June, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech republic.
received anonymously via email:

Defend Direct Action
June, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech republic.
received anonymously via email:
2nd August, France
received anonymously via email.
“Animals are people”, “fish are sentient” or “meat = murder” are ideas with which we wanted to mark the minds. We denounced the exploitation of animals in all its forms in front of shops and on squares where the message would be visible.
We are talking about the thousands of billions of sentient beings slaughtered and exploited annually by humans in laboratories, slaughterhouses, farms, fishing nets, beehives, etc… Nobody speaks about them, condemned to a regime of general indifference and contempt.
We were arrested by an unexpected police patrol and taken to the station. Our determination is as strong as ever. The state wants to silence us, let’s show them that it won’t be easy.
Why aren’t more of us doing this kind of action ? The antispeciesist struggle must disturb, be more offensive and not be afraid. Let’s go together, let’s take the maximum of precautions and if we find ourselves facing repression let’s be in solidarity ! And above all, let’s not forget who we are fighting for.
Animal Liberation. “
“« Les animaux sont des personnes », « les poissons sont sensibles » ou encore « viande = meurtre » sont des idées avec lesquelles on a voulu marquer les esprits. Nous avons dénoncé l’exploitation des animaux sous toutes ses formes devant les commerces et sur des places où le message sera visible.
Nous parlons des milliers de milliards d’êtres sensibles massacré·e·s et exploité·e·s annuellement par les humain·e·s dans les laboratoires, les abattoirs, les élevages, les filets de pêche, les ruches, etc… Personne ne parle d’elleux, condamné·e·s au régime de l’indifférence générale et du mépris.
Nous avons été arrêté·e·s par une patrouille de police inattendue et emmené·e·s au poste. Notre détermination est toujours aussi grande. L’État veut nous faire taire, montrons-lui que ça ne sera pas facile.
Pourquoi ne sommes-nous pas plus à faire ce type d’actions ? La lutte antispéciste doit déranger, être plus offensive et ne pas avoir peur. Allons-y ensemble, prenons le maximum de précautions et si nous nous retrouvons face à la répression soyons solidaires ! Et surtout, n’oublions pas pour qui nous nous battons.
Libération Animale”
3rd August, Middlands UK.
Received anonymously via email:
On 3rd August 2022 the ALF paid a visit to two of rabbit killing scum Phil Kerry’s sites. We wanted to send a message to Phil that his life will be made a misery for as long as he continues to imprison and kill rabbits.
At his Granby site, Phil is building a lovely shiny big new house on the blood money of all the rabbits who have suffered and died there. We made sure that every window we could reach on that house was smashed to pieces, and painted some important messages on the walls, including “NO PEACE FOR BUNNY KILLERS”, “FUCK YOU PHIL”, “ANN IS A RABBIT PERV”, and some nice big ALF symbols. The static caravan and some other outbuildings received the same fate.
To make the message crystal clear, we also took a visit to the former farm in Atlow. There’s not much left there to fuck up, but we trashed the static caravan, smashed windows and got busy with the spray paints.
This is just the beginning, Phil. Things will only get worse and more expensive for you. Do the sensible thing – shut down your East Bridgford farm now and hand over all the bunnies to people who will love and care for them.
June, Czech Republic.
Received anonymously via email:
“We destroyed the hunting towers again! We know that is not punishment enough for murdering our non-human brothers and sisters! Stop hunting!”
23rd July, Belgium.
Originally published by Animal Liberation Press Office:
“A.L.F.Belgium Saturday 23.07.2022. in the night The A.L.F. Saves 42 hens from an intensive farm Love Is Liberation”
11th Jully, Bollate, Italy.
According to local press, a hunting meet up and storage building belonging to the Italian Hunting Federation was vandalized by animal rights activists, who destroyed furniture, broke equipment and painted the walls with slogans like “You are the violent ones” and “ALF”.
Silvia Scurati, the regional representative for the Hunting League said that the action had been devastating and that it is just one of a string of actions that have beet taking blows on regional hunters for the past year.
The identity of the perpetrators is completely unknown and the police are begging for tip offs.
Spring, Gothenburg Sweden.
received anonymously via email:
“Fish feel pain too! Vandalizing a Sport Fishing shop in Gothenburg, Sweden spring 2022. Find another hobby.”
25th July, Thrapston UK.
Impex, a known transport company for laboratory animals around Europe, was visited by activists on the night of the 25th of July. Windows were smashed and paint was thrown over the walls.
Free The MBR Beagles originally found the scene during a morning demo the day after:
“Public’s anger at Impex in the not so Cosy NookActivists arriving at Impex, Couriers of Cruelty, were met with a real sight for sore eyes this morning.
Windows have been smashed and daubed with paint in an act of defiance.
The secret’s out Russell, everyone knows what you get up to now and it seems that decent people just aren’t prepared to put up with it.”
July, Midlands UK
Received anonymously:
“We headed across the field with carriers, straight to the barns. The farmhouse still had a light on so we kept a lookout there, while one of us crawled under the conveyor bels to open the barn door from the inside.
As we entered, the smell through our masks of shit and ammonia was breathtaking. Lines and lines of thousands of hens huddled closely together, as far as our eyes could see. There lives of slavery and exploitation had left them looking pale and anaemic and they were infested with mites.
We worked quickly to gather up as many sleepy birds as we had homes for. Into the carriers one by one. We soon filled all our boxes with fifty beautiful souls. Then we left, securing the barn door behind us, leaving no signs that we’d been there.
They slept silently though their journey to freedom, apart from the frequent sound of flapping as they manically shook their heads, as mites drove them mad even in their sleep. They looked around 18 months old, which is when their egg production starts to slow, and they’re taken to be murdered at a fraction of their natural lifespan, and then replaced. So now, they will never know that fate.
These 50 hens will now be helped to be nurtured back to good health and get to live out the rest of their natural lives free from exploitation, in good homes.
Animal farmers – like parasites, live off the suffering of someone else. Exploiting someone fort every possible valuable resource they can steal, before murdering them. They are the fucking scum of this Earth. Unfortunately they are everywhere…keeping sheds full of victims just around the corner from where you live. Those animals need you to go out, find those sheds, free those souls, and FUCK THOSE FARMERS!
This action was carried out in memory of Juneau and Tommy who were abused, neglected and injured, before subsequently being rescued from T&S Rabbits. Rest in peace sweet bunnies, thankfully you knew love and freedom in the end.”
7th July, Atlanta Forest.
Via: Scenes From the Atlanta Forest.
“…We noticed that police escorted a white work truck with boom lift affiliated with The City of Atlanta to install a very large & approximate 40 foot wooden pole on Key Road near the prison ruins in south Atlanta yesterday, for what appeared to be a high altitude surveillance tower…
Us beavers just so happen to LOVE a good hardwood pole, & will surely gnaw down more if you bring them!
Thanks for the snack APD!
We saved some leftovers for you on the side of the road in what also appears to be a mounting pile of broken surveillance cameras…
In Solidarity with Forest defenders holding it down in the South Atlanta Forest,The Beaver Gang”