We have some serious projects coming up that we really want to share with you. To start with we should be mentioning the workshops coming up. Next week we will be in two different cities in Germany, and in three weeks we will be visiting Bratislava and Vienna. All the information is on our events on Facebook. You can find it also on our website or you can check our Instagram stories.

We are talking about organising two-week-long activist events this year. For anyone that has been to Liberate or Die this will sound familiar, but basically, we like organising activist camps where people come (FOR FREE!), mingle with activists from around the world, listen or give talks and take action together. Although we cannot give the specifics right now, we will be uploading the dates and rough locations soon, so be on the lookout and get ready for it, last year’s Liberate or Die was amazing and we are really excited to be pushing and attempting to organise two!).

We have a couple of media/art projects coming up soon. One of them is still secret, but we can talk about the second one. For a while, we have been sneezing our brains about how to bring you more stories and we have decided that video format is the way forward, so we are going to attempt to publish a mini-documentary every 4-6 weeks featuring a campaign, a grassroots group or an individual working towards animal liberation in whatever way they believe is right to be able to share the skills, the action and the focus. We also want to turn the spotlight around from the usual faces and towards the vast amount of people who do the groundwork whilst being able to feature people who aren’t just charismatic men in front of a camera. This project makes us very excited and we cannot wait to release the first episode. If you know of a campaign or a grassroots group that should feature in this series, comment below!

Now, all this requires a little bit of funding (not much, we’ve learnt to get by with very little), so after being asked over and over and over about flags we decided it would be a good idea to get them printed for people to enjoy whilst we fundraise. Have a look at our merch page quickly as if they sell as fast as the bandanas did, we will not have any left in 24 hours!…/defend-direct-action-f…/

Our Patreon has actually gone downhill quite a bit and we are receiving a lot fewer donations than we were this time last year. We understand that many people have e other commitments and we do not want anyone to struggle whilst giving Unoffensive any money, but if you can afford it, please consider joining for even one or two dollars a month. If you cannot afford it, please share it with your friends and family, it would mean the world and having a steady amount of monthly donations helps us massively do the work we want to do in the future whilst sustaining prison support donations and helping folks with fines and legal fees.

That is all for now. To sum it up, long week events coming up soon, video projects coming up soon, there are flags for sale on our website and if you can, join our Patreon!!!!

Love, rage and biodegradable glitter,

Unoffensive Animal.


11th January, Drenthe, Netherlands 

received anonymously via email:

“After eating way too many vegan pancakes, an evening workout was needed. So chopping up some wood to help it biodegrade seemed like the best thing to do. 

Big fuck you to all hunters and everybody who exploits animals.”


25th December, Spain.

Via: BiteBack Magazine

“On entrance to the farm, as always we checked the farms bins first. as we opened the lid this duck lifted his head and opened his eyes, he was full of blood and laying amongst loads of dead bodies that were already decomposed.

i went in to pick him out of there, my hands going into the body fluids of the other poor ducks, some babies, some adults, the smell was nauseating…

he is now doing fine in a refuge.

we saved a total of 82 lives…..

hell exsists.. its called farms

if there is no demand there will be no suffering



14th November, Italy.


“On the 14th of November we broke the chain of a dog used as security in Treviso, Italy. 

The dog was in terrible conditions, always alone, in the mud, with their house broken, their water green and barely fed by the scraps of the vile human keeping them chained.

After rescuing them they got well so quickly that we decided to call them Spartacus.”


21st December, Euskal Herria. 

translation of anonymous report, from

“During the night of the winter solstice, and despite the heavy rain and wind, a group of activists from the Animal Liberation Front entered the area of ‘Aiako Harria’ (Peñas de Aya) in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria) where there are numerous hunting stands. We destroyed 7 of them. The adverse weather did not allow us to do more. We encourage people to come together, recognise the lands where these death stands are located, and destroy them.

Animal Liberation Front.”