“In the early hours of Thursday 14th April a group of activists liberated 4 turkeys from their intensive factory farm.
Too long has this area in Leicestershire remained untouched and able to get away with their abuse, so in the early hours a plan was formulated to enter one of their many farms and start the liberation.
Let this be a warning to all animal abusers and factory farms around this area, we are here and we will not stop our efforts.
Until all are free ✊🏽🏴
PHOTO: The report did not include a photo, so we have attached a photo from a turkey liberation in 2019, when SWALF, NEALF and SEALF competed to see which UK ALF group could liberate more turkeys before Christmas.
16 rainbow trouts obtained freedom on an April night. We were able to rescue them from their dirty pool where hundreds of them were surviving fattened to be eaten. We let them go in a river where they will finally be able to express their natural behaviors and be happy, alone or with chosen companions. We first made sure that they would be able to survive after being held in captivity and that they would no threaten the local free animals.
The fish are not commonly helped by direct actions, while there are so many of them exploited and killed. Fish farms and trawlers should be privileged targets as well.
“Bristol Butcher Bashing! In the early hours of wednesday the 27th of april we visited sandy park butchers in Brislington,BRISTOL.
A attempt was made to smash both front windows. We know one shattered nicely but are unsure how badly the other was damaged. We had made a bit of noise and were feeling flighty so fucked off before we could tell if the second was damaged enough.
“After a 5 km walk, we take a break in the bush, impatient, waiting for the sun to set. Tonight, we are finally gonna knock down some hunting towers we had previously spotted from the road in the country.
We hope to send a clear message to the animal killers and inspire our anti-speciesist comrades to take action for the wild animals.
According to local press, a string of arsons against hunting infrastructure is being investigated. The people involved have targetted multiple different counties and have burn hunting towers, hunting lodges, body disposal bins and other hunting infrastructure, totaling a huge 20,000 EUR worth of damage in between February and March 2022.
The police is begging for clues about any of the multiple arson cases as they are unaware of any details besides the date and location something was burnt.
“At the end of this year, around midnight, we are inspecting the selected object with a group. We see a car inside the compound, we don’t mind, we go in, we go get them. We get the radios ready and test the signal with the patrol.
Last check, we go in. We open the lobby and slowly slip behind the door, close it behind us and look around, it’s dark everywhere. We turn on the lights, see rows of cages full of small hens, still chicks, just a few weeks old. They are disturbed by our presence, and the cries of the trapped animals line the inside, along with clouds of dust swirling all around the hall.
All the cages are completely full and have several floors, with hundreds of animals in them. We approach one of the cages, I open it and reach for the first chicken. Everything is happening so fast. Then the second, the third. I reach for the next one, thinking that I must not let it go at any cost. Fourth, fifth… I don’t choose, I just reach for the next one. I hold the tenth and put it in the box. That’s the last one, we can’t take any more.
We close the cage and quietly walk out of the hall. We go to the fence and pass the box with the ten hens over it, they are safe now. We climb out over the fence and turn to see the lights of the illuminated halls in the midst of the black darkness. I think of the ones left behind, so sorry.”
When we heard that the Rutland rabbits at the T&S Farm had been found we decided to join the surprise demo. The idea was simple, come dressed in black with animal carriers, on Easter Sunday, and stage a demo in front of the many families walking around the nature reserve. When we arrived it was to the beautiful sight of a fully masked black bloc. While it was clear that people were there for a peaceful demo there was an atmosphere of wanting more.
A few jumped over the fence and soon it was a tidal wave of people suddenly willing to do more than stand on the sidelines. We wanted to see those rabbits, we wanted to show others the abuse they were enduring, the mistreatment that Phil inflicts on them. Even with the sound of sirens getting closer there was no turning back, we would not abandon the rabbits. We b-lined through the site and past the static homes and straight to the tiny hutches were the rabbits waited.
When we arrived there, everything changed. Those rabbits were living in tiny hutches, skin and bones, infested with mites, some clearly ill. We couldn’t just bare witness abandoning them behind. How could we leave them awaiting their certain death? We wanted those rabbits to be safe and not murdered and skinned as Phil Kerry had planned for them.
Into the carriers and we were running. The cops had arrived but with our precious cargo we all had to try. Our hearts broke as we saw some people getting grabbed by the filth, some who had not even stepped foot on site, but we kept going, we had to give these rabbits a chance.
Adrenaline was high and the carriers were heavy but we made it and saw others did too.
Thirty rabbits that day made it out, they will live long and happy lives in good homes. There was such power in what happened this Easter Sunday, there was messiness and arrests and mistakes but there was such boldness. There was a job to do and people got it done. The beauty of a crowd autonomously taking action, the strength of it.
We don’t know who else was there but we hope you know we love you. And to those of you who left in the back of a police van we hope you know that many rabbits made it out who wouldn’t have without you.
The glory days of animal liberation are not behind us, they are in front of us, they are now if we make it happen.
Love, rage, solidarity and freedom to the T&S Rabbits!
PS: This text does not represent every person who took part in the mass action, and only explains the feelings and emotions of a group of people who took part.”
According to local police, multiple towers in Rheinland were vandalised. The activists sawed down the stairs used to climb to the top of the stand, leavcing very little trace, for them to break when a hunter were to climb up.
No one was injured after the action as someone realised the towers had been damaged.
The police has no leads on who the culprit is.
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