4th January, Navarra.

translated from:

“Hunting only means murdering innocent beings. Hunters aren’t a collective that “loves” animals, they are heartless sadists that have fun murdering them.

The ALF claims this anti hunt action that has destroyed five hunting seats, a tower and a hunting lodge during the night of the 4th of January in Aranguren (Navarra).

We will keep fighting hunting by any means necessary and we will not stop until they cease pouring blood. This is a war where the political sphere allows them to keep committing murder.

Their reasoning behind is that they are helping “regulate” species (if that was the case there wouldn’t be hundreds of farms that breed animals for hunting). They call themselves animal lovers when they use their strength and bore to end the life of animals that do not want to die, they call themselves ecologists… stop crying and victimising yourselves, you’re the ones using weapons. If you enjoy hunting that much hunt each other, that would be a fair fight.

For animal, earth and human liberation and for the eradication of this kind of psychopaths and of everybody that allows the murder of millions of animals.

We are a pack, we are radical and we are growing!

A call to all who are against the exploitation of animals, get together, do all kinds of direct action against those who allow the bloodbath but also remember to be mindful of your security.




anonymous report:

“Norway. A beautiful start of the new year; On the 1st of January 2019, a group of friends destroyed the fence that kept reindeers captive. They now have the possibility to be free.

DEFEND ANIMALS! Never hesitate to liberate!”





anonymous report:

“Norway. A beautiful start of the new year; On the 1st of January 2019, a group of friends destroyed the fence that kept reindeers captive. They now have the possibility to be free.

DEFEND ANIMALS! Never hesitate to liberate!”





December 27th, France

During the night of December 27-28, a semi-trailer in Ansauville that served as the headquarters of a local hunting club was destroyed by fire. On the same night, a few miles away, a building belonging to another hunting club was vandalized. “ALF” and “Stop Speciesism” were painted. (photos: L’Est Républicain)


27th-31st December, France.

Windows were broken, and the word “assassin” painted in red, at a butcher shop in Lille during the night of December 27. Also in  Norrent-Fontes a window was broken, and “Killers” and “Stop Speciesism” painted in red on a butcher shop  during the night of December 31.



anonymous report:

“Norway. A beautiful start of the new year; On the 1st of January 2019, a group of friends destroyed the fence that kept reindeers captive. They now have the possibility to be free.

DEFEND ANIMALS! Never hesitate to liberate!”






We are approaching the time of no return. In a world that fuels itself on exploitation, you have a choice to make.

Are you an ally, or are you an accomplice?


PS: This project was a collective work by some anarchists who would like to bring to you more video propaganda. Is that something you would like to see Unoffensive putting some effort into?

ACCESSIBILITY: We’ve pasted the whole speech underneath for easier translation.

“With climate crisis approaching the point of no return, with political sphere showing day by day the true fascist system in place and with more animals bred and killed for consumption than ever before, it is time to take action.

We have signed your petitions and joined the marches. We have shouted loud, filled forms and held banners. We have shown solidarity for the oppressed and felt outraged by a system based on greed. We don’t feel we’ve done enough.

Our banners have served as a photo opportunity to then be forgotten. Our screams were heard and put aside. Our forms and petitions were ignored. It is time to take action.

This is not just a letter of intent, but an urgent call to step forward. In front of racism, sexism and transphobia we don’t need allies. In front of the destruction of the planet and the mass murder of animals, we don’t need allies. We don’t need people who understand and feel for the victims. We need accomplices. We need folks who are willing to step up to the front line and fight alongside the oppressed. We need people willing to sacrifice their voice in order to bring the oppressed forward. We need folks willing to start a war, however, that might be. It is time to take action.

In a world fuelled by capitalism, the rise of plant based products might make us think we are winning. Green capitalism is thought that way in an attempt to wash out the destruction that greed carries upon animals, upon the planet, upon the workers that uphold it.

Let’s remember that handcuffs are built in the factories and that we, the people, can stop the production. Let’s remember that for an inclusive world where we are closer to end exploitation that we need to get rid of the capitalist system that fuels the oppression. It is no longer enough to make a consumers choice of avoiding meat or boycotting Israeli products. We need to to take action.

So let this be the day you stand up and become the accomplice the world needs. Let this be the day you start plotting the revolution. Let this be the day you stop sitting idle, thinking of ways to change the world and start taking steps towards that actual change.

Let this be the day you take action.

The time of waving placards is over.”


The fuckface, only-good-for-photos, Justin Trudeau is allowing the invasion of indigenous land in the Wet’swet’en territory and applying an injunction in favour of the gas companies planning to build a gianormous fucking pipeline to transport gas and further climate change. 

The Wet’swet’en nation, made of five different regions, has actively opposed the construction of the pipeline through their land, and two of the groups have actively set up check points and soft blockades to ensure that the territory is safe. Today, after bringing heavy militarised police as well as actual army, they have breached through one of the blockades and arrested 12 people, including elderly folks. The filth ensured to jam all phone signal to make sure no one could inform, use internet and talk to the press. 

Meanwhile, Unist’ot’en camp fears they will receive the exact same treatment. Their hard blockade is, as far as we know, still standing, but it could be breached by police at any time now. 

This breaches all indigenous treaties that ‘Canada’ has agreed to and that ensure that no indigenous folks are forcefully removed from their rightful territory under any circumstances. This simply shows yet another action by the system in favour of capitalism and against the people and the environment. 

We stand in solidarity with Unist’ot’en camp, with the folks resisting in Wet’swet’en territory and with anyone fighting to stop the machine before climate change has crossed the line of no return. 

If we take care of the land, the land will take care of us. 


More info: 

The Wet’swet’en nation has issued an international call to action. You can read about it here:

Submedia is doing a lot of good work so probably check them out too:




2nd January, Spain.

received anonymously:

“Igualdad Animal filmed 75 rabbit farms. The animal liberation movement is aware that the law does not work to stop the suffering that animals endure in these farms and decides to take action. Inside the farm we find horrible conditions, with multiple bodies rotting inside the cages. We take direct action for liberation.


Now, rescued, they have been transported to safe homes where no one will harm them. They are now free and getting to know the soil and the sun.


ALF – Until Every Cage Is Empty.”



31st December, South of France

anonymous report:

“We, activists of the Animal Liberation Front, claim an anti-hunting action on the night of December 31, 2018 in the South-East of France (Bouches-du-Rhône 13).

This is a new warning to hunters and their federations; the latter claiming to be the first ecologists of France.

They participate in the programmed massacre of sentient animals by raising them, releasing them, and then killing them in the name of tradition and so-called ‘regulation’.

Aviaries, breeding centers, hunting huts and watchtowers will be systematically destroyed.

Sabotage the activities of animal killers and free the animals without constantly begging institutions that do not want to change anything! 

Until all animals are free.

A.L.F South East France.”


“Nous, activistes de l’Animal Liberation Front, revendiquons une action anti chasse la nuit du 31 décembre 2018 dans le Sud-Est de la France (Bouches-du-Rhône 13).

Ceci est un nouvel avertissement que nous adressons aux chasseurs et à leur fédération ; ces derniers se revendiquant comme les premiers écologistes de France.

Iels participent au massacre programmé d’animaux sentients en les élevant, les relâchant, pour les éliminer au nom d’une tradition et d’une dite “régulation”.

Volières, centres d’élevage, cabanes de chasse, palombières et miradors seront systématiquement détruits.

Saboter les activités des tueurs d’animaux et libérer ces derniers sans constamment supplier les institutions qui ne veulent rien changer !

Jusqu’à la libération de tous les animaux.

A.L.F Sud-Est France.”



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