“As the sun set we crept into some farmer’s garden in Norfolk and freed a magpie from this larsen then left it as a reminder that all wildlife killers are cunts”
‘According to local press, hunters in Roth are under a constant campaign of sabotage that is making them stop enjoying going out to shoot animals.
Tyres have been slashed, wildlife cameras stolen or broken, dog shit smeared over the towers and seats as well as sabotage of the hunting cabins and ladders.
A camera trap pointing towards another camera trap managed to partially film a concerned citizen smashing another wildlife camera whilst walking the dogs, but it has not been possible to identify them.
A hunter in the area reported that after having climbed to the top of the seat he realised it was unsafe it toppled down with him on top, whilst he was carrying a gun. He says that after his “near death experience” he is scared to go out hunting and spends a long time ensuring the seats are safe.
Six rat traps in front of a supermarket stolen and disposed. The thin fixing wires were cut with a side cutter, the poison was removed and the traps were put in the recycling garbage. You take the habitat from rats an other animals by building new houses on the last green areas of the city. And then you also set traps and poison them. They die a cruel, painful, and slow death from internal bleeding.
I will come back!
This action is dedicated to six wonderful rat ladies who unfortunately left far too early.
Sechs Rattenfallen vor einem Supermarktgebäude entwendet und entsorgt. Die dünnen Befestigungsdrähte wurden mit einem Seitenschneider durchtrennt, das Gift entfernt und die Fallen im Recyclingmüll entsorgt.
Nachdem ihr Ratten und anderen Tieren auf den letzten Grünflächen der Stadt durch neue Gebäude den Lebensraum genommen habt, stellt ihr auch noch Fallen auf und vergiftet sie. Sie sterben einen grausamen, schmerzvollen und langsamen Tod durch innere Blutungen.
Ich komme wieder!
Diese Aktion ist sechs wundervollen Rattendamen gewidmet, die leider viel zu früh gegangen sind.
“At the end of July, in France, we antispeciesist activists searched for and found hunting towers in a forest. Most of them we found were already broken, well done to the activists who passed by! It’s nice to know that we’re not alone in motivating ourselves and taking action! On the area of the forest that we explored, there remained one hunting tower, still intact… so we took care of it!
We are well aware of the arguments of the pro-hunting who say that the hunting towers serve the safety of humans when hunting is allowed, but destroying the hunting towers gives more chances to non-human animals against their murderers to be able to spot them, then flee or defend themselves. Hidden in their towers the hunters are inaccessible to any non-human animal that would like to get back at them.
The tool you see on the video is a manual chainsaw. It fits in a pocket, and it is extremely effective. Equip yourself and let’s destroy what they use to assassinate!”
French: “Fin Juillet, en France, nous, activistes antispécistes, avons cherché et trouvé des miradors de chasse dans une forêt. La plupart que nous avons trouvé étaient déjà cassés, bravo aux activistes qui sont passé.e.s par là ! Cela fait plaisir de savoir que nous ne sommes pas seul.e.s à nous motiver et à agir !
Sur la zone de la forêt que nous avons exploré, il restait un mirador, encore intact… nous nous en sommes donc occupé !
Nous connaissons bien l’argumentaire des pro-chasse qui disent que les miradors servent à la sécurité des humain.e.s lorsque la chasse est autorisée, mais détruire les miradors redonne des chances aux animaux non-humains face à leurs assassin.e.s pour pouvoir les repérer, puis fuir ou se défendre. Posté.e.s dans leurs tours les chass.eurs.euses sont inaccessibles pour tout animal non-humain qui voudrait leur rendre la monnaie de leur pièce.
L’outil que vous voyez sur la vidéo est une tronçonneuse manuelle. Cela tient dans une poche, et c’est extrêmement efficace. Equipez-vous et détruisons ce qui leur sert à assassiner !”
“When a fishing-store called ‘fiskekompaniet’ was visited in south Sweden on the night of 27th july, locks where glued!
7th August, Sweden.
“The fishing store ‘fiskekompaniet’ was visited again in Sweden on the night of 8th August, this time one of their windows where smashed with a gentle little stone.
According to the president of the dog training facility, the ALF entered the buildings over night, leaving messages on the walls and destroying chairs and tables with an axe. The small kitchen and bar were also destroyed, and the fencing nets and cages sabotaged, releasing about a hundred quails used to train dogs into the wild.
14 hens liberated in solidarity with Camp Beagle, UK.
We acted fast as we only had one goal in mind: to save individuals from a life of exploitation. We walked across fields and aimed for an unknown shed. We were determined to get in. We had to crawl underneath a conveyor belt where the eggs roll on to. We got in and were surrounded by thousands of kind, caring, young hens who were locked up inside a concrete building with 50,000 others. Each one an individual with a unique personality. Each deserving of freedom. We wished that we could take them all, but until the world changes, we focused on changing the worlds of 14 hens.
They are safe. They will never be exploited. They will be pampered. No more abuse.
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