November, Midlands, UK.
received anonymosuly via email:
“We’re back. We’re back and we are taking the turkeys.
7 turkeys were liberated from a free range organic turkey farm. Fuck your welfare standards, killing is killing and we ain’t letting it happen.
These turkeys were already ‘sold’, already marked for somebody’s Christmas dinner, kept to grow fatter until the fast approaching day of their murder. They were going to provide the ‘Christmas bonus’ for a cattle farmer.
To the farmer and the humans who had paid for the body of these beautiful beings, we sincerely wish you a ruined Christmas and assure you that 2021 will bring you many more hits.
These turkeys who were destined for one Christmas on a dinner table, will now live to see many Christmasses and many years to come.
This action was completed in solidarity with our comrade who has been imprisoned this last week. 7 turkeys – 6 for each day of imprisonment and 1 more for a big fuck you to the system.
7 homes found, 7 lives saved.
#turkeys #christmasturkeys #animalliberation #defenddirectaction #getshitdone #fuckwiththeanimalswefuckwithyou #untilallarefree #fuckwelfarists #abolishanimalfarming #abolishprisons #acab #solidarity #merryfuckingchristmas”