Over the 5 years we’ve been working we have brought you much news about the animal liberation movement, we’ve organised workshops and even gatherings. We’ve served as a platform for anonymous reporting and supported multiple prisoners. This is all done off the backs of volunteers who do not make any money and just do it to further the movement.

Sadly over time we have been recieveing less and less donations and sometimes we haven’t been able to do all the projects we’d like to.

This month we are at a crossroads with a huge bill to pay, to cover servers, domains and other tech related stuff. If we don’t manage to pay it a big part of our platform will be gone. We have some regular donations coming in from our patreon supporters, which we are incredibly grateful for. But that will not be enough to cover all our costs and it will mean that arrest and prisoner support is halted for the month.

So if you can afford it and you aren’t gonna put yourself out of pocket then please drop us some coins. We have patreon/PayPal/bitcoin linked below.

If you can’t afford it, maybe send this to your rich uncle or share it with all of your mates, or mention UA to whatever animal rights funding groups you can think of!

Support your radical animal lib media, this project is yours as much as it is ours.

PayPal: Unoffensive_animal(at)tutanota(dot)com
Bitcoin wallet: bc1q5aujd8ekny4yt5tchht0gdf83g5y32cspzelyc


(photo: North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT) on April 19th 1986. 11 hamsters, 40 gerbils, 70 rats, and 400 mice.)

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