“On the night of January 20th 2023, 30 mournful anarchists took vengeful action against our enemies for the murder of Cami/Tortuguita in the Atlanta Forest two days prior. We shattered dozens of windows along the glass facade of a Bank of America building in downtown Oakland, destroyed the ATM’s, and repainted the walls with people’s messages of love, memory, solidarity, and rage at the assassination of our comrade before lighting the place up with molotov cocktails.
Bank of America is an enemy of the people and life itself. They currently fund the construction of cop city in Atlanta, the same project that threatens the forest that Tortuguita died defending. They deserve no place in our landscape. We destroyed quickly but tirelessly. Like the peasants in the Jacquerie, the Luddite wreckers, or the Haitian revolutionaries, we seek liberation in the most obvious way: the destruction of what we know is the cause of our suffering. And if we destroy much, it is because we have suffered much. “Vengeance! Vengeance!” is our war-cry.
To our enemies who seek to liquidate our lives and the earth: you will not murder us with impunity! We will strike back, each time more fiercely than before. The more you take from us, the more we have to fight for—the less we have to lose.
To our fallen comrades: your deaths will never be in vain! We will avenge you one thousand times over! Your blood is our blood. Your lives light the path of our struggle, and this is only the beginning.
We support Tortuguita whether they shot at the pigs or not. A shot fired at police is an act of liberation.
According to local press, unknown people set on fire a hunting tower in the middle of a meadow in Longkamp, using the darkness of the night as a disguise.
The damage was valued at 1500 EUR. This is the second time in nine months that a tower is set alight near Longkamp. The police says they have no clues to pursue an investigation.
Mel has been held on remand at Peterborough Prison since November. His conditions have improved, after a difficult start with little to no medication or vegan food available.
Mel is receiving regular letters, but keeping in touch with news from the outside world is a great way to support and keep him busy. He really could do with uplifting letters to remind him we are all thinking about him!
Please do not discuss any details about his case. He has got very into analysing the football and watching Dogs In the Wild on the BBC, and he likes talking about nature and animals, so maybe you can describe your last walk in the forest!
Books can also be sent to Mel via Waterstones. Books about nature, fungi, animals and plants and about positive historical change in the world are preferred over fictional stuff.
Books and letters to the address below, include a stamped addressed envelope for a reply.
We have received a submission about Punk Aid, a project raising funds for Free the MBR Beagles after producing a collaborative song that you can download (and donate for) on Bandcamp. Hear them out!
“I’m sure readers to the page are no strangers to the Free the MBR Beagles campaign. Activists fighting for the closure of the American multinational Marshall Biosciences in Cambridgeshire, and the liberation of the 2000 odd puppies they hold captive there.
Many methods have been used to bring the fight to them; most famously the Camp Beagle established directly out side the puppy farm that maintains a constant vigilance. Also the actions of Animal Rebellion and their incredible day light liberations of around twenty innocent puppies!
Well now it’s the turn of the punks! Working remotely, we thought “What can we do to help the campaign?” We brought together a collective of pro-animal liberation activist punks and have produced a song in support of the MBR beagles and the activists that fight for them in the true spirit of DIY anarcho punk!
It features contributions from over 12 bands, members of which have for many years been involved in animal rights campaigns such as hunt sabbing and protests against Huntingdon Life Sciences.
According to local hunting press, on the night of the 6th of December a hunting hide in Darmstadt was found on fire by the local hunter. The hunter and owner of the hide says that he estimates the costs at around 800 EUR and insists that “hunting hides don’t spontaneously combust”.
The police is begging for clues and so far they have no suspects.
“With this earworm in mind and inspired by the prisoners in Hamburg, in Rome and in Athens, we attacked Hertz with fire on the night of January 12. Hertz cooperates with the enemies of our freedom and must pay for it.
In solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike, Alfredo, Ivan, Thanos, and with the 11 prisoners from Turkey. For all the anarchist prisoners imprisoned by the state and for all the others who continue to fight outside.
Greetings go to the people who militantly defend Lützerath
For an international solidarity full of hate and passion!
Until the next parking lot. Anarchists
Cheap thrills
Come on, come on, put the mask on It’s wednesday night and I won’t be long Gotta do my hair, put my gloves on It’s wednesday night and I won’t be long ‘Til I hit the target, hit the targetI got all I need No, I ain’t got cash, I ain’t got cash But I got you, baby Baby, I don’t need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills) Baby, I don’t need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills) But I don’t need no money As long as I can feel the heat I don’t need no money As long as it keeps burning (Cheap Thrills, Sia & Sean Paul)”
A comrade sent us a reportback from Lützi, giving us insigt on what is happening first hand. It was originally published on Earth First! Journal and we think you should have a read and find out what’s been happening!
“In small gangs, cops start charging towards groups of protesters, beating up people with batons and pepper spray, kicking and pushing them to the ground. Dozens of people are injured, many with serious head injuries, treated by paramedics, and waiting for a helicopter to hospital.
Lützerath has become a battlefield, where cops defend fossil capital at all costs, enforcing climate catastrophe. From all over Germany, over a thousand police have come to coerce the eviction of Lützerath – the last remaining village being cleared for the expansion of the Garzweiler II opencast mine run by energy giant RWE. For years now activists had prepared for ‘Day X’ – built camps, barricades, tree houses, and tripods, and occupied houses to stop the destruction of the village. They rebuilt community in an area that had long been politically neglected, inhabitants intimidated and paid off, slowly cut off from infrastructure. The last remaining farmer, Eckardt Heukamp, lost his court case in 2022 and had to leave his family farm. This is the second time he’s had to move and see his home destroyed for the expansion of the mine.
Over the last couple of months, since my last visit, even more land has been lost to the mine, even more carbon dioxide has been emitted, habitats lost, political promises broken, livelihoods destroyed. All too clearly, the German state and energy giant RWE show us that they don’t care about our futures, about climate catastrophe, about the web of life that makes human life possible. Even liberal environmentalists are forced to recognise that the government doesn’t give a shit. It’s a coalition with the Green Party that is making this possible. The government will not protect us.
Cops and security forces are taking down structures, violently removing protesters. They have outsourced some of the dirtiest work to RWE personnel – the RWE fire brigade are evicting two tunnellers who locked on underneath the village, and RWE vehicles are used to transport protestors. In close collaboration with RWE, cops use water cannons, horses, and dogs to repress resistance, several people are bitten by dogs. Of course they refuse to investigate the cutting of safety lines, and the dangerous removal of protestors from treehouses and ropes.
Thousands have built and occupied structures, burning barricades, tripods, and monopods. Some take part in sitting blockades and demonstrations, putting their bodies in the way to stop the destruction. 35,000 came today to show that they oppose the eviction. And they are not giving up – groups of protesters have just entered the mine, people are burning police cars, and sabotaging machinery.
They build on a long history of combative resistance in this region of Germany, called the Rhineland. Since the 70s, local groups have fought back against RWE. For over 10 years, the Hambacher Forest occupation resisted (and partially stopped) the destruction of the ancient forest and the expansion of the neighbouring Hambach coal mine – through blockades, sabotage, occupations, building tree houses, tunnels, and many other forms of resistance. The Hambacher Forest occupation, just like Lützerath, has always been not just about stopping a coal mine, but about alternative ways of living and organising together, about solidarity and mutual aid, about anarchist values and practices – a world without coal, police, prisons, and borders, a fight against colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy, and the state.
But this resistance has always been diverse too. In Lützerath, we see black bloc and church groups, students and pensioners, Fridays for the Future and antifascists. We see solidarity with Rojava and the Zapatistas. People coming together who might not otherwise meet, talking and connecting, sharing skills and building community.
Lützerath is the latest of dozens of villages that have been evicted, inhabitants dispossessed under old Nazi legislation, to facilitate the expansion of lignite coal mines, the dirtiest and most carbon intensive form of electricity generation. This eviction takes place three years after the eviction of the neighbouring Hambacher Forest in 2018, which lasted over four weeks and led to the death of a young film maker. The eviction was stopped by the courts in October 2018, and later declared illegal.
Financed by Deutsche Bank and HSBC Bank, among others, RWE are planning to extract a further 280 million tonnes of coal from the Garzweiler mine. The company itself has admitted that the coal that is being mined here is not necessary for the country’s energy supply. It’s part of a deal between RWE and the government which brings forward the end date of lignite coal mining in Germany from 2038 to 2030, “saving” five remaining villages. But studies show that by reconnecting two generating units and increasing annual extraction, the amount of total coal burnt is hardly reduced at all.
The ‘gas crisis’ triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine serves as a great excuse to continue supporting the coal industry, appealing to people to cut energy use, switch off their lights and turn down their radiators, while leaving industrial energy use intact. The German armament industry – one of the major electricity users – is thriving. Rheinmetall, the largest German arms manufacturer, based in the Rhineland, made record profits in 2022. There is a lot of money to be made from war.
There is still a lot of money to be made from coal, too, indirectly subsidised by the German state. German coal interests have always been inseparable from state interests in the Rhineland. Politicians from all parties – from mayors to parliamentarians – have been on RWE’s payroll. Revolving door relationships have lubricated the political manoeuvring to defend coal at all costs. Just recently, the office manager of Germany’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Leader of the Green Party has become a RWE lobbyist. But there are plenty of examples.
Paying out communities in shares, not cash, for decades means that many communities are financially dependent on RWE’s financial well-being. A quarter of RWE’s shares are owned by communities, cities, and towns. That means local authorities are shareholders, licensors, clients, constituencies, employees, and tax collectors at the same time. Through payments for attending advisory councils and supervisory boards, politicians have lucrative side incomes, and revolving door relationships ensure preferential treatment.
The boundaries between RWE and NRW (the state of North Rhine Westphalia) – NRWE – have always been blurry. RWE representatives can be found everywhere – in church choirs and town councils, school board and universities. They finance police barbecues and fire trucks, sponsor football clubs and festivals, concerts and exhibitions, viewing platforms and historic castles. They put up baking carts and public bookshelves, pay for school buildings, organise volunteering activities and tours through the mine. They go into school and hand out lunch boxes to first graders. They create teaching materials, role-playing games, and girls’ days in their training centres, offer school trips into power stations, zoo schools, and environmental education initiatives.
In collaboration with government forces, RWE has been able to stop and repress the publication of scientific reports and censor media coverage, write legislation and pay for university research. They conduct acceptance studies to understand resistance and collaborate with researchers to co-opt and repress dissent.
All of these are classic counterinsurgency strategies to repress, pacify, and co-opt dissent – a combination of psychological operations, intimidation, and surveillance – including rape threats and sexual abuse – combined with physical violence and beatings. They are covered up by a well-oiled propaganda machine that consists of PR agencies, RWE departments, police forces and other state structures.
Intimidation and violence against the press help to reduce negative coverage. During the ongoing eviction RWE published strict guidelines – co-written with police – that restricted media coverage by journalists, requiring additional police accreditation and restricting access to certain areas, times of the day, and only when accompanied by RWE representatives. As predicted, footage of police violence is absent from the mainstream media.”
“Happy New Year to the crew of the 4 tree-killing machines in Ozark. For days the noise was the only goddamn thing you could hear in the forest. We emerged from our nests and holes and severed the infernal racket with tooth and claw. We found all machines unlocked with keys still in their ignitions!
We chewed through wires and cables, filled fuel tanks with sand and soil, drained the machines dry, and restored the forest to perfect winter silence. It was a beautiful night, just right for stargazing (and sabotage :))
In solidarity with the Atlanta Forest (STOP COP CITY!!!) and forests under siege everywhere. You woke us up and there’s more to come!
“In the night of 12.01.2023 we set out in deep solidarity with our friends in the Zad Lützerath to sabotage the coal railroad in the Cologne city forest.
With two strategically placed incendiary devices we hope to have stopped the delivery of the coal at least for a small moment.
RWE deserves nothing but our deepest hatred!
Even if the cops occupy the whole Rhineland they can’t watch us everywhere. The night belongs to us!
Our action is part of a militant campaign for the preservation of the autonomous zone and against the global climate destruction.
Fossil energy production and its exploitation of the planet must be stopped at all costs.
We greet all those who oppose climate destruction and oppression throughout Germany and the world.
We realise that it isn’t often we publish where donations go, and that is mostly due to lack of time to write more articles! But we thought we should do a quick update on last week’s donations to different prisoners’ funds in the hopes that some of you can join us and send some coins to them too!
We have sent $150 to Eric King’s support PayPal, as the support group put a fundraiser up to get some cash sorted for when he is released from prison. Whilst being out of prison is a fantastic feeling, it is hard to get back to society, hold a job (or even get one) and take care of your mental and physical health after whatever time you’ve been incarcerated. We hope that Eric and his family and friends raise the much needed funds for when he is free. You can drop some coins to his fundraiser here, at the time of writing this he is 45 USD away from the goal!:
We also sent $150 to Ladislav via comrades from Philly ABC. They set up a fundraiser for his release (January 2024) and they really could do with more support as they have only raised 590 USD of the 5000 USD goal, so donate to it or share it around as much as you possibly can:
We sent $150 to Marius Mason, a trans, anarchist, environmental and animal rights prisoner serving the longest eco-sentence ever in the USA. He was convicted of sabotage and arson in 2009 and is serving a 22 year prison sentence. You can donate to his fund here: https://supportmariusmason.org/donate/
Through our comrades in the UK ALFsg we sent $150 to Mel Broughton, who is sitting in prison awaiting trial and needs both economic support and moral support in the shape of letters and books! You can check out the ALFsg and maybe even become a member, aiding in the support of animal liberation prisoners around the globe:
Lastly we sent $250 to the SUSARON4, who are also awaiting trial in Chile accused of the arson at SUSARON meat packaging plant. We would’ve liked to donate more to them as they are four prisoners, but that’s as much as our funds allowed us to!
If you can support any of them, please do so! And if you’d like to support Unoffensive (we send money to prisoners, but also to activists facing trials or having to pay fines, and we use some of the donations for equipment and website related expenses) you can donate or join our patreon here: