Boris is a comrade serving prison time in France who is going to be released soon and needs some funds to buy a wheelchair. Below you can read the press release by Act for Freedom Now!

“In Besançon and in Paris, different initiatives are being considered in order to collect funds and participate in the project “A good wheelchair for Boris”. Any individual or anti-authoritarian collective who would like to organize in a decentralized way a concert, a support meal, a card tournament, a discussion or other joyous events in order to make a contribution to this project is obviously welcome!

The comrade has coordinated with two places to collect the money. It can either be sent by check or bank transfer (write to retourausoleil at riseup.net) or be dropped off at :
Libertad Library – 19 rue Burnouf – 75019 Paris

Librairie Autodidacte – 5 rue Marulaz – 25000 Besançon

Two relay antennas illuminate the confined night

While half of the world’s population was confined to their homes, an anarchist from Besançon was riding his bike to Mont Poupet in the Jura Mountains. It was at the top of these steep slopes that Boris lit up two large relay antennas with the flames of subversion on the night of April 10, 2020: those of four cell phone operators, but also of the police and the gendarmerie, causing nearly 100,000 euros worth of damage.

Identified by a trace of DNA found on site, the comrade was be incarcerated in the prison of Nancy and sentenced in April 2021 to four years in prison, two of which with no remission. In a public letter written from inside, he defended his act by his desire to oppose through direct action the increasing digitalization of our lives, with all the control, the environmental and social devastation that it implies. Unfortunately, while waiting for the date of the appeal, the comrade was seriously injured in August in a fire in the cell where he was, and the investigation on the origin and readiness of the screws to let him suffocate is still ongoing. It is thus with the medical power that Boris has been confronted for more than a year and a half.

Now that Boris can concretely begin to consider a return to the street and the sun, far from the bed and the devices that have kept him for too long under the neon lights of a hospital room, the question of financial support arises. The immediate need, which has been discussed with him and the medical team of the rehabilitation center, is the purchase of a custom-made, vertical electric wheelchair adapted to his condition, which he will be able to steer with a ball placed under his chin, along with other home automation controls integrated into its structure (such as opening doors). In addition to the current rehabilitation care in the new establishment, which hopes to release the comrade within 6 months, in addition to the technical-administrative battles with the state bureaucracy to scrape together funding, it is clear that a substantial amount of money will still be needed. The goal is for Boris to regain his autonomy with as much mobility as possible thanks to such a custom-made electric wheelchair.

During all these ordeals, Boris did not stop fighting with the means at his disposal, while continuing to defend his anarchist ideas. After 11 months of jail, 18 months of heavy hospitalization and still 3 cases on his back (for the antennas-relays, the fire in prison, the placing under “guardianship”), a first end of the tunnel is finally outlined towards the exit: so that he can roar again among us, let’s help the comrade to afford this wheelchair…

Anarchists in solidarity and complicity with Boris

March 2023”

from Act For Freedom Now!

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