20th November, Germany.

Via local media:

According to local media, four hunting towers were set alight in Gödenstorf during the evening of the 22nd November, causing a total damage of 5000 EUR.

On the 19th, in Viernheim, nine more towers were destroyed, legs sawn off, ladders broken or overturned. Some of them had been tagged with ALF.


1st December, East Anglia UK.

received anonymously via email:

“Two turkeys liberated from a farm in East Anglia. Rat traps destroyed. Dead bins tagged & locks glued.

Both these girls have been found to be suffering with gape worm, and one has an injury to the foot causing her to limp. They are in a safe place now where they’ll be free from farm, exploitation and murder.

Turkeys are intelligent and inquisitive beings, each with their own unique personality. They love to have their feathers stroked and are very sociable. Have a happy Christmas this year: leave the turkey off the table.”


November, Midlands, UK.

received anonymosuly via email:

“We’re back. We’re back and we are taking the turkeys.

7 turkeys were liberated from a free range organic turkey farm. Fuck your welfare standards, killing is killing and we ain’t letting it happen.

These turkeys were already ‘sold’, already marked for somebody’s Christmas dinner, kept to grow fatter until the fast approaching day of their murder. They were going to provide the ‘Christmas bonus’ for a cattle farmer.
To the farmer and the humans who had paid for the body of these beautiful beings, we sincerely wish you a ruined Christmas and assure you that 2021 will bring you many more hits.

These turkeys who were destined for one Christmas on a dinner table, will now live to see many Christmasses and many years to come.

This action was completed in solidarity with our comrade who has been imprisoned this last week. 7 turkeys – 6 for each day of imprisonment and 1 more for a big fuck you to the system.
7 homes found, 7 lives saved.

#turkeys #christmasturkeys #animalliberation #defenddirectaction #getshitdone #fuckwiththeanimalswefuckwithyou #untilallarefree #fuckwelfarists #abolishanimalfarming #abolishprisons #acab #solidarity #merryfuckingchristmas”


22nd October, Italy.

anonymous report, from Frente de Liberación Animal (translation):

“Stuck in little cages full of filth, in a disgusting environment, with a floor full of excrement.
The Animal Liberation Front released two rabbits from their cages
Now they will live a life in freedom away from exploitation and death.”

“Metidos en pequeñas jaulas llenas de porquería, en un ambiente asqueroso, con un suelo lleno de excrementos por todas partes
El Frente de Liberación Animal libera dos conejos de sus jaulas
Ahora tendrán una vida en libertad alejados de la explotación y la muerte.”


November, Quebec, Canada

received anonymously via email:

“On a cold night, we decided to dismantle 4 hunting towers we had previously spotted a few kilometers from the city. We hope to send a clear message to the animal killers and inspire more anti-speciesist comrades to take action in the field. Wild animals need us. Everybody can operate with few equipment such as a cheap pocket saw or a hammer. Some of the sport hunters have really good building skills though. Luckily for us, we found a good long pruning saw in one camp, which was really convenient to destroy it. xoxo

AHAB! Your sport sucks! We are watching you like you are watching them.”


23rd November, Switzerland.

Received anonymously via email:

“We’ve been out to play again… this time it was your well decorated store front windows that we had a taste for.
We visited 6 locations on this long, sleepless night, you don’t have to worry though, we absolutely had fun! Thank you!
It’s just a real shame that when you go to work in the morning, It’s going to be very cold and breezy for you, We didn’t check but… you have insurance right? I hope the cost to repair these windows isn’t going to come out of the profit you’ve made from our dead friends?
We’re going to keep an eye on you though, we might wait before we visit again, maybe when you’re back, feeling normal, comfortable and when you think you’ve forgotten, we will make sure that you don’t.
Sweet dreams for now xoxo

6 Windows for 6 days in prison.
Stop stealing our comrades.
Fuck the prison system <3”


15th November, Switzerland.

Received anonymously via email:

“Report from Switzerland. 
During one COVID friendly evening walk we stumbled upon a few vehicle used to transport comrades to their deaths. 

Needless to say, we toyed around with them before heading off… expanding foam in the exhaust pipes, electrical wires cut & pneumatic systems fucked with. 

Though, we are not yet satisfied, we are on the prowl and we will find more, hope you can afford the repair fees xoxo “


5th November, Somerset UK

received anonymously via email:

“Whilst out and about we realised that a sheep shearer in Somerset didn’t give a fuck about spring shearing and was cutting and nipping sheep to rip their fleeces off well into November. We thought it would be a good idea to stop it. Their toolbox containing electric shears, blades and other menacing bits such as castrating bands was stolen. Some useful bits for our rescue first aid kit were also seized. The coils for the shears and other tools that were too heavy to take were cut and destroyed. The mountain of bags full of wool was cut open and painted.

As the shed was full of many other useful bits we took a few cordless power tools in the process. Some might be useful on future missions. Some others can be sold to fund fuel and equipment. Bad day for the animal abuser who lost thousands of pounds thanks to an easy night stroll.

Not your jumper. Not your hat. Not your coat. Not your wool.

some anarchists.”