We realise that it isn’t often we publish where donations go, and that is mostly due to lack of time to write more articles! But we thought we should do a quick update on last week’s donations to different prisoners’ funds in the hopes that some of you can join us and send some coins to them too!

We have sent $150 to Eric King’s support PayPal, as the support group put a fundraiser up to get some cash sorted for when he is released from prison. Whilst being out of prison is a fantastic feeling, it is hard to get back to society, hold a job (or even get one) and take care of your mental and physical health after whatever time you’ve been incarcerated. We hope that Eric and his family and friends raise the much needed funds for when he is free. You can drop some coins to his fundraiser here, at the time of writing this he is 45 USD away from the goal!:


Or you can directly donate to the support team for commissary and other expenses:

We also sent $150 to Ladislav via comrades from Philly ABC. They set up a fundraiser for his release (January 2024) and they really could do with more support as they have only raised 590 USD of the 5000 USD goal, so donate to it or share it around as much as you possibly can:


We sent $150 to Marius Mason, a trans, anarchist, environmental and animal rights prisoner serving the longest eco-sentence ever in the USA. He was convicted of sabotage and arson in 2009 and is serving a 22 year prison sentence. You can donate to his fund here: https://supportmariusmason.org/donate/

Through our comrades in the UK ALFsg we sent $150 to Mel Broughton, who is sitting in prison awaiting trial and needs both economic support and moral support in the shape of letters and books! You can check out the ALFsg and maybe even become a member, aiding in the support of animal liberation prisoners around the globe:


Lastly we sent $250 to the SUSARON4, who are also awaiting trial in Chile accused of the arson at SUSARON meat packaging plant. We would’ve liked to donate more to them as they are four prisoners, but that’s as much as our funds allowed us to!

If you can, please support them here: www.paypal.me/solidaridad4

If you can support any of them, please do so! And if you’d like to support Unoffensive (we send money to prisoners, but also to activists facing trials or having to pay fines, and we use some of the donations for equipment and website related expenses) you can donate or join our patreon here:




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