1st May, Netherlands.
Received anonymously via email:
“Five hunting towers and three high seats were gracefully destroyed in the south of the Netherlands, during Labour Day 2021.
‘you cannot control what is wild’
Defend Direct Action
1st May, Netherlands.
Received anonymously via email:
“Five hunting towers and three high seats were gracefully destroyed in the south of the Netherlands, during Labour Day 2021.
‘you cannot control what is wild’
As many of you might know, we have already published about Karl before. They were locked up for a while awaiting trial and later released awaiting a second trial.
Karl was accused of assaulting Niclas Pettersson, a Swedish mink farmer that has been relentlessly targeted by a campaign to close his farm.
Whilst it was clear that Niclas assaulted Karl, he did not get any charges or convictions. Karl on the other hand received a 25,800 SEK (2540€) fine.
You can see the video of the assault here:
There is a Paypal pool for anyone who can help with this fine. It is quite hefty so if anyone is able to send them some money, that would be immensely appreciated.
Donate here:
If you cannot donate, please spread the world. Not only share this link, but talk to others about it, explain what is going on, get involved with the campaign and support those who are fighting in the front lines.
Stäng minkfarmen i Falkenberg!
24th April, Norkolk UK.
received anonymosuly via email:
“24th April was a day for mass trespass. Countryside Alliance goon Tim Bonner described the call-out as “blatant anarchism” and he wasn’t wrong. We did away with two ladder traps, a larsen trap, nine tully traps and a stink pit. Seven crows were released from the cages.
A red kite was recently reported shot and hung from a tree in Cockley Cley, Norfolk. This massive shooting estate is right next door. We’re certain that’s no coincidence.
This was for the red kite, the Kinder Scout trespassers, and everyone under attack by the new crime bill.”
As you all know, one of the main jobs we do is supporting comrades in prison and folks who have to cover fines after taking action. The reality of it is that we never make enough money in order to cover everything we would like to cover, even counting PayPal donations, patreon donations and merch.
Luckily, many of you are super generous and want to help in any way possible. These time, we bring you something just a tad different thanks to @goaskforde, who has donated artwork to raise funds to support prisoners.
We are going to run a little raffle for a couple of weeks. The tickets can be bought through our website for 7.50 GBP and you can get as many tickets as you want. If you win, @goaskforde will send:
– “Now” Framed original 10×12″ ink drawing of a wolf
– “Light a Match, Burn a Prison” signed 8×10″ fine art giclee print
– Large vinyl “Boltcuttter Birdie” sticker
– Large vinyl “Praying mantis” sticker
In addition, we will send a hoodie of your choice (stock dependent!) and a bunch of stickers.
So if you like art, or simply if you’d like to support us and help us keep helping folks, please grab yourself a ticket or two down below:
We will anounce the winners on the 3rd of May, so you have 14 days to get as many tickets as you can and to share this around as much as possible!
Also, please follow @goaskforde on instagram and support artists as much as possible. You can also find the artwork on www.goaskforde.com
Due to the recent developments in a Spanish laboratory, we felt it would be a good idea to remind folks about a victory that made the news around the world.
On the 28th of April 2012 in Italy, and riding the wave of radicalism that SHAC had managed to create against vivisection, around 1000 people met to demonstrate against Green Hill, a beagle breeder selling dogs for vivisection.
The campaign wasn’t new, folks had been using many different tactics, from demos to underground liberations, to topple Green Hill. That day, tho, was exceptional, and it would shake the world with images of love and liberation.
While the demonstration didn’t seem too radical, once the people arrived at the perimeter fence of Green Hill things took a bit of a turn. Whilst many folks shouted at cops, shaking the fence and calling anyone inside the farm a murderer, a second group broke in on mass and liberated as many beagles as they could.
Images of smiling puppies being passed between the barbed wire, or the photo of someone with a beagle stuffed in the t-shirt whilst jumping the fence hit newspapers worldwide, and whilst some folks got caught and some dogs were stolen from activists, dozens of animals managed to escape a life of abuse, breeding and laboratory torture.
By no means we are suggesting that people organise a mass action where folks break into Vivotecnia in Madrid and release as many animals as possible as that would be terribly illegal, but hey, this is a piece of history we all can learn from!
The video starts slow. The end of the video is worth it. Give it a watch!
3rd February, Neufmanil France
VIA: Chassons a pro hunting website
“Neufmanil is a small village of 1085 inhabitants located in the Ardennes north of Charleville-Mézières. A few days ago, the hunters of the commune found two cut trees lying on their cabin. The trees were cut at the base so that they fell on the cabin.
The hunters were obviously very surprised by this discovery and believe that this act of vandalism is the work of professional loggers. The mayor of Neufmanil filed a complaint with the gendarmerie in Nouzonville. A few days before January 17, an anti-hunting tag was found on the gate of the Neufmanil soccer stadium. A new act of vandalism that shows how hunting has become the target of radical activists.”
“Neufmanil est un petit village de 1085 habitants situé dans les Ardennes au nord de Charleville-Mézières Il y a quelques jours, les chasseurs de la commune ont retrouvé deux épicés couchés sur leur cabane. Les arbres ont été tronçonnés à la base de façon à tomber sur la cabane.
Les chasseurs ont évidemment été très surpris par cette découverte et pensent que cet acte de vandalisme est l’œuvre de professionnels du bûcheronnage. Le maire de Neufmanil a déposé plainte à la gendarmerie de Nouzonville. Quelques jours avant le 17 janvier, un tag anti-chasseurs a été retrouvé sur le portail du stade de foot de Neufmanil. Un nouvel acte de vandalisme qui montre à quel point la chasse est devenue la cible d’activistes radicaux.”
12th April, Vaucluse, France.
VIA: La Provence
“Yesterday morning, at about 9 o’clock, on chemin Blanc in Sérignan, the firemen were engaged to put out a fire on a hiking trail. A hunters’ hut was the prey of the flames. The shelter of about fifty square meters burned down completely.
The criminal nature of this fire was not ruled out by the gendarmes. Should it be seen as a revenge against the hunters? No one knows. In any case, this fire occurred while last Friday, a doe pursued by poachers to Orange was found near the Pôle emploi agency. Wounded, the animal did not survive despite its transport to a veterinarian.”
“Hier matin, vers 9 heures, chemin Blanc à Sérignan, les sapeurs-pompiers ont été engagés pour éteindre un incendie sur un sentier de randonnée. Une cabane de chasseurs était la proie des flammes. L’abri d’une cinquantaine de mètres carrés a entièrement brûlé.
La nature criminelle de cet incendie n’a pas été écartée par les gendarmes. Faut-il y voir une vengeance envers les chasseurs ? Nul ne le sait. Cet incendie intervient en tout cas alors que vendredi dernier, une biche poursuivie par des braconniers jusqu’à Orange a été retrouvée à proximité de l’agence Pôle emploi. Blessé, l’animal n’a pas survécu malgré son transport chez un vétérinaire.”
9th April, Norfolk UK
via: BiteBack Magazine
“4 Shooting towers destroyed in Norfolk. Kill the bill, not wildlife.”
Delayed report (2020), Russia.
Via: BiteBack Magazine
“Roads spiked, poacher nets destroyed, fish liberated. ALF/ELF Russia 2020. It took us some time to get from the wild mountains and tranquil bays of Southern Crimea, but here is our belated report on ALF/ELF action in the former Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russian fascist state in 2014. In the past year our group managed to spike forest roads in and around 8 areas of forest logging (‘legal’ and ‘illegal’, it doesn’t matter to us, the eco-anarchists) in central and southern peninsula.
On one occasion we stealthily crawled right under the nose of loggers to cut the tires of their vehicles in broad daylight. This intense anti-logging activity led to locals (most of whom benefit from indiscriminately cutting all the trees in their habitat) to start monitoring every outsider in their area, but we slipped past their patrols unnoticed.
We also took great pleasure in sabotaging poacher fishermen of the peninsula. Throughout the year we removed more than 500 meters of fishing nets of every size and design imaginable. We are happy to report more than 30 marine lives saved. Again, our activity led to certain countermeasures on poachers’ side. On one occasion they almost caught us in an ambush, but we avoided it altogether. On another, our team barely managed to get out of the water and dash for the safety of forested mountains nearby, when boats with poachers homed in on our site of operations.
Yours in the dusky nights of southern seas, Seal Team 5,
PHOTO: unrelated image from ALF archives.
9th April, London UK.
Received anonymously via email:
“Heading out into the night, not knowing what could play out, isn’t our favourite thing to do. It’s not weird to feel sick to your belly preparing for an action and we are not pushing this as an enjoyable act. This isn’t some irrational compulsion though, there is a lot that drives someone to the windows of a butcher shop in the dead of night with a bag full of bricks.
By this point now, you would think we are not still waiting around for reasons. Another day, another investigation comes to light. Be it in the farms, the hunts, the laboratories, the most terrifying and painful experiences you can imagine for them would still only be scraping the surface. You know this.
So get out there.”