September, Belgium.

received anonymously via email:

“Mons, Belgium, September 2019 : 6 miradors and 6 feeding points destroyed. It was really a hunting for sport zone.

More than one hundred of fence destroyed from a little area because we see one deer imprisoned.”

“Last week, a group of anti-speciesist activists supported individuals in borinage forests.

These people demolished six hunting stands, destroyed six feeding sites and opened a fence (over a distance of more than 100 metres), which prevented the free movement of the inhabitants in the forest. A deer has been sighted inside this private fenced perimeter (extension of an industrial space) where hunting is prohibited according to a sign.

This action follows another where activists have helped more than a hundred pheasants and partridges to regain their freedom, stolen at birth by breeders. They sabotaged several pens and equipment. Still in the Henuyère region.

Through these actions, these activists want to denounce the lie of hunting. Population regulation, feeding for winter survival, breeding to compensate for possible extinction of species…. Embellished lies so that a specialized industry can become richer and so that part of the population can murder non human people without worry or questioning.

How can we say “population control” when we are breeding them by the hundreds?

How can we say winter feeding when these sites are within range of “plugging” shots on the watchtower?

We call on all antispeciesists to leave their homes and act against all forms of speciesism. Because it is on every street corner, in the forests, in “animal” parks, in livestock farms…

Do not be spectators of speciesism anymore, fight against it, support all populations.

No one will regain their freedom through petitions or videos on social networks.

Our place is with them, with these people.
Together, let us act.”


“Last saturday we saw that a truck had arrived to our city, it was giving
away pieces of pig legs (ham) for people to eat for free, there was “Ham
Passion Tour” written all over it, so we decided to investigate online.

It turns out that this Tour is funded by the European Union, and its
objective is to promote the so called “mediterranean diet” by taking
this truck to several cities of the continent and the UK.

We saw this truck as a clear symbol of speciesism and exploitation, so we decided to throw some balloons filled with red paint at it, we also threw some leaflets explaining the reasons behind the action.

We know there are a lot of nice people that probably want to welcome the truck when it arrives to their area, so take a look at the map and dates of the tour, don’t miss a chance to greet it!


map of europe


Today marks a year since our comrade and friend Waka was killed by Daesh in Syria. Waka was the most incredible human. When I first met him in Hambacher Forst I already knew I was meeting someone who would leave a mark in my life. 

Over the time we knew each other we shared knowledge, we questioned the world and we planned the revolution. Waka, a fighter wherever he was, joined campaigns around Europe. From Hambi to Dipton, joining us in Sweden to sab hunters on ice and hitchhiking wherever he needed to go, he was resilient. but he wasn’t just a fighter. He was a teacher, he was a thinker, and most importantly, he was a friend. 

It isn’t very difficult to understand why Waka would join the YPG. He knew the risks, not only of fighting a war but of joining a group that, in the eyes of western governments, sits in a very fine line between a people’s guerrilla and a terrorist organisation. But for Waka, there wasn’t a greyscale of oppression. Waka understood that all struggles are interconnected and that every single one of them is as deserving of the fight as the others. He also understood that there is no replacement planet and that if we do not fight now, we are condemned forever. 

We make a post today, but today isn’t the day we remember. We remember Waka every day. We remember him asking questions that always have difficult answers, we remember him taking notes of those answers and we remember him joining the fight with a smile, with such a beautiful perspective of what that might look like. 

I will never forget how he talked me into understanding that lorry surfing in front of a coal mine was ten times better whilst wearing a newts onesie. “It just looks more fun for the children”, he said. 

I often try and remember his perspective on fighting. Unapologetic, yet tender. Fiery but understandable. The perfect example of the diversity of tactics. The perfect example of intersectional activism. 

We shouldn’t just remember or commemorate. Waka was one for odd ceremonies that sat between fun and seriousness. But he was one for taking action too. Make it your duty to keep fighting, every day, in his memory, and for a future without oppression. 

I miss you mate, and the world is a tad shittier without you. 

But we keep fighting. We must keep fighting. 

Martyrs never die.


5th October, South West UK.

received anonymously via email:

“Whilst out in the countryside checking badger setts we encountered a lamb acting very strangely. They were going in circles over and over and hitting against the fencing.

We thought they were suffering from Listeriosis, but upon examination we realised they had been born without eyes.

They were helped away through the fields, and agent of their own liberation they walked all the way to the vehicle, only aided by our hands to know the way.

They will now know nothing but freedom and will not be at the mercy of a farmer that would rather put a bullet in their skull than calling the vets.

We called them Waka, in memory of our fallen friend.

In every step we remember.

With every action, a new beginning.

For total liberation.”


23rd September, France.

received anonymously via email:

“On the night of Monday 23 to Tuesday, September 24, 2019, wild boar traps were dismounted with cutting pliers, by 2 activists in the Hauts de France.

Our duty is to protect them.
Freedoms for all.”


27th September, France.

received anonymously via emai:

Last night, a group of anti-speciesist activists forcibly entered a battery of laying hens with about 200,000 animals.

After cutting the wire fence with pliers, and kicking down the door of a barn with a crowbar, the group allowed about twenty individuals to get out of this hell.

In different private sanctuaries, their lives begin from now on.

It is urgent to act, every life saved is precious and will definitely leave the specist system.

Their bodies will no longer be a resource of production, which a less profitable faith will end up in the plates of the unconscious.

You, anti-speciesists who read us, it is time to take your tools and force the doors of each farm, in order to get as many people as possible out. In order to attach to your angry words concrete actions that will have an impact on the animal people you will help to live.

We will come back, again and again, until the final animal liberation.


Eric King is anachist, anti fascist prisoner who was sentenced for 10 years for throwing a molotov at a police station in solidarity with the Ferguson Uprising in Kansas City.

While in prison Eric has been repeatedly attacked by white supremacists and prison guards as well as refused medical treatment and a proper vegan diet.

Indicted for his own assault Eric now faces up to 20 years for being attacked and beaten by a prison guard who feels comfortable dragging prisoners off camera for brutal beatings.

Please write to Eric (on white paper, white envolopes with black ink only and no photos), show up to court dates and send some much needed coins.

All info on

For this movement to succeed there is no alternative but solidarity. Don’t let the state crush our comrades.



It is a busy time for us. Alongside Underground Badger Syndicate we are spending our days in the badger cull zones, disrupting shooters at night, looking for traps during the day and making sure that a little bit of the area is safe from murderous scum. 

For anyone that has not heard of it, the badger cull happens in the UK every year, attesting the wipe dead 70% of the badger population. They either cage trap them or shoot them in the open at night, and hundreds of people take the countryside as their playground to be a nuisance to farmers that are murdering badgers for the sake of it. 

It is a wet and miserable business, but it is also an incredible campaign and a very obvious example of how direct action saves lives. 

Sadly, it is also ridiculously time consuming and we are struggling to keep up with internet presence whilst the campaign is running. We have taken a day off to focus on scheduling posts to make sure we are active, but we will not be able to write every nuanced posts during the cull time. 

If you want to help during the cull there are many things you can do. You can Follow Stop the cull to ensure you know all the latest news and are able to join on internet pressure campaigns. You can get on the ground (either to smash stuff or to keep an eye on stuff, all levels of action are welcome). The best way of knowing where to go is to head to Badger Action Network and contact them with what your plans are. 

You can also follow and support Underground Badger Syndicate, our sister group focused on anti hunt direct action. They’ve lost their facebook page so they could do with a good injection of new followers.

Lastly, you can support us whilst we are working hard during the cull. Join our pattern page, buy some march our drop us some coins over PayPal. Everything is useful and needed.

Paypal: [email protected]



Richii Klinsmeister was sentenced yesterday to 6 months in prison for actions against a mink farm in Sweden. He was accused of assault and breach of the peace against Nicolas Pettersson, a mink farmer in Falkenberg. 

In reality, Richii was used as a scapegoat. Niclas has close ties with the local government and industry officials. He has been the target of an anti fur campaign where he has physically attacked multiple activists over the years. Richii’s sentence is just an attempt by the government to quiet down a campaign against an industry that produces so much profit for the country. 

The reality remains the same, Niclas is a murdering scum that profits from breeding and slaughtering mink for the fur industry. The campaign remains as strong as ever. 

We currently have no postal address for Richii but as soon as we are updated we will make it public. For now, support Djurfront and keep up with their campaigns in Sweden. 

Niclas is a fucking disgrace. Prisons are a fucking disgrace. 

Until all are free.


18th September, France.

received anonymously via email:

“English :

On the night of 18 to 19 September, in the Paris region, a pheasant farm was sabotaged and people escaped.

A group of activists broke into a farm in order to be able to give back their freedom to pheasants specifically raised for hunting. Hunting season having already begun, it is only to offer them an advance on the releases already planned by the hunters in the hope that they can flee far enough and not suffer the mortal consequences of what is only a hobby for their oppressors …

The place was found by satellite images, looking for large green spaces in the countryside, dotted with small lines arranged in straight rows (the posts supporting the net of the aviaries): characteristic images of hunting farms.

Powerful cutters were used to quickly enter the enclosure. At first there was a pen that encircled the aviaries. It was necessary to open it to access the latter. Then, in the same way, the activists entered the aviary and severed a large part of the nets overlooking the enclosure. There were also bushes inside the enclosure in which the net clung as it began to fall. Some pheasants refused to flee outside the enclosure while others flew away at the first opportunity. Some were hiding in the bushes of the enclosure, and others got their paws and body caught in the net now on the ground. It took us forty minutes before we could extract the majority of these people who have no way of knowing the fate that the hunters had reserved for them.

The enclosure was about 900m2 and we removed the majority of the net on this surface by cutting it with cutters and knives. We tried as hard as we could to bring it together to make it as safe as possible for pheasants who did not want to leave the enclosure, and the least impeded for those who wanted to escape.

Finally, we tagged “Stop Speciesism” on the tin shelter that their future assassins had built for them.

We spent about 1 hour on site and probably allowed a hundred people to get ahead of their oppressors. However, this enclosure was one of a dozen others present on this hunting area, and we know that it is possible that most of the people released tonight will die of various reasons related to their birth and their life in captivity, or will be caught by the hunters.

There are no good outcomes when it comes to helping a large number of people born in captivity, held by human beings wanting their death. Speciesism and all the people that support it are guilty of their fate. This action was intended to hinder the deadly projects of the owners of this hunting farm, and to help to the best of our ability the people who were detained there.

Join us. Let’s help them. And demand the abolition of all dominations.

Français :

Dans la nuit du 18 au 19 septembre, en région parisienne, un élevage de faisan.e.s a été saboté et des personnes se sont échappées.

Un groupe d’activistes s’est introduit dans un élevage afin de pouvoir rendre la liberté a des faisan.e.s élevé.e.s spécifiquement pour la chasse. La chasse ayant déjà commencé, ce n’est que leur offrir une avance sur les lâchés déjà prévus par les chass.eurs.euses dans l’espoir qu’iels puissent s’enfuir assez loin et ne pas subir les conséquences mortelles de ce qui n’est pour leurs oppress.eurs.euses qu’un loisir…

Le lieu a été trouvé par image satellite en cherchant des grands espaces verts en campagne, parsemés de petits traits disposés en lignes droites (les poteaux supportant le filet des volières) : image satellite caractéristique des élevages en volières pour la chasse.

Des pinces coupantes puissantes ont été utilisées afin de pénétrer rapidement dans l’enclos. Il y avait dans un premier temps un enclos qui encerclaient les volières. Il a fallu d’abord l’ouvrir afin d’accéder à ces dernières. Ensuite, de la même manière, les activistes sont entré.e.s dans la volière et ont sectionné une grande partie des filets surplombant l’enclos. Il y avait également des buissons à l’intérieur de l’enclos dans lesquels le filet s’accrochait au fur et à mesure qu’il se mettait à tomber. Quelques faisan.e.s refusaient de s’enfuir hors de l’enclos tandis que d’autres s’envolèrent à la première occasion. Certain.e.s se cachaient dans les buissons de l’enclos, et d’autres se prenaient les pattes et le corps dans le filet maintenant au sol. Il nous a fallu une quarantaine de minutes avant de pouvoir extraire la majorité de ces personnes qui n’ont aucun moyen de savoir le sort que les chass.eurs.euses leur avait réservé.

L’enclos faisait environ 900m2 et nous avons retiré la majorité du filet sur cette surface en le découpant avec des cutters et couteaux. Nous avons tenté au maximum de le rassembler pour le rendre le moins dangereux possible pour les faisan.e.s qui ne souhaitaient pas quitter l’enclos, et le moins entravant pour les celles et ceux qui voulaient s’échapper.

Pour finir, nous avons tagué « Stop Spécisme » sur l’abri en tôle que leurs futur.e.s assassin.e.s leur avait construit.

Nous avons passé environ 1 heure sur place et avons probablement permis à une centaine de personnes de prendre de l’avance sur leurs oppress.eurs.euses. Cependant, cet enclos faisait partie d’une dizaine d’autres présents sur ce domaine de chasse, et nous savons qu’il est possible que la plupart des personnes libérées cette nuit mourrons de diverses raisons liées à leur naissance et leur vie en captivité, ou seront rattrapées par les chass.eurs.euses.

Il n’existe pas de bonnes issues possibles lorsqu’il s’agit de porter assistance à un grand nombre de personnes nées en captivité, détenues par des personnes humaines voulant leur mort. Le spécisme et toutes les personnes qui en font l’apologie sont coupables de leur sort. Cette action avait pour but d’entraver les projets mortifères des propriétaires de cet élevage de chasse, et d’aider au mieux de nos possibilité les personnes qui y étaient détenues.

Rejoignez-nous. Aidons-les. Et exigeons l’abolition de toutes les dominations.”