3rd July, South East UK.

received anonymously via encrypted email:

“A couple of years ago we visited this farm and took 25 birds with us the night before their slaughter. We happened to be driving by that same farm so we decided to pay it a second visit.

The farmer, who owns multiple broiler sheds in the area, is also very friendly with the local hunt and allows them to cross through his fields searching for foxes to murder. He will have to rethink his actions if he doesn’t want to attract masked people into his sheds.

Last time we were there we could just pop the door open with a crowbar without much trouble. Since then, he has installed two bolts on each door as reinforcement, so we had to break the door frame and part of the wall to gain access. It felt nice to attack that wall under the sun, in broad day light, wishing for the farmer to hear us so we could have a good conversation. He didn’t, so after gaining access we helped a few birds out with us and walked away.

To every person out there that cares about animals. Get out, break stuff, make it unviable for them to make any money out of this sickening industry. We cannot wait any longer.

Animal Liberation Front.”


3rd July, South East UK.

received anonymously via encrypted email:

“A couple of years ago we visited this farm and took 25 birds with us the night before their slaughter. We happened to be driving by that same farm so we decided to pay it a second visit.

The farmer, who owns multiple broiler sheds in the area, is also very friendly with the local hunt and allows them to cross through his fields searching for foxes to murder. He will have to rethink his actions if he doesn’t want to attract masked people into his sheds.

Last time we were there we could just pop the door open with a crowbar without much trouble. Since then, he has installed two bolts on each door as reinforcement, so we had to break the door frame and part of the wall to gain access. It felt nice to attack that wall under the sun, in broad day light, wishing for the farmer to hear us so we could have a good conversation. He didn’t, so after gaining access we helped a few birds out with us and walked away.

To every person out there that cares about animals. Get out, break stuff, make it unviable for them to make any money out of this sickening industry. We cannot wait any longer.

Animal Liberation Front.”


27th February, Belgium.

We were on a sabotage operation yesterday in Belgium, near Charleroi, and destroyed a breeding place hidden in a private wood.

This place was intend to breed young pheasants (10 males and 10 females) in order to be placed for hunting season in october.

The facility was destroyed and the materials (feeders, electric fences, fox traps) were stolen or destroyed.

The pheasants had beak covers to avoid fight between the birds. Those covers were removed and the pheasants were released outside the facility with access to a vast country land.

We destroyed 13 watchtowers during this night.



27th February, Belgium.

We were on a sabotage operation yesterday in Belgium, near Charleroi, and destroyed a breeding place hidden in a private wood.

This place was intend to breed young pheasants (10 males and 10 females) in order to be placed for hunting season in october.

The facility was destroyed and the materials (feeders, electric fences, fox traps) were stolen or destroyed.

The pheasants had beak covers to avoid fight between the birds. Those covers were removed and the pheasants were released outside the facility with access to a vast country land.

We destroyed 13 watchtowers during this night.



30th January, UK

received anonymously:

“After receiving a tip off that a puppy was being left outside all day in the freezing cold and with the fate of being used as a breeding machine we had to act quickly. On arrival we found the dog chained up to a small kennel that was just large enough for her body. Faeces were inside the kennel. No water was left and the only food was scraps from the human scums dinner the night before. The dog was extremely frightened and it took a lot of coaxing to bring her out so we could grab her and go. She had clearly been beaten. And nails cut to the core. It was risky daytime liberation but we couldn’t let this girl suffer a minute longer. No one will ever hurt her again.

We want to dedicate this action to Jill Phipps, who lost her life on the 1st of February campaigning against live exports. She is never forgotten and she remind us that animal liberation is fierce, uncompromised and female! 

Animal Liberation Front.”


30th January, UK

received anonymously:

“After receiving a tip off that a puppy was being left outside all day in the freezing cold and with the fate of being used as a breeding machine we had to act quickly. On arrival we found the dog chained up to a small kennel that was just large enough for her body. Faeces were inside the kennel. No water was left and the only food was scraps from the human scums dinner the night before. The dog was extremely frightened and it took a lot of coaxing to bring her out so we could grab her and go. She had clearly been beaten. And nails cut to the core. It was risky daytime liberation but we couldn’t let this girl suffer a minute longer. No one will ever hurt her again.

We want to dedicate this action to Jill Phipps, who lost her life on the 1st of February campaigning against live exports. She is never forgotten and she remind us that animal liberation is fierce, uncompromised and female! 

Animal Liberation Front.”


This message contains three rescues at once. In the first one, we took twenthy hens, in the second one five and in the third one eighteen hof them. New rescuer joined us in two of these events. I asked her to write a few sentences. (MK)

My first and second time (Anonym)

It was night, I was standing in the field covered in several layers of clothes realizing what I am doing. Everything slowed down, it was only us walking on the frozen clay. I couldn’t stop thinking about how noisy every step I made was. The sky was full of stars and as I was admiring their beauty, snow was falling in my eyes.

I was on watch at the spot from where Lukas and Michal broke in. Just a while after they entered the areal, our watcher saw the guard and told boys to withdraw. As soon as they both got out, a strong light emerged from nowhere, and I swore it was shining directly upon us. Boys were about to back off and I followed them.

When we returned to our spot, no one knew where the guard was, but Michal and Lukas decided to go in. They looked resolutely as they reached one of the several unbelievably large halls. I lay in the snow and worried for us all. There was nothing but terrifying silence that was occasionally interrupted by the big ventilator that blows air into the halls.

After a while Michal handed me a bag. Until I held it in my hands I didn’t believe it could be full, the scared animals inside didn’t make a sound. Carefully, I put them next to me and hoped they were alive. Michal and Lukas were out of the areal when our watcher told us, there was a suspicious car. Michal told me not to move. In the unnatural poses in which we freezed, we were watching the car that stopped just ahead of us. The hens were still next to me and I was afraid. But for the first time of this evening I forgot about all the possible and impossible reversals, consequences and felt the responsibility for those poor animals whose life depended on our succesful escape.

When we all met in our car I couldn’t guess how others felt. For me, it was hard to process the whole event, the other watchers looked satisfied. It was Lukas and Michal who had looked in the eyes of the suffering victims who they couldn’t save. I am not sure if they could feel any satisfaction, the helplessness must be tearing them apart.

A few kilometers further we stopped the car and I finally saw them! Five big hens.. Michal pulled out the first one and put her in my arms… she stank, her feathers was all dirty. She didn’t have a clue where she was but she didn’t feel the need to defend herself. Maybe she was just too weak. I held her and talked to her and she laid her head on my shoulder. She was so beautiful… I really wanted her to know that.

Seven years ago I first opened my eyes and stopped eating meat. When I opened my eyes the second time I went vegan. Over time I became a fiery activist fighting for animal rights, I thought it was how we save the world. But now as I am finally waking up, it is more about opening my heart and fighting for freedom.


After a week we were back at the same place. Stars that remind people their vanity was gone and the ice became a mud. Leaded by the smell of the factory farm, we wouldn’t miss it even with our eyes closed.

We waited on our spots until the guard makes a regular check out. And we waited a looong time. Michal sat down and wanted me to imagine all the pain that is placed behind these large halls. We sat for a while trying to capture it.

The guard still hasn’t check the areal, but we decided to go in. While Lukas was opening the door of the nearest hall, I was preparing for what I was going to see. I followed Michal in, there was a red light, some tools, no animals and another door infront of us. And then another. I was surprised by the structure and realized, I knew nothing about what’s in there. It was all so strange but I didn’t stop doing deeper.

I don’t remember if it stank inside, if it was cold there or not. But I remember the way all the hens were looking on us. For just a little while, perharps I could swallow a piece of that exposed pain in their eyes. I stood there frightened by the thought that there is nothing I could do to make this stop. The hall was endless and dark and that is all it’s involuntary inhabitants will ever have.

All people did a good job and 18 beautiful creatures was sucessfully rescued that night.



This message contains three rescues at once. In the first one, we took twenthy hens, in the second one five and in the third one eighteen hof them. New rescuer joined us in two of these events. I asked her to write a few sentences. (MK)

My first and second time (Anonym)

It was night, I was standing in the field covered in several layers of clothes realizing what I am doing. Everything slowed down, it was only us walking on the frozen clay. I couldn’t stop thinking about how noisy every step I made was. The sky was full of stars and as I was admiring their beauty, snow was falling in my eyes.

I was on watch at the spot from where Lukas and Michal broke in. Just a while after they entered the areal, our watcher saw the guard and told boys to withdraw. As soon as they both got out, a strong light emerged from nowhere, and I swore it was shining directly upon us. Boys were about to back off and I followed them.

When we returned to our spot, no one knew where the guard was, but Michal and Lukas decided to go in. They looked resolutely as they reached one of the several unbelievably large halls. I lay in the snow and worried for us all. There was nothing but terrifying silence that was occasionally interrupted by the big ventilator that blows air into the halls.

After a while Michal handed me a bag. Until I held it in my hands I didn’t believe it could be full, the scared animals inside didn’t make a sound. Carefully, I put them next to me and hoped they were alive. Michal and Lukas were out of the areal when our watcher told us, there was a suspicious car. Michal told me not to move. In the unnatural poses in which we freezed, we were watching the car that stopped just ahead of us. The hens were still next to me and I was afraid. But for the first time of this evening I forgot about all the possible and impossible reversals, consequences and felt the responsibility for those poor animals whose life depended on our succesful escape.

When we all met in our car I couldn’t guess how others felt. For me, it was hard to process the whole event, the other watchers looked satisfied. It was Lukas and Michal who had looked in the eyes of the suffering victims who they couldn’t save. I am not sure if they could feel any satisfaction, the helplessness must be tearing them apart.

A few kilometers further we stopped the car and I finally saw them! Five big hens.. Michal pulled out the first one and put her in my arms… she stank, her feathers was all dirty. She didn’t have a clue where she was but she didn’t feel the need to defend herself. Maybe she was just too weak. I held her and talked to her and she laid her head on my shoulder. She was so beautiful… I really wanted her to know that.

Seven years ago I first opened my eyes and stopped eating meat. When I opened my eyes the second time I went vegan. Over time I became a fiery activist fighting for animal rights, I thought it was how we save the world. But now as I am finally waking up, it is more about opening my heart and fighting for freedom.


After a week we were back at the same place. Stars that remind people their vanity was gone and the ice became a mud. Leaded by the smell of the factory farm, we wouldn’t miss it even with our eyes closed.

We waited on our spots until the guard makes a regular check out. And we waited a looong time. Michal sat down and wanted me to imagine all the pain that is placed behind these large halls. We sat for a while trying to capture it.

The guard still hasn’t check the areal, but we decided to go in. While Lukas was opening the door of the nearest hall, I was preparing for what I was going to see. I followed Michal in, there was a red light, some tools, no animals and another door infront of us. And then another. I was surprised by the structure and realized, I knew nothing about what’s in there. It was all so strange but I didn’t stop doing deeper.

I don’t remember if it stank inside, if it was cold there or not. But I remember the way all the hens were looking on us. For just a little while, perharps I could swallow a piece of that exposed pain in their eyes. I stood there frightened by the thought that there is nothing I could do to make this stop. The hall was endless and dark and that is all it’s involuntary inhabitants will ever have.

All people did a good job and 18 beautiful creatures was sucessfully rescued that night.