTube and watch their response video. We cannot endorse that response video as we have not watched it ourselves. 

The report coming from Karamel where someone had found poison mice traps in the venue also created some controversy. Karamel has made a statement explaining that it is not the restaurant, but the landlords, who placed the traps. You can read about it on their Facebook page. 

 In relation to the 23 lambs (or any other rescue in general), Unoffensive doesn’t know more than you do. The report that gets sent to us is the report that gets published. We guess (as they were not mentioned) that no adults were rescued with the lambs. We also guess, and hope, that those involved in the action have enough knowledge to take care of lambs. Most people who are involved in these kinds of actions either have the knowledge or can transport those animals to places where they will be cared for and brought back to life. Let’s remember specifically that the campaign in Little Oakhurst is showing that all animals in the land are continuously dying of malnutrition and other diseases. Ewes are probably unable to feed their young if they are just fleece and bones. 

 Now that all that is clear we will repeat this again: Unoffensive Animal is a MEDIA COLLECTIVE. We are not responsible for the actions or the reports. We do not have any strange and secret hatred against Wesley Omar, Karamel and baby lambs. 

Now, to more interesting and useful information. There are four workshops coming up in the next few weeks! We are in Germany this weekend and we will be in Slovakia and Austria on the 8th and 9th. All the event information and workshop locations can be found in the event listings. 

 Finally, because we need to afford the workshops (and we literally have 60 quid in the accounts!) we are doing a merch sale. All Antispeciesist Action and Liberate or Die merch has been discounted to 10 quid per t-shirt and 20 quid per hoodie. Grab them whilst you can! All orders over 50 pounds will receive a bunch of stickers for free. Also, there still are a few flags left. Don’t miss out!

You can get all the merch here:

 If you can help us out with money but do not want any merch, you can donate via PayPal on [email protected]

You can also join our Patreon account (and we could really do with a few more donors!) on:  


21st January, Kent UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“Tracy Middleton is a piece of shit.

We’ve been following Kent Animal Defenders’ work against Little Oakhurst for a while. Watching from the sidelines isn’t enough and we realised we wanted to ensure Tracy gets the message so we decided to take action. Whilst getting ready for it we heard a couple of updates that made us hurry even more. Tracy’s court case has been adjourned until February and there are rumours that the court might decide to “cull” all animals in her land. This is outrageous and despicable, they are literally sentencing the sheep to death because of the wrongdoing of a scummy human.

For those reasons and being aware that we could not wait any longer, on the 21st of January we visited Little Oakhurst and took 23 lambs away from the land. They will never face the decisions of a judge who would’ve sentenced them to death. They will never have to pay for the wrongdoing of somebody else. Many of them will need a lot of care. Some are malnourished and would’ve probably not survived the night if we hadn’t collected them.

It was horrible to walk around fields full of death and rotten corpses, with no feed, no water and no dry spaces for the sheep to rest. We walked past many adult sheep who could not walk and who looked like they had given up, their eyes lost in the horizon. We cannot even imagine the horror those sheep live, every single day, because of someone like Tracy.

We will say it again, Tracy Middleton is a piece of shit.

This is not just a report, but a call to action. People need to get there from wherever the fuck they come from, even if it is ten hours away. We don’t care. Those animals need a helping hand. People aiding them should look for homes, for transport and for funds to help them survive. People should stock up on mother’s milk, life aid and ewe drink. They need heat lamps and they need quarantine. We are aware that this makes the rescues a lot more complicated, but this is an emergency and needs addressing, so if you are not planning, let us ask you, what the fuck are you doing?

Other forms of action to make Tracy realise how much she is hated are welcome and encouraged. Get to work.

Tracy, let us speak to you directly: You are a vile, despicable human being. We don’t care how or why you are in this situation, you have a duty of care for every single animal that you have in your land. You not only are forgetting to provide but also sentencing them to death. Your psychopathic behaviour, putting corpses in piles next to lambs, hiding dead cows in the woods and even pretending to bottle feed an obviously dead lamb on TV are not something we can forget. Do the right thing and give up your animals to sanctuaries. Remember that the Animal Liberation Front does not forget and does not forgive.”


18th January, London UK.

Received anonymously via email: 

“On the 18th January, some pixies took a trip to a ‘Vegan’ restaurant called Karamel in London. Unfortunately, their evening was ruined, when they discovered that the place was full of mouse traps! Seems like capitalism is more important than their morals? Anyways, the pixies decided to take as many as they could home for a good old smashing party! They incinerated the poison responsibly and made sure the traps were unusable! 

Fuck Plant-based/vegan capitalism, get out there and dispose of this garbage!

Yours truly, ALF <3”


18th January, South East England

received anonymously via email:

“Yet again we find ourselves visiting the shitty farm and taking another sheep back with us. The farmer is despicable and gives zero shits about the animals, so at least another sheep will hopefully have a future.”


16th January, South East UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“After seeing the shit show that was “How to steal a pig and influence people” by Channel 4 we visited a farm and took two pigs who will never again be destined to slaughter. 

That documentary was so human centric and fame oriented that we had to make our own “How to steal a pig in three easy steps” video. The idea is obvious, whilst open rescue could be a useful tactic, we should consider the safety of the individuals helped free and our own freedom to carry on working, and no one should be engaging in open rescue as a tool to grow their social media presence and their business opportunities. 

It is about time that we shift the focus from our face to the individuals who we are supposedly aiming to help. It is their story, NOT OURS. Doing anything else make us self absorbed and ego driven. Liberation is communal and cannot be achieved by creating saviours and heroes that will “free all the animals”. We need more anonymous, quiet and smart individuals being accomplices in the fight for animal liberation and less pretty faces to follow on instagram. We need active participants not likes on posts.

To all the farmers out there outraged about how “dangerous it is that Channel 4 is promoting animal theft”; we existed long before Channel 4 published anything. We don’t need your shit TV to make us realise what it is right. 

And to aid the conversation in relation to money and donations we would ask people to rethink what they are doing with the resources. The animal liberation movement has to redirect what they have to spare towards worthy projects, be it grassroots campaigners, be it prison support and arrest support, or obviously sanctuary costs. 


Anarchopiglet Liberation Front. “


January, Kent UK.

received anonymously via email:

“Little Oakhurst Pt2:

Happier but still not content, we returned to the farm, focusing on the wooded areas, finding more animal remains and this poor ram leaning against a tree, drooling from the mouth.

We approached slowly, not wanting to frighten them, when they didn’t try to run, we knew something was wrong and later discovered that they were blind. 

Not wanting this animal to become another statistic on this fucking filthy farm, we took them to safety.

A note to the Farmer, We are watching & we WILL be back.”


January, Kent UK.

Received anonymously over email:

“After seeing a BBC Report about Little Oakhurst Brissenden Farm in Kent, we decided to come down and take a look at this filthy shithole it didn’t take long before we were surrounded by the decaying bodies of abused animals.

Walking the fields was hard as the mud was up to our knees, we made our way through the woods where we found this poor baby stuck and abandoned, we dug them out, warmed them up and took them to safety.

No longer will they live in such horror.

Liberation dedicated to Kent Animal Defenders for all of their hard work.”


We have some serious projects coming up that we really want to share with you. To start with we should be mentioning the workshops coming up. Next week we will be in two different cities in Germany, and in three weeks we will be visiting Bratislava and Vienna. All the information is on our events on Facebook. You can find it also on our website or you can check our Instagram stories.

We are talking about organising two-week-long activist events this year. For anyone that has been to Liberate or Die this will sound familiar, but basically, we like organising activist camps where people come (FOR FREE!), mingle with activists from around the world, listen or give talks and take action together. Although we cannot give the specifics right now, we will be uploading the dates and rough locations soon, so be on the lookout and get ready for it, last year’s Liberate or Die was amazing and we are really excited to be pushing and attempting to organise two!).

We have a couple of media/art projects coming up soon. One of them is still secret, but we can talk about the second one. For a while, we have been sneezing our brains about how to bring you more stories and we have decided that video format is the way forward, so we are going to attempt to publish a mini-documentary every 4-6 weeks featuring a campaign, a grassroots group or an individual working towards animal liberation in whatever way they believe is right to be able to share the skills, the action and the focus. We also want to turn the spotlight around from the usual faces and towards the vast amount of people who do the groundwork whilst being able to feature people who aren’t just charismatic men in front of a camera. This project makes us very excited and we cannot wait to release the first episode. If you know of a campaign or a grassroots group that should feature in this series, comment below!

Now, all this requires a little bit of funding (not much, we’ve learnt to get by with very little), so after being asked over and over and over about flags we decided it would be a good idea to get them printed for people to enjoy whilst we fundraise. Have a look at our merch page quickly as if they sell as fast as the bandanas did, we will not have any left in 24 hours!…/defend-direct-action-f…/

Our Patreon has actually gone downhill quite a bit and we are receiving a lot fewer donations than we were this time last year. We understand that many people have e other commitments and we do not want anyone to struggle whilst giving Unoffensive any money, but if you can afford it, please consider joining for even one or two dollars a month. If you cannot afford it, please share it with your friends and family, it would mean the world and having a steady amount of monthly donations helps us massively do the work we want to do in the future whilst sustaining prison support donations and helping folks with fines and legal fees.

That is all for now. To sum it up, long week events coming up soon, video projects coming up soon, there are flags for sale on our website and if you can, join our Patreon!!!!

Love, rage and biodegradable glitter,

Unoffensive Animal.


11th January, Drenthe, Netherlands 

received anonymously via email:

“After eating way too many vegan pancakes, an evening workout was needed. So chopping up some wood to help it biodegrade seemed like the best thing to do. 

Big fuck you to all hunters and everybody who exploits animals.”