23rd August, Germany.
Originally published by ALFpo:
“August 23 in the night the A.L.F. B.Nl. and special guest from USA saves 12 chickens in Germany .direct action in 30 seconds can save lives …love is liberation .
Until Every Cage Is Empty .”
Defend Direct Action
23rd August, Germany.
Originally published by ALFpo:
“August 23 in the night the A.L.F. B.Nl. and special guest from USA saves 12 chickens in Germany .direct action in 30 seconds can save lives …love is liberation .
Until Every Cage Is Empty .”
12th August, Thuringia Germany
According to local media, two unknown people placed a homemade nail board under a hunter’s car, causing punctures in two of the tyres.
The 72-year-old hunter reported that the sabotage costed him 250 EUR.
Summer, Quebec, Canada
received anonymously via email:
“Not far from a hiking trail, fixed on a tree, we spotted a weird black box. Inside, there was a rusted killing device.
These are called Conibear / Bodygrip Trap. They are fatal and used for wild fur animals such as muskrat, mink, skunk, marten, bobcat, otter, raccoon and beaver. They could also be really dangerous for curious humans, hikers, joggers, etc.
Instantaneous death is rarely a guarantee with killing traps, resulting in excruciating pain for animals that become victim to these cruel devices. We didn’t hesitate, we took a tree branch, disarmed the trap and brought it with us.
Fuck trappers, leave the animals alone, cowards ! Such small direct actions can saves lives.”
22nd August, Netherlands
Originally published by ALFPO
“Netherlands The A.L.F. saves 47 brown hens from an intensive farm .”
21st August, Wittingen Lower Saxony Germany.
According to local media, the hunting premisses in Wittingen/Ostheide were destroyed once again after a whole year of repairs forced by sabotage actions last year.
The premises are used to facilitate the hunting in the area as well as to house foxes in kennels.
The ALF destroyed the fences and posts and demolished the foxes kennels.
4th August, Nebraska USA.
Originally published by Scenes:
“Tonight in Omaha, Nebraska we found the offices of Atlas Technical Consultants. A pane of glass was smashed in and the following messages were sprayed on their front entrance:
“Drop the contract, no cop city in ATL”
“Drop Long Eng, Drop B & G”
“No Cop Cities”
People in Nebraska and all over stand in solidarity with all the forest defenders in Atlanta. Solidarity means attack, and as long as companies choose to be complicit in the destruction of the forest and bolstering of the police state, they should expect things like this to keep occuring. To all those in the forest, we are with you in spirit and will continue to fight as long as there is one to be had.
In solidarity and admiration,
comrades in Nebraska”
11th August, Hambacher Forst.
Originally published on Contra Info.
“Last full moon night we wanted to piss off the fuckin hunters. So we attacked hunting towers. 5 of them got totally destroyed and 2 that were made of metal just partially.
We didn’t make photos because we hate technology.
15th August, Luxembourg.
Originally published on ALFpo
“Luxembourg 15 08 22 the A.L.F saves 65 hens from the intensive farm”
29th July, Atlanta Forest.
originally published on Scenes:
“Early Friday July.29th, a tow truck was sent to tow various community members & forest defenders vehicles from the Welaunee People’s Park… Several different autonomous groups took action to stop tow truck, one by slashing tires, smashing windows, graffiti, & generally fucking it up, & a mini excavator was also subsequently ushered out of parking lot near woods & cops kept at bay.
Later, another group came through & set that evil thing (tow truck) on fire.
The tow truck is no more, & we hope this serves as a warning to other tow trucks & various machines thinking about entering the forest to evict or destroy the woods, that you will inevitably suffer the same fate.
No cop city! No Black Hall sound stage everrrrrr”
23rd August, UK?
received anonymously via email:
“This week saw 202 rabbits saved as a result of the campaign against T&S rabbit farm, something that proved without a doubt that what we as activists do makes a difference, something that inspires us all to do more.
Last night saw 36 hens saved, as we took that feeling of inspiration and turned it into action.
So many of us read hit reports and applaud the results, wondering what it would be like to do such a thing… Well turns out, it’s pretty fucking easy TBH.
After finding homes for hens in sanctuaries, and selecting a suitable site (found by browsing maps on aerial view on a secure browser, having installed a VPN), we went out under cover of darkness. Carriers in hand, we masked up, gloved up, and found an entry point to the shed, without even needing to break down the door. One person stayed on lookout, the other entered the dark shed with a headtorch, scooped the hens into the carriers… and off we went. These hens have been saved from horrific conditions and bloody slaughter. These hens will now live happy fulfilling lives.
It really was that simple.
And there really is no reason not to.
This action is dedicated to the rabbits saved from T&S farms – may your freedom inspire the liberation of many more animals.
Until all are free,
From a couple of average normal people, just like you. #noheros”