October 2020, Czechia.

received anonymously via email:

“Seven hunting towers have been damaged in the north of Czechia. The object are located on a ho-tspot of carbofuran poisonings. Carbofuran is a very toxic chemical widely used by hunters to get rid of natural predators. Intoxication results in a respiratory failure and painful dead of the animal. No poisoners have been convicted. More towers are are about to go down.”


31st October, Berlin Germany.

received anonymously via email:

“The Drive through of a McDonald’s in Berlin, Germany, was spraypainted with “McDeath” at the end of October.”


October 2020, Czechia.


“I am tired of counting our rescue actions. So I will just write that in a few nights we took out of grief and suffering 217 hens.

There are places we visit more that once. We remember how girls look shortly after they are stocked in these halls. They are calm, they let us pet them and hold them in our arms, people in safe homes are often amazed how beautiful they are. The time goes by, some are dying, some are surviving and those who are still alive are loosing their minds, strength and will to live. To every tiny impulse they react insanely, they are frightened by light, sound, they scream a lot and flap their wings and people in their safe homes pity them and tell us that it’s so terrible what people did to them. We sometimes go to rescue them just a couple of days before human hands snatch them out of their suffering just to load them into transport to be slaughtered. In their last days those animals are lethargic, surrendered and some of them will not survive this even in their new home. I already know this when I take them in my arms.

In safe homes people tell us how terrible the battery cages are and we tell them that those girls we saved look terrible but they are not from the battery cages. We tell them that the misery is everywhere but not widely publicised and popular. Some lie that battery cages are better than aviary or cage free systems, others lie that they are worse or at least they repeat their strategical crap. Both these liars invoke common sense and emotion.

But who does it hurt? For example these girls from aviary system.”


Our work in the badger cull is over and we can get back to focusing on Unoffensive Animal. Sadly, due to police repression, we lost a lot of our footage and we might not have enough to publish our full light documentary on the badger cull any time soon, but if it does appear, we will get back working on it as soon as possible.

It certainly has been a rough few months and as every year we are incredibly impressed by the amount of people out fighting the cull and the passion displayed by many of them. It is a humbling experience. We certainly want to mention @undergroundbadgersyndicate for their dedication. If you’re able to, please support them in any way you can.

Now that we are back, we want to hear from you. Unoffensive has always been a platform where direct action is published, but also an educational tool. What would you like us to produce? Would the series on technology and security be something people are interested in? ALFRIDAYS? Incite, Conspire, Inspire? Something completely different?

Whatever it is, please drop us a comment, give us suggestions and requests.

Equally, we would like to hear from people about merch. We don’t make a lot of money out of merchandise but we still believe it to be a good way of spreading the word and raising a few pennies. A few people have contacted us and asked when we are going to restock. Are people interested in a Unoffensive Merch Restock before all the capitalist Christmas bullshit kicks in? Would it be good to have a new design? Would people be interested in beanies?

Lastly, the folks at Wildfire would also like to hear about the magazine. If you have read the first edition, what did you think? If you haven’t, why haven’t you?

Talk to us as we want to hear as much feedback as possible and kickstart unoffensive as hard as we possibly can!

If you’re able to support us, we have to pay for our website server (that’s kinda an annoying thing that happens once a year!) and it really isn’t cheap.

For one off donations, PayPal is peng, send us a friends and family tip to unoffensive_animal (@) tutanota (.) com

If on the other hand you want to become part of the super fucking awesome and fantastic club that our patreon supporters are, the link is just here:

And if you can’t afford donating, we also love you because your worth is not measured by your donations the same way that our worth is not measured by our productivity. (But if you can share and comment and like that would be amazing).

Waiting to hear from all of you.

See you in the next riot


PS: How peng is this photo from Underground Badger Syndicate?


First of all as a quick update about what we are up to, we are still working hard in the badger cull as it has not ended in multiple zones. This is the main reason we are not updating our website and socials as often as normal. As soon as the bloodbath is over we will be able to put a bit of love and care into up keeping Unoffensive Animal, but we don’t want you to think we are abandoning the project, we are just terribly busy!

There is a second reason why we’ve been publishing A LOT LESS than normal. For some odd reason, our standard way or receiving hit reports safely has stopped working.

Guerrillamail does not want to interact with RiseUp so any emails sent through guerrilla mail are NOT being received. Folks needing to send hit reports whilst remaining anonymous need NOT TO USE GUERRILLAMAIL.

Any reports sent during the last month that have not been published yet should be sent once again. We will edit the website explaining how to contact us once the badger cull is over, but for now this is a quick how to:

1- Use a VPN (RiseUpVPN works and it is free)
2- Use Tor Browser (just download the browser, it is easy!)
3- visit (instead of Guerrillamail) or any other throwaway email service. You can also create a throwaway account with literally ANY email provider, so long as you do not use it any longer.
4- attach your media to a WeTransfer and copy/paste the download link. We are working on using different and more secure methods of receiving media, but for now that is the easiest and more intuitive
5- don’t write personal details. We don’t need to know.
6- send your email to unoffensiveanimal (at) riseup (dot) net

It is as simple as that. Share this information with everybody and let them know that our email service was down, but we are now able to receive reports once again as long as folks use a different email provider.

Nothing else to add. See you in the next riot!



“Bears named M49, M57, DJ3 are currently held at the Casteller facility. M49 has in recent years become famous worldwide for his acts of resistance, repeatedly escaping from the facility where he is currently detained. DJ3 is one of the three children of Daniza, a bear killed several years ago. They are all locked in confined spaces, victims of repeated sedation, stress, anorexia and there are other captures planned. Needless to say, the Casteller does not meet their ethological needs. In spite of the substantial European funding aimed at safeguarding and protecting the brown bear (Life Ursus Project), the Autonomous Province of Trento has repeatedly proved incapable of establishing interspecies cohabitation.

There are in fact economic interests linked to tourism and hunting behind such political strategies. These wild non-humans are criminalised and stigmatised solely for their ethological needs and oppressed by speciesism. We are convinced that coexistence with them is possible, as it is in several other parts of Italy. Even if this is not possible, we have no right to deprive these bears of their freedom, since it is we humans who have invaded their habitat. On 18 October 2020 there was a siege of the prison called Casteller, organised by Assemblea Antispecista and Centro Sociale Bruno.

The action took place on several levels: the first one occupied and blocked the entrance, while the second and third one started to dismantle the fences. While the gate was blocked, a hundred or so activists started to dismantle hundred metres of external fence, chased by police and drones. In addition, a small group entered, passing the first and second, until they reached the new bear cages (the outdoor areas where they are given the hour of air). Each section was strategically fundamental for the realization of this act of resistance.

The action has been supported by realities such as Coordinamento degli Studenti Medi of Trento-Rovereto, Insectionals, Oltre la Specie, Resistenza Animale, Rise Up for Climate Justice, Scrofe in Rivolta, and Veganismo Logico.

An anti-speciesist project, but also deeply consistently anti-oppression. The fight against the Casteller embodies the resistance of all non-conforming bodies, which daily fight back the State and the prison system, the Patriarchy, Cisheteronormativity, Fascism, Racism, Capitalism, Abilism and psychiatric control. This is just one of the actions that will be carried out, we call for the immediate release of the bears from captivity. We will not stop until this and other cages are empty.

Find more information here:


A new Zone A Defendre has been set up in Switzerland in order to stop the expansion of a mine digging for the production of cement.

Sitting within a forested hill, the plans to expand the mine would incur in the destruction of biodiversity and the murder of uncountable animals for the profit of a single multinational.

For that reason, people have come together to create a space to live, experiment and fight against the capital and all business that attempt to harm the environment. They need help, and you can help them.

La ZAD is an open community where people can come and go, build structures, donate food and warm clothing or simply organise against Holcim. If you like what you hear and want to be part of it, it is your time to take action.

Join La ZAD de la Colline and fight to protect whatever is left to the wild.

Find more information here:

Or follow them online on instagram: