We’ve been eagerly watching people fight back against the English governments push to increase police powers. Their blatant attempt of mass repression has not been taken lying down. As the powers that be are trying to snuff out protest it seems they’ve instead ignited the flames. Hunt saboteurs, travellers, feminist collectives, blm and so many other groups are pulling together to fight back. Today we thought we’d highlight this creative action.

On the 23rd of march rats from @resisting.anti.tresspass squatted a Soho pizza restaurant. They did so in an act of protest against the ‘Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill’ which seeks to criminalise tresspass in the UK. They made and distributed free pizza to the community despite receiving constant police harassment.

On the 25th of march, after the fabrication of a ‘gas leak’, riot police forced entry, beat people unconscious and arrested the four people inside.

Long live the rats and everyone’s right to access the land.



Casteller was on the news recently due to a mass action in support of the bears running wild in Italy and demanding the release of those imprisoned inside. The whole story is grotesque, where a system -run by humans in support of capitalism – will condemn bears to prison when accused of eating a sheep, or a goat, or the remnants in a trash bin. Multiple bears (who were reintroduced into the wild from other countries with the aim of increasing biodiversity) have fallen into a system where they are locked up and sterilised, condemned to live forever between concrete walls.

Two Italian women, Barbara Nosari and Stefania Sbarra have been in hunger strike since the 21st of September in an attempt to gain freedom for the bears in Italy. They sent their demands, that read: “Following up to what emerged from the recent CITES inspection at the Casteller, the hunger strike will be aimed at the following points:

  • immediate closure of the Casteller site;
  • release of the bears called M49 (Papillon) – M57 – Dj3
  • definitive annulment of the order of capture for bear JJ4;
  • elimination of future PACOBACE interventions marked as ‘J’ and ‘K’ which, practically mean death and imprisonment of bears.”

Yesterday, when we last talked to Stefania, she said: “our action is very painful but we must bend them (the government). They must give the bears back the freedom they have stolen. Help us please thank you.”

When we were first contacted about this, the request was for us to share a petition for people to share, which we have categorically denied in multiple occasions due to privacy, security and effectiveness issues. We see this as a slightly different situation, so we will share the petition link with everybody who wishes to sign, but we would call everybody to do something more than sign a fucking internet petition.

Two people are facing immediate death due to the inactivity of the Italian government. Multiple bears are facing life in prison because of the greed of animal agriculture. Wherever you are in the world, it is now a good time to make your voice heard. There are Italian embassies in most countries in the world. That might be a good starting point to elevate the voice of the two humans asking for help.

This is your moment to save multiple lives. Take it serious.

Link to their petition:



“Bears named M49, M57, DJ3 are currently held at the Casteller facility. M49 has in recent years become famous worldwide for his acts of resistance, repeatedly escaping from the facility where he is currently detained. DJ3 is one of the three children of Daniza, a bear killed several years ago. They are all locked in confined spaces, victims of repeated sedation, stress, anorexia and there are other captures planned. Needless to say, the Casteller does not meet their ethological needs. In spite of the substantial European funding aimed at safeguarding and protecting the brown bear (Life Ursus Project), the Autonomous Province of Trento has repeatedly proved incapable of establishing interspecies cohabitation.

There are in fact economic interests linked to tourism and hunting behind such political strategies. These wild non-humans are criminalised and stigmatised solely for their ethological needs and oppressed by speciesism. We are convinced that coexistence with them is possible, as it is in several other parts of Italy. Even if this is not possible, we have no right to deprive these bears of their freedom, since it is we humans who have invaded their habitat. On 18 October 2020 there was a siege of the prison called Casteller, organised by Assemblea Antispecista and Centro Sociale Bruno.

The action took place on several levels: the first one occupied and blocked the entrance, while the second and third one started to dismantle the fences. While the gate was blocked, a hundred or so activists started to dismantle hundred metres of external fence, chased by police and drones. In addition, a small group entered, passing the first and second, until they reached the new bear cages (the outdoor areas where they are given the hour of air). Each section was strategically fundamental for the realization of this act of resistance.

The action has been supported by realities such as Coordinamento degli Studenti Medi of Trento-Rovereto, Insectionals, Oltre la Specie, Resistenza Animale, Rise Up for Climate Justice, Scrofe in Rivolta, and Veganismo Logico.

An anti-speciesist project, but also deeply consistently anti-oppression. The fight against the Casteller embodies the resistance of all non-conforming bodies, which daily fight back the State and the prison system, the Patriarchy, Cisheteronormativity, Fascism, Racism, Capitalism, Abilism and psychiatric control. This is just one of the actions that will be carried out, we call for the immediate release of the bears from captivity. We will not stop until this and other cages are empty.

Find more information here:


It is with a sense of relief that we greet the online release of the new documentary film, The Animal People, this week. After more than a decade of being dismissed as criminals and extremists, a side to our story is finally going to be told.

Produced by Joaquin Phoenix, the film follows the journey of the SHAC 7: six young activists who find themselves indicted as terrorists by the United States government. The reason for their indictment: the activists’ leadership of a controversial protest campaign aiming to close down one of the largest animal testing laboratories in the world, Huntingdon Life Sciences.

The story about how government and big business colluded to rewrite laws to crackdown on effective activism is an important warning on the lengths that the state will go to in order to protect corporate interests. It is also important because it was not only in the USA that this happened: it happened to activists in the UK too. The signees to this statement have endured years of government repression and draconian prison sentences as a result of our involvement in running the European SHAC campaign, an above-ground grassroots protest group.

As in the USA, the British government took aggressive action against SHAC activists as soon as we began to affect corporate power. Frightened by threats from multi-billion pound pharmaceutical companies that they would pull out of the UK unless the government took action, and unable to pursue underground activists, politicians instead, decided to introduce new legislation to target SHAC. Impressed by how the USA had managed to silence SHAC and spread fear throughout the movement in the USA, the British government decided to replicate the same in the UK, working in collaboration with the FBI. We would soon find ourselves being labelled as terrorists and extremists in the Houses of Parliament and in the press for our protest tactics and support of non-violent direct action. A secret two year £3.5 million police operation was tasked with targeting SHAC and our campaign was infiltrated by undercover police officers. A corporate spy would also go on to admit to spending years inside SHAC, working on behalf of the vivisection industry and collaborating with the police, assigned with sabotaging our campaign.

On 1 May 2007, aiming to decapitate the SHAC campaign, over 700 police officers raided 32 addresses, arresting 30 activists and seizing our campaign banners, posters, megaphones, flyers, computers, cameras and funds. The supposed “leaders” of the campaign (many of us only teenagers) found ourselves being charged with Conspiracy to Blackmail. Despite always including a legal disclaimer as well as paying a top barrister to read through our website and newsletter communications, the prosecution alleged that since its beginning, our protest campaign had in fact been blackmailing companies to drop Huntingdon Life Sciences.

We found ourselves demonised in the press, photos of threatening letters and hoax bombs plastered across pages with the allegation that we were somehow responsible for them. In fact, the prosecution did not and could not allege any of us had sent them: after all, we hadn’t. Rather, the CPS blamed us for the actions of other unknown individuals who had sent them. They claimed it was our fault because we had exposed and published the company details and encouraged people to contact the companies and urge them to sever their ties to the laboratory. Such an extraordinary leap in logic was lost on the media who concluded that we must have sent them.

Because of the political will to see our campaign end, we have all endured years of repression, trauma, untrue allegations being made about us and excessive prison sentences. We have been treated worse than any other criminals in the prison system: denied day release, outside work schemes or tagging and been subjected to punitive and absurd licence conditions upon our releases. The police claim of not targeting lawful activists when they targeted SHAC is hard to believe when they also demanded we receive Anti-Social Behaviour Orders preventing us from peacefully campaigning in any way against Huntingdon Life Sciences (with the threat of a further five year prison sentence if we do so). Unable to continue under all the repression, police harassment and seizures, the SHAC campaign itself was forced to end in 2014 after every single activist who tried to run it found themselves also being arrested and prosecuted.

Whatever consequences we faced for our actions, the brutal reality is that as a result of the repression we faced, the animals who we did it all for are still locked up, suffering and dying inside Huntingdon Life Sciences (now rebranded as Envigo and part of Covance). Many of the SHAC defendants have been designated as core-participants in the Undercover Policing Inquiry currently taking place. The inquiry will look at whether we were victims of a miscarriage of justice because the CPS never disclosed the undercover police operations to our defence. We are pleased that our convictions are finally being looked at but it is with heavy hearts as we remember all the animals who have died in the meantime. We look forward to the whole truth coming out about how politicians and big business conspired to crush our campaign and deny us a fair trial. Until then, we look forward to people making up their own minds after watching The Animal People.

– Alfie Fitzpatrick
– Tom Harris
– Jason (JJ) Maguire
– Gerrah Selby
– Nicola Tapping
– Sarah Whitehead


Generation Identity is a fascist movement started in France based around what they call “Etnopluralism”, this is essentially segregation between races and only serves to further split the divide between different communities. GI calls for a “white Europe” and focus their campaigning mainly in anti Muslim and islamophobic actions. 

Thanks to a huge amount of cash injected by anonymous donors, a very clean, sleek and strong social media presence has aided them to extend throughout Europe. 

They hope that by wearing nice suits and having fancy graphics and websites that they can make themselves seem marketable and genuine, when in fact they are nothing more than racist, Nazi-hipster fascist scum. 

If you ever see GI stickers or leaflets in your area, remove them and put them where GI belongs, in the fucking bin. 

Fash not welcome in Sheffield or anywhere in the world. 

No pasaran!


Generation Identity is a fascist movement started in France based around what they call “Etnopluralism”, this is essentially segregation between races and only serves to further split the divide between different communities. GI calls for a “white Europe” and focus their campaigning mainly in anti Muslim and islamophobic actions. 

Thanks to a huge amount of cash injected by anonymous donors, a very clean, sleek and strong social media presence has aided them to extend throughout Europe. 

They hope that by wearing nice suits and having fancy graphics and websites that they can make themselves seem marketable and genuine, when in fact they are nothing more than racist, Nazi-hipster fascist scum. 

If you ever see GI stickers or leaflets in your area, remove them and put them where GI belongs, in the fucking bin. 

Fash not welcome in Sheffield or anywhere in the world. 

No pasaran!


We received a report from some comrades in Germany that we thought would be a nice addition to the page, read it below:

“Doing our daily checks looking for filth around Hambacher Forst, we spotted a couple of cars with dog trailers attached. It is quite standard to see hunters around so we decided to finish up the round before going to look for them. At the petrol station, another hunting vehicle with doggos locked in the trailer was fuelling up. The trailer was covered in Nazi stickers, what a fucking surprise!

After checking the local “dog training” website we discovered that they had a hunt training day. So not only those fucks enjoy making dogs become soulless they also welcome Nazis in their lessons. We had to take action.

We located them quickly, about five kilometres away from their meet, split into two groups and training the dogs to retrieve. Armed with airhorns, every time the whistle would be used, we would make as much sound as we could hidden in the bushes before moving a few hundred meters. When the time was right and we had a group of about 15 folks trying to find who was fucking with their lesson, someone approached the vehicles and dealt with the tyres of two of them. A third vehicle seemed to somehow suffer a concussion on the windscreen. Trust us, it didn’t look too pretty.

With the sound of the glass breaking, the attention was back in the cars and whilst we retrieved deeper in the woods we could see the hunters discovering the slashed tyres. Swearing and trying to find the forest elves, they called the other group and together (minus two cars that could not drive for obvious reasons) packed up and went back to their meeting point.

With the police approaching and two tractors towing the cars out of the field, we went back to the woods to resume with our daily jobs.

Neither Nazis, nor hunters, are welcome in this world we call Earth. The sabotage of both is not justifiable but encouraged.


Want to support UBS’ work? Please drop some coins on our PayPal so we can buy helicopters with infrared cameras and a cubic metre of vegan chocolate:

Via: Underground Badger Syndicate.


We received a report from some comrades in Germany that we thought would be a nice addition to the page, read it below:

“Doing our daily checks looking for filth around Hambacher Forst, we spotted a couple of cars with dog trailers attached. It is quite standard to see hunters around so we decided to finish up the round before going to look for them. At the petrol station, another hunting vehicle with doggos locked in the trailer was fuelling up. The trailer was covered in Nazi stickers, what a fucking surprise!

After checking the local “dog training” website we discovered that they had a hunt training day. So not only those fucks enjoy making dogs become soulless they also welcome Nazis in their lessons. We had to take action.

We located them quickly, about five kilometres away from their meet, split into two groups and training the dogs to retrieve. Armed with airhorns, every time the whistle would be used, we would make as much sound as we could hidden in the bushes before moving a few hundred meters. When the time was right and we had a group of about 15 folks trying to find who was fucking with their lesson, someone approached the vehicles and dealt with the tyres of two of them. A third vehicle seemed to somehow suffer a concussion on the windscreen. Trust us, it didn’t look too pretty.

With the sound of the glass breaking, the attention was back in the cars and whilst we retrieved deeper in the woods we could see the hunters discovering the slashed tyres. Swearing and trying to find the forest elves, they called the other group and together (minus two cars that could not drive for obvious reasons) packed up and went back to their meeting point.

With the police approaching and two tractors towing the cars out of the field, we went back to the woods to resume with our daily jobs.

Neither Nazis, nor hunters, are welcome in this world we call Earth. The sabotage of both is not justifiable but encouraged.


Want to support UBS’ work? Please drop some coins on our PayPal so we can buy helicopters with infrared cameras and a cubic metre of vegan chocolate:

Via: Underground Badger Syndicate.


It’s been three weeks since a raid in a fur farm in Hjo, Sweden, was reported online. During an anti fur demo, a group of activists entered the farm and released thousands of mink from their cages. Knut Indebetou, owner of the farm, has confirmed through an africultural newspaper that he is closing the farm because “it’s not worth the effort”. Over the years, that same farm has been the target of multiple ALF actions.



We requested and received an account of the happenings during the last 269 Libération Animale blockade in France. Read the words because they transmit not only how violent the cops can be but also how the estate repression keeps creeping up and the urgency of more activists joining to make a change.

Enjoy the ride and if you for some strange reason haven’t liked their page yet, go support them now!

“The action lasted 14 hours, the slaughterhouse is the 5th biggest in France, hundreds of cows are killed there daily. The slaughterhouse was already targeted by the association in the past, 9 activists chained themselves to the gate and blocked the trucks for 4 hours. 2 Nuits Debout were organized as well and we returned there because it belongs to an important carnist lobby ”Sicarev”.

We occupied the rooftop of another of their slaughterhouses 29-30/10 for 26 Hours. The president of Sicarev came on Monday and tried to convince the police to be harsh with us and said we should all get a prison sentence, as if he substituted himself to a judge. The police tried to steal the phone filming the evacuation and an activist was able to hide it in its pocket to film. They were really violent.

After the evacuation of the activists chained inside the death row, they evacuated us on the rooftop. Some of us (15 approximately) were put in jail for a couple of hours.

Tiphaine and Ceylan, the founders of the association, who were just supporting the action on the streets, and who were not participating, were chased by police officers and locked up for more than 24 hours!

This is just another sign they are trying to put huge psychological pressure on the whole disobedience movement.

This is the first time in France that a slaughterhouse is completely unable to kill for a whole day and it shows how effective we could be if we grew our numbers.

People should stop saying they defend animals and put themselves as heroes, we are just here to be allies and now our resistance against speciesist industries must go into slaughterhouses. We must resist with them, not just for them. This is why we put ourselves between the knives and the victims.”