Late May, Portland USA.

received anonymoduly via encrypted email:

“In late may in Portland, OR, two and a half liters of bleach were poured into a meat truck belonging to Zenners Sausage Company. This was done in attempt to damage the engine of the vehicle and cause financial harm to a business that profits off the enslavement and murder of other sentient beings. Fuck capitalism and civilization, and solidarity with all the rioters and looters in Portland this past year.

-a lone veganarchist-“


12th June, Suffolk UK.

via BiteBack Magazine

received anonymously:

“on 12th June we headed to Stutton shooting estate in Suffolk

we picked this date because it coincides with the birthday of our comrade Annna Campbell, who was killed by the fascist Turkish state while fighting for liberation in Rojava

though once a glamorous shooting estate, it’s now seen better days

many of the woods were thick with undergrowth, while release pens already lay dismantled

that’s good. our job was done for us.

but we found two shooting high seats and an old fox trap. we made sure they wouldn’t be used again

solidarity with everyone facing the horrors of the new policing bill, and all those fighting against it

Anna Campbell is immortal”


(delayed report)

10th April, Kent UK

Received anonymously via email:

“The pet industry have exploited this pandemic like they exploit the animals they sell. Bored and thoughtless people have demanded pets for their entertainment and the breeders have been happy to supply them. During Easter, the objectification of rabbits as things to buy or give as presents increases exponentially, so we thought to raid a pet breeder and take some comrades out.

The breeder we visited has a selection of animals but sadly we couldn’t take all of them. While the breeders slept just meters away we painted some security cameras and quietly entered a shed that housed rabbits and guinea pigs mixed together. To our surprise, a lamb was also locked in the same shed, running around the hutches.

They were confined in small spaces, in disgusting conditions and with very high ammonia smell. We grabbed a few rabbits and disappeared into the night with them. Their nails were so long they couldn’t walk comfortably and they were afraid of human touch, so it will be a long recovery for them.

They will go to loving homes with families who will see them as the individuals they are and not breeding machines or products to sell.

We dedicate this action to all the animals still imprisoned inside the vivotecnia lab and all those fighting to get them out. It has been done before and we can do it again. Break the walls of that lab, liberate those animals!


UPDATE: A few rabbits turn into many rabbits. It wasn’t surprising that female rabbits coming from that hellhole would be pregnant and we have heard that at least one of the females has given birth. There is no better feeling than knowing that those babies will never know abuse and that their mum will never again be bred.

They will only know freedom. ”


May, Seine-et-Marne France

via BiteBackMagazine:

anonymous report:

“At the end of May 2021, in the department of Seine-et-Marne (77), we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed a hunting tower in broad daylight.

A few days before the beginning of the killings authorized by the state, we decided to help the inhabitants of the forest against the ones who would like to see them lose life at the tip of their rifle. For this, we have tried to locate the hunting towers in the areas that will be allowed from June 1st… after a few hours of research we saw one. We approached it seeking possible photo-traps on trees on the sourroundings. There were none. Arrived at the bottom of this solid tower of more than 3 meters high, we understood that we will have to saw the 4 feet and try to topple it. After a few minutes of work, the tower was on the floor. We are hoping that this act of solidarity with the forest inhabitants will save their life. We all know it, without their hunting towers, the shooters are less effective and more vulnerable to the defensive responses of our non-human comrades.

The purpose of this sabotage is to reduce the capacities of the hunters to kill, their finances, their available time and their spirit. Destroying what is useful for those assassins will remove what makes them powerful both physically and mentally… So take your saws, your adjustable wrenchs, and your bolts cutter … and fight alongside the inhabitants of the forest!”


“Fin juin 2021, en France, dans le département de la seine-et-marne (77), nous, activistes antispécistes, avons détruit une tour de chasse en plein jour.

Quelques jours avant le début des tueries autorisées par l’Etat, nous avons décidé de venir en aide aux habitant.e.s de la fôret contre celleux qui voudraient les voir perdre la vie au bout de leur fusil. Pour cela nous avons essayer de localiser les miradors sur les zones de chasse qui seront autorisées à partir du 1er juin… Après quelques heures de recherches nous en avons aperçu un. Nous nous sommes approché.e.s en cherchant les éventuels pièges photos sur les arbres aux alentours. Il n’y en avait pas. Arrivé.e.s en bas de cette solide tour de plus de 3 mètres de haut, nous avons compris qu’il faudrait scier les 4 pieds et tenter de la faire basculer. Après quelques minutes de travail, la tour était par terre. Nous espérons que cet acte de solidarité avec les habitant.e.s de la forêt permettra de leur sauver la vie. Nous le savons, sans leur tour de chasse, les tireurs et tireuses sont moins efficaces et plus vulnérables face aux ripostes défensives de nos camarades non-humain.e.s.
L’objectif de ce sabotage est de réduire la capacités des chass-eurs.euses à tuer, leurs finances, leur temps disponible et leur moral.

Détruire ce qui sert à ces assassin.e.s permettra de leur retirer ce qui les rend puissant.e.s tant matériellement que moralement… alors prennez vos scies, vos clés à molette, et vos coupe-boulons… et luttez aux côtés des habitant.e.s de la forêt !”


1st June, UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“We had never seen an intensive bird farm as disgusting as this. Birds shitting on each other whilst standing on wire mesh, a suffocating smell that we will not forget and cages so small the birds could barely stand.

The door proved to be easier than we thought. The lock took some convincing but our trusty bolt cutters were enough to access the shed. Once inside, we took 85 quails to safety.

Thousands were left behind. Crammed, exploited and forgotten, covered in spiderwebs and dust. Whoever is responsible for this shit will be hearing from us often. They don’t deserve to sleep until that fucking farm is closed down for good.

This June 11th, we remember Marius and all long term anarchists locked up in prison. Fuck the cages, fuck the justice system, fuck the cops, fuck the lot.



April, South England

received anonymously via email:

“Found alone, confused and in bad health. Liberated from certain death by 1 member of the ALF.
Now safe for life. Never to be exploited, murdered and eaten!

This action is dedicated to our comrade Rob Ennis who sadly passed away recently.”


27th May, Brighton UK

received anonymouisly via encrypted email:

“We decided to visit some local points of interest during our holiday to the seaside. This butcher shop took a couple of hits last year so we wanted to join the party even if we were pretty late to it. If hacking animals’ bodies to pieces isn’t bad enough, the owners of this particular “family run”, “organic”, “free range”, “blah blah blah get fucked” store hold some eyebrow-raising views on racism and police brutality, proudly displaying messages of “white lives matter” and “police lives matter” on social media. Hope these scumbags appreciated the eyebrow-raising messages of our own.

Fuck you.