22nd May, Belgium.
originally published by Animal Liberation Press Office.
“Love Is Liberation Belgium 22.05.2022.
The A.L.F. have Save 12 chickens from the intesives farm”

Defend Direct Action
22nd May, Belgium.
originally published by Animal Liberation Press Office.
“Love Is Liberation Belgium 22.05.2022.
The A.L.F. have Save 12 chickens from the intesives farm”
15th May, The Netherlands
received anonymously via email:
“Five demolished hunting towers and several toppled high seats.
You build…we destroy.
Untill all are free.”
13th May, Canada.
originally published by Abolition Media:
“This week there were two attacks against The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) in Montreal. The first occurred Friday, May 13 in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders. The red paint evoked the blood stains on the actions committed by the bank.
The second took place at the Westmount branch and brought to light how RBC fuels the climate crisis and global injustice.
The Wet’suwet’en and Gitxsan people have been taking action to protect their lands from pipeline projects that threaten their sovereignty and the health of their communities. They have successfully delayed pipeline projects, increased their costs, and continue fighting to prevent these projects entirely. The government’s response to this land defence has been to by forcibly removing Indigenous peoples from their lands. RBC has invested $7 billion in the pipeline.”
23rd May, Minneapolis USA.
Originally published by Abolition Media
“We smashed up the windows of the Bank of America on Hennepin Ave in MPLS, and painted the front to read “DEFUND COP CITY.”
Our attack was in solidarity with those arrested in the recent raid on the forest, and we pray for the safe return of our comrades and a continuation of the fight for life against cop city and hollywood dystopia. Bank of America will need to end their sponsorship of the Atlanta Police Foundation or they will continue to be under threat from our friends across the so-called united states.
a toast to the nights we gave ’em hell.
From: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest
Note: Photo is not associated with the action.“
20th May, Kansas City, USA.
received anonymously via email:
“5 toilets at fast food restuarants rendered inoperable. Plumbers are not cheap. We filled backpacks with small stones, entered the restrooms, and flushed. Purses or shopping bags also work.
This will clog the pipes and they will have to hire a plumber. A quiet easily reproducible act that costs animal abusers lots of money. This tactic can be utilized at any operation serving dead animals”
PHOTO: Unrelated, McDonald’s windows smashed in Brighton UK, 2019.
13th May, Netherlands.
originally published by Animal Liberation Press Office.
“Netherlands.13.05.2022The A.L.F. sabotages 13 hunting towers and saves Wildlife”
Video originally published on Peter Young’s YouTube channel.
On this ALFridays we bring you some obscure footage from a raid at an egg farm in Broadview Farms in Burlington, Washington, from 1998. Whilst there is lots of footage from chicken farm raids, we thought this was an interesting clip. After putting eleven hens in their carriers, ALF activists documented the horrible conditions in the farm and left a few messages for the humans to read, ensuring that the owner would know his business was no longer safe.
You can read their communique here:
“In the early morning hours of Sept 19th, 1998 the Animal Liberation Front liberated 11 chickens from the Broadview Egg Farms in Burlington, WA.
We entered the premises by cutting away a perimeter fence. We then made our way to one of the four massive barns. We used a crowbar and mallet to dismantle the locks and entered the barn.
There we found 11” x 17” cages holding untold 1000’s of chickens, 4 to 5 to a cage. We immediately filled 11 birds into our carriers, where they sat anxiously awaiting their departure. We quickly documented a hellish concentration camp for egg laying chickens. These living, feeling creatures are kept in horrifying, intense confinement in small wire cages. Video footage was taken of the nightmarish condition the imprisoned chickens are forced to endure for their entire lives. We left various messages; “freed by ALF”, “torture will end”, “murder” & “ALF”.
As we left our hearts sank knowing the countless numbers we left behind. We then placed the 11 birds into loving and safe homes to enjoy the freedom they have never known.
The meat, dairy, & egg industries are responsible for suffering and murder on an epic scale. Veganism is the answer to end this holocaust. Unfortunately, education of the public is a slow process, and the animals confined for our greed do not have time.
The Animal Liberation Front rises to their call to end their suffering and save their lives. Animal abuse industries wish to keep the public ignorant to the suffering involved in their products…
16th May, Luxemburg.
originally published on Animal Liberation Press Office.
“Luxemburg The A.L.F. save 12 chickens from hell on an intensive farm”
6th May, Paris France.
received anonymously via email:
“Here is some photos of graffitis done the 6 of may in Paris,
Here are the graffs’ translations:
“À spécisme général, animalisme radical” means “To general speciesism, radical animalism”
(there should be no “e” at the end of “général”, it was misstyped..)
“Spécisme = terrorism” means ” Speciesism = Terrorism”
“L’élevage banalise les génocides” means “husbandry banalizes genocides”
“Pas de répis pour les acteurs de l’holocauste animal” means “No peace for the animal holocaust actors/perpetrators”
“Les abattoirs ont pris la relève de Treblinka” means “Slaughterhouses relayed Treblinka”
(“abattoirs” was misstyped too..)
“Le sang de ceux qui remplissent les abattoirs coulera” means “The blood of those who run the slaughterhouses will be shed” or “Those who run the slaughterhouses will bleed”
We have talked about the campaign to save the Atlanta Forest in the past, but things are ramping up. For anyone that is unaware, the forest surrounding Atlanta City in the USA is at risk of being completely destroyed by developers who want to build a new police training centre (a mock city where they can practise how to kill protestors safely) and a huge sound and media studio to serve the film industry. Locals have fiercely been fighting against the development, that would not only murder a huge amount of species but also put at risk everybody living in the immediate area, as the woods serve as a buffer against flooding.
Since the call to the forest was issued, fearing that works would start on the 3rd of May, we have seen a big increase in action and in tactics to defend the forest.
Banks in Portland and the Bay Area have been sabotaged. Atlas Technical Consultants, a firm directly involved in the destruction of the forest, was visited in Minneapolis, resulting on windows smashed, a bucket of paint splattered inside the offices and a slogan urging the company to stop the works in the Atlanta Forest. A different Atlas office was also tagged in Indiana. Atlas in New York was also targeted, and then the attention shifted and Brassfield & Gorrie, another subcontractor, was targeted in broad daylight in their Atlanta office. Anonymous people would leave the scene having covered the place with paint, slogans and smashed windows. The B&G headquarters in Alabama would then be vandalised a few days later, warning the executives that their houses would be next.
The anonymous report delivered, and Keith Johnson’s house (a B&G executive from the Atlanta area) would then be visited by a group of 30-40 people, making it very clear that if you work towards the destruction of the Atlanta Forest, you are fair game.
Meanwhile, within the forest, folks have fought a different kind of fight. When the police attempted to enter by dismantling a shit barricade, another barricade was set alight and people threw rocks and smoke grenades at the them, making the police back off. On a different instance, a bulldozer attempting to cut a path through would receive the same treatment, and the big machine and the cops would have to leave the area. Since then, there are reports of a new barricade in the path, using a black sedan to block the road.
There is no doubt that more will come on the fight to save the forest, but we thought people would be interested to see the different tactics used in order to protect the forest. The activists have identified contractors and those contractors are now feeling the heat in multiple different states, not only in Atlanta but across the so called USA. Not only the offices are targets, but people will visit the houses of their executives, as when things get personal business consider things in a completely different light.
For more information, you can visit Scenes from the Atlanta Forest on https://scenes.noblogs.org/
Whilst Atlanta Police might be a distant target for folks around the world, Blackhall Studios is a multinational company with addresses in most western countries. You can show your support to the forest by organising your own demo or pressure campaign wherever you are. Think global, act local!