5th November, Somerset UK.
Received anonymously via email:
“Nature reserves should be a sanctuary for ALL wildlife, regardless of species. But that’s not the case at Westhay National Nature reserve. What should be a place of safety was instead totally covered in traps. Mink rafts containing mammal traps barely hidden under plastic boxes and many visible from the public footpaths. Any mink captured inside would have been killed, given that the government has made it illegal to release them back into the wild.
We are horrified that Somerset Wildlife Trust are killing wildlife in their reserves. Fuck their speciesism, a mink has as much right to stay alive as a badger, an otter, or a redshank.
As fireworks terrorised animals near and far, we bashed at least 16 traps, leaving a bunch of them draped over signs and in walkways so the morning visitors could see for themselves that the wildlife haven is in fact a place of death. We also stole a trail camera that had been set up next to two of the traps. Footage on it showed a family of 3 beautiful mink going about their lives. We just hope we weren’t too late for them.
This action is dedicated to Barry Horne, who died on 5th November 2001. We will continue his fight for every animal who has ever suffered at the whims of humans.”