In the UK, after a draconian new policing bill was introduced to push even harsher regulations on protesters, demonstrations and riots kicked off throughout the country to oppose it. Many folks got arrested, and some have been handed prison sentences. Dylan Dunne is one of them.

State control does have deep pockets and many weapons upholding it but it is still largely performative. It is reliant on us going along with it, not laughing at it and telling it to fuck off. With fascism across the globe becoming more visible and organised state repression inevitably increases as they work hard to crack down on any sign of dissent. As the British government turns back boats full of refugees they helped create they also hand out prison sentences to anyone they can catch who stands against them or makes a mockery of their “authority”.

Every day they reach higher levels of deadly and ridiculous. Dylan has now been sentenced to over 4 months in prison for… stealing a police hat at a ‘Kill the Bill’ demo. Don’t let our comrade stand alone, he has asked for letters so write to him and show support.

You can address your letters to:

Dylan Dunne #A4108ER,
HMP Horfield,
19 Cambridge Road,
Bristol, BS7 8PS,

art by @nobnozo
for more info on Kill the Bill prisoners see @bristol_abc



In 2016, Jessica took action to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline but dismantling machinery as well as pipeline valves. In 2021 she was sentenced to eight years in prison, aided by the application of a terrorism enhancement to her action to save the water and show solidarity with indigenous communities. Without that terrorism enhancement, she would’ve served three years instead. She has also been asked for restitution of  $3,198,512.70 paid to Energy Transfer LLC. 

She reported to prison on August 11th and she could do with letters of support and love. She likes nature, camping, swimming, hiking, theology, music, gardening, laughter and eco-sustainability.

Please write to her here:

Jessica Reznicek # 19293-030
FCI Waseca
PO Box 1731
Waseca, MN 56093

Keep up to date with her case and with all other ways to support her whilst incarcerated on the support website:

Scheduled release: 11th August 2029



Essex Animal Defenders organised an action in 2020 where two folks locked on to the entrance of the slaughterhouse, halting the works for the day.

This was the culmination of many years campaigning against Romford Halal Meats, that had been found slaughtering ill and injured animals in every occasion that EAD organised an “impromptu visit”.

The action wasn’t taken lightly. They attempted to take evidence to Food Standards Association and no one did anything about it, even with heaps of evidence showing the multiple breach of regulations by the slaughterhouse.

After the lock on action they were arrested an d charged with aggravated trespass, and have now been sentenced to a combined fine of £1,470 (1722 euros, 2036 US dollars).

They have set up a GoFundMe to raise the funds and we believe no one should go under the repression of the state by themselves. If you are able to support them, please send some money to the gofundme and help them get rid of that fine so they can carry on doing their work comfortably.

If you are not able to support them, please share far and wide so as many people as possible hear about it and contribute.

Solidarity is our biggest weapon



For anyone who does not know, Eric is an antifascist and anarchist prisoner who is serving a 10 year sentence for throwing Molotov cocktails to an empty federal building. Since 2018, he has been facing incredibly brutal and violating prosecution from the guards in prison. Guards purposely led Eric into a locked up area where a nazi was waiting for him minutes after informing him that a white supremacist group was after him. They sat and watched the nazi beat the shit out of Eric.

Guards beat Eric multiple times whilst in the showers and even shackled him naked to a bed for eight hours straight. He was also led into an out of sight storage area and beaten up by the guards and when defending himself he earned multiple disciplinary complaints that could land him another twenty years in prison.

He has been held in solitary confinement for over 1000 days. 

The sole reason for this abuse is his political believes and the unwillingness to stop talking about it. 

The Civil Liberties Defence Center has now filed a lawsuit on his behalf to challenge the obvious collaboration between white supremacists and guards to harm or even attempt to kill Eric whilst in prison.

There is no doubt that Eric needs as much support as it is humanly possible. He is being targeted as a political prisoner and the mistreatment he is receiving is shocking. Please send a letter to Eric today. Tell him what is going on in your world, or write about some actions or news that you’ve read that you think he would like hearing.

As the prison guards are scum, try to avoid sending cards. Just send letters on white paper, black pen, in case they decide that colourful stuff is too dangerous. 

His address here: 

Eric King #27090-045
FCI Englewood
9595 West Quincy Avenue
Littleton, Colorado 80123

More info on his case:


“On 21.10.2019 we, the action group “Tear down Tönnies” blocked the Tönnies slaughterhouse “Thomsen” in Kellinghusen. For almost twelve hours, we prevented the regular slaughter operation and the killing of several thousand animals. The aim of the action was to draw attention to the precarious working conditions, the endless animal suffering and the severe climate and environmental pollution caused by the animal industry. Now Tönnies is demanding a high 5-digit sum of money as compensation for the lost profit and expenses incurred. In the meantime, Tönnies’ demand has been extended to include a claim for injunctive relief.

Tönnies has begun to enforce its claim for damages and injunctive relief in court. Tönnies is represented by the law firm Eversheds Sutherland. With the cease-and-desist declaration, Tönnies

wants us to refrain from entering the slaughterhouse premises, from interfering with access to the ramps or the access road to the slaughterhouse by having people on the roadway and/or from causing or assisting third parties to do so. In the event of a violation, we are to pay 250,000 euros or be sentenced to up to 6 months’ imprisonment.

Tönnies has split up the proceedings and is having the cases heard at the activists’ respective places of residence. This is intended to put us under further pressure, as multiple proceedings significantly increase the cost pressure.

In the meantime, the first hearings have been held before the courts. The first trial was held at the court in Kiel. The activist was ordered to pay 15,626.20 EUR in damages. The court thus recognized Tönnies’ claim in full. However, the injunction demand was judged to go too far and was reduced to prohibiting the activist from entering the slaughterhouse grounds in Kellinghusen. We have appealed against the decision of this court.

The second and third proceedings were heard by the court in Braunschweig. The court in Braunschweig followed our argumentation that the splitting of the proceedings represents an abuse of the procedural rules and that it also makes no sense in terms of procedural economy to burden several courts split through Germany with the same facts and proceedings. The Regional Court of Braunschweig has referred the proceedings to the Regional Court of Itzehoe (responsible according to the location of the crime). This makes us optimistic that other regional courts will refer the proceedings to Itzehoe.

The fourth trial was again heard by the Kiel Regional Court. The competent judge considers Tönnies’ claim for damages to be inconclusive and insufficiently substantiated. However, she does not fundamentally question the claim for damages against us. Tönnies has until mid-May to submit further evidence for the claimed costs. The verdict is to be announced on June 03, 2011.

The proceedings in Braunschweig and Kiel were accompanied by solidarity.

20 to 50 supporters came to the rallies in front of the court. Due to the Corona restrictions, only a few people were able to accompany the trial in court. The trials attract a lot of media attention. Thus, they offer us a good opportunity to emphasize our demands for an agricultural turnaround towards solidarity-based and organic agriculture as well as an exit from the animal industry and an end to the exploitation of animals, humans and the environment. We also have to criticize and problematize the attempts of corporations to stop protests with civil suits against activists.

We do not want to resign ourselves to this. We will continue to campaign for the liberation of people, animals and nature. We will continue to defend ourselves legally against the intimidation attempts by Tönnies.

We can only be successful together. Let us ensure that Tönnies loses the desire to sue. Use the trial to take further action against Tönnies.

We are happy about a solidary process support,

If you would like to support us financially:

Donation account:

Recipient: VusEumUmseP e.V.
IBAN: DE30 8306 5408 0004 0613 81
Subject: TDT2110 [important]

Our solidarity against their repression!

You’ll find more infomation at:


As many of you might know, we have already published about Karl before. They were locked up for a while awaiting trial and later released awaiting a second trial.

Karl was accused of assaulting Niclas Pettersson, a Swedish mink farmer that has been relentlessly targeted by a campaign to close his farm.

Whilst it was clear that Niclas assaulted Karl, he did not get any charges or convictions. Karl on the other hand received a 25,800 SEK (2540€) fine.

You can see the video of the assault here:

There is a Paypal pool for anyone who can help with this fine. It is quite hefty so if anyone is able to send them some money, that would be immensely appreciated.

Donate here:

If you cannot donate, please spread the world. Not only share this link, but talk to others about it, explain what is going on, get involved with the campaign and support those who are fighting in the front lines.

Stäng minkfarmen i Falkenberg!


As you all know, one of the main jobs we do is supporting comrades in prison and folks who have to cover fines after taking action. The reality of it is that we never make enough money in order to cover everything we would like to cover, even counting PayPal donations, patreon donations and merch.

Luckily, many of you are super generous and want to help in any way possible. These time, we bring you something just a tad different thanks to @goaskforde, who has donated artwork to raise funds to support prisoners.

We are going to run a little raffle for a couple of weeks. The tickets can be bought through our website for 7.50 GBP and you can get as many tickets as you want. If you win, @goaskforde will send:

– “Now” Framed original 10×12″ ink drawing of a wolf
– “Light a Match, Burn a Prison” signed 8×10″ fine art giclee print
– Large vinyl “Boltcuttter Birdie” sticker
– Large vinyl “Praying mantis” sticker

In addition, we will send a hoodie of your choice (stock dependent!) and a bunch of stickers.

So if you like art, or simply if you’d like to support us and help us keep helping folks, please grab yourself a ticket or two down below:

We will anounce the winners on the 3rd of May, so you have 14 days to get as many tickets as you can and to share this around as much as possible!

Also, please follow @goaskforde on instagram and support artists as much as possible. You can also find the artwork on




Someone in Norwich, UK, was sentenced to a 1000 GBP fine after being found guilty of attacking multiple butcher shops. Whilst the person feels the sentencing was relatively lenient and they have started to pay the fine in small monthly payments, it would be very useful if that fine was paid in full and gotten rid of as it eases the burden of having probation keeping an eye on you and your transactions.

For that reason and thanks to a very generous donation by artist and comrade @goaskforde, we will be organising an artwork raffle to raise the funds.

Because it is quite a lot of money and we doubt we will be able to raise all those funds with just the raffle, we are asking for people to consider sending a donation over PayPal if they can afford it. You can be overly generous if that doesn’t put you in a difficult position, or you can just donate 5 pounds, every little bit that people put towards this fine helps someone feel supported after being caught doing an anonymous action.

If you are unable to donate, please spread the word as much as possible. Liking, commenting, sharing and saving this post all increase the algorithm and help this fundraiser reach as many people as possible.

Keep an eye for the upcoming art raffle, we will publish it very soon, and for the time being if you can donate, send some coins to



Peter was locked up and sentenced to 25 months after an arson at a duck slaughterhouse in Netherlands. Ten of those months are probation, so he will be coming out of prison this August.

His support group reports that he is in good spirits and that although he contracted COVID, he only had mild symptoms and only spent 15 days in isolation.

He has thanked folks for the letters sent and also for the donations that came in through the fundraiser, which has been used to improve the food he eats, helping with the COVID recovery.

If you want to write a letter to Peter, you can send it via email to [email protected]. Remember to write your address down if you want him to be able to write back.

Solidarity is our biggest weapon!


Animalists of the world, we need your help in the common struggle that we share.
On March 24th, the french activist Vincent Aubry will be judged at the court of Toulouse (France) for “aggravated theft”.

About twenty female rabbits were freed from an INRAE research center near the french city of Toulouse, which was using them for experimentation.

Since this action, which aimed to highlight the practices of this public institute that has been genetically torturing animals for more than 50 years, INRAE has never really been a priority target for the animal rights movement, its activities are even rather unknown.

However it’s the corner-stone of the whole system that massacres animals by billions, animals that have become simple raw materials thanks to the mad scientists of INRAE, and our taxes.

Today we need a general solidarity of the antispeciesist movement to publicly relay Vincent’s trial in order to mobilize lots of people during this gathering.

These practices must be firmly denounced and condemned, and the responsibilities of INRAE and the French State must be assumed.

This trial is an opportunity. A rally will be organized in front of the Toulouse court before the trial. National and local press are invited.

French institute INRAE is using genetic torture and practices in order to supply the victims of global animal agriculture, funded by the governement.

Today they sue us, but the Animalist Resistance will continue to attack them to restore a true justice.

Please share massively on your social networks, talk about it to your community, make your own research about animal genetic in your country, target the perpetrators, for the animals and for Vincent who fights like all of us every day for animal liberation.

If you want to know more about Vincent’s collective (Animal1st) and participate in the anti-specist actions, here is the Facebook link:

Until ALL are free! ✊🖤    


Animalistes du monde entier, nous avons besoin de votre aide dans la lutte commune que nous partageons.

Le 24 mars, l’activiste français Vincent Aubry sera jugé au tribunal de Toulouse pour “vol aggravé”.

Une vingtaine de lapines ont été exfiltrées d’un centre de recherche de l’INRAE près de Toulouse, qui les utilisait pour des expérimentations.

Depuis cette action, qui visait à mettre en lumière les pratiques de cet institut public qui torture génétiquement des animaux depuis plus de 50 ans, l’INRAE n’a jamais vraiment été une cible prioritaire pour le mouvement antispéciste, ses activités sont même plutôt méconnues.

Pourtant c’est la source de tout un système qui massacre les animaux par milliards, animaux devenus de simples matières premières grâce aux savants fous de l’INRAE, et à nos impôts.

Aujourd’hui nous avons besoin d’une solidarité générale du mouvement antispéciste pour relayer publiquement le procès de Vincent afin de mobiliser au maximum lors de ce rassemblement, et plus globalement pour visibiliser ce qu’est la génétique animale.
Ces pratiques doivent être fermement dénoncées et condamnées, et les responsabilités de l’INRAE et de l’Etat français doivent être assumées.

Ce procès est une opportunité. Un rassemblement sera organisé devant le tribunal de Toulouse. La presse nationale et locale y est conviée.

L’INRAE est le fournisseur officiel des victimes de l’Élevage, financé par l’État.
Aujourd’hui ils nous poursuivent en justice, mais la Résistance Animaliste continuera à les attaquer pour rétablir la vraie justice.

Merci de partager massivement sur vos réseaux sociaux, d’en parler à votre communauté, de faire vos propres recherches sur la génétique animale dans votre pays, de cibler et dénoncer les coupables, pour les animaux et pour Vincent, qui se bat comme nous toustes chaque jour pour la libération animale et les ravages de la domestication.

Si vous voulez en savoir plus, vous impliquer, voici le lien vers la page du collecif Animal1st :

Jusqu’à ce qu’iels soient tous.tes libres ! ✊🖤