[Image credit: @nottinghamhuntsabs]

The start of the month saw the Dove Valley Mink Hounds sent home two Saturdays in a row after they were court in the act by saboteurs from Nottingham, Staffordshire, West Midlands and Mendip. It was noted that the mink hunts that have been stopped this season have had low numbers of supporters and as these hunts make extra efforts to be elusive, they are potentially excluding new followers. This is detrimental to their survival as this is part of their income stream and, if this pressure continues over a period of time, can force them to disband. Later in the month, saboteurs from East and West Yorkshire and Sheffield, successfully prevents the Northern Counties Minkhounds from hunting, despite their efforts to evade them.

Following the failure to replace multiple members of staff, including huntsman Gary Thorpe, the notorious East Essex Hunt have been forced to divide their hounds between five neighbouring hunts, and a hunt in Ireland, who will each take turns in hunting meets once held by East Essex Hunt. Though some may see this as the hunt securing some sort of future, it is a desperate one at best and is effectively still them disbanding. In theory, the hunt could bounce back over time but saboteurs are mindful to keep the pressure on so this doesn’t happen.

Another example of how staffing problems can cause a hunt to break down is with the recent disbanding of County Down Staghounds in Northern Ireland as a result of being unable to replace their hunt master. This position often comes with providing financial security to a hunt, which is essential for them to function. According to a committee member of the hunt, this led the hunt into disarray and proves that, even a century old hunt is vulnerable. Saboteurs from Northern Ireland stated they now have “one less hunt for us to contend with”.

Due to an amalgamation of hunts in Kent, the county will be left with only one fox hunt. This comes as a result of many years of pressure from hunt saboteurs against the notoriously violent East Sussex and Romney Marsh hunt. West Kent Hunt Saboteurs confirmed that, along with South Coast Hunt Saboteurs, they are “committed to becoming the first county in England without a registered fox hunt”. With no real support structure in the county, this remaining hunt is an ideal candidate for a dedicated pressure campaign. The pressure is on!

One method that contributes to this is through outreach and protesting. A ‘hunt ball’ organised by the Cottesmore hunt was protested by Hunt saboteurs from Hertfordshire and Northants as well as Locals Against the Cottesmore Hunt group planned to protest a ‘hunt ball’ hosted by the Cottesmore Hunt but heard rumours that it was cancelled. They turned up regardless to “make sure” that was true and later protested at a fun-ride, informing participants that they are supporting the murder of wildlife; a reality that some may not have been aware of.

England’s largest corporate landowner, north-west based water company United Utilities, has announced that they will no longer licence grouse shooting on its moorland. Though important conversations surrounding private ownership need to continue and campaigns for earth liberation be fought, the decision can arguably still be seen as positive as it is hugely detrimental to the shooting industry. Not only will this stop countless grouse from being killed, it will also result in less trapping, poisoning and snaring of wildlife. How the company will use the land for “nature, climate and people” is yet to be seen but no doubt, this is another huge blow to the shooting industry.

Preparations for the intensive badger cull are well underway with groups and individuals surveying and gathering data. Action against supplementary zones, which began in June, also continue by groups such as Devon County Hunt Sabs whose county is almost completely made up of supplementary zones. As explained by the group, though these areas have been intensely culled for 10 years, setts continue to show signs of healthy activity. Badgers themselves are incredibly resilient but have had a better chance of survival thanks to the actions taken by saboteurs and activists since the cull began. Funds are crucial for groups to continue to operate so please consider making a donation. Underground Badger Syndicate, who has been busy dealing with mole traps and high-seats, is one group asking for such support.



22nd of July marked the International Day of Action for Prisoners which demanded the release of the 6 currently incarcerated Palestine Action actionists. The group states: “As our campaign has intensified over the years, so has the state’s response to us. There are six actionists currently inside British jails, and over 100 more who may face prison. From denying some actionists the right to legal defences, to refusing bail and introducing new case law, the state is doing everything it can to try and stop us. But whilst Palestine remains occupied, and the Israeli military remains weaponised by arms made in Britain, we will not stop until our targets are shut down.”

For a continuous support against the legal actions faced by PalAction actionists, the network is asking for folks to get involved in Defendant Support to support more than 100 Palestine actionists who face trial for taking direct action to dismantle the production of Israeli weapons on British soil. The following support is needed: Arrestee Support at a police station, Mentoring Support for those awaiting trial or sentencing, Court Support (solidarity from the public gallery or outside, e.g. flag waving, leafleting, talking to the public), and Letter Writing to those detained. If you want to help, get in touch with PalAction through this link:

Among others, the trial against three actionists who disrupted the production of Israeli drone engines took place, with a verdict being given on 7th September. In support of the actionists, PalAction is calling for folks to mobilise from 9.30AM on 7th September at Walsall Magistrates Court, WS2 8HA as the verdict is delivered.

Meanwhile, the siege of Leicester’s Israeli weapons factory Elbit has reached 100 days with the actionists still standing strong. So far, this action has disrupted Elbit’s work and blocked its gates.

Within the last month, the siege was strengthened by further action. An autonomous underground cell has sent a drone to land on the roof of Leicester’s Israeli weapons factory with a special package. PalAction states that “the military drone makers get a taste of their own warfare”. Also, PalAction recently blocked the sewage pipes of Elbit using concrete, leaving Elbit clueless to the reasons behind the blockage. PalAction explains that this is an innovative way to respond to “the Israeli military launched air strikes and ground raids against Jenin refugee camp, murdering 13 Palestinians and displaced thousands more”. If you want to join the siege, PalAction is asking to bring a sleeping bag and head down to UAV Tactical Systems, LE19 1TP.

Photo: A march through Liverpool’s city centre against the imprisonment of Palestine Action prisoners held on the International Day of Action.


The fur industry keeps receiving blows. From aboveground campaigning with CAFT in the USA and throughout Europe by many autonomous groups to underground activity by anonymous folks who during the pelting season last year released mink in multiple farms across USA and who kept striking through sabotage over winter.

Now, NAALPO has released last year’s sales figures and things are looking quite bleak:

“The US Department of Agriculture has just released statistics on US fur production for 2022. There has been a 15% reduction in the number of animals killed for their fur since 2021. Total value of the animal skins was down 17% from the previous year, and the price per skin was only $29.40, down another $0.60 from 2021.

Importantly, the number of female mink bred to produce the 2023 population was down 31%, foretelling another significant decrease in deaths expected for 2023.

The fur industry in the US is on the ropes, and we can finish it off. More economic sabotage and farm liberations, combined with continued forceful campaigning to stop designers and retailers from dealing in this barbaric trade will abolish the fur industry in the US.”

Meanwhile, an anonymous submission to Unsalted CounterInfo leaked a list of smallholding fox fur farms in the USA:

“An estimated 25 to 50 fox farms remain in the United States. These are a few of the backyard operations confining and killing foxes, a genetically wild species native to North America:

Schmuecker Fox Farm
7796 15th Avenue Trail
Luzerne, IA 52257

Price Fox Farm
4850 Highway 141
Norris City, IL 62869

Natural Fibers (Joe & Marie McFadden)
17519 L Drive S
Marshall, MI 49068

Fox Haven (James & Judith Brown)
1806 E Hinchman Road
Berrien Springs, MI 49103

Matthew Kieffer Fox Farm
6896 Partridge Road
Pierz, MN 56364

Coats of Many Colors Fox Ranch (Jean Glass)
37493 378th Street
Richville, MN 56576

Fredrick Halvorson
39306 Highway 52
Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Mid-Missouri Fox Farm (David W. Moyer)
12640 Derstler Road
Richmond, MO 64085

Sky Dog Ranch (Sky & Eileen Halsey)
6913 US Highway 12
Martinsdale, MT 59053

John and Peggy Smeal
963 County Road F
Scribner, NE 68057

Circle R Fox Ranch (William Ridenour)
1895 Riggle Road
Bellville, OH 44813

Grand River Fur Exchange (Mark Gutman)
6310 US Highway 6
Rome, OH 44085
Fox farm & urine farm (urine is collected from captive coyotes and foxes to create lures for trappers.)”

With so much ramping up against fur farming, how much longer does the fur industry have before it collapses? What are the most important targets that would bring it down? What is the critical infrastructure that upholds the fur industry, and how can you fight to send it into oblivion? 

Fight back! 



It has been another busy month for the CAFT campaign to get the LVMH luxury goods conglomerate to drop fur. 

The big change has been the addition of Marc Jacobs (an LVMH-owned fashion organization) to their list of top targets. On the 11th of May, Marc Jacobs ran a hat made of real fox fur on a fashion show. This was despite claiming only a year ago to not use fur in their designs. 

In response, NYC Animal Defense League ran actions against Marc Jacobs on the 31st of June, targeting a fashion event being run at NYC Public Library. This event included a confrontation with Marc Jacobs’ husband (a video of this is available on CAFT’s YouTube channel). Disruptive protests in Marc Jacobs stores were also held, with some activists suggesting that they’d been locked into the store. 

The broader CAFT campaign against LVMH has been continuing. The two immediate targets are now Max Mara and Marc Jacobs, with the long-term target remaining LVMH. On the 21st to the 23rd of July, CAFT ran a ‘Summer Beatdown Against Fur’. The results of this weekend of action are still unfolding. 

To get involved in the campaign, CAFT recommends six types of action: demonstrations, leafleting, propagandizing (e.g. wheat-pasting posters), video-based activism, canvassing, and other creative actions you can think of. More information regarding these suggestions are found on their website. 


[Image credit: South Wales Hunt Sabs]

Thanks to a tip-off, Northern Counties Mink Hounds were unable to hunt at the start of the month following the arrival of hunt sab groups from West Yorkshire, Nottingham and Sheffield. Information that is passed on is vital for wildlife protection as, with only 26 packs throughout the UK and Ireland who operate in small numbers, these hunts are elusive. Once they are located, however, they often simply pack up and go home. Saboteurs have since been keeping an eye on their kennels which has deterred any hunting from taking place on specific days. This consistent pressure, if continued over a long period of time and combined with other tactics, is a sure way to force a hunt to disband. For example, it was announced this month that the Leadon Vale Basset Hounds, who have been hunting hare since 1967, have folded. One major factor in this was that multiple landowners were no longer inviting them due to ‘unwanted attention’ from hunt sabotage groups, including Severn Vale, over the last few years. Now there are only 5 basset packs operating, making them even more vulnerable to a targeted campaign. Tip off’s can be made anonymously via the Hunt Saboteurs Association tip-off line at 07443 148 426.

The supplementary Badger cull began at the start of the month and is operating in 29 zones. The cull is primarily known for its ‘intensive’ period in autumn but the murder of badgers also takes place for 8 months in areas which have already been victim to 4 years of culling. Supplementary culling often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves even though 10,000’s could be killed. However, action is being taken. Saboteurs and animal liberation activists survey the countryside for cage traps during the day and for marksman at night. Devon County Hunt Sabs was successful recently in stopping a shooter who was forced to hide in crops and inevitably left with empty body bags. Key to this success is based on years of expertise and intelligence gathering, but everyone starts from the same place and results can be achieved quickly. In a social media post also published from the group, advice is given on what you can do to help stop the cull. Derbyshire Against The Cull have also been active by providing a sett surveying workshop, giving people from the local community an opportunity to learn what to look out for. For further information on how to get involved, hunt sabotage and anti-cull groups can be contacted (all of which can be found via a quick search on the internet). 

The importance of surveying shouldn’t be underestimated. On discovering and dismantling ‘death traps’ used by the game industry, Suffolk & Essex hunt sabs highlighted how indiscriminate the killing of wildlife is for the purpose of protecting birds used for shooting. They reaffirmed that these can be dealt with simply by going ‘off the beaten track away from footpaths’ in the countryside and to ‘look for these cruel devices’.  

Snares, which are cheap and easy methods of brutal suffering, have now been banned in Wales. Though many wildlife killers are not concerned with abiding the law and are likely to continue using them, others will stop and should be seen as a positive step. This has been achieved through evidence gathering and campaigning by groups such as Hunt Investigation Team as well as many others.

Another important development relating to the legal world is the prosecution of Angela Jarrom; a hunt supporter who, in October 2022, almost killed a Northants hunt saboteur by hitting her at speed with her car. Though the state is not a realistic method for animal liberation (let alone total liberation), this prosecution is arguably positive as it will deter others from extreme forms of violence, even if the punishment is considered minor. It is likely that this would not have been successful in the courts without such damning video evidence, thus reaffirms how vital video cameras are. All sabotage groups benefit from donations, especially as equipment gets smashed, damaged or stolen, and is a sure method of support that people can contribute to, even if unable to take part directly.  



The siege of UAV Tactical Systems by Palestine Action has reached day 70 and has largely been affected by the recent air strikes on the Palestinian city of Jenin by the Israeli military in the last couple of week. These killed at least 12 Palestinians, injured more than 100, and forced thousands to flee Jenin refugee camp. Weapon manufacturers in Britain are directly responsible for these, as they provide the Israeli military with the deadly machinery.

PalAction states that on June 21, “the Israeli military used a drone to assassinate three Palestinians in Jenin. An Elbit Hermes 450 carrying missiles was deployed in the extrajudicial execution of Mohammed Owais (28), Suhaib Al-Ghoul (27) and Ashraf Murad Al-Saadi (17). This was the first time a drone was used in an assassination in 21 years.”

Elbit Systems produces 85% of the Israeli military’s drones and labels their weapons as “battle tested” because they have been used by Israel to murder, maim and surveil the Palestinian population in Gaza. During the siege of UAV Tactical Systems as part of the action #ShutElbitDown, the actionists honoured the martyrs of Palestine.

In a further step of criminalising Palestine Action, four actionists have been sentenced to prison for an action against Teledyne Labtech, a supplier of components for missiles, military aircraft and drones, radar systems and more, in December 2022. Their action has dismantled over 1.2million worth of military equipment for Israel’s army. Three of the four actionists have received sentences of 23 months and one for 27 months, with half of the sentences to be served in prison. If you want to write to PalAction activists in prison, drop an email here: [email protected].

In solidarity with these actionists and in preparation for the International day of action for prisoners, over 75 public figures signed a statement demanding the release of the 7 PalAction actionists in prison and for all pending charges for over 100 actionists to be dropped.

To support the international day of action taking place on 22nd July, Palestine Action is asking for all supporters to organise solidarity actions and protests under the banner “Free the actionists”. You can take part by protesting outside your local CPS office or at a company which facilitates the production of Israeli weapons. More information and ideas for different actions you can take can be found here on their website:

Photo: Palestine Action honours the martyrs of Palestine at their siege of UAV Tactical as part of #ShutElbitDown


An anonymous contributor has sent a fundraiser text relating to Strefi Hill. Donate if you can, and share the word if you can’t!

“Our opposition to the constant repression and the attempt by investors to loot the area character of our neighbourhood is a daily struggle. In their efforts to destroy the character of our neighbourhood, to kick us out of our homes, to ban us the access to the now-occupied, green and public spaces, we respond with our daily presence and action in the neighbourhood where we live, work, get politicised, organise and develop our relations.

Our goal and vision is to keep the character that we ourselves have given to our neighbourhood for years now, to keep Strefi Hill accessible to every being, human and non. We don’t accept any other version of the Hill, other than the one of a public space, that is precious for us all, for the countless species of plants (rare or not) that grow in it, for its turtles and the dozens of birds that live on its trees.

Our interest is the liberation from the system that feeds repression and exclusion, for our lives to be as free and wild as possible, as close to nature as possible, as open to relationships as possible.

The Open Assembly for the Defence of Strefi Hill is starting a crowdfunding campaign for the financial support of the struggle for Strefi.

The exorbitant costs for legal actions against Prodea Investments, the arrests of our members and the frequent mobilisations are strangling our struggle. For our propaganda activities (newspaper, posters, events, materials, announcements) and to cover legal costs (appeals against Prodea and the Municipality, arrests of its members) we need to cover 5000 euros.

We call on you to financially support the common struggle to save Strefi Hill, Exarchia and their history from the most brutal and coordinated attack the neighbourhood has ever experienced.


Our campaign in English, Greek, Italian, French, German


The Campaign against the Fur Trade (CAFT) continues its campaign against luxury goods businesses LVMH and Max Mara.

The main action this month has been the weekend of action from the 9th to the 11th of June. Across three days there were 20 protests, which helped to continue to keep the heat up against these upholders of animal cruelty.

Unsurprisingly, the fur industry hasn’t seemed too pleased with CAFT recently. Earlier this month Keith Dargatz, a fur farmer, responded with violence against a CAFT member protesting the opening day of the American Mink Exchange. In a very fortunate chain of events, that farmer had been raided in 1995, no activists were arrested after the raid. Unknown to him, Keith spent some good time screaming “Are you guys ALF? Are you guys ALF people?!” to various former ALF prisoners that had served time for other actions.

In NYC, physical force was also used against CAFT protestors in a Dior store. Evidence can be seen on CAFT’s Instagram page for both cases. CAFT recommends leaving negative reviews on the Dior 5th Avenue store’s page for this, or phoning 646-915-0420 to complain.

For advice on how to get involved in the campaign, CAFT’s views on how to handle police whilst on protest, and on why targeting fur alone is the most effective strategy, take a look at CAFT’s website.

In the meantime, the struggle goes on!


Mink and Otter hunting season has begun so hunt saboteurs across the country are keeping an eye on the activity at kennels. Only 26 registered packs exist in the UK and Ireland, making them vulnerable to the multiple sabotage groups that operate. These packs operate using a small number of hounds and are usually transported in commercial and domestic vehicles, thus making them more difficult to locate oppose to a mounted hunt who are more obvious in appearance and use larger vehicles such as horse boxes and trailers. Efforts to continue hunting under the radar however inevitably get ruined upon the arrival of multiple sabotage groups forcing them to pack up. This was seen recently when Three Counties Hunt Sabs, Severn Vale Hunt Sabs, Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch and Herefordshire Hunt Sabs who recently stopped Three Counties Minkhounds from hunting. Members of the public can play an important role in sabotaging a hunt by notifying suspicious behaviour. This can be done by contacting the Hunt Saboteurs Association tip-off line at 07443148426. Making a call or sending a message can be enough to stop wildlife from being killed.

Whilst on the lookout for ‘any wildlife murders’, Jorvik and West Yorkshire hunt sabotage groups came across a lone shooter setting up a shooting hide and forced them to pack up and leave. Multiple sabotage groups elsewhere, including West Yorkshire, Hertfordshire and Staffordshire, were also successful throughout the month after finding and ‘decommissioning’ various spring traps and larsens. Underground Badger Syndicate, who also discovered an array of ‘animal persecuting contraptions’, concluded that there is more to be done; ‘It’s not the end though…[we] will be back’. The more you look, the more you find.

Demonstrations and outreach continued throughout the month, including against the West Norfolk Foxhounds and the North Cotswold Hunt. These are important as hunting relies heavily on securing revenue through fundraising events, which double up as recruiting drives for mounted riders and other followers who pay to spectate. Eliminate these lines of support and a hunt soon starts to crumble.

One protest that had a large presence of saboteurs in attendance was outside Dorchester Police station, following increasing violence and illegal hunting from hunts in Dorset. This reaffirms that even though legislation against hunting (with packs of hounds) exists, the police and crime prosecution service do not care about wildlife. As a matter of fact, the UK government took a last-minute U-turn on the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill, which would have added extra complications for hunting and detrimental to other animal industries. True wildlife defence has, and always will, come from action on the ground, implemented through a range of tactics from a myriad of people from different communities. Not the state.



Last Sunday, Palestine Action reached 28 days of siege of Elbit’s factory in Leicester!

Some of the latest actions in support of the ongoing siege include a spraypaint of “We ride 4 Palestine” on Uber’s Lime bikes in London, Red Leicester Choir performing songs in support of PalAction, and smashing and spraying Precision FM, the facilities manager of Leicester’s Israeli weapons factory.

Meanwhile, there have been a lot of news regarding charges and trials against PalAction.

Two actionists of PalActions current siege of Elbit’s factory in Leicester got detained for a couple of days and then released on May 24.

Two actionists who were involved in the groups’ siege of Leicester’s Israeli weapons factory in May last year went to court for a pre-trial hearing. They will be on trial from 19th June at Leicester Crown Court.

Three actionists who shut down Israel’s weapon’s factory in Tamworth were meant to be on trial on May 23 but the charges were dropped a day before the trial.

Further three actionists who helped shut down the Elbit HQ in London are on trial on Tuesday, May 30. Their charges were also dropped on the day.

Photo shows PalAction’s siege on Elbit’s HQ in London.