“Roads spiked, poacher nets destroyed, fish liberated. ALF/ELF Russia 2020. It took us some time to get from the wild mountains and tranquil bays of Southern Crimea, but here is our belated report on ALF/ELF action in the former Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russian fascist state in 2014. In the past year our group managed to spike forest roads in and around 8 areas of forest logging (‘legal’ and ‘illegal’, it doesn’t matter to us, the eco-anarchists) in central and southern peninsula.
On one occasion we stealthily crawled right under the nose of loggers to cut the tires of their vehicles in broad daylight. This intense anti-logging activity led to locals (most of whom benefit from indiscriminately cutting all the trees in their habitat) to start monitoring every outsider in their area, but we slipped past their patrols unnoticed.
We also took great pleasure in sabotaging poacher fishermen of the peninsula. Throughout the year we removed more than 500 meters of fishing nets of every size and design imaginable. We are happy to report more than 30 marine lives saved. Again, our activity led to certain countermeasures on poachers’ side. On one occasion they almost caught us in an ambush, but we avoided it altogether. On another, our team barely managed to get out of the water and dash for the safety of forested mountains nearby, when boats with poachers homed in on our site of operations.
Yours in the dusky nights of southern seas, Seal Team 5,
“Heading out into the night, not knowing what could play out, isn’t our favourite thing to do. It’s not weird to feel sick to your belly preparing for an action and we are not pushing this as an enjoyable act. This isn’t some irrational compulsion though, there is a lot that drives someone to the windows of a butcher shop in the dead of night with a bag full of bricks.
By this point now, you would think we are not still waiting around for reasons. Another day, another investigation comes to light. Be it in the farms, the hunts, the laboratories, the most terrifying and painful experiences you can imagine for them would still only be scraping the surface. You know this.
“The bucolic landscape gave way to a vision of desolation. During the night of Monday, April 5 to Tuesday, April 6, a fire completely destroyed the main building of the Stampf pond, in the commune of Schaeferhof in Dabo. The communal equipment, managed by the AAPPMA (Association agréée pour la pêche et la protection du milieu aquatique) of Dabo, was hosting numerous public and private events until the first containment.
The alert was given on Monday around 11:30 pm. But when the emergency services arrived on the spot, the fire had spread to the 200 m² festival hall. Nothing could be saved. The fire was contained around 1:30 am. […]
The building, maintained and up to standards, had not been rented for a year and the first containment. “There were no electrical items connected and no heating,” notes the mayor. Also, the accidental track is unlikely. The arson is preferred, especially since several other incidents of this type have occurred in recent months in the area. The investigation is entrusted to the gendarmerie of Dabo.”
“Le paysage bucolique a laissé place à une vision de désolation. Dans la nuit du lundi 5 au mardi 6 avril, un incendie a totalement détruit le bâtiment principal de l’étang de la Stampf, dans la commune de Schaeferhof à Dabo. L’équipement communal, géré par l’AAPPMA (Association agréée pour la pêche et la protection du milieu aquatique) de Dabo, accueillait jusqu’au premier confinement de nombreux événements publics et privés.
L’alerte a été donnée lundi vers 23 h 30. Mais lorsque les secours sont arrivés sur place, l’incendie s’était généralisé à la salle des fêtes de 200 m². Rien n’a pu être sauvé. Le sinistre a été circonscrit vers 1 h 30. […]
Le bâtiment, entretenu et aux normes, n’était plus loué depuis un an et le premier confinement. « Il n’y avait pas d’objet électrique branché et pas de chauffage », note le maire. Aussi, la piste accidentelle est peu probable. L’incendie volontaire est privilégié, d’autant que plusieurs autres sinistres de ce type se sont déroulés au cours des derniers mois sur le secteur. L’enquête est confiée à la gendarmerie de Dabo.”
“The animal liberation front liberated two female rabbits from their cages.
A few days after the action, the rabbits gave birth to ten more babies.
Now these twelve beautiful souls are free and happy and will live the rest of their lives away from cruelty and exploitation.”
“El Frente de liberación animal libera a dos conejas del cautiverio en Vicenza (Italia). Unos días después de la acción dos conejasdar a luz a 10 babés. Ahora 12 hermosas almaas son libres y felices y vivirán el resto de sus vidas lejos de la explotación y crueldad.”
“News for the hunting world. Provocations are the order of the day against hunters, who pay the price. In the hunting area of Grundviller, two stands have been burned by the anti-hunters. They were set on fire in the middle of the forest.”
“The place is called Dobre, meaning “Good” in polish, but a place like this has nothing to do with good when ironically it’s coats of arm is a boar: one of the victims of hunting. On the middle of Easter we are here, because for them there’s nothing to celebrate. Hunting tower built using a tree was destroyed.”
Breaking into a farm, opening the cages and taking out the victims is an evidence, and on this Saturday, April 3, day before Easter, justice has been done for seven of our sisters and brothers, prisoners of one of these subsidized concentration camps.
But if for seven of them freedom has been given, for billions of others it is violated daily. Humans, who can’t find a member of their own species free of vice and perversion, designate one of the most innocent animals as the representative of this purity that seems beyond their reach: the lamb.
Through religions, impregnated with speciesism and revolting hypocrisy, he establishes murder among humans as a sin, but consecrates the barbaric murder of a harmless animal as repentance for all his sins. To shed blood of a newborn baby can’t be an act of goodness, and if in fiction, the sacrifice of this innocent is synonymous with absolution for humanity, the reality of its cruel murder can only be one more proof of the psychopathic perversion of this humanity.
And this same reality, proof of our supremacist ideology, by giving birth to these lambs, by sequestering, mutilating, torturing and slaughtering them, places them as victims and not as privileged ones of a holy sacrifice.
We must opening cages and sheds, breaking the chains of the world’s breeding farms. But for this, many of us will be needed, passivity in front of this holocaust must end, and direct and radical action for liberation must emerge.
More we can be to mobilize against their prison situation, less the speciest repression will reach us.
The fight against animal husbandry and all humanist abuses will be done, whatever happening, joining the animalist resistance is a moral duty.
And if the specieist religious tradition pushes us to the murder of all these innocent people, morality conjures us to give them the freedom they deserve.
The right to freely dispose of one’s life is inalienable for every sentient individual. As long as there are cages, we will be there to open them.
Eure, France, Samedi 3 Avril 2021.
S’introduire dans un élevage, ouvrir les cages et en sortir des victimes n’est qu’évidence, et en ce samedi 3 avril, veille de Pâques, justice a été faite pour sept de nos soeurs et frères, prisonnier.ère.s d’un de ces camps de concentration subventionnés.Mais si pour sept d’entre elleux la liberté a été rendue, pour des milliards d’autres, elle est bafouée quotidiennement.L’humain, qui ne saurait trouver au sein de sa propre espèce un.e membre exempt de vice et de perversion, désigne alors un animal des plus innocents comme représentant de cette pureté qui lui semble hors d’atteinte : l’agneau.Par les religions, imprégnées de spécisme et d’une hypocrisie révoltante, il établit le meurtre entre humain.es comme péché, mais consacre le meurtre barbare d’un animal inoffensif comme repentance pour tous ses péchés. Verser le sang d’un nouveau-né ne peut être un acte de bonté, et si dans la fiction, le sacrifice de cet innocent est synonyme d’absolution pour l’humanité, la réalité de son assassinat cruel ne peut être autre qu’une preuve supplémentaire de la perversion psychopathique de cette humanité.Et cette même réalité, preuve de notre idéologie suprémaciste, en faisant naître ces agneaux et agnelles, en les séquestrant, mutilant, torturant et massacrant, les placent en victimes et non en privilégié.e.s d’un saint sacrifice.Nous nous devons d’ouvrir les cages et hangars, de briser les chaînes des élevages du monde entier. Mais pour cela, nombre d’entre nous seront nécessaires, la passivité face à un tel holocauste doit prendre fin, et l’action directe et radicale de libération doit émerger.Plus nombreuses et nombreux nous serons à nous mobiliser contre leur situation carcérale, moins la répression spéciste nous atteindra.Le combat contre l’élevage et toutes les dérives humanistes se fera, quel qu’en soit le prix, rejoindre la résistance animaliste est un devoir moral.Et si la tradition religieuse spéciste nous pousse au meurtre de tout.es ces innocent.e.s, la morale, elle, nous conjure de leur rendre la liberté qu’ils et elles méritent.Le droit à disposer librement de sa vie est inaliénable pour tout individu sentient. Tant qu’il y aura des cages, nous serons là pour les ouvrir.
“In the early hours of the 4th of April we paid a visit to the butchers shop in Hanham, Bristol. Every available shutter,door and wall was painted with slogans such as “scum” “ALF” “go vegan” and “meat kills”.
A small side window was also gleefully smashed! We can’t fully comprehend the pain and suffering animals go through on farms and in slaughterhouses so instead we take action for them. Together we can bankrupt animal abusers and create a better world.
Action dedicated to the Bristol rioters – hurt cops not animals!
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