15th November, Atlanta USA.

Originally Published: Scenes From The Atlanta Forest

“In the late afternoon hours of Tuesday, November 8 (Election Day), another tow truck entered the parking lot of the Weelaunee People’s Park with the intention of carrying away the charred remains of Ryan Millsap’s tow truck, which was burnt back in July. The latter truck has become a monument to the power of this movement, and had already been defended from extraction at least once before. So when this new truck came–its driver saying that he had already called the cops, and he’d be towing our truck as soon as they arrived–forest defenders were quick to respond. The police, on the other hand, were not. When it became clear to the driver that the cops were too lazy, overextended, and scared to come to his aid, he abandoned the vehicle with the keys inside. When DKPD did finally arrive on the scene, they were too scared to even enter the parking lot, let alone the forest. Forest defenders drove the truck to the RC field in an attempt to block the path where a bulldozer had entered last May. Then they set it ablaze, taking great care to ensure that the surrounding grass didn’t catch.

Meanwhile, those Americans that still believe in the ritual of voting were casting their ballots for the maintenance of one or the other version of the status quo. They think of this as freedom, as though the choice between 100 brands of cereal were the same as choosing how to live. We chose another route. We chose to defend a territory that has been claimed by the people, for the people–where the police do not dare to go because they have seen what happens to enemy vehicles. We elected a raging fire beneath a full moon!

Sincerely,The Committee to Elect Stacey Abrams”


4th December, Italy.

Received anonymously via email:

ENG (translation):

“As a cell belonging to the Animal Liberation Front, we claim this action completed against a duck hunting facility.

The shed where the hunters were mercilessly killing was destroyed and rendered harmless for a long time.

The 4 ducks held in cages to be used as live decoys were taken away and released where they will no longer have to fear these murderous criminals.

We will not stop!

ITALIAN (original)

“Come cellula appartenente al Fronte di Liberazione Animale, rivendichiamo questa azione portata a termine contro una struttura per la caccia alle anatre.

Il capanno dove i cacciatori uccidevano senza pieta’ e’ stato distrutto e reso inoffensivo per molto tempo.

Le 4 anatre detenute nelle gabbie per essere usate come richiami vivi sono state portate via e liberate dove non dovranno piu avere paura di questi criminali assassini.

Non ci fermeremo!


19th November, Atlanta USA.

Originally published: Scenes From The Atlanta Forest

“On the evening of Saturday, November 19, chainsaw-wielding militants took action to close down the Atlanta Police Department’s shooting range inside the Weelaunee Forest, where APD trains weekly to kill and maim the people of Atlanta. A few small trees were selectively felled in order to block the access road to the shooting range. One of the felled trees hit a power line which provides electricity to the shooting range, leading to a power surge which blew a transformer and disabled the cameras, which were then destroyed with fire and hammers. The power line only services the shooting range. No residential areas were impacted by the outage.

In the middle of the range is a yellow school bus. The windows are shattered from bullet holes, and spent munitions –flash grenades and tear gas – lie under the seats. Its purpose on the range is clear: the only ‘protection’ police offer is violence and death.

The decision to cut a living tree should never be taken lightly. The ongoing presence of the shooting range was an affront to the forest and all who live in or near it; the gunfire and explosions at all hours of day and night, the toxic lead ammunition poisoning the soil and leaching into the water, the way Black and brown people living nearby were forced to listen daily to the police training to murder them.

Weighed against these impacts and the Atlanta Police Foundation’s plan to destroy the entire forest, we understand the felling of these few trees as the forest defending itself. At a moment when the USA’s model of militarized policing is being actively exported around the world to facilitate the destruction of the Amazon and others of the last great forests and indigenous strongholds which stand between us and mass extinction, we know that if these trees could talk, they would say “fuck the police” and would happily volunteer to fall and crush them.

Since the closing of the shooting range, the Weelaunee forest has not been quiet – even the cold November woods are full of life and noise – but it has been more peaceful without the police filling it with the sounds of war. We hope that all the residents of the forest and the surrounding neighborhood can relax better in the relative silence, but we must be clear that we didn’t do this for their sake.

We took this action for the dead – for Rayshard Brooks and every person killed by the Atlanta Police, for every murdered revolutionary, for the Muskogee who were forced from this land, for every enslaved person who lived and died on the plantation here, for every prisoner killed by guards at the old prison farm and buried in unmarked graves in the forest. This forest is theirs and we will not allow the police to desecrate it with their presence.

We will not allow the police to bulldoze over the history of their own crimes.

The land remembers. We remember. Cop city will never be built.”

PHOTO: Unrelated.


Ladislav Kuc was arrested in Slovakia in 2012 and has been serving a prison sentence ever since. He was accused of illegal possession of arms, manufacturing explosives, and terrorism for a bombing in front of a McDonald’s on December 28, 2011, in which there were no injuries. During a house search police found materials related to ALF and components for another bomb.

His prison term is nearing the end but his case has not been publicised extensively so not many folks have heard about him, and he still has fines to pay upon his release. He is scheduled for release on January 1st, 2023!

Our comrades at PhillyABC have organised a “welcome home” fundraiser to try and help when he is released and they are in contact with a Slovak solicitor who might be able to help mitigate Ladislav’s upcoming fines.

If you can afford it, please donate to the crowdfunder for Ladislav, which you can find here:

All donations will be sent to Ladislav to help him with basic expenses adjusting to life outside of prison and welcome him back with his family and community. A prison sentence doesn’t just rob you of your freedom and can seriously impact your health and your finances. Supporting Ladislav right now is ensuring that he is able to find his feet after more than a decade in prison.

Consider chucking a few coins as a winter solstice present and share the fundraiser around as much as you possibly can! Lastly, it would be amazing if you could send one last letter to Ladislav, just to let him know that people outside are still thinking about him and that he has not been forgotten. Coming out of over a decade of prison can be a real whirlwind of emotions and knowing that people outside have his back will certainly help.

Write a quick letter or a postcard, pop it in the mail with fast delivery and lets all show solidarity to Ladislav as he is released from the jaws of the state.


Ladislav Kuc



19/670 Priečinoik 7




PS: Slovakian friends and comrades, if any of you is reading this, please get in touch! Let’s organise and ensure Ladislav has a local network he can rely on upon his release!


5th November, Burggriesbach Germany.

According to local press, a 71-year-old hunter was about to climb his raised hunting hide near Burggriesbach when the structure collapsed. The hunter fell backwards to the ground.

According to the Neumarkt police station in the Upper Palatinate, the hunter suffered minor injuries as a result of the fall. As cause it was determined that the supports of the high seat had been sawed off. According to police, the act must have been committed between October 22 and November 5. The officials investigate now because of damage to property and bodily injury.


A few weeks ago we covered the Resistance Committee, a collection of leftist and anti-authoritarian militia groups fighting in Ukraine’s Territorial Defence Units against the Putinist invasion. We’ve caught up with them with some questions about their work and bringing ecological anarchist politics to militant resistance.

In the West, it is easy to deride those who choose to fight in the Ukrainian state forces against Russia. Who would want to lay down their life for a capitalist, oligarchic state? The Resistance Committee told us, “We are aware that Ukraine itself is an arena of fight for social justice. And those forces that really dare to have a considerable role in [that fight] should assume their reputation in defensive resistance”. This brings to mind the anarchists of the Spanish Civil War, who would not vote in the elections of the Republic, but came together to fight the fascist coup that threatened it

Of course, war not only leads to the death and displacement of humans, but also the destruction of ecologies and wildlife. There is a necessary tension for an ecological anarchist fighting in a war with bullets and machines. The Resistance Committee pointed us in particular to the Ecological Platform, an avowedly ecological unit under their umbrella. The Ecological Platform regularly post on their Telegram channel about the work they do, but also the necessity to fight this war in order to stop ecocide. Pacifism is well and good, and the manufacturing and selling of weapons is clearly one of the most lucrative and destructive industries that is propped up by state power, but Ukraine losing this war to Putin will only serve to escalate global militarism, and capitalist industrialists across the world will be the only ones to profit.

The Resistance Committee pointed out that they get very little support from the Ukrainian state. Apart from a rifle and basic rations, they are left to fundraise and gather their own supplies. Especially as the Ukrainian rations are rarely vegetarian, let alone vegan, this includes relying on the solidarity of supporters both in Ukraine and abroad. It shows how these anarchist units are hardly in the pocket of the Ukrainian state, and that when it comes to collective militant self defence, the only people we can rely on is each other.

In fighting this war, Ukrainian anarchists and their internationalist comrades are bringing together unique experiences in collective self defence and solidarity. When this war is over who knows where that experience will take anarchism in Ukraine?

As winter starts to bite, the Resistance Committee is fundraising for chemical warmers and winter clothes. You can support their struggle by donating in the following ways:

PayPal: [email protected]
Crypto-wallets for BTC:
(sigweit): bc1qecs76ma0uuuv6cngf8r2msle6f5ne932ur6mqy
(non-sigweit): 1Nj84rxTeKqnxeGYSzyu5anm8W8XrDAZT5


via: Act For Free

1st November, Athens Greece.

PHOTO: Unrelated, arson at a police dog training school in Germany, 2019.

Athens, Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito by Anarchists

With this text we take responsibility for the fire of 3 refrigerator-trucks of Davoutis SA, in Nea Ionia, Athens. All three trucks, which were parked next to the main shop-slaughterhouse of the company, were completely destroyed by the flames. This company has been active for decades in the trade of murdered animals, making it one of the largest domestic ‘meat markets’.

Our action is a signal of solidarity, complicity and comradeship with comrade Giannis Michailidis and his struggle, not only in the capacity of a prisoner with a “just demand”, but with all the perspectives and contents of struggle that as an anarchist he has put on the table of subversive fermentations.

With this action, therefore, we in turn want to put a small stone in the broadening of the struggle for freedom and the enrichment of its perspectives and practices. We want to reposition in the integral place it occupies within the resistance to the plundering of nature, the targeting and sabotage of structures that enrich themselves through the torture and mass extermination of non-human animals.
The creation of communities of resistance and direct action against development projects on remote mountain tops and rivers. The struggles for the militant defence of the few remaining urban green zones (such as those evolving in the hills, parks and squares of Athens). The collective vigilance and organisation for the protection and rescue of forests from the devastating fires of urbanisation. Our self-education on the destructive consequences of the continuous development of industrial civilization, on the evolving climate change and further radical analysis and action against the hourglass of destruction.

All of the above go together with the recognition of the importance of saving biodiversity and animal ecosystems, they go together with the struggle for the liberation of every individual, every animal from the confinement structures of the “food” industry, from the experimental laboratories of “progress”, from the hands of the “clothing” skinners. They go along with the coherent attitude of vegetarianism, to the point at which the opposition to the domination of man over other animals is completed at the individual level. An opposition that emanates from the most elementary features of counter-authoritarian thought and practice.

The connection between the causes of the incessant deforestation, the overwhelming monocultures of cereals to feed farm animals, the enormous contribution of the livestock industry to the greenhouse effect and the pollution of the subsoil and aquifer, the mass extinction of species, is more obvious than ever. It is the background of the packaging that ends up on the shelves of supermarkets and large markets like Davoutis’ and then on the plates of a connoisseurial society living in generalised indifference. A backstage characterized from beginning to end by torture, confinement, the blood of those who have no voice to speak the obvious: We are not objects, we are not commodities!

But beyond the imposed conditions and the effects of the modern dystopia of mass societies. The project of a life without imposition and exploitation is completed and acquires a comprehensive perspective when, through opposition to power as the driving force of the suffering of this world, we place at its centre, as inherent characteristics in the here and now, freedom, self determination, life itself, of all living beings. For just as was said above: no life can be sacrificed as an object, as a commodity!

Let this action be taken as an address, a call to the comrades who share a common perspective for total liberation and are in the unfortunate position of a marginalized minority, to disentangle themselves and to speak out, to act, to organize. The massive social acceptance enjoyed by all these structures that torture and murder animals and projects that destroy nature makes their infrastructures targets beyond suspicion, in many cases unguarded and vulnerable. They are everywhere, inside and outside metropolitan centres.
Finally, we declare that we are closely following the development of Giannis’s case. We do not intend to treat the prolonged torture of the comrade during his hunger strike and his continued incarceration through bureaucratic mockery as mere dots on a chronology of events. They are experiences of particular pain and cost to the life and freedom of the comrade… they are causes of intensified hostilities.

Immediate release of the anarchist guerrilla Giannis Michaelidis
Support and Victory to the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito
Sabotage the confinement and torture of human and non-animal animals
Until the destruction of the last cage….”


During the campaign to shut down Phil Kerry’s T&S Rabbits farm, folks organised a demo outside one of his farms. That particular demo heated up, and some of the people spontaneously decided to run in and take the rabbits away from the farm in the middle of the day. They would coin the date as Operation Easter Bunny on a later report.

A few activists were arrested during the demonstration, and even though they were outside of the perimeter of the farm, they were accused of theft.

On Wednesday 7th of December five people have a plea hearing in Leicester Magistrates (UK) at 11am. They would be glad to see support by the entrance of court, so if you can make it, go show solidarity!

That day saw thirty rabbits liberated from a fur farm in broad daylight, in front of a very busy nature reserve. Whilst the folks arrested might’ve not set foot onto the farm, there is no doubt that every single action, every effort, every demo and every placard played a crucial role to shut down T&S Rabbits for good.

Please show as much solidarity as you can for the Rutland 5, and if you cannot travel to court on Wednesday, ensure you leave a few encouraging messages on the comments below. Do remember that they have not been convicted of theft and that your comments should not imply that they are guilty of anything but caring for the Rutland bunnies.



30th November, Mineappolis USA

received anonymously via email:

“We visited a health food store in Minneapolis for the third time. We filled a cart full with bison meat and left it in an aisle. The products will spoil fast for a $600 loss. It was asked if the store will replace the items. Yes. But after repeated actions they will stop ordering these products, causing economic damage to a small and niche industry like the buffalo meat industry. This would be most effective for stores smelling foie gras, cornish hens, buffalo meat, etc.”