On our last update, we mentioned that Ladislav was going to be released in January of this year. Unfortunately, there was a mix up of dates and miscommunication and his release date had not changed, so he is still scheduled to be released in January 2024 instead of this year. We can only apologise for the wrong information being shared. That means that we still have time to raise funds for his release, helping him get back on his feet after many years suffering the prison system.
Our comrades at Philly ABC have a fundraiser event which is still open for donations and we would like to encourage everybody to donate even if it is just a few coins, so when he is out he is able to fend for himself whilst getting his head around being back out in society! The fundraiser has been up for a month and it has only managed to raise 10% of its goal. Can we all do a big push of support and double it?
Earth First UK usually organises two events a year where radical, environmentalist and animal liberation activists meet to discuss their plans and problems, to promote campaigns and to seek new ideas, knowledge and communal solidarity.
They have announced their Winter Moot dates, which this year will be based in Manchester UK from the 10th to the 12th of February.
Whilst they have not yet announced the exact location or the workshops and talks schedule, you can follow them for more info on
Eric is due to be released this year and we cannot wait to hear he is out and surounded by his friends and family!
We hate prisons, they are designed to destroy people and communities and no one comes out of these twisted and malicious places unscathed. Eric King has had it rough in prison since he was sentenced in 2016. He has been systematically attacked by prison guards, who on one occassion took him to a closet with no CCTV to beat him up due to his anarchist and anti fascist beliefs. They also retrained him for 6 hours afterwards. He has spent much of his long prison sentence kept in solitary confinement, isolating him as a means of torture.
In 2019, he was falsely accused of attacking a guard and faced an additional 20 years in prison, he was found innocent but the prison system is still set on making his life as hard as possible and transferred him to MAX.
In much lighter news, Eric is due to be released from prison this year and is desperate to be free and reunited with his family. There is currently a GoFundMe set up. Donations will help him do things like see a doctor, have some family days out and just take a bit of the burden off.
We have just sent 150USD to Eric for his release, why not join us?
Do send him a letter and help him get through the last months of imprisonment, his address is this:
Eric King 27090045 USP FLORENCE ADMAX PO BOX 8500 FLORENCE, CO 81226 USA
For further updates and more info about Eric and his experiences as well as a number of poems he has written while inside, check out: https://linktr.ee/supportericking
“With thoughts of the hunger-striking anarchist Alfredo Cospito, we set fire to Strabag trucks in the Schanze (a central quarter of Hamburg) on the night of January . Strabag does not only build prisons. At least since the struggle for the Dannenröder forest, they have often been the target of attacks because they actively destroy nature. Our fire should also give strength to those fighting in and around Lützerath. Day X has already been proclaimed.
We stand in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, who has been on hunger strike since 20 October 2022 against his imprisonment in the 41-bis isolation regime and against life imprisonment without the option of release. Alfredo’s detention conditions are slightly better at the moment than previous weeks. He has lost a lot of weight and his health is relatively stable, but could become critical at any time. Two other prisoners in Italy, Anna and Juan have been on prolonged solidarity hunger strikes and Ivan Alocco, a prisoner in France is also supporting Alfredo through hunger strike. Toby Shone, who is in prison in England, is also supporting Alfredo by refusing food several days a week.
We are also in solidarity with Thanos Chatziangelou from the organisation Anarchist Action, who was illegally transferred from Korydallos to Nigrita prison in Serres on 19/12. Thanos started a hunger and thirst strike that day. The companion is involved in the recent mobilizations in prisons in Greece against the new harsh laws, which are currently taking place in many places and in which many prisoners have been participating in recent months.
On 25.12, he was transferred to the hospital in Nigrita, where he is guarded around the clock by police. On the evening of 31 December, external doctors attempted for the first time to subject him to the torture of force-feeding on the basis of a prosecutor’s order. Thanos resisted and pulled the injections. Force-feeding is torture! Our companion’s demands must be met! The reasons for his transfer must be given and he must be brought back to Korydallos.
Five other prisoners in Greece have gone on hunger strike for his demands. https://de.indymedia.org/node/249682
We stand in solidarity with the 11 comrades from Turkey who are imprisoned in Greece: Ali Ercan Gökoğlu, Burak Agarmış, Hasan Kaya, Sinan Çam, Şadi Naci Özpolat, Halil Demir, Anıl Sayar, Harika Kızılkaya, Hazal Seçer, Sinan Oktay Özen, İsmail Zat. They have been on hunger strike since October 7, demanding a fair trial and an immediate reversal of the 133 years in prison they received collectively from a Greek court. They are also demanding their rights in relation to their arrest and a legal status in Greece. Many prisoners in Greece are in solidarity with the 11.”
The words we share are from the call for the demo “NO PRISON, NO NATION, STOP ISOLATION” on 8.1. in Berlin.
Freedom for all prisoners! Down with the walls and the energy companies!
source: https://de.indymedia.org/node/250602 translated by Nae Midion Note: photo not associated with the action.
German (and worldwide) activists have fought this before, and are doing it again. RWE, one of the dirtiest energy companies in Europe, is unsurprisingly attempting to expand their lignite mining operations and having to face the fierce opposition of anarchist resistance against the destruction of the earth.
Lützerath is a village in the edge of Garzwailer mine, which digs for lignite coal for energy production. RWE has forcefully kicked out the residents from the village with the intention to demolish the houses and expand the mine, and for over a year activists have squatted the village and built treehouses, blockading the destruction.
The police has announced their eviction plan, which started on the 9th of January, where they want to build a fence around the village, then fence off the different barrios and one by one evict the barrios on behalf of RWE to destroy the village.
The resistance is not afraid of RWE and their police goons and folks have joined forces to resist the eviction and fight back, exactly the same way as it was done in Habacher Forst, where the trees still remain! In the exact same fashion as Hambi, Lützerath is as much an ecological struggle as it is an anarchist alternative to capitalist and democratic society.
They are asking for as much support as possible, so if you can, join the camps and block the cop’s access, fight the eviction and support people on the ground!
If you are unable to join that way, remember that RWE is a multinational company that owns many businesses around the world, and most likely has investments wherever you are from. Those assets are as fair game as RWE itself. They are one of the biggest polluters in Europe, they are very good at marketing themselves as a green eco-conscious company and they are not afraid to fight back, but they have been fended off in the past and they can be destroyed once again. Cut their fingers wherever they are so they cannot grab more money and they will run back afraid of their loses.
You can find more info (and all the socials of the resistance) here: https://luetzerathlebt.info/en/
Solidarity Apothecary has sent us a text remembering Gilly which we believe you all should read. Remember that the anonymous faces of the Animal Liberation Front (and many other movements) do have a name attached to them, which normally is only shared once they’ve passed away. And remember that in a hyper masculine society, we tend to undestand the ALF as a men run concept, when it many cases it is quite the opposite.
“Today is the 7th anniversary of Gilly’s death.
For folks who didn’t know her, she was an absolute fierce anarchist and animal liberationist. Obviously it’s impossible to quantify as the animal liberation front is an anonymous, underground movement – but my bets are that she was one of the most active ALF organisers in history. Through the 80s and 90s and all the years before she became unwell, she would raid labs, farms and all sites of animal abuse freeing countless animals. She actively sabotaged the badger cull and coordinated resistance to it in the original Krebs trials – so much so that it had a 95% failure rate.
She was an active hunt sab, involved in many grassroots campaigns, as well as prisoner support. You can see copies of the South East Liberator mag on the Talon Conspiracy archiving project website, which details some of the things she did – only to be shared after her death.
She was a surrogate mum to me and taught me more about anarchism than any book ever could. She would text me every single time I had a prison visit without fail for years on end and supported me through my sentence. She’d been inside and knew what it was like. She was spiky and anti-social to many, but also caring, kind and loyal to those close to her. Men get celebrated as ALF heroes, while women like Gilly get invisibilised, especially if they develop chronic illnesses.
I’ll never forget her and our movements shouldn’t either. Please remember Gilly today. Feel free to share this post.
“Over the course of 5 nights, 90 posters of a Christmas circus in Fulda were destroyed, painted and taken down. The ALF activists want to ensure that fewer visitors support animal exploitation in the circus.
In addition to human artists the circus keeps animals to entertain the audience. Besides ponies, horses, huskies and camels, wild reindeer from Lapland are supposed to perform there.
The animals are kept on an empty concrete or gravel area and only have branches lying on the ground.
This form of husbandry does not resemble there natural habitat in the slightest! On top of the horrible living conditions, the animals have to endure daily training/shows against their will and the stress during the transport from one city to the next.
We demand an immediate ban of using animals for entertainment purposes and the liberation of all animals!
We will fight until every enclosure and cage is empty!”
CALL TO ACTION WHERE: Worldwide WHEN: 13th-16th January WHY: Cos fuck Cop City.
The fight to stop cop city from being built in the Atlanta Forest is in full swing, and with six people facing terrorism charges for tree-sitting, the movement needs to do a push for support from everywhere in the world.
We received a short call to action we would like to share with you:
“call for a weekend of solidarity with the Atlanta Forest to #StopCopCity. January 13-16th.
6 people are charged with domestic terrorism for tree-sitting, as police kill more people in 2022 than any year before, & the climate crisis rages.
We can all take action for our future.”
Be it a solidarity gig, a banner drop, a protest, an event or whatever your imagination can muster, there is a call to action to support the fight against Cop City which we all can partake on worldwide.
Meet with your friends, plot and organise! Are you busy already during the weekend? Make a banner and send a solidarity picture! Whatever it is, show up and tell both Blackhall Studios and the Atlanta Police Department to go fuck themselves.
Send your action reports, photos or words of solidarity to: [email protected]
On the 29th of December, Luz butcher shop in Stuttgart, Germany, announced that they were non longer going to carry on open, four days after the third attack by the ALF.
We were alerted of the news by an anonymous member of the cell that targeted that butcher shop, who sent us this text:
“4 Days after our action (3 actions in total) against Butcher Luz they are closing down there whole ”business”, after 111 years YEEES PARTY
Massive smell and paint and fake blood combined in some actions seemed to look like a good combination here. Stay continous brave activists, we will get Liberation for all beeings!
Please feel motivated you are not alone in this, there is a lot of us! Its a marathon not a sprint and we are close to Animal rights and Liberation like never before in history. Looking forward to celebrate with all of you activists offline when we arrive in a mostly/full vegan world.
Kisses and hugs to all of you wonderful vegan activists out there!